Whispering Verse

Chapter 1014

"what's the result?"

"They didn't know that Sir Kings Prisha was the chosen one, but you are right. Prisha did appear on this occasion as a ring warlock from the Apuna Library. There is a possibility that he is an academic spy. Almost 100 percent.”

The purple-eyed girl took a sip of the wine glass. After every special divination, her mental state was not very good:

"What they are talking about is related to the Chosen One. Some time ago, you read the information sold to Old John by the Apuna Library and learned that the Chosen One ceremony needs to be carried out on the water. In fact, this is not accurate. Miss Apna Library There is a sentence "The ceremony is placed on the water", which is indeed the original text of the fragment of the poem, but the original text is actually 'the ceremony is placed on the island on the water'."

"Island in the middle of the lake?"

Shade asked in surprise, and then felt that this kind of request was normal.


Luvia nodded slowly:

"The role played by the Apna Library in this incident is quite puzzling. It had the fragments of the Psalms, but did not report them to the church immediately; it sold the fragments to other organizations, but it lacked important information." Ms. Wo doesn’t trust them very much. Among the three groups just now, the people from the [Truth Society] seem to be normal people.”

"What are they talking about? Just poetry?"

"The Apna Library seems to have more information. They invite the Truth Society to cooperate with them to find the chosen one. This chosen ceremony is very different from the previous three. In the chosen one Within the scope of the ritual, any ringmancer will gain enlightenment of wisdom, and the Library covets this."

The purple-eyed girl counted on her fingers:

"The Apuna Library wants to cooperate with the Society of Truth. The Pantanal Voodoo Society is a helper hired by the Society of Truth. The Voodoo Society is also seeking knowledge about sealing rituals from the library, and the library wants to ask the voodoos for help. The Poison Society seeks the most authentic map of the Pantanal region. The leader of the three organizations is the [Truth Society]. You may not believe it, but Miss Paavo actually wants to dissuade the Apuna Library and Voodoo meeting."

She paused:

"They were very secretive when talking about things. I can only confirm that the Pantanal Voodoo Society has a big operation in the Everglades, and this operation needs the help of [Apna Library], [Truth Society] It’s helping the two organizations understand each other and also have their own needs.”

This relationship was really complicated, and Shade frowned;

"I will inform the witches about the matters in the Everglades, and they may be interested in handling them. Let's talk about the chosen ones first. The ceremony of the chosen ones is basically clear now. Five wise man pyroxenes are located on the island in the middle of the lake. There are probably still some details that need to be clarified in the ceremony, so just use coins to confirm them when the time comes."

He knocked on the table:

"Recently, I will be in frequent contact with Sir Prisha to confirm his position and whether there are others behind him. I will complete this work before one party masters five pyroxenes at the same time. Luvia, I would also like to trouble you to help. The Prophet Association, confirm the current collection status of pyroxene."

Shade couldn't guarantee that he knew the whole situation. For example, when he was in Fort Midhill, he thought Mr. Bernhardt had collected 5 relics related to the species, but in fact, the god summoning ceremony was held in the end. At that time, the vampire already had 9 pieces in his hands.

"No problem, I will confirm this. But so far, at least the news from the church passed by Yin Luna shows that the church only knows two pieces. Although the sin potion and the human body puzzle have not been completed yet, you are right. There may be other Keepers who have emerged that we don't know about."

The purple-eyed girl looked at Shade with some melancholy:

"What will happen this time? An ancient evil that is unsealed? An ancient creature from the subspace that is summoned? Or is it a god descended from the gods?"

"Look what I do, how do I know?"

Shade said immediately, Luvia shook her head:

"I won't disturb you here. I'm afraid you will be busy again in the next period of time, and it's exam week."

She walked directly to the stairs without even looking back.

Shortly after Luvia left, Shade also got up and returned to the first floor. Dorothy and Princess Margaret were still chatting downstairs, and their conversation was very lively.

After learning that Shade had already dealt with the matters on the second floor and was now going to the fourth floor to investigate the "Victor Box" matter, the two ladies asked Shade to act as soon as possible. Although they were afraid that the "craftsman" selling the box would escape, Shade always thought they were dissatisfied with him for interrupting the conversation between the girls.

So, at 3:50 in the afternoon, Shade finally climbed the stairs to the fourth floor.

Compared with the hustle and bustle downstairs, the accommodation areas on the third and fourth floors of the Three Cats Hotel are obviously much quieter. It's Monday afternoon, and most of the hotel guests won't stay in their cramped rooms.

When Shade arrived on the fourth floor, there was no one in the corridor, and the rooms on both sides had their doors closed.

The hotel arranges for people to clean the corridors every morning. Because it snowed all day, there are some muddy footprints on the floor. The walls on both sides of the corridor have quite obvious signs of oxidation and yellowing, but fortunately the wall coverings are intact and attached to the wall.

This kind of hotel will not hang oil paintings on the walls to show artistic aesthetics, because the oil paintings will be stolen the next day. There are no odors and no mice. This is the place where a hotel in this era can best demonstrate its value. Three Cats Hotel does this very well.

"Room 413 on the fourth floor."

Shade thought about the address he had learned from the spice merchant in the morning, and walked forward while looking at the wooden door plates nailed to the door panels on both sides. The infrastructure of the hotel is pretty good. There is an old brass gas lamp in the style of a "cat's oil lamp" on one side of each door.

Room No. 413 is located on the east side of the middle section of the fourth floor. It looks as ordinary as the other rooms. When Shade walked towards the room, he originally thought about stopping at the door to pretend to tie his shoes, but then he remembered that the boots he wore today did not have shoelaces.

So, he put his right hand into his pocket and fiddled with the coins in his pocket. When he was about to reach the front of room 413 in three steps, a small 1-penny copper coin slipped out of his pocket, rolled forward, and happened to stop at the door of room 413.

"That's really unlucky."

Shade shook his head and said, taking two quick steps and then bending down to reach out to the coin lying on the ground.

【Keep your movements normal and don’t make any abnormalities. 】

"What's wrong?"

【That cat is looking at you. 】


[The gas lamp at the door of room 413, the brass cat is watching you. 】

Shade did not continue to ask, picked up the coin and continued to move forward.

[The gaslighting cat has returned to normal and is no longer looking at you. 】

Hearing the voice coming from his ears, Shade did not stop, but walked dozens more steps before turning around and looking at the door of Room 413 in the distance:

"Interesting, how does that cat 'see' me? Is it just the eyes that can move, or?"

【The whole body can move. 】

"Summoned object? Or activated metal life."

[I can only observe and cannot analyze for you. 】

Shade pursed his lips and nodded, rummaging through his pocket to find a moonstone ring and put it on his right hand. He kissed the ring, and then walked quickly to Room 413. The moment he saw the cat carrying the lamp and its tail began to tremble, Shade stretched out the finger with the ring:


In the bright yellow moonlight, the trembling brass cat became stiff and motionless. Although Xia De didn't know what it was, at least Huang Yue's thaumaturgy did work.

In fact, when the cat moves, most people should not be able to observe it. Shade has only been exposed to this protective measure in Witch Reverberation. This is a relatively classical method.

To be on the safe side, Shade didn't touch the lamp on the wall. He waited for a moment, and when he saw that the door did not open, he knew that his casting behavior was not noticed by the owner of the brass cat.

"Do you think there is anyone inside the door?"

Shade asked in his heart, but of course he didn't get an answer.

At this time, he had basically determined that the person living here was a ring warlock who mastered extraordinary alchemy skills. Although I don't know the specific number of the other party, it is definitely rude to come to the door alone.

Even if he bypasses the surveillance of the cat at the door, it does not mean that the other party is weaker than him. He thought about calling the two girls up, and three ring warlocks came to the door. Even if the other party was higher than them, they would never have the guts to do anything in a place like this.

"Or Dorothy comes in with me, and Princess Margaret ambush at the bottom of the stairs. If necessary, go to church."

He made a plan in his mind and temporarily left the fourth floor and went downstairs again.

When we returned to the first floor, it was still so lively. It was approaching evening, and many more people came to the Three Cats Hotel despite the snow.

Dorothy and Princess Margaret were still sitting against the wall, listening to the minstrel. The bard was not there when Shade went upstairs just now. The middle-aged man who played the lute and wore a red silk vest over a white shirt had probably just arrived.

The story he is playing and singing is the local Tobesk folk ballad "The Butterfly and the Flower Girl". This kind of ballad is not very famous. It is probably a piece used to practice voice and tuning at the beginning of today's performance.

Everything was normal when they saw Dorothy and Princess Margaret on the second floor patio, but when Shade actually came from the second floor to the first floor, there was a pale-skinned man at the table.

He has messy short blond hair, and bags under his eyes as if he hasn't had enough sleep all year round. He was wearing a black jacket that is common in winter, and on his feet was a pair of leather boots decorated with brass-colored thin chains.

Neither Dorothy nor Princess Margaret liked sharing a table with strangers, but the pale man sat there reluctantly, looking a little tired and talking to the ladies.

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