Whispering Verse

Chapter 1015 The Demon Reappears

When Shade came over with a frown, the stranger waved to Shade to sit down. Only then did Shade notice that his right hand, which had loose skin and seemed to have peeled off after being soaked in water for too long, was wearing a white bone ring in the shape of a skull. There was also a small piece of bone exposed in the mouth of the skull. Snake head.

"Just waiting for you."

The stranger's eyes lit up, and although his voice was full of fatigue, his tone was lighter:

"Sit down quickly. The three of you are here so I can talk about things more easily."

He spoke in an unusually standard Tobesk accent.

【careful. 】

Hearing the voice of "her" in his ears, Shade hesitated and looked at the two princesses, then sat opposite the strange man.

The man knocked on the table, stared into Shade's eyes and said to him:

"Introduce yourself, I'm Victor Fannie."

The head is slightly tilted to this side:

"I know you are investigating me, and you do it very quickly, so don't do it again in the future."

Pause for a moment and add softly:

"Or I'll kill you."

Dorothy and Princess Margaret both showed displeasure. Shade stared into his pure black eyes:


He used a modal particle.

The man who called himself Victor Fannie nodded:

"If you are willing to do business with me, I am very happy. If you dare to investigate me again, I will make everyone in this world forget your existence."

As he spoke, he was about to stand up, as if he didn't want to waste more time here, but Shade stopped him:

"Is your real name really Victor Penny?"

The half-rising movement stopped abruptly, and the man who called himself "Victor Fannie" stared at Shade with his strange eyes:

"I'm very good at manipulating people's emotions and usurping power from the desire for self-aggrandizement."

He said softly, then sat down again:

"Greed, lust, immortality"

Staring at Shade with his eyes:

"But that doesn't mean I have a good temper towards humans."

As the last words came out, the malice in his tone became more and more obvious. The light on the first floor of the bright Three Cats Hotel suddenly dimmed. Dorothy and Princess Margaret were surprised by this, not believing that he dared to do this in public, but then they realized that there were only people at the table. Several people are able to notice changes in their surroundings.

Neither Shade nor Victor Fannie spoke. As the light around the table became darker and darker, streams of black mud poured out from the cracks in the bricks under their feet. The cracks in the ceiling above their heads pattered downwards. Black muddy water dripped, as if the entire hotel was rotting.

Princess Margaret clearly saw the dark muddy water, which even dripped into the broth on the table of the hat-wearing guest at the next table, splashing the soup, but he still didn't notice it.

A dark wind blew in the warm room, and it seemed that the entire environment was changing as Victor Fannie's mood changed. Some tiny sounds passed into the ears of the three people. After careful identification, those smooth sounds seemed to evoke the most primitive desires in the heart, but the tone was different from what appeared after Shade burned the "Victor Box" with holy water in the morning. The sound is very similar.

The princess of the southern kingdom realized that they had provoked some kind of terrifying existence. While her body was shaking unconsciously in the darkness, she looked at the blonde female writer.

The latter seemed to be in good condition, turning his head and looking at Shade with his lips pursed. As she looked over, the area around the young detective was completely plunged into darkness, as if a black quagmire had completely enveloped the space where he was.

But Shade was not swallowed up by the bewitching darkness. The not bright but indeed gorgeous holy silver light radiated from his body. Looking at the silver moonlight, Margaret Anjou felt an instinctive peace of mind, just like holding a wine glass and looking at the fullest silver moon in the night sky on a midsummer night.

"It's amazing that you didn't get swallowed up."

The originally standard Dralion language had severe echoes and distortions in pronunciation in the darkness. Victor Penny was still sitting opposite Shade, but it didn't seem like he was sitting there.

With just a quick glance, Princess Margaret saw a twisted and huge dark shadow in the outline of the human figure. The huge mental shock in that moment caused blood to flow from the corners of her eyes. He closed his eyes and gasped, never daring to open his eyes again. But the act of closing her eyes made her other senses become sharper, making her vaguely seem to be able to glimpse something lurking in the darkness.

Fear, anger, lust, hunger, all kinds of strange emotions surged into my heart at the same time, and then exploded in my heart instantly. Margaret Anjou's slightly red eyes opened suddenly, but when she saw the silver moonlight on Shade's body, the inexplicable emotion gradually calmed down.

She and the blonde female writer looked at the light on Shade's body, which was the only source of light that could make people feel at ease in the completely dark surroundings. Everything in the Three Cats Inn seems to have disappeared, but it seems like it's just them.

A wooden table, four benches, four "people", these are the only objects that exist in the darkness.

Black mud gurgled in the darkness, and Margaret Anjou, who was watching Shade, could hear someone lying behind her, whispering in her ear, urging her to realize her heart's desire.

Shade, whose body was glowing, had a normal expression, confirming that his companion was fine for the time being. He looked at the guy opposite who was gradually taking off his human form. While suffering from mental pollution, he nodded slightly, as if to confirm something:

"We have no intention of going against you. In this case, how about you give me a Victor box and let me copy the coins, and we'll settle the matter?"

Princess Margaret knew this was a "surrender" to the other party, but she understood the behavior. What they provoked this time was not a monster that humans could easily come into contact with.

"Of course."

Victor Penny was obviously sitting at the table, but the overlapping voices came from a dark distance.

A pair of human hands appeared next to Shade, holding a wooden "Victor Box" in their hands. Darkness engulfed the space behind the hands, as if the severed hands were floating in the air.

Shade held the box in front of him, took out the [Coin of Wisdom] from his pocket and put it in. After closing the box and opening it again, there is still only one coin in the box:

"Look, what you made doesn't work at all. I really thought your creation could copy relics at will."

Shade mocked in a relaxed tone, and the man sitting opposite him, half of his body integrated with the darkness, whispered:

"Wisdom is a power that even desire cannot replicate."

"Do you know much about wisdom?"

Shade smiled again and said:

"Answer me a question, why can I leave Cherubim and stay here as if nothing happened?"

The hand wearing the white bone ring stretched out to Shade like a long snake, and the soft arm was covered with a layer of permeable scales. But after a flash of brilliant silver moonlight, the hand was forced to retreat, and together with Victor Fannie, disappeared into the darkness around the table.

"I just said that it seemed a bit familiar and turned out to be a devil."


Even though she had a vague guess in her mind, Princess Margaret was still extremely surprised when she actually heard the answer.

"Don't worry, the other party is not strong."

Shade said that the demon this time was at least much weaker than human pus.

The surging darkness was not just surging around, it was obviously still just darkness, but with the disappearance of Victor Penny, something seemed to have fundamentally changed.

The life rings behind Princess Margaret and Dorothy appeared at the same time. The princess had four rings and Dorothy had five rings. The burning of the parchment revealed the sleeping princess holding a spindle and the match girl holding a basket. The thrown little doll turned into the "Killer Jack" that Shade had seen once.

Three summons summoned by the elements of enlightenment patrolled around the table, trying to drive away those things coming from the darkness. Instinct fear caused the flashing auras of the ladies' life rings to tremble, and the invisible tentacles stretching out from the sticky darkness gradually surrounded several people.

"Moonlight Great Sword!"

The great sword exuding the holy moonlight became a brand new light source. The gorgeous sword made the princess look sideways, but Shade did not use the sword to attack the enemy in the darkness. Instead, he stood up with the sword and raised his head to look forward.

"Don't look up."

Shade warned softly. He squinted his eyes and saw an indescribable, huge and strange figure squirming above the three people in the darkness. He couldn't even see the whole picture. It stretched out its "hand" to them from a high place.

Whether that organ can be defined as a "hand" is hard to say, but whether it was Shad, Dorothy or Princess Margaret, they all had flashes in their minds of three people being grabbed by the giant thing and then disappearing completely. Pictures of this world.

"Don't worry, I involved you in this matter, and I will naturally protect your safety. I'm so sorry, I didn't expect it to be a devil."

Shade softly expressed his apology. Looking directly at the huge demonic figure in the darkness, Shade's eyes shed tears of blood.

As the "hand" descending from the sky gradually lowered, the rotation of the girls' life rings became stagnant.

Shade took a deep breath, pulled out the "Witch Detection" badge from his neck, and pointed it at the creeping darkness:

"Praise the angels, praise death."

he said softly.

Margaret Anjou, who couldn't help but tremble because of fear, actually felt the blazing light at this moment. After the senses sensed the strange temperature, a soft white light appeared in the vision.

She raised her head in surprise and saw a huge figure with wings flashing past Sha De's head. At the same time, the white holy light like the sun emitted from the badge he held high, completely expelled the surrounding darkness in an instant, as if to melt the huge and terrifying black figure.

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