Whispering Verse

Chapter 1028 [Knowledge and Wisdom] The Talents of the Chosen

"The devil is tempting the chosen?"

Looking at this scene under the moon, Shade thought suspiciously that if the other party succeeded, it seemed that another Ivan Darkness would be born. But the chosen one of wisdom is not the chosen one of darkness. The former should not do such a thing, otherwise he would not be qualified to inherit "wisdom".

Sure enough, Sir Prisha snorted mockingly. He understood the cursed language:

"No wise man can explain himself, let alone me."

As he spoke, amidst the sound of whistles and bells, the life ring behind him slowly appeared in the steam mist. There is some discrepancy with the information provided by Miss Danister. He is not a fourth-ringed person but a fifth-ringed one. There are four rare core spirit runes——

[Moon of Guidance] [White Wing] [Book] and [Finger].

Shade's eyes widened when he saw the "Moon of Guidance". The four core spiritual runes simultaneously bloomed under the moon, as if they wanted to use them to oppress the manservant with a strange smile on his face.

The small mirror for collecting auras given by Daniste is on Shad's body, but collecting auras requires a range of 15 feet, so the conditions are not currently met.

The demon facing Sir Prisha smiled and shook his head:

"A true wise man will not use force to reason."

It seems unaffected at all:

"It was a complete accident to find you. I didn't originally participate in the Sixth Age epic plan. But now the situation is a little different. I can tell the truth, yes, I need you. I will dedicate everything to you, as long as you are willing Accommodate my soul. I humbly serve you as my Lord, if only you can protect me from my enemies."

Lykins Prisha took out a small, palm-sized book from the inside pocket of his coat. Throwing it back slightly, the small book "melted" into the rotating life ring.

The huge pages of the book were turning in the center of the life ring. On the life ring behind him, three enlightening spirit runes appeared out of thin air. This scene not only frightened Dr. Schneider, who was preparing to cast the spell, but also Shade.

Whispering in the ear:

[The title of the book is "Atlas of Practical Mechanisms and Devices for Mechanical Design". 】

"The three extra spiritual runes are [Power Welding] [Mechanical Fusion] [Brass Gear]."

Shade added in his mind, and then saw three brand new spiritual runes, which were responding to Jazz's miraculous spiritual rune [Dragon]. Even if the thaumaturgy created by the combination of four spiritual runes has not yet been activated, Shade can almost detect the strange power.

"Don't the witches feel what's going on here?"

[The power of the chosen ones is special, and they cannot feel it if they are too far away. 】

The doctor looked at the scene in front of him with his mouth open in surprise, and it took a long time before he continued to cast his spell. Shade suppressed his inner shock. Although he had known that most of the talents of the chosen ones were extremely unreasonable, compared to Iluna's "balanced power", Darkness's "dark vortex", and Barton's "extreme death" Friendly”, Lykins Prisha made the chosen one even more unreasonable.

"Fusing books directly to create new spiritual runes out of thin air?"

Shade couldn't even imagine that he actually had such a talent. But considering the scope of authority of the Ancient God [Secret Keeper], this kind of talent does not seem so exaggerated if you think about it carefully.

"Excellent strength."

The devil's language seemed extremely "smooth", and it was praising this strange talent:

"Do you really know what this power is?"

It asked softly, and the face of Sir Prisha, whose body was illuminated by the life circle, remained unchanged:

"Maybe one day I will get the answer from a true wise man, but it will definitely not be from you."

The manor servant wearing a white shirt and black trousers smiled and shook his head:

"The sooner you know, the better it is for you. You have obviously been trapped in the whirlpool of fate, but sadly you don't know it. Oh, young chosen one, you need me, just like I need you. "

The devil finally said the word "chosen one". These ancient beings seemed to know the epic of the Sixth Age, but at the same time they were also very taboo about it. If it had not been forced into desperation, it would not have chosen to meet Sir Prisha

"The Chosen One?"

Sir Prisha's expression remained unchanged, and the four resonant spiritual runes had almost activated thaumaturgy. Under the vast starry sky, Shade and Dr. Schneider, who had almost completed preparations to cast the spell, saw the shadow of a multi-headed gear mechanical dragon flash past at the same time.

The two people hiding in the grass were silent and looked at each other, clearly seeing each other's expressions.

"I don't care what you are."

Sir Prisha shook his head:

"Please shut your mouth, sir. You have two choices now. Fight with me here until you alert the church ring warlock who protects the princess; or turn around and leave, as if we have never met tonight."

"Leave? Aren't you worried that I will expose your secret?"

The corners of the devil's mouth curved in a way that normal people couldn't:

"I see your desire, your ambition. Knowledge is the source of your human progress, but it is also a bottomless ravine more terrifying than the abyss. How many wrong things have you done for your desire for knowledge?"

Shade glanced at the doctor again and found that the doctor was also looking at him. Both of them realized that they might hear "big news" next, but it was obvious that they could not retreat at this time.

"I will bear the consequences of what I have done, and you don't need to point it out."

The four-color spiritual light on the rotating brass-colored wheel seemed to be overflowing at this moment. But this is still a deterrent, and Lykins Prisha has no intention of taking action here.

"Oh, is it so?"

The devil chuckled:

"Maybe the people around you think you are a decent and intelligent gentleman, but I know very well that you can abandon anyone for your own intellectual curiosity. Yes, anyone."

It narrowed its eyes slightly:

"The reason why you haven't taken the wrong path so far is simply because you haven't encountered any knowledge that is worth giving up on everything. Your wisdom allows you to control your behavior very well. But you know, what I have knowledge?”

It nodded its head again, and Sir Prisha's expression finally changed slightly this time:

"You are not the first person to seduce me, nor the first person to threaten me, but those people in the past have all disappeared."

"It's not easy to maintain a balance between the Serkses Medical School and the Apna Library, isn't it?"

The devil asked with a smile:

"Maybe you don't have to accept me completely right away, why don't we play a little game. I give you part of my power, and you can try to accept it and feel it. If you are not willing to have this power, even if I lose, I will leave; if you are willing to accept it, I win, and then I will devote all my strength to you."

It took out a blue spar from its pocket that both Shade and Dr. Schneider were familiar with, and wiped the surface of the spar with his fingers, revealing a hint of darkness in the blue light traces.

The spar was handed to Sir Prisha, who shook his head slightly, looked at the spar and said softly:

"A wise man's pyroxene that can only be given once? What a coincidence, I also have two. One was obtained more than ten years ago, and the other was obtained not long ago. A human-shaped relic allowed me to find the precious book I lost."

Shade in the grass said with a sullen face and pursed lips:

"I have one, Iluna has one, Sir Prisha has two, and the devil has one... That's five."

"But although knowledge is important, unfortunately, my wisdom tells me that knowledge is also weighty. Although I am thirsty for knowledge, I have always been very cautious, yes, quite cautious. I did conceal some dangerous past, but those are all worth it."

Sir Prisha didn't know what he thought of, and chuckled:

"You're not an evil spirit from the Third Age, are you? I admit that you impressed me, but unfortunately, I'm a timid person by nature. Leave, don't force me to do anything."

The manservant bent down slightly and left the pyroxene on the ground:

"Aren't you curious, what secrets of yours do I know? Those dirty, dishonorable, and even disgusting ones..."


Amidst the astonishing roar of the dragon, a multi-headed gear mechanical dragon with nine dragon heads appeared and materialized from the starry sky. Nine slender brass-colored gear necks were intertwined with each other, and together they spit out pitch-black flames downwards.

Lykins Prisha stood under the grape trellis and watched this scene with a cold face. After the dragon breathed out, the manservant had disappeared, leaving only Victor Fannie standing there.

It bent slightly and saluted Sir Prisha:

"The Chosen One, I respect your opinion. I will leave here. As for this [Wise Man's Pyroxene]..."

It points to the spar on the ground:

"There is some knowledge here that you will be interested in. You can choose to take it, or turn a blind eye. This is a gift I give to you in my personal name, so others cannot get it."

It said with a smile, and then slowly backed away until it retreated into the grass under the grape trellis.

"Circumstances change."

Seeing the demon leave, the doctor spoke almost immediately, and he also dropped the Silence Charm:

"Shad, you temporarily block Lykins Prisha, and you must not let him get close to me. Half a minute is enough, I will chase that devil!"

Shade knew why Dr. Schneider suddenly changed his plan, and the doctor was also frightened by Sir Prisha:

"no problem."

He took out the camouflage rune stone given by Miss Rita Swift, the young apprentice of Cassandra's mother-in-law, and pressed it into the palm of his hand. With the strange feeling of running water covering his whole body, Shade's whole body grew taller. , the clothes and face on his body were all deformed like plasticine being kneaded:

"Thirty seconds!"

Shade said to the doctor.

The middle-aged knight from the southern country had finished his conversation with the devil and was looking at the pyroxene on the ground hesitantly. Suddenly the grass shook twice, and in his surprised eyes, two unknown figures emerged from the grass.


ps: The author is not a poker player.


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