Whispering Verse

Chapter 1031 Snow Mountain in Blizzard

Early on Sunday morning, the blonde girl was still sleeping, while Shade, who got up early as usual, had packed up his belongings and was ready to set off for a new adventure.

The new key obtained from Dr. Schneider corresponded to which year in the Fifth Epoch. Shade did not find anyone to identify it. After all, knowing the year would not help him.

The cat, who was awakened by Shade getting up, seemed to want to follow him to the past time this time. It's just that this is the first time a new key has been opened. Shade is not sure what will happen at that point in time, so he rejects Xiao Mia.

So it lay pitifully on the sofa and watched Shade getting ready to set off, with an aggrieved expression as if Shade was about to abandon it.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll be back in three seconds."

Shade said to Mia, feeling that the cat is getting smarter and smarter.

He tightened the scarf around his neck, patted the heavy cotton clothes on his body, and then inserted the key into the keyhole of the side bedroom door:

"May the World Tree protect me in time."


He stepped into the white mist door again.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[Winter 903 of the Fifth Age, Northern Continent, Silver Mountains. 】

[Event: Lost in the Snow Mountain. 】

[Duration is forty minutes (1/3). 】

"It's not thirty minutes this time, it's forty minutes? You're actually back to the Northern Continent again? Hope Town - 1068, Forest of a Thousand Trees - 3002, Dreadfort - 1784, Night Manor - 3014, Valley of Death -3024, Lost Lake -5177, this time 903"

Shade stood in the white mist. The year 903 of the Fifth Epoch was the earliest year of the Fifth Epoch that he had ever come into contact with. In this era, it is impossible for all his acquaintances to appear. Even the witch who awakened after listening to his knowledge in the toy store in Hope Town must not have been born yet.

"But what does 'lost in the snowy mountains' mean?"

The voice in my ears continued as expected:

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[The ancient god of time gives you a test. 】

[Assist the god ‘Winter Maid’ to escort the lost people to the top of the mountain. 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: Thaumaturgy - Light of Confinement, and Curse - Flying Flower Curse. 】

"The reward this time is a thaumaturgy and a spell? That's really good. However, the old god [Winter Maiden]"

Shade frowned slightly in the white mist. This god was quite famous, and could even be said to be second only to the five righteous gods in terms of popularity. Even though he has left, this god still has a higher reputation than most evil gods.

This is not because this old god is very powerful, but because the power represented by this old god is "winter". The Old God [Winter Maiden] is also known as the "God of Winter and Snow". Worship and prayer for this god who symbolizes the seasons still exist thousands of years after the departure of the old god. Even in the Great Northern Ice Cap region in 1853 of the Sixth Age, churches and shrines of this god can still be found, and her followers and cults are still active.

The order of the old god "Winter Maid" is called the "Winter Choir". Although the order itself is very small, there is a thirteen-ring warlock "Winter Singer" in it. She is a very talented person. The Ring Warlock. This sect is similar to the Pantanal Voodoo Society, which only operates in specific areas; its behavior pattern is similar to the [Spiritual Cult], remaining neutral on most things.

The reason why Shade had heard of this sect was because the "Winter Hymns" had a good relationship with St. Byrons Comprehensive College, which was also located in the far north. This organization was highlighted in the first-year college general education. If in the future the five members of the team cross the great ice cap of the Far North, endure the severe cold and enter the snowfield in the polar day and night, then this organization will be the most likely to help them when they encounter danger.

"This adventure hasn't even begun yet, but it's already involved in the future."

Shade thought silently in his heart, and then took a step forward.


As the white mist dispersed, he fell directly into the snow.

The tree father did not move Shade into the sky, but let him set his feet on the snow. But the problem was that the snow on the ground was so thick that Shade fell directly below the snow surface without any preparation, and the snow layer even covered his shoulders:

"Where have I been?"

The extremely cold temperature was quickly taking away Shade's body temperature. He struggled to crawl out of the snow, but when he looked up, he saw the terrifying dark sky. The ink-colored sky was not pure black. Colorful traces flowed in the ink black, as if there was an invisible and terrifying existence trembling in the heights of the night.

The wind swept the snowflakes across everything around, but it was not that there was no light source around. On the contrary, everything around was a light source. Whether it was the snow or the snowflakes in the air, they all exuded a holy silvery white color. This also made him see that he seemed to be on a gentle slope somewhere in the snow-capped mountains, surrounded by fine layers of pure white snow. When the foreigner was young, he was very keen to leave his footprints on this soft and flat snow layer, but now he is not in the mood to do such a thing:

"Silver-white snow? No wonder it's called the Silver Mountains. I thought it was rich in silver."

The towering peaks are not far away in the dark night, and the rolling mountains cannot be seen at a glance. All this was really spectacular, but Shade had no time to appreciate the "beautiful scenery" of the snowy mountains. He felt that his limbs were close to a semi-numb state.

According to his physical condition and the thickness of his warm clothes, he shouldn't have experienced such severe hypothermia in such a short period of time. There must be something wrong with these silvery-white snows, just like other locations and environments in the time adventure.

It is not easy to climb out of such a thick layer of snow. Even if you climb out, you will sink again without a good way. Fortunately, there was a large rock protruding out of the snow not far away. The trembling Shadri used "Large Leap" to directly transfer to the rock.

"Silver Mountains" is different from Lost Lake. The use of space power is not prohibited here.

Although every time you come to the past time, you will definitely be in a dangerous situation first, but this time the environment is definitely the worst. Shade, who was shivering from the cold, huddled on the stone and looked around, trying to find traces of gods or mortals.

And when his eyes followed the gentle slope and looked towards the mountain ridge, scarlet light lit up little by little in the darkness behind the mountain ridge. A giant thing that melted into the darkness and was taller than this mountain peak was slowly approaching the mountain crest.

The door of time seems to be opening here, and the ancient evil thing trapped in the snowy mountains is projecting its true posture in the material world.

At that moment, Shade really felt that his whole soul was stiff. He forced himself to look away, but found that the power of the ancient snow mountain evil did not allow him to do so at all. The power of the ancient evil thing is the most powerful power outsiders have ever seen in this world, except for gods.

The giant creature that had existed in the Silver White Mountains for an unknown amount of time seemed to have noticed him. But before Shade can try to escape, a figure climbs the ridge.

It was a girl whose whole body exuded pure white light. She was wearing a white robe and her long silver hair was flying with the wind and snowflakes. She stood barefoot on the mountain ridge. Her back was to Shade and she was facing behind the mountain ridge. In the terrifying darkness, he raised the white oak staff in his right hand:

"Lighting Technique!"

The pure white light erupted from the top of the long staff, illuminating part of the terrifying body in the darkness. The evil thing in the snow mountain made a cry similar to "Ang~" that made the wind tremble.

As blood flowed from the corner of Shade's mouth, it receded in the light, but the snowflakes were still flying, and the cold did not leave this strange mountain range.

Shade wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling that he was probably shocked by the scream. He looked at the scene in front of him in shock, discovering for the first time that there were others who could use the "Light Technique" as well as himself.

But he soon understood why the other party was able to show such amazing power, because the cold and dull senses reminded Shade that he was watching a god.

The girl in white robe on the mountain ridge turned around and noticed Shade. But the god did not approach him. Instead, he pointed to his feet, and then walked barefoot along the mountain crest toward the left side of Shade's field of vision. There was an upward slope in that direction, which was also the highest peak of the mountain range. direction.

"Point to your feet?"

Shade, who was huddled on the big rock, looked at the glowing snow around him. The knowledge of the stranger's hometown told him that any object that could shine independently without being stimulated was very dangerous, and the knowledge of this world told him that autonomous Luminous objects connote transcendence and mystery.

He grabbed a handful of glowing snow with his hands and had to admit that they were indeed beautiful:

"What's this?"

A murmur sounded in my ears:

【This is a handful of snow. 】

"Yeah, I know, I mean elemental traces."

[All four elements are present, but very weak. 】

"As long as it's not poisonous."

Not long ago, he had speculated whether Mia would lick the snow, but Shade didn't expect that he would actually do it so quickly. He opened his mouth and took a bite of the cold snow. The silvery white snowflakes melted in his mouth and went down his throat and into his stomach.

The coldness of the cold made Shade freeze instantly. When he recovered from the stiffness, he did not feel the warmth. Instead, he felt that the coldness was more serious, but he also adapted to the cold.

[Foreigners, within half an hour, when you walk barefoot on the snow, you will not fall into the snow. When you communicate with people in a snowy mountain environment, you can understand each other's language. 】

So Shade took off his shoes and jumped down from the big stone with bare feet:


A chill ran through his heart from the soles of his feet to his whole body, but he was really standing on the snow.

He raised his arms in front of his face and bent slightly. In this blizzard, Shade walked up the snow slope towards the mountain crest.

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