Hotel Fantia.

Undoubtedly, this is a dinner to buy people’s hearts.

It can be seen from the eyes of Shen Ning and Ting Yi looking at each other at the training base.

While still in the taxi, Xiaoying was shocked.

The hotel was getting closer and closer, and although it was still dark, it still looked brilliant and gorgeous, brightly lit, and I had long known that Fantia was the most upscale hotel in the city, but I had always felt that that kind of place had nothing to do with me, and I didn’t expect to have dinner here tonight.

“Good evening.”

The taxi stopped in front of the revolving glass door of Fantia, and the handsome waiter graciously opened the door for the three.

“Evening, good evening.”

Being served by such a handsome waiter, Xiaoying got out of the taxi and suddenly stuttered a little. Whether to tip or not, she struggled with the question in her head.

Also, hey, in front of such a luxurious hotel, why was she the only one who panicked, but Yi Feng and Baicao acted so calmly?

Hurriedly turned his head to look.

Yi Feng was actually stretching his waist, looking like he wanted to sleep, and Xiao Ying glared at him.

Thanks to him changing into a black shirt and blue slacks tonight, she also wanted to praise him for being rare and handsome, and sure enough, Jiangshan is easy to change his nature, hum.

Look at the herb again.

Baicao wore the cotton white dress, which she bought with Baicao and Yang Yi before going to Han Country.

Well, the vision is really good, Xiaoying praises herself a little narcissistically.

In the crystal revolving glass door, wearing this cotton white dress, the short hair of the hundred herbs is refreshing, the eyes are black, and the freshness is like a gust of oncoming wind, standing in the pavilion, quite the feeling of the girl next door growing up, making her can’t help but want to look at it again.


Bai Cao’s expression was not quite right, and his mind did not belong, as if he had not noticed the luxurious splendor of the hotel at all.

“Here you are!”

Across the lobby, Mei Ling, who was waiting in the backyard, pounced, wearing a small golden dress dress, shining in the light, her hair tied into buds on the top of her head.

“Wow, Hundred Grass is so beautiful today.”

Mei Ling looked at Bai Cao in surprise, “It’s the first time I’ve seen you wear a skirt, it’s very good-looking, you need to wear more in the future!” ”

“I picked it for her!”

Seeing that Baicao was like sleepwalking, Xiaoying immediately took over the topic and said proudly, “Look quickly, I’m dressed up well!” ”

“Well, the pink cake dress is pretty cute, and the wide pink headband on your head looks good.”

While taking them away, Mei Ling commented, “It’s just that the cake skirt seems to be popular last year, will it be a little…”

“Cut, you know what.”

Xiaoying was triumphant, “It was popular last year, it will be cheaper to buy this year, anyway, as long as it looks good.” ”

“Haha, that’s right.”

Mei Ling said with a smile.

“Wow, Guangya, you look so sexy.”

Lin Feng turned his attention

She wore a black dress, which showed off her figure very much, especially the upper body, which is usually almost invisible, and this time it was also very obvious.


Guangya smiled and nodded, because of Shen Ning’s approach, she didn’t seem to be very happy, “Baicao, don’t be so depressed all the time, the World Youth Championship is not the only one this time.” ”

As soon as Xiaoying heard this, she felt that something was wrong, she always thought that Bai Cao could not beat her spirit because she wanted Yang Yi to think, “Bai Cao, what’s wrong?” Can’t you participate in this World Youth Championship? ”

“Did you tell Coach Yang Yi?”

Xiaoying saw Bai Cao’s expression and immediately took out her mobile phone, “I’ll call him now.” ”

As soon as her voice fell, the gorgeous battle in the central hall made both of them stunned.

There were more than a dozen reporters, holding microphones, holding cameras, and carrying video cameras, crowding the hall lively.

A female reporter is facing the camera, gracefully holding a microphone to explain – “Today, Tingyi is shooting a new advertisement for a shampoo merchant, she has just defeated Asami Shimizu, a beautiful girl in Japanese Yuan Budo, and has become the focus of media attention.” Later, we will interview Tingyi…”

Xiao Ying frowned, pulled away the hundred grass that was still frightened, and looked into the hall.

Mei Ling was very excited and stood shoulder to shoulder with them, “Do you see that?” ”

“You mean those reporters outside?”

Xiao Ying said in a muffled voice, “It’s not blind, of course I saw it.” ”

“I mean the advertisement being filmed in the training hall, I just squeezed to the door to take a look.”

Mei Ling was so excited that her cheeks were crimson, “Wow, this time there is a male star shooting an advertisement with Tingyi, so handsome, the shot I saw, is Tingyi turned around and flicked her hair, the hair slipped through the male star’s hand, wow, so romantic!” ”

“You’re a nymphomaniac.”

Xiaoying said coldly.

“Please, you talk so strangely.”

Mei Ling is a little unhappy, the two themselves are not very familiar, after all, they have been getting along with each other for a month in the training camp, and they have been affecting their mood on the side.

“Where am I to blame! Although I haven’t seen the male star you said, how handsome can it be, is there our Chuyuan senior brother handsome? ”

“That’s not true…”

“Is there a coach Yang Yi?”

“Then there is even more none…”

“That’s it, then you nymphomaniac.”

Xiaoying rolled her eyes, “What’s so great about having a male star shoot an advertisement together, not to mention Senior Brother Chuyuan, Coach Yang Yi, even if it is Senior Brother Ruobai, if you are willing to enter the entertainment industry, those so-called very handsome male stars, all stand aside!” ”

Mei Ling was dumbfounded.

“Also, don’t mention Tingyi in a very envious tone, I thought she had been in retreat for so long, and it would be different to come out again, but it turned out to be against Baicao together with Coach Shen.” Now, even more intense, actually participate in that, Yuan Wudo Beautiful Girl Challenge! ”

Xiaoying said a little excitedly, she glared at Mei Ling, “You tell me, what is that?” Is that also a competition? That’s a show! That’s an entertainment show! That’s blasphemy against Yuan Wudao! ”

“Xiaoying, don’t say it.”

Baicao pulled Xiaoying’s arm, feeling that if he continued to talk about it, the smell of gunpowder would rise.

“Why allow them to do it, don’t you let us say? Hundred grass, the World Youth Championship is not only your honor, but also the honor of our pine and cypress, how can it be like this. ”

Xiaoying looked at Baicao seriously and said.

As soon as this sentence came out, Mei Ling also felt that it was a bit excessive, after all, before everyone went to Han Country, Shen Ning personally said that whoever won the best camper was the candidate for the World Youth Championships.

But Fang Tingyi is the female player she has always admired, and she is a little embarrassed, but she still justified: “I can’t say that, your hat is too big… Although I can’t say much formal competition, well, I admit that there is a little bit of entertainment nature, but at least it has popularized Yuan martial arts, isn’t it? ”

While speaking, Mei Ling became happy again.

“Moreover, Tingyi is so beautiful, so awe-inspiring during the game, and the ratings are very, very high! Even it was said in the news, because of Tingyi, because of this show of beautiful girls in Yuan Wudao, the number of people who have recently begun to learn Yuan Wudo has increased several times! ”

“Hmph, grandstanding.”

Xiaoying was very disdainful, “She is simply for her own limelight.” That kind of competition, at first glance, it is very fake, what Asami Shimizu, what Japanese master, I have never heard of it, how did I never know that there is such a character in Japan! ”


Mei Ling gave in and stopped talking.


The air was silent for a while, and Tingyi suddenly appeared on one side and took a slight breath, “I don’t know, why do you talk about me like this, since when did you become so annoying to me?” ”

Mei Ling looked at Tingyi uneasily, and then at Xiaoying.

Obviously, the game between the two just now, Ting Yi heard it clearly.

There was a slight instability in Tingyi’s voice, “Yes, I shot a lot of commercials, but this is all taken over before.” After the retreat, I didn’t want to participate in this Yuan Budo Beautiful Girl Contest, and at first the TV station invited me, but I directly refused. But later you can also see from TV, Asami Shimizu came prepared, she defeated many national players in a row, and the youth team sent four players to compete with her, and all of them lost. ”

“And then what? Should I stay high and continue to refuse to participate? Should you watch Asami Shimizu win all the way and find no opponent in Kishiyo? ”

Tingyi closed her eyes, “I’m sorry, I can’t do it, even if it’s just an entertainment show, even if I’m said to be sensational, saying that I love to be in the limelight and love to make a show, I have to beat her.” ”


Mei Ling had tears in her eyes…

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