Whispering Verse

Chapter 1033 Snow Mountain Evil Spirit

The pot was quickly placed over the campfire, and Mrs. Marquez cooked the vegetables that Shade had brought and simply sprinkled them with salt. The fire was brighter than when Shade came, and the improvement in mental state could be effectively fed back through the flames.

The strong firelight can illuminate the faces of everyone huddled in this small shelter, but considering that there is a terrifying snow-capped mountain evil spirit here, the four faces illuminated by the light seem to be a little abominable.

"Can't you just leave here?"

"You really don't know?"

Miss Chloe held the teacup and sipped the hot tea. Her attitude towards Shade obviously improved a lot:

"Only by climbing to the highest peak of the Silver Mountains can it be possible to leave this weird area. There is no concept of time here, the space is extremely chaotic, and countless ancient evil things live there."

After a pause:

“The black tea is very tasteful.”

When the color returned to her face, the charm of the witch was revealed almost immediately. Red-gold eyes stared at Shade, and that familiar looking look reminded Shade of many people.

"In addition to ancient evil objects, there are countless things in this snow mountain that mortals cannot imagine. Demons, relics, and even the snow mountain elves who are said to help the lost will mimic the appearance of humans to help the survivors."

As he spoke, he looked at Shade. Shade, who was still reaching for the fire, looked around to make sure there were no "magical elves" around him. The "snow mountain elves" she refers to are not a race of elves like Miss Olanold, but a strange "spirit"-like creature:

"I'm human."

Shade emphasized.


Miss Chloe nodded:

"No matter what the purpose is, the three of us have to climb to the highest peak of the Silver Mountains. Sir, if you are really here to help us, then use your wisdom to find out who among us is. Who is possessed by the evil spirit of the snowy mountains.”

The evil spirits and demons that originated in the Third Age are very good at hiding. Even Shade can't find them easily. Fortunately, he has other ways:

"Try this."

He took out three more glass vials, which were made by Priest Augustus and were very close to No. 3 Holy Water and No. 4 Holy Water:

"Drink it and you should have a reaction if you are possessed by a demon."

He handed the glass bottles to the three of them, and Miss Chloe shook the bottles:

"Holy water?"

Shade did not expect that witches had already heard of holy water at the beginning of the fifth era.

"It's indeed a good idea."

The witch drank the liquid first and seemed to have no reaction. Mrs. Marquez, who was making vegetable soup, also drank the holy water, but also had no reaction. Although the timid man did not speak, he also knew that if he did not do this, he would definitely be thrown out directly. But after he drank the liquid, he still remained normal.

The strong wind howled in the mountains, and the snow fell heavier and heavier. The four people in the light of the bonfire looked at the other people in this small space. The shadows of the four people were reflected on the canvas and branches, which made the shadows look extremely terrifying.

In the jumping firelight, Shade also drank the holy water to prove that he was fine. He regretted that the [Night Watch] and [Demon Hunting Seal] could not be brought here. No matter how good the devil was at hiding, he could not hide from these two relics.

"Ma'am, do you have any ideas?"

Feeling the coldness rising again, Shade asked Miss Chloe again. The young witch shook her head slightly:

"If I had a good idea, we would have solved the problem before you showed up."

After speaking, he hesitated again:

"However, since you just mentioned the god of winter, maybe we can rely on the power of that great one to identify demons."

"Are you going to hold a god-summoning ceremony?"

Shade asked in a low voice, and Miss Chloe immediately shook her head:

"Do you think too highly of me? Although I am a believer of that god, I am only at the eleventh level. And do you think I have decent ritual materials around me?"

She squirmed forward, bringing herself closer to the fire. Shade didn't know how long this witch had been living in this snowy mountain. Her hair was messy, her lips were slightly white, and her miserable look was something Shade had never seen on other witches.

"You seem to be thinking about something very rude."

The witch looked at the pot of fragrant vegetable soup:

"We cannot hold a god-calling ceremony, but we can call for the gaze of the gods. This silver mountain range is very special. In this environment, only a few great ones will respond to the call of mortals. And the god of winter, 'Winter Maiden', He is currently the most easily attracted god to us.”

She ordered Mrs. Marquez to serve her a bowl of hot soup:

"The ritual requires a lot of spirit. I can't perform the ritual, but fortunately I still have you. Under the gaze of that god, the devil will have no way to hide."

"How exactly will the ceremony be held?"

Shade asked immediately. The howling wind suddenly became louder at this moment, and the terrifying "Woo~" sound made the four people subconsciously tighten their bodies. The wind blowing in from the air leakage of the "shelter" caused the bonfire to sway. Also under the trembling firelight, the four faces had different expressions.

"Glittering snow as an offering."

The witch said softly, looking at the other people in this small space with her golden eyes:

"The blood of zeal guides."

The strong wind that kept roaring across the snow-capped mountains made her voice grow deeper.

"Immaculate ice as an altar."

The campfire that was continuing to heat vegetable soup suddenly became dim, and the surrounding light quickly diminished. Before darkness truly fell, Shade heard the last words:

"A mortal's wish is the most sincere calling."

【careful. 】

The murmur in his ears and the danger he instinctively sensed together prompted Shade to twist his body subconsciously, and something like a bullet brushed against Shade's cheek with huge kinetic energy. And just as Sha De lit up the silver light on his fingertips, the fire light came back on, and all three people except Sha De fell down.

The witch clutched her chest and leaned against the big stone with half-closed eyes. The bowl of soup was knocked to the ground, and scarlet blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. Mrs. Marquez, who was making vegetable soup, lay directly on the ground, closing her eyes and not knowing whether she was alive or dead. The cowering man covered his eyes and wailed in a low voice. Blood flowed from under his hands, along his cheeks towards his chin.

This at least shows that he is not mute.

Everyone was injured, only Shade was intact. He turned around to look for the marks on the rag behind him that had been penetrated by the bullet-like thing just now, but unexpectedly found that the linen cloth was intact.

The rekindled bonfire illuminated the four people with different expressions, and four strange black shadows swayed in the wind and snow.

"I think, Miss Chloe, you won't doubt me, right?"

Shade whispered in the wind. Miss Chloe shook her head slightly, then coughed loudly. The blood fell to the shallow layer of snow on the ground, blooming like a red plum blossom:

"It wants to make us distrust each other. Although this method is effective, it is too low-level and I will not be fooled."

"Then I'll prepare for the ceremony."

He was about to take action, but Miss Chloe shook her head miserably:

"How do I understand the ritual of calling the gods? I am just a shallow believer, and I am not a sacrifice to the gods. Zarath Society requires that formal members who have passed the inspection period must not be clergy. I just want it to take action, so that it will It showed a flaw. What a pity, it was too fast and I didn’t find anything."

"I didn't find anything either."

Xia De immediately said "honestly":

"Yeah, it's really fast."

While a chuckle was heard in his ears, the silver moonlight streaked across his fingertips.

The bright moonlight struck Mrs. Marquez lying on the ground, but the second before the moonlight hit the target, billowing black smoke flew out of the middle-aged woman's features, blocking Shade's attack like a round shield. A casual blow.

Miss Chloe almost immediately moved in the direction of Shade. The timid young man huddled up, as if he wished he could turn into an ant.

Mrs. Marquez, who sat up straight, opened her eyes, scarlet light flashing in her eyes. The power of the evil spirit of the snow mountain affects everything around it, and the warm red flame turns to black.

The strong wind finally completely overturned the "shelter" behind the big rock at this moment. As branches and cloth were swept up by the strong wind into the thick, dark sky, mortals were completely exposed to the snowy mountains of this blizzard.

In just a few seconds, the originally dry ground was completely covered with snow, and the warmth and sense of security in the small shelter disappeared.

"Moonlight Great Sword!"

The black mist that floated out from the middle-aged woman's facial features turned into wriggling tentacles and swept towards the three normal people. Shade's hand grabbed the silver-white sword in the wind and snow, and in Miss Chloe's slightly shocked eyes, he split open the dense group of tentacles composed of black mist:

"Why doesn't the snowy mountain freeze your spirit? The spell is cast so fast?"

At this time, the black mist that seemed to be the body of the devil completely left Mrs. Marquez's body. After swirling, it rushed towards Shade's face. He rolled in the snow to avoid the black fog, and when he stood up, he split the moonlight with his left hand:

"Silver Moon Slash."

Above the vast snow-capped mountains, the silver moonlight was hidden in the wind and snow, and the black mist was forced to bypass Shade, who was getting up from the snow.

It did not attack the witch, nor did it care about the cowering man. It was swirling above Shade's head. Both Shade and Miss Chloe could hear the faint laughter coming from the wind.

"Miss Chloe, don't get close, I have a way to deal with it!"

Shade said loudly as he climbed up from the snow and stood up straight.

The soul is connected to the elements, the elements absorb the spirituality, and the spirituality affects reality. The whistle sounded, the bells echoed, and a steam mist thick enough to melt the large layers of snow behind him emerged behind him.

The huge shadow of the life ring kept approaching from the depths of the steam mist, until a life ring radiating four-color spiritual light appeared behind Sha De. The huge brass ring rotates slowly, even letting the wind bring the temperature.

A spiritual light like the sun shone in all directions, and the slightly glowing snow surface reflected the light, making it seem as if Shade was standing in the light. Even though the simple shelter had been destroyed, looking at the scene in front of her, the short witch felt an inexplicable sense of security for some reason. The frozen power in the body seemed to be melting in this light. The arrival of this strange man made the snow-capped mountains even more strange.


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