Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,017 The Demon of Proliferating Desire

Dorothy returned to Quill Street to pack her clothes, which did not take long as Lesia had already stored their daily clothes in Saint Teresa Square. No. 6 Saint Teresa Square has few other advantages, but it has a large area and lots of space.

Shade left little Mia at home, but he did not return to the Three Cats Hotel. Instead, he took a carriage to Roentgen Avenue in the East District of Tobesk. He saw the last guest of the afternoon in the psychological clinic and was about to go to dinner. Dr. Schneider.


In the study on the third floor of the psychology clinic, after listening to Shade's story about "Victor's Box and the Devil", the doctor repeated in disbelief:

"Here? In Tobesk City?"

He pointed to his feet:

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, devil."

Shade nodded and asked the doctor not to find someone to prepare tea. He would not stay here long:

"I'm pretty sure it's indeed an evil spirit demon left over from the Third Age, but it doesn't seem to be particularly powerful..."

Otherwise, he would not have been forced away directly. Compared with the Balrog sealed in the Sikal Mountain, this demon is really weak:

"Of course, it may also be because the opponent is not good at fighting."

Dr. Schneider touched his chin and thought deeply, unable to believe that such a good thing could happen. Shade took out the cloth toy of the bench from his pocket, restored it to its original shape, and placed it on the side of the sofa:


He took out the holy water bottle again and placed it on the bench. Seeing that the holy water in the holy water bottle boiled almost immediately, Dr. Schneider frowned deeply:

"What number is this holy water?"

"Number four."

"Did you buy it from Priest Augustus? I also bought a batch recently. The old priest doesn't know where he got the purchase channel."

The doctor muttered and asked Shade to wait. He went out of the room and returned shortly with a pepper shaker and a salt shaker.

The pepper shaker is small. After all, pepper is a very expensive spice. The doctor rotated the lid, then gently knocked it against the bench twice, and poured out some black powder from the pores on the surface of the lid.

The salt shaker was very large. The doctor scooped out a spoonful of it with a small steel spoon, and then used the bottom of the spoon to spread it evenly on the surface of the bench.

Shade and the doctor who was kneeling there looked at the salt together. In just a few dozen seconds, the fine white salt began to turn black. As a strange smell emanated, Shade held his breath, but Dr. Schneider carefully stretched his head and waved his right palm in front of his nose to let the smell drift into the nasal cavity:

"It does smell like a demon. Although I can't be 100% sure, I can probably guess who it is."

He straightened up, and with Shade's consent, he threw out the black flame from his hand and burned the entire chair. There was no smoke, but there were some pitted black crystals on the burned ground, which were collected by the doctor.

Any items that retain the power of evil spirits and demons are extremely dangerous, even more dangerous than relics, so they must be destroyed in time.

"The proliferating demon - Fannie. He relies on spreading his desires to make himself stronger. He signs contracts with mortals with little binding force. He relies on the contracts to ferment his desires and becomes stronger and stronger."

Dr. Schneider said, his face was not relaxed:

"Although it cannot be compared with the combat power of the arsonist Sophix we encountered before, this evil spirit that relies on human heart and desire to survive is more difficult to deal with. It is the same type of evil spirit as the human pus in the past. The spirit, of course, is older and more powerful than the pus of man.”

"So, are there any famous stories about demons that proliferated in past eras?"

Shade asked, Dr. Schneider shook his head:

"It is not keen on causing any destruction, but disguises itself as a humanoid creature and is active in cities and countryside. By spreading and multiplying desires, it corrupts those originally clean souls. In its last appearance, which was the fifth era In the mid-term, it even corrupted an entire human city-state and created tens of thousands of demon servants. Shade, don't think it is weak. Evil spirits that can spread desire and use it as the source of their power are often the most powerful. The devil."

"Can you deal with it?"

Shade asked again. Dr. Schneider snorted and nodded confidently:

"Of course there is no problem in dealing with it. Judging from your description, Fannie must have only broken free of the seal in the past hundred years, and his strength is still a bit weak. Copying the coin box is a method that high-end demons will not use. The efficiency is too low, and the powerful demon will either select so-called 'heroes' to be corrupted, or plan a conspiracy that can capture the souls of at least tens of thousands of people at a time. Since it does this, it means that its power has weakened to a certain limit."

The doctor walked around the room a few times with his hands behind his back:

"Since you came to me at dinner time instead of coming back at night, it means that you have other things to do in the evening. I will go to Room 413 of the Three Cats Hotel by myself later to check the situation. Don't worry about me. If Fannie is really It’s a good thing that he didn’t leave.”

When it comes to fighting against demons, this middle-aged psychiatrist seems particularly confident:

"If the items left by the devil are not absolutely safe, I will not share them with you. I will destroy most of the items and leave a few for tracking. As long as the other party has not left Tobesk, I will be able to do it within a week. Find it. If we are lucky, we will set out to hunt the devil this weekend, and we must not let it escape."

"Doctor, besides me, there are two other girls who have been targeted by the demon. Do you have any means to protect yourself from the demon? It is only effective in the short term, and Fannie has been injured, so the situation should be worse now."

Dorothy and Lesia's safety was ensured, mainly with Princess Margaret in mind.

"Fanny is injured?"

Dr. Schneider asked curiously, wanting to know how Shade did it. So Shade pulled out the badge hanging from his neck. The badge had just appeared halfway from the collar. The doctor who had sat down on the sofa again stood up and quickly turned to the back of the sofa:

"Okay, okay, there's no need to take it out. Just seeing that badge makes me feel like I'm being scorched by the midsummer noon sun."

The doctor said with lingering fear:

"Is this a magical item from the Five Gods Church?"

He was very surprised:

"I have only heard of this level of magical items. Even regional bishops may not have one. The magical items enshrined in the Holy See all year round are not necessarily better than this. If Panni is so stupid, he will It is indeed possible to be seriously injured by this thing if it comes into contact with you. In fact, this itself can protect against demons."

The doctor reminded, but now the bone badge made by Priest August has been integrated with the "Witch Detection" badge. If Shade gives this to Princess Margaret, as soon as Miss Sylvia appears, the princess will be first Apply a perm and you'll immediately guess that something is wrong with the dishonest detective.

"Is there any other way?"

Shade asked, and the doctor thought for a while:

"I can give you an alchemy item I made myself. It is not very effective against powerful evil spirits and demons like human pus and arsonists, but if it is the multiplication demon this time, it should have a certain effect."

The so-called "alchemy item" is a dark cloth belt made of what appears to be linen. Although it is pitch black, if you look carefully you can see some dark rune traces in the black. This is an alchemical item made by Dr. Schneider himself using printing and dyeing techniques. As a correspondence student at the School of Mechanical Engineering, he must master knowledge of forging, chemistry, printing and dyeing, metal cutting, heraldry, etc.

In addition to the cloth belt contained in the box, the doctor also gave Shade a wooden key.

"Time key?"

Shade asked in surprise.

"When we were trading on the black market a few days ago, someone else paid me a debt, so I just gave this to you. Only you in our group can use this, and it counts as the intelligence fee for the information you brought about the devil. When we find the devil, the spoils will be Let’s discuss the matter later.”

Shade thought for a moment and put the key in his pocket:

"I should be at home these days. Doctor, tell me immediately when you find the devil. Don't delay this matter."

"Don't worry, I'm more anxious than you are."

The doctor smiled. He and Shade separated at the intersection of Roentgen Street and took different carriages to their respective destinations. Although Dr. Schneider hasn't had particularly good luck, Shade believes in his ability to capture demons.

When Shade rushed home from the east of the city, the blonde girl had already returned with her clothes. When Shade came to the second floor, she was cooking in the kitchen humming a light tune.

Hearing Shade's footsteps, the cat, who was squatting on the dining table watching Dorothy cook, ran towards the door, but soon returned to the kitchen.

Lesia's carriage would come to pick up Shad soon, so the two had dinner together at home. At the dinner table, Shade told Dorothy that the devil's problem should be solved soon. He was very confident about it. The blonde girl didn't care much about it. Instead, she asked about the time key in Shade's hand. This time What era does it correspond to.

"This must be the key to the Fifth Age. The person who sold the key said that it corresponds to the early part of the Fifth Age, probably around the year 1000 of the Fifth Age. I am not interested in knowing the more precise time. After all, I know everything with one use. ”

He poked little Mia's back with the key. After the key touched the cat, Shade turned it, causing the cat to bark twice in dissatisfaction, probably complaining that Shade had disturbed it while eating again.

Winter nights always arrive very early, and by the time the gas lamps on Sainte Teresa's Square come on, the snow has already stopped. Dorothy arranged Shade's clothes herself, and then asked him to go out as soon as possible so as not to keep Lesia waiting too long.

This kind of urging made foreigners very strange, but he still set out at about 6:30, and waited at the entrance of Hunter Street for the carriage sent by Lesia, and the carriage took him directly to the Queen Mary Opera House side door.

The servant who had been waiting for a long time led Shade from the hidden staircase on the side directly into the box that could only be used by members of the royal family. When Shade arrived, although tea, snacks and fruits had been prepared in the box, Lesia had not arrived yet.


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