Whispering Verse

Chapter 1013 The Fourth Chosen One

Shade hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth:

"It's not like I'm always spending the night alone... In fact, Princess Lesia asked me to watch the opera with me tonight... in the box."

The girl wearing a headscarf raised her eyebrows:

"Speaking of that princess, I still don't understand why Dorothy agreed to be with her and you..."

She couldn't talk about it in public:

"Have a good time tonight. I hope the poor princess remembers to bring the [Eternal Youth Leaf]."

She stopped talking because Shade's expression suddenly became serious.

The stranger looked at the stairs again:

"Someone shows up again."


Luvia didn't look over. Too much sight would make the ring warlock with sensitive perception alert.

"It's really interesting. They are people from [Apna Library]. They are not here to see Miss Pavo, right? Then they need a bigger table. There are three people in total. I don't know the first one. The second one I met when I helped Old John pick up the goods, and the third one is...Guiding Moon?"

"What Guiding Moon? Do you know anyone with such a nickname?"

Luvia asked with a smile. After Shade confirmed that the three new people had appeared and sat at the table next to the four Miss Pavo, she turned slightly sideways and looked at them.

Still staring for about half a minute, he turned his head with a relaxed expression. He gently pulled his headscarf to ensure that his face with strange makeup would not be seen more clearly by Shade:

"I finally found it."

"Found... hmm? What did you find?"

"Of course he's who I came here to find."

Luvia said, tapping the table with her fingers painted with strange purple nail polish:

"What else could it be?"

"The chosen one really appears? Who is it?"

Shade was extremely surprised. He didn't expect that he would really gain something like this this afternoon.

"The 'Guiding Moon' you mentioned."

Luvia picked up the wooden cup filled with juice. In winter, the price of juice in the Three Cats Hotel has become much more expensive:

"Since you know him, tell me who he is. It's a bit far away. Although I can't see his face clearly, I shouldn't have seen him."

"Sir Lykins Priscilla, who is part of Princess Margaret's entourage."

Shade frowned:

"But how could it be him? Not only is he a correspondence student at the Serkses Higher Medical School, but he is also a suspected academic spy at the Apner Library."

"So what?"

With a smile on her face, Luvia confirmed the identity of the chosen one, and the depression of the past few weeks was gone:

"Compared to Iluna, Ivan Darkness and Joey Barton, this identity is not particularly strange."

She stared at the cup, and Shade stared at her. No matter what, on this snowy winter afternoon, the identity of the fourth chosen one was finally confirmed.

Even though she learned who the chosen one was, Luvia was not in a hurry to leave. She rarely had the chance to be alone with Shade in a place like the Three Cats Hotel, so she specially ordered two glasses of wine and asked Shade to drink with her.

Unlike the previous two candidates, "Guiding Moon" Mr. Lykins Priscia has a somewhat complicated background. Not only does he have status in both ring sorcerer organizations, but his ordinary background is also quite extraordinary.

This also means that this is not someone that Shade and Luvia can easily win over. Ivan Darkness is a member of the [Blood Spirit School] and is destined not to get together with the church. Although Joey Barton has not done anything bad, he belongs to the [Truth Society] and is unlikely to be with the church immediately. Cooperation; as for Sister Devlin, the blind nun is the leader of the Ring Warlock organization, and she also has some ideas about Shade, so she can cooperate with the two.

But if Sir Prisha really wanted to seek help, it would be much more convenient for him to choose the church than Shade and Luvia.

Both foreigners and female diviners knew this, so Luvia did not mention it this time and asked Shade to confirm whether Sir Prisha could possibly cooperate with them:

"You need to confirm whether this is a good person or a bad person."

The girl in a headscarf said that the wine glass was tilted, allowing the beer to flow onto the plate. This is a divination method of "water divination", but it is not very common in this era. The fortune tellers of this era like to use divination cards, coins and crystal balls. .

"Good guys and bad guys are not so easy to define."

Luvia said softly, her beautiful purple eyes staring at the liquid flowing in the plate:

"What you need to confirm is, if he really becomes the chosen one, what kind of attitude does he have towards the world and civilization. After all thirteen chosen people appear, the door that is opened will determine A lot of things. Even if we can't work together like we did with Iluna and Sister Devlin, at least we have to determine what kind of person he is."

The implicit meaning of Luvia here is actually that if Sir Lykins Priscia is that kind of anti-social and anti-civilized lunatic, or if he actually has other intolerable habits behind his back, then they must find a way to deal with it. This Chosen One; if this is a truly good person, then they can secretly help Jazz become the true Chosen One.

Miss Paavo and her group of seven people did not stay for too long. They got up and left one after another in only ten minutes, without attracting the attention of many people.

After confirming that they were all gone, Shade stood up and went to where they were sitting just now, trying to listen to the sound using "Echoes of the Past". But unfortunately, in a place like the Three Cats Hotel where guests are always available almost 24 hours a day, it is impossible to accurately hear the sounds at a certain time.

Moreover, one of the seven Miss Pavo seems to have the power of time, which greatly affects the casting of "Echoes of the Past". Shade gave up after trying a few times and returned to Luvia:

"I don't know what they said, but the [Truth Society], the Pantanal Voodoo Society, and the [Apna Library] appeared together. It probably wasn't to talk about the price of food in the city."

Luvia smiled:

"How many coins do you still have in your hand?"

"Two coins, [Cat and Dog Coin] [Coin of Wisdom]. But I haven't been to Coldwater Port recently. Maybe the black market in Coldwater Port can still be profitable."

"I still have [Soothsayer's Silver Coin] here. Yesterday Iluna sent me an [Elephant Coin], which Iluna's team collected when they searched for contraband."

[Elephant Coin] is not the official name of the relic. The official name is the clerical relic [Animal Coin]. The number of such coins cannot be counted. Each coin has a number on the front and an animal pattern on the back. For example, a coin with an "elephant" pattern is an [elephant coin], and a coin with an "elk" pattern is an [elk coin].

The only characteristic of this coin is that after throwing the coin, the animal corresponding to the coin is summoned at the cost of the coin itself.

At this time, the black iron-colored coin that Luvia pushed to Shade from the table could summon an elephant anytime and anywhere.

The reason [Animal Coin] is clerical level (level 4) is because using coins to summon animals has about a one-tenth chance of summoning some weird creatures that look like animals but are not actually animals.

"I heard the old fortune tellers from the Fortune Tellers Association mentioned that about fifteen years ago, a local magician from Tobesk summoned a white elephant with an [Elephant Coin] and kept it in the city. In an abandoned manor outside.”

Luvia whispered about the past:

"Later, the ring warlock was arrested by the church because he was selling potions with huge side effects on the black market. When the church went to deal with the elephant, the eleven-ring warlock led by the Dawn Church claimed that what he saw was clearly an elephant. A white rabbit."

Shade's interest was piqued:

"Then what?"

The purple-eyed girl shook her head:

"The manor was directly wiped out by three thirteen-ring warlocks who were temporarily transferred from other places. The old diviners of the association were very taboo about this and refused to explain all the details of the accident to me.

At the time of that incident, Dr. Schneider was the only one in our group who had become a ring warlock. Later I asked him about it, and he recalled it for a long time before he remembered that in the summer of that year, the college suddenly issued a warning to local correspondence students, claiming that an evil entity with powerful reality-distorting capabilities had appeared in the Tobesk area, which was equivalent to an angelic event. Due to the incident of runaway relics, local students are strongly advised to seek refuge elsewhere. "

Shade opened his mouth slightly to express surprise, and Luvia seemed to have expected his expression:

"Don't worry, that's all in the past. There are always several major accidents in this city every few years, and the church usually handles them very well."

Shade nodded, wondering if there would be a "cat coin". As for the black iron-colored coin in his hand, its density is higher than expected, so its weight is a bit surprising. The patterns on the front and back of the coin are consistent with what Luvia described, but there are very difficult-to-observe patterns on the side of the coin:

[Zoos imprison them, the world imprisons us. 】

"Just use this. This relic sounds much more dangerous than other relics, so don't keep it in your hands. This time, we directly found the identity of the chosen one without consuming coins. We have plenty of coins in our hands, so we don't need to Save here.”

Shade said.

Luvia nodded, closed her eyes and held the coin between her right thumb and index finger. As her white and slender fingers twisted slightly, tiny cracks appeared on the surface of the black iron-colored coin, and the cracks quickly spread to the entire coin. At the same time, rust appears on the surface of the coin, with the rust gradually enveloping the coin itself. After reaching a certain limit, [Elephant Coin] completely turned into dust.

But even the dust disappeared before it landed on the table.

The eyes under the turban opened, and only Shade could see the purple light flashing through them. This was the first time he knew that when Luvia used special divination, throwing coins into the sky was not a necessary action.


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