Whispering Verse

Chapter 1029: The Aura of Acquisition

Doctor Schneider did not get close to Jazz, but relied on Shade's body to block the opponent's line of sight, and rushed directly to the east of the Demon's Vanishing Garden. Shade met Lykins Prisha head-on. At the same time that the opponent's life ring that had just disappeared reappeared, Shade stopped less than five meters away from the opponent.

This distance means that the two sides are quite close. Shade took out Miss Danister's alchemy tool in one hand and pointed it at the life ring behind Sir Prisha. In the other hand, the silver moonlight was surging, and he could do it at any time. Shoots a moonlight slash forward:

"Sir, don't move."

Shade said, calculating the time in his mind. Miss Danister's alchemy tool will take thirty seconds to complete the collection of aura.

Facing the small mirror in the hands of a stranger, Sir Prisha, as a ring warlock, was of course extremely nervous. The spiritual runes on his life ring behind him were glowing, which was more conducive to Sha De's collection.

"and who are you?"

Jazz asked, glancing at the [Wise Man's Pyroxene] left by the demon on the ground. Shade was far away from the pyroxene, because the direction in which he rushed out of the grass had an obtuse arc with the direction in which the demon was standing just now:

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to make sure you don't interrupt my companions' next actions."

Shade said, shaking the mirror in his hand:

"This is a very powerful relic, but it won't hurt you. It just makes sure you don't move around."

In fact, mirrors have no offensive power at all.

Lakins Pulsha looked at him suspiciously:

"I didn't expect so many strange people to show up tonight, but I have to admit that your moonlight is quite pure. It just so happens that I am also good at moonlight thaumaturgy."

He kicked out suddenly, and the orange blade of light flew along the ground. But at the same time, Shade also kicked out. The "Moonlight Slash" representing the silver moonlight and the "Moonlight Slash" representing the yellow moonlight met between the two people and almost completely offset each other.

But Shade didn't use all his strength, and Sir Prisha only made tentative moves. Both of them understood each other's attitude clearly, so no one made any further movements. After forty seconds passed, Shade made a gesture of invitation, and Sir Prisha stretched out his hand to let the piece of demon stay. The pyroxene flew into his hand, then turned and left in the other direction.

He didn't have to worry that Shade would reveal his secrets. After all, Shade at this time didn't look like a decent person who would be trusted by the church, and the demon just now didn't reveal any of his secrets.

"He still took the pyroxene, and now he has three pieces in his hand. The devil said that this man did something wrong and rejected the devil for his desire for knowledge, but he also has his own secrets. Is he a good person or a bad person? Sure enough, we still need to investigate. "

Shade thought to himself as he watched Jazz disappear into the garden:

"The devil gained power by provoking people's desires, so regardless of whether Sir Prisha accepted its power or not, the devil had already made a profit the moment he picked up the pyroxene."

[What knowledge do you think the devil gave him? 】

"The knowledge of the chosen ones, and it is incomplete knowledge. If you want more, you can only go to the devil again."

Shade thought to himself, looking at the small mirror in his hand, with a smile on his lips. After putting the mirror away, just as he was about to go find Dr. Schneider, the doctor himself walked out of the grass.

There were blades of grass hanging on his body, and he looked slightly injured. His right eye seemed to have been punched, and his coat was stained with soil and muddy water from melted snow:

"No problem!"

Dr. Schneider looked even happier than Shade:

"After it's marked, it won't be able to escape. Shade, wait for good news from me before next Monday, it won't be able to escape!"

"Jazz left too."

Shade glanced back at the direction the other party left:

"Doctor, do you want to return to the party with me? Or are you leaving now?"

"It would be conspicuous to leave now, so I'll stay a little longer."

The doctor smiled and said:

"I'll just find a corner and have a few drinks. Tonight went really smoothly, no big accidents occurred. Shade, when this matter is over, you must have a few drinks with me. However, the conversation we just heard Just pretend you haven't heard it, and don't get involved in this kind of thing casually. But I really didn't expect that an elegant person like Sir Prisha also has secret wisdom in him that makes people greedy. Knowledge is something that is longed for, and seeking knowledge is really the original sin of mankind. .”

The doctor in a good mood sighed, and Shade nodded. In fact, the doctor didn't understand what the news they just heard meant.

Although Shade was eager to go home and tell Miss Danister the good news at this moment, Dr. Schneider was right, leaving at this time would be very conspicuous.

So he and the doctor returned to the banquet hall one after another. Nothing special happened after the banquet. But when the banquet was about to end, the two witches called Shade to the top and asked him about the devil. It's not because of [Prank Boy's] Wise Man's Stone, but because he's worried about Shade's safety.

Now there are three pyroxenes in the hands of Kings Prisha, and two in the hands of Shade and Yin Luna. Other forces in the city, including the three major colleges that have entered the local area but have not yet appeared, may also have them.

The story of the fourth chosen one seems to be coming to an end, and Shade hopes that this incident will not delay his end-of-year exams.

This banquet, where nothing seemed to happen, ended at ten o'clock in the evening, and the guests left in an orderly manner.

Although it was already very late when he got home, Shade still wrote a letter excitedly and passed it to Miss Denister through the poem pages.

The collection of the "Guiding Moon" aura cannot be known by the academy, so Shade tactfully stated in the letter that the academy bounty he accepted for Miss Danister had made significant progress.

He thought it was so late that the thirteen-ring sorceress would have rested and would probably not reply to him until tomorrow morning. Unexpectedly, less than thirty seconds after I finished writing the letter and sent it away, a new letter was sent over:

[Prepare the projection ceremony and meet me in five minutes. 】

If it weren't for the extra preparation required for the projection ceremony, she might have had Shade appear immediately.

Anyway, Shade, who arranged the ceremony with Dorothy's help, went to the St. Byrons Library again that night.

But this time after the ceremony began, he found that the location he was in was not in the central open space of the library facing the sofa, but in an ancient room that had never been there before.

It is said to be ancient because the traces of time on the stone bricks on the walls seem to be left over from the previous era, and the lighting here actually relies on torches and old-style kerosene lamps.

The room was not big, almost the same as Shade's master bedroom. Surrounded by bookshelves made of gray stone tiles, the ground is an uneven long stone floor, and some very old cabinets are placed throughout the room.

The projected state does not have complete sense of smell and touch, but Shade can simply imagine the corruption and coldness of this environment.

In addition to the unexpected environment, the other two of the four seats required for the projection ceremony were not for students to help this time. Instead, there were two dolls wearing one red and one blue shabby dress. When facing them, the doll turned its head "shyly".

In short, this seems to still be part of the library, but it is obviously not a place where ordinary students should come.

The light from the kerosene lamp and torch was a little dim. Miss Danister, who was sitting opposite Shade, looked at him and suppressed her inner impatience:

"Have you collected the aura?"

"Yes, done tonight. How am I supposed to get that mirror to St. Byrons?"

In order to prevent being discovered by the academy, Shade's hands could not pass through the pages of the poem manuscript when entering or exiting the mirror.

A smile appeared on the sorceress's face for a moment, but she controlled her expression very well:

"I'll give you an address. You can put the mirror in the box and mail it there tomorrow. No, tomorrow morning, someone will go to your place in person to pick up the mirror. Very good, Mr. Hamilton, you did a very good job. !”

She seemed to be unable to control her emotions, her face flushed, and her tone unconsciously became more eager:

"I thought there would be some twists and turns, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon."

Biting her lip:

"Very good, you are better than I thought."

Although Shade didn't think this was an impossible task, being praised at this moment still made him feel good:

"Speaking of which, here it is"

"Oh, this is the underground area of ​​the library."

Miss Danister said with a smile. The sorceress in a good mood didn't mind telling Shade something he shouldn't know:

"Even I dare not say that I know exactly how many books are collected in the college library. Some dangerous books are not suitable for opening to students, and some are even not suitable for opening to anyone at all. So when the library was first established, The original administrator and Principal Myrna Feliana designed an area to store forbidden books, and the area and number of forbidden books have always been a secret. I was looking for something here just now, and it was a bit difficult to return to the ground from the restricted area. It’s a waste of time, so I arranged the projection ceremony directly here.”

"The restricted area of ​​the library can actually be penetrated by the projection ritual?"

"Of course not, but I am the librarian and I have permission."

The sorceress smiled and then pointed around:

"This place is very dangerous, even more dangerous than the area where relics are stored in the School of Library Management. When you become the administrator in the future, I will tell you what exactly is here."

Shade is not very concerned about the value of this place now. He is actually wondering whether the last stone tablet containing the time perception enhancement ritual is in these forbidden book areas.

"You have done a good job in this matter. Regardless of whether the aura is useful or not, I will help you satisfy the practical credits you need to skip the grade."

Miss Danister said, seeing Shade observing the surroundings carefully, she said again:

"Is there any knowledge you want? Or an expensive thaumaturgy you like? Ask me now. As an administrator, I still have this authority."

Shade raised his eyebrows and suddenly realized something. On the premise that he had already obtained the first two slates, he did not have to worry about other accidents. In fact, he could just ask the lady to trade the slates.

The reason why he didn't tell Miss Danister about this at first was because Shade didn't know the specific shape of the stone slab he was looking for, and he obviously couldn't say "God left me a stone slab." But now, he doesn't need to describe the function and history, he already knows the specific appearance of the last stone slab.

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