Whispering Verse

Chapter 1027 The Devil and the Chosen One

This evening Princess Margaret's banquet was held at Canary Manor where she was staying. That manor belongs to the Cavendish royal family and is specially used to entertain foreign dignitaries. It is located in the north of Tobesk South District, close to the university district, and about 20 minutes' drive from Saint Teresa Square.

Shade didn't understand the reason why the vice-president of the Truth Society appeared at the Third National Mechanical College in the morning. In order to prevent her from appearing again at the evening banquet, he took advantage of the time in the afternoon and went to the Blackstone Security Company to find her. Yin Luna informed her about Miss Pavo's appearance.

Yin Luna then informed the church about the incident, so at the banquet held at Canary Manor that night, there were more ring warlocks from the church.

And when Shade entered Canary Manor at 6:30 in the evening, the heat of the badge on his chest reminded him that there was definitely not only one witch appearing here tonight.

Miss Carina is actually also at Canary Manor, but she probably won't show up at the banquet.

Although it is in an urban area, Canary Manor covers a large area. Shade has come here to "learn foreign languages" several times, so he is quite familiar with the internal situation of the manor.

Tonight's banquet was held in the banquet hall on the first floor. Although only the people who were in the lecture hall this morning were invited, in the end there were many people attending the banquet for various reasons. People seemed to regard this as a diplomatic banquet.

Although the bomb attack was still mentioned by people, people were more concerned about how the Latin American Principality would be punished later. Things of such a bad nature rarely happen in peaceful times. Even Queen Diana was shot in the street in the summer, but it did not have such a big impact.

Princess Margaret made an appearance at the beginning of the banquet, and then disappeared without knowing where she was. Count Herpos, who was in charge of the visiting delegation, was responsible for receiving the guests.

Shade did not see Miss Paavo appear again during the banquet. He wanted to find time to go upstairs to meet Miss Carina and ask the council if they remembered the past of Miss Schultz Theresa, but he just held the wine glass. After taking two steps towards the stairs, I saw Princess Margaret's personal maid walking over.

"Mr. Hamilton, did you see the man who dropped the note?"

Princess Margaret asked eagerly as soon as they met in the study room on the second floor. She desperately needed the surrender of the gray eagle, but since they met at Fort Midhill in the autumn, the gray eagle never contacted her again, and did not even collect the 1,000 pounds reward.

At this time, the mysterious ace agent appeared again, and Margaret Anjou knew that this was another opportunity.

"Oh, Your Highness, why do people always like to ask me this question?"

Shade shook his head:

"At noon at Ridwich Field, I almost didn't even eat lunch. If Miss Carina hadn't sent someone to take me out, I probably wouldn't have been able to attend the banquet tonight. So, what is going on? I found that people paid more attention to the note than the bomb."

"I'm really sorry, detective. I'm really sorry for involving you in this matter. I can't tell you the truth of the matter, and I can't involve you in this troublesome political whirlpool."

The princess pressed her forehead with her palm rather unladylikely:

"This matter is related to Gray Gloves and MI6. Mr. Hamilton, you should have heard of these two organizations. So, I'm sorry, I can't say too much. I can only tell you that the person who dropped the note was An amazing man.”

Shade nodded in agreement. He had always thought that Mr. Sparrow Hamilton was quite amazing. There was no need to doubt this.

"Again, I'm sorry for bringing you into this, and oh, I also want to thank you for finding that note."

"It's nothing. I involved you in the devil's matter, didn't you accept my apology?"

Shade said, taking a look at the study:

"The evil spirits of the Third Age will not threaten us for much longer. Don't worry, this matter will be resolved soon. But before that, I will still visit you once a day."

"No problem, we are friends. From now on, you can call me by my name directly."

The princess nodded and sent Shade to the door of the study. After Shade left, she patted her cheek. She thought of Shade who had just left, and sighed in her heart. She now understood why he could win the favor of the beautiful duchess:

"Handsome, powerful, steady in doing things, and has no bad habits. If I didn't want to be the teacher's apprentice, I would probably like this kind of person."

On the other side, Shade returned to the first floor from the second floor. At this time, the atmosphere of the banquet was very lively. He took another wine glass, then looked up among the guests and saw Dr. Schneider, who should never be here.


This often means weird things happen.

The doctor also wore a formal dress and attended the banquet. He stood at the window of the banquet hall holding a wine glass and looked at the people at the banquet with a very melancholy look. The six-ring warlock's senses are very keen. When Shade noticed him, the doctor quickly saw Shade.

The expression on the doctor's face at that moment was probably similar to Shade's.

The two people soon met at the window, both holding a glass of wine. Shade tilted his head and asked the doctor:

"Doctor, you don't want to say that the devil is at this party, do you?"

The doctor controlled his expression with a sullen face:

"Yes, isn't that why you came here?"

He asked with some surprise in his tone, and Shade was even more surprised:

"You found it, why did a man come here instead of informing me?"

"I didn't find it, I just suspected it was here."

The doctor lowered his voice and took a sip from the wine glass:

"Do you know why I haven't found it yet? It was injured more seriously than I thought and couldn't exist independently, so it was hiding in a human body. I found it once on Thursday. It was seriously injured again, but it was very cautious and immediately changed into a new body."

The evil spirits and demons of the Third Age have the ability to coexist with humans. This has been demonstrated whether it is the demon in the demonologist's story, the "arsonist" possessing the Balrog, or the "human pus". This can be regarded as a "racial talent".

"I definitely won't be able to catch it tonight. It's very good at escaping. I want to put a mark on it tonight so that it won't be able to escape next time."

The doctor drank the champagne in one gulp:

"The only trouble now is that I don't know who it's on, so I'm still looking for it."

When he was talking to Shade, his eyes were always fixed on the banquet hall.

Even Shade can't easily detect the possessed demon. When he first met Yinfan Darkness in Coldwater Port, Shade didn't notice anything strange about him until he took off his red gloves to reveal the "Devil's Mouth" on his palm.

Although Shade was wandering around with his badge and could detect who the devil was with his abnormal reactions, this would also make the other party realize that he had been discovered, and Dr. Schneider had no time to put a mark on it.

Therefore, finding the devil can only be done by doctors, and Shade can only wait for the doctor's good news.

So for the rest of the banquet, Shade stayed with Dr. Schneider. The doctor got the invitation from his patient and had no acquaintance at the banquet, so he and Shade acted together, listening to Shade and people talking about Rhodes cards, interesting things about the nobles, and the aftermath of this morning's incident.

By about nine o'clock in the evening, Shade had already gone to the Rhodes table and won three games in a row before the doctor coughed slightly.

He knew that the doctor had found his target, so he said goodbye to the baron who was playing cards with him, got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"found it."

The doctor’s words were concise and to the point:

"He is not a guest at the banquet. He has possessed the manor's servant. Come with me. You will restrain him for at least twenty seconds, and I can put a mark on it that will not disappear for at least a year."

Originally the doctor had to do this by himself, but now that Shade is here, it would be better to have someone help. And if the mark is placed, doctors are confident the matter will be over by next Tuesday.

Canary Manor is the residence of Princess Margaret, and guests attending the banquet are theoretically not allowed to enter other areas of the manor at will. But for Shade and the doctor, ordinary guards can't stop them. They just need to avoid the church's ring warlocks.

Shade followed the doctor and walked to the left along the corridor on the first floor. After passing through the corridor, he climbed out of the window and entered the area on the right side of the mansion. Then he passed through the evergreen bushes in winter, entered the stone path, and detoured all the way to the garden behind the manor.

Now in winter, even if the royal family pays for maintenance, the scenery of the garden is far less than that of midsummer. Next to the snowdrift under the grape trellis, the manservant who was being stared at by the doctor was actually talking to another person. The gentleman opposite the manservant who was possessed by the devil was very familiar to both Shade and the doctor. It turned out to be Lakins... Lord Prisha.

"Power? No, no, power is not so easy to obtain."

When Shade and the doctor lurked over cautiously, the conversation between the two had already begun for a while. Although there was a silencing spell on the ground, the doctor just poked it gently with his finger and the sound was transmitted. The Silence Charm is a basic spell, and although its effect is good, as long as the ring magicians discover the spell, they will naturally have ways to deal with it.

The one who was speaking was Sir Prisha. The doctor signaled Shade to be silent and he was about to cast a spell. Shade listened with his ears upright to the private conversation between the two people under the grape trellis, illuminated by the moonlight.

"Of course it's right to pursue power, but it depends on this."

Jazz pointed at his head in a stern tone:

"Instead of relying on something like you who doesn't know what it is."

The valet looked about thirty years old and was dressed very smartly, but the deliberate smile on his face was definitely not what a normal person could show:

"Do you know what great power you have?"

It asked, and Shade and the doctor immediately frowned, because this was actually a devil's language.

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