Whispering Verse

Chapter 1018 Letters and Photos

Shade didn't wait long, but within five or six minutes, the unique sound of high heels touching the carpet could be heard in the corridor outside the door. Listening to the footsteps, it seemed that Lecia had brought many maids with her.

He stood up from the sofa to greet him. After Lesia's maid opened the door, Lecia walked in together with the little princess Agelina in a red dress.

The little princess greeted Shade very elegantly, then raised her head and asked with concern:

"Knight, are you okay Wednesday night?"

This was the first time she saw Shade after the reading salon.

"It's okay, I was just in a coma for a day."

Shade replied, and then looked at Lesia. Her Royal Highness the Princess nodded to him with a smile, looking very polite:

"Mr. Hamilton, the accident on Wednesday night caused you to suffer bad luck for nothing. Inviting you to watch the opera together today is a formal apology."

Although he didn’t know why Lesia spoke like this, Shade followed her intention and answered:

"You don't have to blame yourself, and the main responsibility for this matter lies with the Prophet Association. They have already compensated me. I heard that you also spoke for me in order to fight for the [Creation Knowledge]. Thank you very much. I He is healthy now and has no sequelae from the incident.”

Lesia nodded, and the royal lady said softly:

"Then you have to apologize properly. I can check your body in person. Gas poisoning is not a trivial matter."

Agelina opened her mouth slightly and looked up at her sister. Lesia's expression was serious, as if she was talking about something serious:

"The cause of this incident is that I invited you to my reading salon after all. I have to take responsibility."

As he spoke, he waved to the maids behind him. These were Lesia's personal maids, so they naturally knew what Her Royal Highness the Princess meant, and retreated from the side door to the next room one after another.

Lesia said to Agelina again:

"I want to talk to the knight about compensation for him, and I want to check for him to see if he has other problems due to gas poisoning. Agelina, you go next door and help us guard the door. Don't let anyone else in. If someone else It would be unseemly to misunderstand that we are doing something bad.”

"body check"

The little princess pursed her lips and looked at Sha De. From Sha De's expression, she understood that Sha De didn't know about the "physical examination" before he came. He might have been deceived by other reasons.

"I see."

Agelina said a little dejectedly, looking at Shade with some unbearability. While she was pitifully walking towards the side door, turning back three times, Lesia had already taken off her red strappy high-heeled shoes, holding the shoes with two fingers of her right hand, smiling and shaking them twice in front of Shade, and then It was very uncivilized to put it on the coffee table.

Lesia sat sideways on the sofa, her legs wearing white stockings with garters pressing over Shade's thighs. Shade looked at the pair of stockings and thought of the witch's clothes he had seen in 5177 of the previous era.

Lesia stretched out her arms and hugged Shade's neck affectionately. Then she turned to look at her sister who had not left yet, and her tone was a little stern:


The little princess lowered her head and walked out of the side, and with a click, locked the door on the other side.

"Wear the demon hunting ring, it's about the devil"

Shade still wanted to speak.

"She might think that I used other reasons to trick you here."

After throwing down the silencing charm, Lesia interrupted Shade with a smile. She put the ring next to her high heels first, bit her red lower lip with her white teeth, and looked at Shade up close with her beautiful eyes.

Lesia could completely guess what Agelina was thinking. Of course, Lesia doesn’t care what Agelina thinks tonight, she won’t waste this precious weekend tryst time:

"Knight, let me check your body. I really hope you won't always be greedy for our writer lady. The princess also needs you sometimes. The opera is about to start. It's really wonderful. It's a weekly tryst."

(Yin Luna is writing a report)

Without good rest, even a ring warlock will feel bad the next day. It was eleven o'clock when I got home on Monday night, but it was already midnight when I went to bed.

In short, early on Tuesday morning, Shade, who was yawning and wearing slippers, went downstairs to get newspapers and milk. After pulling out the long blond hair that made his neck itchy from the collar of his pajamas, he saw Miss God's mail on the doormat. Letters coming.

Last month's letter didn't arrive until almost midday, but this month's letter arrived on the third day.

The address on the envelope was still a remote town on the eastern coast of Delrayon. Miss Gauthe's handwriting was already quite familiar to Shade, and in this letter, the lady told Shade good news.

"Miss Gothe's illness has completely recovered."

Shade, who was sitting at the dining table and opened the letter, said happily. The writer lady, who started living together for a short time, caressed little Mia while eating. Seeing as she had made breakfast, the cat did not resist.

"In the previous letters, this lady also said that there were some strange phenomena in the town where her family was located. I was a little worried at the time. Unexpectedly, it only took more than half a month for the matter to be temporarily solved by the church. Gaode The young lady’s illness is almost cured.”

He said as he continued to read the letter.

"You originally planned to take a steam train to that town in the spring of 1854 to have a look and complete the last commission of the former detective. Can you start your travel plan now?"

"Yes, if everything goes well, I plan to go next April."

Shade nodded and read the last line of the letter. When Miss Gold writes a letter, she always stamps it at the end of the letter. Judging from the traces, it was an ancient metal seal, probably left by her ancestors:

"Things in the town have been settled for the time being. Miss Gothe plans to repair the ancestral house this winter, sell off the unnecessary family collections, recover the land deeds buried in the courtyard, and deal with the family's abandoned banquet manor and farm. She told me , if the plan goes well, she wants to repair the docks in the bay and restore the town's maritime trade."

Shade smiled and said:

"It looks like the lady won't be leaving town anytime soon and won't be coming back to Tobesk. I'm confident I can convince her to sell little Mia to me."

"Did she mention Mia again in her letter?"

Dorothy asked curiously, and Shade nodded again:

"Yes, this lady asked me again to take a photo of the cat and send it to her. She is still very affectionate for little Mia, and she wants to see the cat again before the end of this year."


Dorothy's eyes lit up and she pretended to say casually:

"I noticed that, except for the one you sent to Miss Gold in the fall, there are no pictures of you in this house. Since I'm going to take pictures, why not take a few more. I know you don't like having your face exposed. It appears in the photo, but if it’s hanging at home, it’s fine. Or rather, it would look strange if there is no photo of myself at home.”

Shade thought for a while, tilted his head and looked towards his living room:

"That makes sense. I'll make an appointment at the photo studio in the afternoon. How about we make an appointment to take pictures together?"

He then suggested, and Dorothy nodded with satisfaction:

"Also, let's take a photo together. Since it's the end of the year, I also want to commemorate this extraordinary year. Take a photo and keep it. Maybe the literary award at the end of the year will really need my photo."

Nothing interesting happened during this boring Tuesday day. It wasn't that Shade didn't go out all day. In addition to reading at home, he also wrote a reply to Miss Gauthe. Of course, he didn't forget to ask about Little Mia's breed in the letter.

The investigation report for Baron Cameron was not urgent, so Shade just went to the photo studio to make an appointment to take pictures in the afternoon. By the end of the year, the photo studios in the city were doing very well. In addition to guests being able to take photos in person, the photo studio also allows photographers and apprentices to come and take photos with equipment.

The former requires an appointment, while the latter only requires an extra payment and you can take photos immediately.

In order to save waiting time, Shade made an appointment with the photographer to come to his home at four o'clock this afternoon. After returning home and telling Dorothy, the blonde complained that Shade didn't give her enough time to put on her makeup.

As for this week's "God's Gift Box" gift, Shade only remembered it towards the evening.

At that time, the photographer had been busy for more than an hour and had just left. He made an appointment with Shade to pick up the photos over the weekend.

He was preparing to go out for dinner with Dorothy. The clothing required for traveling in winter was far more troublesome than in summer. The writer finally packed it up and put on a red mink scarf, which she had used to pay for her manuscript a few days ago. bought.

Shade didn't want Dorothy to wait for him anymore, and in his opinion, taking gifts every week was a very "sacred" ritual that should not be done in a hurry. Therefore, the two of them and the cat went to Silver Cross Avenue for dinner first, and then they went for a walk together in the University District after the street lights started to light up.

After returning home, Xia Decai finally went to the basement to take out the "God's Gift Box". He touched a handful of little Mia to increase his luck, and then put his hand into the box:

"So far, I have only found out one relic [Master Key]. Do you have any luck this time?"

My palm touched a slender metal object at the bottom of the box. After I took it out, I realized it was a pen. Of course, although it looks good and has cursive handwritten letters on the surface of the pen cap, it is just an ordinary item.

"Still no luck."

Shade sat back on the sofa with some disappointment and handed the pen to Dorothy.

"This is an 1844 commemorative Mendy pen."

Dorothy took the pen from Shade's hand, and her tone sounded like Shade was ignorant:

"Purely handmade. In order to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the writing of "Poetry: The Emperor's Ride", only 300 were produced, and most of them were given to well-known writers. Each one has a special number. Last year in the city The auction house sold one for a high price of 287 pounds!"

Apparently, Dorothy was not a well-known author three years ago, so she had only heard of it.

"Now the total is 301."

Shade said with a smile. Dorothy took off the cap of the pen and checked the number on the inside. Then she reached out and smoothed the position of the number:

"This is mine."

She said with a smile, inspecting the pen lovingly.

Shade nodded:

"Would you like to guess what my mission is this week?"

"Since the gift is a pen, the task is to write an article?"

"No, no, the children's task will not be so troublesome. It is to practice calligraphy, or copying. You can copy anything you want, and the total amount must reach 300 words."

"That old god really prefers you, big boy."

Dorothy said softly, stretched out her right arm to wrap around Shade's neck, and asked him to come closer to her:

"I really don't know how you can be classified as a 'boy'."

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