Whispering Verse

Chapter 1026 MI6 and Gray Gloves

"I remember imitating a cat's meow, three short and one long, repeated twice."

It was hard to tell whether it was more embarrassing to be discovered by others that he was an agent, or to be seen meowing like a cat. Shade thought in his mind and returned to the auditorium along the path. After climbing in through the window at the end of the corridor, he wrote a note in the corridor, indicating the location and time of the bomb, then pursed his lips and tried his best to imitate a cat's meow.

Because he lives with a cat, he thinks he is quite similar to it.

Although it is uncommon for a meowing cat to appear inside a building, it can also be interpreted as a stray cat breaking in. After calling, Shade quickly threw the note on the ground and left from the other side of the corridor.

Soon, the guard who came to check the situation alone after hearing the cat's meow saw Shade walking from the direction of the bathroom. The two of them found the note together. After picking it up and checking it, the guard's eyes widened suddenly when he saw the content of the note.

"Sir, whether this is true or not, you need to inform your superiors as soon as possible."

Xia De remained calm in the face of danger and informed the other party of his identity:

"I am Hamilton from Rejed. Quick, tell your superiors about this. Who is in charge here now? I am responsible. Let's evacuate the crowd as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he straightened his tie to make himself look taller.

The two quickly returned to the door of Lecture Hall No. 3. Shade's identity was indeed very useful, and the note attracted attention. At this time, Princess Margaret had also sent her personal maid to check the situation at the door of the lecture hall. After asking the guards at the door to find out the situation, the maid immediately returned to the princess in panic, holding up her skirt.

"Sorry, I guess I have to interrupt rudely."

So, while the gentleman on the podium was calculating the conduction formula with chalk, Princess Margaret stood up in front of everyone's surprised eyes:

"Now, everyone, get out of here. Yes, right now."

Although they didn't know what happened, since the princess spoke, people evacuated quickly and orderly. Fortunately, including the visiting delegation, envoys, dignitaries from Tobesk City Hall, and accompanying professors from the school, there were not many people in the lecture hall, so everyone evacuated to the corridor in just two or three minutes.

Only then did people finally learn about the note with the bomb message. Princess Margaret asked for the note and shuddered when she saw it.

She looked at Shade with sharp eyes, and opened her mouth with countless questions to ask. However, at this time, the muffled explosions and subsequent screams from the lecture hall also made it impossible for the princess to talk to Shade. , she was protected by the guards and quickly walked through the corridor and left here. No one could guarantee that there were no other bombs.

The time bomb that was planted was a small bomb made in a handicraft workshop. In the end, it only blew up the four tables in front and behind, and its power was not very powerful. But the bomb explosion still caused huge panic, so much so that the college visit that morning was canceled.

Everyone present, including Shade who came back from the bathroom, was searched and interrogated. Even Shade and the guard were questioned separately because they were the first to discover the note. At this time, the carriage Princess Margaret was riding in had already left here, and the gentlemen who had planned to play Rhodes with Shade had to give up their plans to play cards and dispersed with the shocking news. .

"Did you find anything?"

At 12:10 noon, Director Anlos took Shade out of Ridwich Field. The matter was handed over from the police to MI6, and Shade, who was suspected, was naturally released immediately.

Of course it would be possible for him to put the note himself and make a sound to attract people to find the bomb. However, after attracting the attention of Princess Margaret through the Gray Eagle's code, MI6 suspected Gray Gloves and did not think of it at all. Related to the loyal "Hamilton of Rejed".

Shade nodded, and boarded the carriage home with Director Anlos at the gate of Ridwich Field. The carriage moved forward slowly, and Shade told the facts he had woven:

"Before I found the note, I also heard a cat meowing. But when I saw the note, there was no one else in the corridor except the young guard."

Dark Anlos, who was usually in a normal mood, now looked a little gloomy:

"That guard is a royal guard. Three generations of ancestors can find out the origin. He has no problem. The note contains the location of the bomb. The person who dropped the bomb belongs to the Principality of Lameia, and there is a killed gatekeeper opposite. That note was the key, but was taken away by Margaret of Anjou. There is every reason to believe that the person who wrote the note was a 'Grey Glove' person."

Shade controlled not to let a smile appear on his lips. His colleagues really suspected that they were in the wrong direction, and they suspected other colleagues of his.

Director Anlos was unhappy at this time, partly because of the assassination of Margaret Anjou, but more importantly because the people in Gray Gloves discovered this earlier than the people in MI6:

"There was no one else in the corridor at the time. I think the guy must have ran away from the window. Did you see anyone suspicious after that?"

Shade thought for a while:

"When I walked out of the auditorium with other visitors, I did see an unfamiliar stranger mixed in the crowd."

He described the specific image of "the other side":

"He was a man, probably in his twenties, or at least he looked like he was in his twenties. His body shape was similar to mine, and his clothes were similar, but I didn't see his face clearly. At that time, I was still curious who it was. , but he quickly disappeared from the crowd."

"The agent probably took advantage of the chaos to escape."

Director Anlos took a deep breath:

"This matter cannot be suppressed. Tomorrow's front page headline will probably be the lecture hall where the explosion occurred."

He rubbed his brows, so Shade asked curiously:

"In this assassination, the relevant personnel should be caught soon, right?"

"I'm not worried about this. The rebel organization in the Principality of Lamea will not escape this time. I'm worried about the Gray Gloves. It's obvious that the opponent's power in Tobesk exceeds original expectations. Although the opponent has indirectly done good things this time, But we can’t help but be wary. If it weren’t for the lack of evidence, I would even suspect that the damn gray eagle has appeared again.”

The carriage stopped, and Director Anlos was about to get off. Shade looked out the car window, and now he had reached the intersection of Saint Teresa Square. Director Anlos will probably go directly to the Yodel Palace to report to Larus III next, and what he will receive should be a scolding.

"Shad, in the next few days, I need you to follow Margaret Anjou as much as possible. I suspect this matter is not over yet. I will organize someone to take charge of her safety. You have to pay attention to what is going on. Who has contact with her? I heard that you have a good relationship with her? If possible, it would be best to get that note back."

Director Anlos ordered from the window to Shade who got off the carriage:

"When Margaret Anjou and her party leave, I will arrange for your promotion."

Shade had no reaction to the promise of "promotion", but instead asked:

"Will Your Highness continue the visit this afternoon?"

"No, all itineraries will be reviewed again. If something like this happens again, it will be an international scandal."

But in fact, with the power of today's bomb, it would not be able to harm Princess Margaret, who is five rows away from the seventh row, not to mention that as a four-ring warlock, such a powerful bomb would not even be able to harm her. It exploded under his feet, and the damage was certainly not fatal. It’s just that people don’t know the power of Her Royal Highness, and they don’t care about the specific parameters of the bomb. They only care that the “princess” is connected with the “bomb attack”.

"Tonight, everyone today will be invited to the dinner as usual. Margaret Anjou needs to appease the people who were unfortunately involved in the incident because of her."

Director Anlos said:

"Shadow, will you go?"

"Of course I will go. I think the princess would also like to have a chat with me."

Shade nodded, and Director Anlos smiled:

"I originally promised Miss Carina that you would join the Sixth Bureau so that you and I would personally apologize to the Duke, but you are really outstanding, young man, really outstanding."

The steam bomb attack that occurred in the auditorium of the Third National Mechanical College spread throughout the city in just a few hours in this era of underdeveloped communication methods. Naturally, Dorothy immediately learned the news from Shad who returned home, and then exchanged souls to let Lesia, who had been dealing with things in Yodel Palace this morning, know the specific situation.

Among the friends around him, only Dr. Schneider clearly knows that Shade has inherited the title of "Grey Eagle", and even Lesia only knows that Shade is working for MI6.

In fact, with the relationship between Shade and Lesia, it would be okay to tell her about the "Grey Eagle", but Shade made up his mind to protect Princess Margaret during her visit and repay Detective Sparrow's kindness. , give up this identity. And once the identity of the "Grey Eagle" is told to Lesiya, Lesiya will definitely use this identity to do something.

Rather than telling Lesia the truth and letting Lesia make a choice between him and her own ambitions, it would be better not to say anything, just like his promise to Detective Sparrow, and let this middle-aged man sleeping in a foreign country People get peace.

So, Shade decided to be the bad guy himself.

But even though he wanted to repay Detective Sparrow's kindness, Shade did not lie to Lesia. He told the incident from the perspective of a bystander, telling Lesia all the things he learned through touching the soul, feeling and recalling it.

Of course, Her Royal Highness the Princess could tell that "I saw someone" that Sha De said actually meant him.

The blonde girl held her face and tilted her head to look at Shade:

"It seems you have some little secrets you don't want me to know."

"I want to protect another person's reputation."

Shade said, hesitated, and then added:

"After Princess Margaret leaves, I will tell you what I concealed this time. I just hope you won't be too surprised. You will definitely be surprised."

"As long as your secret is not that you are actually a woman, nothing will surprise me."

Lecia said with a smile, reaching down with her hand, looking at Shade, and said softly:

"Hide a secret from your own princess, it is a knight's misconduct, and I will punish you."

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