Whispering Verse

Chapter 1016 Exorcism

Although the eyes did not see it, the harsh curses and curses in the ears almost pierced the eardrums. At the same time, the huge terrifying presence perceived in the senses seemed to be slowly receding.

Of course Princess Margaret could not understand the devil's language which contained curses and malice, but both she and Dorothy understood the furious last words:

"Just wait for me!"

The hand melted in the white light of the badge wanted to slap down on the three people before retreating, but the [Moonlight Great Sword] was already waving towards the sky:

"Silver Moon!"

The third color burst out besides the darkness and pure white holy light. The holy silver moonlight that almost blinded the eyes finally completely broke through this strange space.

The darkness receded, and the indescribable evil existence disappeared. As the princess gasped for breath, she suddenly felt like she was breaking through the water from the huge pressure. The noise reached my ears, and I looked around. Everything in the Three Cats Hotel was so normal, and the bard's singing was still so soothing and tender.

Except that Victor Fannie's seat was empty, everything seemed to be unchanged. Even the Victor box on the table was missing. However, she felt as if she had just woken up from a long sleep. .

The princess finally came to her senses and groaned because of the severe headache, but she still did not forget to wipe the blood flowing from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief. At this time, I heard Shade snap his fingers again and ask the waiter for three cups of hot tea.

Shade and Mrs. Sangmei had a very good relationship. Although it was a time when there were many guests, their tea was served quickly. Shade rummaged through his pocket to find holy water, not No. 4 holy water, but a liquid as close to No. 3 holy water as Priest August could currently make, and added two full bottles to two cups of tea.

After stirring slightly with a teaspoon, push the tea cups to the two girls. Dorothy was in a good state at this time, not only because she had encountered many strange things with the group and didn't think much about them just now, but also because the [Red Butterfly Pendant] she was carrying was protecting her.

Dorothy took a sip of tea, feeling warm all over her body. She looked around curiously, as if she couldn't help but want to ask Shade questions. Princess Margaret took a sip of tea, and her pale face finally gained some color.

"It seems that my estimate this time was somewhat wrong. It's really unlucky. I originally thought I could get the relic, but I didn't expect to encounter something like this."

Shade's voice sounded, and he was really regretful:

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

He expressed his apology to the two girls:

"I was the one who brought you into such a dangerous environment, and I will remedy the situation. Don't worry, that thing was too brave just now and actually wanted to contact us directly. My badge and thaumaturgy caused it to suffer some minor injuries."

Mainly because the badge made by Priest August using the bones of the Angel of Death played a big role, and the final blow from Shade's "Light Technique" was effective. After all, both of them can almost directly restrain the evil spirits and demons of the Third Age. It is not so simple to switch to other opponents.

"That one just now was really"

Princess Margaret still couldn't believe it. To her, the legendary "evil spirits and demons" of the Third Age were really just legends.

"Yes, a monster from ancient times. In a short period of time, a week or two, it will not come directly to us. But you can't be too relaxed. Dorothy, you can stay with me during this time."

Shade held the blonde girl's hand, and Dorothy smiled and nodded. Although she knew that this matter was dangerous, it was not particularly dangerous compared with Shade's other experiences. Dorothy was very familiar with Shad, and she knew from Shad's expression that this matter was not difficult.

"Miss Mary, are you protected by a high-level warlock?"

He asked softly again, and after the princess nodded slightly, he said:

"Please try not to stay too far away from her during this period of time. In order to prevent accidents, I will also go to you often in the next period of time, just use"

"An excuse to learn Kasenrik."

The girl with long pale golden hair said, her voice was so hoarse when she came out. She held the teacup and felt the temperature of the tea. From the corner of her eye, she saw the hands held by Shade and Dorothy:

"The level of fun today is beyond my imagination. In the capital of the human kingdom, in a bustling hotel, I encountered an evil spirit from the Third Age head-on. If I told anyone about it, no one would believe it."

Shade said nothing and took out a small glass bottle from his pocket. The price of the holy water he purchased from Priest August was much cheaper than the container. "Holy water" is a special liquid that must be contained in glass, glaze, pure gold, or pure silver containers, which is not easy to carry.

He placed the holy water bottle on the bench that Victor Fannie had just made. When the bottom of the bottle touched the surface of the wooden bench, the transparent liquid in the bottle boiled directly.

"It's indeed that kind of thing, but it doesn't matter, I'm quite familiar with them."

Shade took back the bottle and said:

"Actually, I'm not surprised by this. I have equipment preserved by the demon hunters of the Third Age. Encountering demons is a fate I must face."

He was talking about [Demon Hunting Seal] and [Night Watch].

"Isn't this the first time you've encountered those evil spirits?"

Princess Margaret lowered her voice and widened her eyes slightly.

"Yes, the third time. Ma'am, it's nothing special."

This is the truth. Compared with doctors, these experiences of Sha De are not worth mentioning.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that thing within two weeks."

In his heart, he thought about killing it within a week at most. Outsiders would never leave such a terrible thing around to spy on him and Dorothy:

"During this period, Miss Mary, you stay with the high-level warlock around you, and I will visit you often."

Princess Margaret pursed her lips and watched as Shade poured the softly glowing holy water onto the table to confirm whether there were any traces of demons on the table.

"Mr. Hamilton, it was my choice to follow you in the investigation. You don't have to apologize. What I saw today is a very rare experience for a ring warlock like me who is trapped in the palace."

She did not look too worried. On the contrary, an unnatural flush appeared on her face:

"But does this happen to you often?"

"of course not."

Shade shook his head. At present, he only found the remaining power of the devil on the chair. Everything on the table was normal:

"It's not like I'm often unlucky. This time it was an accident. I didn't expect that after finally receiving a commission, I would encounter something like this. Drink that cup of tea and come into close contact with that kind of thing, which will make you lose control. Greatly enhanced.”

Dorothy didn't have to worry about this. After a while, Shade asked Miss Writer to go behind the dark door in the basement to see her "dark side".

He sighed:

"That guy probably doesn't dare to come back. I'll have someone go to Room 413 to look for contraband in a moment. Now come home with me. I have a batch of holy water stored in my house. Miss Mary, you can take some back."

"Holy water" can be stored for a long time as long as it is sealed and stored in a low-temperature environment, so Shade stored a large amount in the basement of his home for backup. Even though the effect of Holy Water No. 4 is relatively insignificant, after all, Priest Augustus sells it in large quantities and at a cheap price.

Dorothy recovered quickly and was writing down things in her notebook with great interest. Princess Margaret still seemed to be in a bad state of mind. After Shade bought the bench contaminated by demonic power, the three of them took the carriage back to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

Entering Shade's home, the princess of the southern kingdom obviously felt a little better. After Shade took the [Night Watcher] wrapped in cloth and "stabbed" the princess between the eyebrows and the chest with a sword, her expression completely changed. Back to normal.

Today's encounters were a bit too exciting even for a ring warlock. Her Royal Highness the Princess held a simple exorcism ceremony in the attic of Shade's house before leaving, and agreed to let Shade have time to find her. , she was a little curious about the so-called "demon". After all, this kind of knowledge was not accessible to ordinary ring magicians.

After sending Princess Margaret away, Shade told the writer that it would be best for her to live at No. 6, Saint Teresa Square in the next few days:


Dorothy hugged the reluctant little Mia and said with a smile:

"I know you can solve this matter, don't feel sorry for involving us in dangerous things. In the summer, when you just became a ring warlock, I involved you in the [Happy Dream Pen] out-of-control incident, no Is it similar to the current situation? We are all ring magicians, and this situation is inevitable."

She moved closer to Shade:

"However, Lesia and I have souls connected to each other. Will that demon hurt her?"

"I have thought about this. When we watch the opera tonight, I will temporarily lend her the [Demon Hunting Seal]. This way, even if she is not with me, she won't have to worry about anything happening in a short time."

After all, as long as Lesia doesn't run around, there will be large-scale exorcism, blessing and exorcism rituals arranged by the church around Yodel Palace. The security level of Yodel Palace is second only to the churches of the Five Righteous Gods in Tobesk City.

Upon hearing "opera", the writer smiled:

"Aren't you going to clean up room 413 of the Three Cats Hotel? You go ahead and do your work first. You don't have to accompany me back to Quill Street to pack your clothes. I want to tell the landlady that she will be staying out for a few days. I hope she Don’t think I’m a bad girl.”

"You take the night watchman with you."

"Yes, yes, that's prudent."

Dorothy said, then lowered her voice slightly:

"Remember to come back early after you have taken care of things. I have picked out clothes for you. After you take a shower, go to watch the opera with Lesia. She is looking forward to tonight. After all, she rarely gets to be alone with you with her own body. Go out."

After that, he added:

"She picked out a four-hour opera this time."

Shade thought for a while and asked softly in her ear. The writer lady shook her head with a red face:

"Tonight is Lesiya's time, I won't interrupt, you guys have a good time."

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