Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,032 The Witch of the Sanctuary


The wind and snow were strong, and although the god was barefoot, he did not leave any footprints on the snow.

Shade could only chase forward along the direction of the ridge. Fortunately, the tree father would not throw him too far away. After a while, he saw the light of the flames under the ridge.

It almost rolled down the snow surface - it was faster this way, and on the downhill side, there stood a stone that didn't know where it came from and was mostly covered in snow. The fire was coming from behind the stone, which was a nice shelter from the wind.

When Shade walked over, he even found that people around the campfire had used dead branches, cloth and ice to build a small shelter based on stones.

The sound of his bare feet walking on the snow made the three people who were as numb as corpses by the campfire in the drafty shelter turn to look at him.

The first thing that Shade noticed was not that the witch actually agreed to the man hiding with her. The first thing that he noticed was that the silver-haired god just now was not here.

There was very little snow behind the rocks, and a bonfire was placed on the ground. Two ladies and a man huddled around the bonfire, hunkering down to try not to expose themselves to the wind and snow. The snow blowing in from the cracks of this simple shelter covered the ground with a thin layer of frost. The three people who watched Shade coming were all expressionless. Even after Shade got into their "shelter", he used his body to The three of them did not speak as they blocked the largest air leak.


Shade greeted hesitantly and stretched out his hand to let the bonfire warm him. The flame that can be ignited here is of course not an ordinary flame, nor is it a bonfire created by the witch's secret technique or even the Mystery Lock. The fire itself is some kind of powerful item. The first fire in Shade's body was stirring, obviously wanting to devour the flame. But it is a pity that the real "original fire" is in Sister Devlin, and Shade is only the residual fire given by the nun. He cannot swallow this flame.

No one paid any attention to Shade. The three of them just looked at him. This scene was very strange. Shade shrunk his body and warmed his palms against the fire, and whispered:

"Ladies, and this gentleman, I don't really understand the situation. How about we introduce ourselves?"

He first pointed to himself:

"I am a stranger, from a far away place, lost in a snowstorm."

He pointed his finger at the flame, and relied on the "Fire Plasticity" spell to make the flames in the bonfire jump upwards. At the same time, Shade also realized that the burning of the flame actually relied on mental power. The expressions of the three people present were so numb now. In addition to the influence of the environment, maintaining the flame burning was also one of the reasons.

"You see, although I am not a witch, a great witch did some small experiments on me, which resulted in me possessing some special abilities."

He explained casually.

Only one of the two ladies is a witch and the other is an ordinary person. The witch was not the older lady, but a girl who looked to be around eighteen or nineteen years old.

She has unusual silver hair and red-gold eyes, which is similar to a mixture of red and gold. This hair color and eye color are not natural and should be caused by occult research.

The witch was wrapped in a blanket made of unknown white fur, and she was sitting in the most sheltered position of this simple shelter:

"Witch Chloe, Zarath Academy."

Her voice was a little cold, but at least the alert look she looked at Shade showed her humanity:

"Man, what are you talking about? If the witch's experiments can give men extraordinary abilities, then the Fifth Age will no longer be the Fifth Age."

She paused:

"No matter who you are, please listen now. One of the three of us is possessed by a demon, but no one knows who it is. We may not even know if it is us... You Is it a devil?"

"No, no, I am not an evil spirit from the third era."

Shade immediately shook his head, then stretched out his finger to light up the light:

"Silver Moon."

The holy silver light attracted the attention of the three people, and they all looked at the moonlight blankly. There is no moon here, and the few people trapped in the mountains have not seen the moonlight for who knows how long.

"Look, even if a demon can fake moonlight, it cannot be so pure. Are you a witch from Zarath Academy? Oh, I also have friends in Zarath Academy."

But Miss Becky Samuel, who appeared in the Valley of Death together with Miss Olanold and Miss Fiona Drago, was three thousand years in the future.

Witch Chloe nodded:

"Man, you don't have to get close to me. Listen, the three of us want to go to the top of the mountain for different purposes. I want the ice on the top of the mountain. I need the material for experiments. Our team originally had nineteen people. But after the accident, there are only three of us left. If you are not afraid of danger, then stay, but we will not leave here until we find the devil."

If the devil suddenly attacks in a snowstorm, the three of them will definitely die, so her decision is negative but very rational.

"A very sensible decision."

Shade praised, and the witch snorted and ignored him.

"Hello, sir, my name is Marcus Marquez, you can call me Mrs. Marquez. I was originally a follower of another witch, but my master has died on the way... ..I will continue her wish and keep going.”

Mrs. Marquez looks to be in her late thirties, with some imperceptible freckles on her face, slender limbs, and a headscarf.

"What wish?"

Shade asked curiously, and the witch on the other side snorted again:

"Witness the highest peak of the Silver Mountains and leave your own footprints on it. The unlucky lady disappeared into the team at some point, and we only found her boots. Marquez took her boots away, He said he wanted to fulfill her wish on her behalf."

"That's right, it's really admirable."

Shade sighed slightly and finally looked at the man huddled in the corner. Shade met many men in the fifth era, such as the boy from Hope Town, the "luckiest mortal" Mr. Riddle, the king who was poisoned to death at the god's banquet, and the man who once held the "Demon Hunting Seal" elder.

The man they met this time was different from them. He looked about the same age as Shade, and there was a red mark on his left cheek. Huddled in the corner, which is the worst place behind the big rock. After being looked at by Shade, he immediately lowered his head. The man had no intention of introducing himself.

"he is......"

"The Exile."

It was still the young witch who looked only eighteen years old speaking:

"Looking at the marks on his face, it means that he stole something in the witch's territory and was exiled here. We just met him not long ago. Considering that there might be a need to explore the path or use him as a bait, we took him He stayed."

Shade nodded, having a preliminary understanding of the composition of these lost people.

The light of the bonfire gradually became stronger with Shade's arrival. The firelight illuminated four faces. In the depths of the snow-capped mountains blown by the strong wind, the lost people seemed to have their own thoughts.

Shade did not ask about the so-called demonic possession first, but instead asked:

"Did you see a woman with bare feet, wearing a white robe, and holding a white oak staff?"

Miss Chloe, the witch, was wrapped in a blanket and shook her head slightly:

"We are the only ones here. But, now that I have answered your question, then..."

As she said that, she suddenly reached out and grabbed Shade's wrist. She was a little surprised that Shade didn't resist. After feeling it for a moment, she let go and looked at her palm, and her tone became slightly lighter and said:

"Look, I knew you weren't a man."

The red-gold eyes looked at Shade again, and when he saw no reaction from him, he snorted again.

Shade did not comment on this, but when the two came into contact, he knew that this young-looking witch was actually already at the eleventh level:

"You know the god of winter."

"Of course I do, what's the problem?"

Miss Chloe asked again, tightening her white fur.

It's interesting to say that all the witches Shade has seen in the past are very tall. Even the apprentices who partially inherited the witch's power are taller than normal women of the same age. But the Miss Chloe in front of him was just the opposite. Initially, Shade thought he had misjudged her because she was shrinking, but at this time, he was sure that the height of the other person was indeed a little lower than the average level.

The way he was squirming while wrapped in a white blanket made Shade want to laugh for some reason, but luckily he held it back.

"no problem."

Shade shook his head, knowing that the god did not appear around the three of them, or that the three of them had forgotten something:

"I still have some warm clothes here. "

As he spoke, he took out the toys from his pocket, turned the toys into real objects and distributed them to the three of them. The witch Miss Chloe watched him cast spells while thanking him. Although Mrs. Marquez didn't know who Shade was, she confirmed that he had the ability to cast spells and became more respectful.

As for the unknown exile in the corner, although he accepted the warm clothes, he still did not speak.

"Maybe the god is hiding among the three of them."

Shade thought about this possibility again. After all, something similar happened in the Forest of a Thousand Trees, and Miss Chloe's hair color was very similar to the god's hair color.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems impossible. Among the current three people, only Miss Chloe matches the appearance of that god. The other two are ordinary people, but Miss Chloe looks very curious about him. It doesn't look like a manifestation of a god.

Warm clothing is helpful, but not particularly helpful, against the cold temperatures of the Silver Mountains. What really helped them were the pots, pans, salt, sugar and daily necessities that Shade took out. There was not much luggage left for the group.

Although it is okay for an eleventh-level witch to miss a few months of food, if possible, no one wants to rely on snow water to satisfy their hunger and thirst.

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