Whispering Verse

Chapter 1025 Bomb Attack

Although Shade succeeded in making "Miss Werther" less interested in talking to him, the woman had no intention of leaving. She talked to Shade about the Rhodes Cards. Now the rumor that Shade is about to get [Original Knowledge] has spread throughout the city. In this era, he is a real "legendary player".

When it comes to the topic of Rhodes cards, Shad is not bored. Not only [Origination Knowledge], the new card he got from the Prophet Association, which can be adjusted between 12 and 13, is [Old World Minerals·Cavill Gem Mine], which is also interesting.

They were not the only ones who liked playing cards. Most of the people behind the crowd were bored with the visit. So unknowingly, more people joined in the conversation, including Sir Kings Prisha.

He is a poet. Although he is rich in knowledge, he is not really interested in mechanics and physical chemistry. It is impossible for a middle-aged nobleman of his age not to have been exposed to Rhodes cards, so he also joined the conversation.

This gentleman may have been busy with the [Apna Library] recently, and he didn't even know that there were rumors in the city that Shade was about to get the fifth Rhodes card in the founding series. Hearing that people were talking about this matter, he was quite interested in asking Shade what he had paid in exchange for that card, but Shade just tapped his mouth with his finger, indicating that he wanted to do this. Confidentiality.

Then everyone around them understood it.

Anyway, without knowing it, Miss Pavo had left. Shade noticed that she stood behind Princess Margaret for a while, then left the team to end the tour of the academy. The seven or eight middle-aged gentlemen who talked with Shade at the end of the team even made an appointment to go to the tavern outside to play Rhodes together during lunch.

Seeing that Sir Prisha also wanted to go with him, Shade agreed. Southern poets are very interested in this elegant activity, and Shade is also creating opportunities to have an in-depth conversation with him.

Therefore, the atmosphere at the end of the visiting team was more lively than that of Princess Margaret and her group at the front. If the princess was not still visiting, these gentlemen might have found a place to start playing cards on the spot.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Princess Margaret's morning schedule came to the last stop, which was to listen to a half-hour academic report. The topic of the report was "Research Progress of the Delrayon New Steam Engine." Of course, this cannot be the latest steam engine developed by the kingdom, just a new model that is about to be commercialized. But even so, it is quite valuable to Kasenrik, so the princess and the accompanying envoys attach great importance to it.

The report was held in the auditorium of the Third National Mechanical College of Delrayon. The main auditorium was too large, so this time Lecture Hall No. 3 was used. The most indispensable thing for a college with a history of hundreds of years is the lecture hall.

Princess Margaret sat in the second row, and the guards who had surveyed the place earlier arranged the seats for the others. The gentlemen who were at the end chatting about Rhodes naturally sat at the back.

It's a pity that we can't chat while listening to the report, let alone play cards, so the gentlemen are much quieter. Sir Prisha, who was sitting two rows in front of Shade, even took out a book of poetry to read. It is now confirmed that he is the fourth candidate, and Shade feels that he can roughly judge what kind of person he is through his daily actions. Of course, more in-depth investigation is still necessary.

Shade sat in the lecture hall for ten minutes when he heard a whisper in his ear:

[Perhaps I should remind you that in the second window on the left closest to the podium, a man appeared three times in five minutes. 】

Shade's face remained unchanged as he watched the middle-aged mechanic on the podium explain the data on the blackboard. He was talking about fuel savings and the difference between solid fuel and liquid fuel.

"Passing by with your face completely exposed? Or appearing very covertly?"

Outside the window is the path in the college, and it is normal for people to walk by it.

[He was in the building opposite and looked in this direction from the opposite window. 】

"Who could it be? It can't be the Royal Guards. Royal Guards don't act like this. Could it be colleagues from MI6 performing a mission? Or colleagues from Gray Gloves?"

Shade thought silently, then bent down and stood up, temporarily leaving through the back door of the lecture hall. No one paid attention to him because he was right at the back, and it was normal to leave temporarily to deal with physical problems.

Instead of taking the main entrance, Shade climbed out directly from the corridor window. He lowered his hat to cover his face, followed the path around to the side of the auditorium, and then looked at the window of the building opposite.

Blinking his eyes, [Echo of Blood] clearly showed the bloody halo inside the window. The blood color was very clear, extending from the far side of the corridor to the location below the window that was blocked by the wall. Because it was only part of the foot, Shade judged that the opponent had stepped on blood.

"No matter which side they are from, they stepped on blood here and laid an ambush. They are obviously not good people."

Shade concluded, glancing at the building. He circled around again, and in a position where no one was paying attention, he directly used [Leap from Lager] to enter the window.

There is heating inside the building, which is much warmer than outside. Wrapped in his coat, Shade walked past the portraits hanging on both sides of the corridor, looking for the source of the blood stains. Finally, he found a corpse hidden in the corner in the east room with its neck cut off. It was not a student, but something like a corpse. It's the janitor.

Shade frowned, returned the same way, came to the corner of the corridor, and pressed his body against the wall.

The fingers carefully stretched out a fingernail's distance, and then quickly retracted:

"see it?"

[That’s the man just now, huddled under the window. Ordinary people. 】

"Then it's easy to do the Red Butterfly Illusion Technique."

The corner of the corridor was distorted for a moment, and then returned to normal. Shade walked out of the corner and walked towards the end of the corridor. The shrunken man seemed to have not seen him, and looked out nervously from time to time.

"Red Butterfly Illusion" and Sha De's sealed "Moon Shadow Illusion" have different focuses. The former prefers to create illusions, so Sha De created the illusion of an uninhabited corridor. This kind of hiding method is easy to be discovered by the ring warlock, especially as Shade is getting closer and closer, but ordinary people want to see through it, which requires strong inspiration. Unfortunately, Shade has no opponent this time.

He walked up to the shrinking man and took out the "Psychic Crystal Ring" from his pocket and put it on his finger. Stopping ten meters away from him, he held the Silence Charm in his left hand and pointed the index finger of his right hand at the man's forehead:

"Mind blast!"

There was a muffled sound all over Peng~, and red and white things flowed out of the man's mouth, nose, ears and eyes at the same time. He stared at the void in front of him with wide eyes, and then slid limply to the ground.

Shade shook his head, approached the corpse, and sprinkled the bone powder as a casting material:

"The soul echoes."

The dark wind swept through the corridor, and the channeled soul appeared above the corpse. Shade sighed softly, stood in a position that could not be seen from the outside and asked:

"who are you?"

"I am Neil Hawkman from the Principality of Lamea."

The soul unconsciously answered that although it was facing the murderer who killed it, it did not try to attack Shade as an evil spirit because of the blessings from thousands of souls in Shade.

"what are you doing here?"

"Confirmed bomb explosion."

Shade was stunned:

"What bomb?"

"The steam bomb was installed under the fifth seat in the seventh row of the auditorium opposite. It used a leaking steam valve as a delay device and exploded after about five to seven minutes."


After hearing this, Shade had no time to ask any more questions. Reaching out to touch the soul, the thaumaturgy [Guiding Death] allowed him to directly "see" the deepest memories of the soul.

Although Shade's [Guide to Death] ability to obtain soul memories through touch is far inferior to Sister Devlin's ability to obtain all the emotions of the soul with just one look, he is at least certain that the bomb really exists, and This organized murder was for Princess Margaret.

They are an independent organization of the Principality of Lameia. This small principality is affiliated with Delarian. The organization wants to sow discord between Delarian and Kasenric in order to seek an independent status in the war that has begun.

This Monday, Director Anlos, who came to Saint Teresa Square, clearly said this, but Shade didn't expect that he would actually encounter it.

The janitor who died just now was killed by Neil Hawkman because he accidentally saw him. But apart from the bomb, they haven't been able to find any other way to kill the princess.

Even being able to place a bomb was only possible by bribing the auditorium guards after police inspection, so that they could barely access the seats in the back row, but could not be placed directly behind the seats in the front row.

"This is really bad."

He casually opened the door of death and pushed the soul in. He frowned and thought for a moment, took a deep breath to restore the surrounding environment to its original state, and then used the witch's light to completely melt the corpse, eliminating any remaining traces. Then he put his hands in his pockets and turned around to leave the building.

It wasn't long before the bomb exploded. Although he couldn't explain the source of the intelligence, it was actually okay to tell MI6 directly, but Shade couldn't find anyone from MI6 now.

As for breaking into the auditorium and shouting that there is a bomb, of course it is also possible, but this will bring him to more attention, which is what Shade has been avoiding.

Fortunately, he still had the identity of "Ace Agent Gray Eagle" to use. After the princess arrived in Tobesk, he received the order and learned how to contact the princess urgently. Appearing to protect the princess at this time, in Shade's opinion, was also a way to repay Detective Sparrow Hamilton who was buried in the cemetery. Rather than using your identity as a gray eagle to benefit yourself, protecting others is a better way to keep that identity honorable.

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