Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,049 Hand Crossbow

Miss Sylvia also saw Shade's intention, and an inadvertent smile appeared on the witch's lips. Although Miss Carina and Shade had been in contact earlier, it was obvious that the witch in the thirteenth seat of the parliament had caught Shade's mind:

"You can think about it first and give me the results before the delegation leaves."

Although you can contact the visiting group after they leave, you should let go at this time, but give a specific deadline to make Xia De more interested.


It wasn't that Shade wanted to refuse, but he felt that if he cooperated like this, he would actually be taking advantage of the witch. Although Miss Sylvia is relatively not very rich, the money she made from this investment amounted to six figures when converted into gold pounds. Shade's little savings can only be regarded as a fraction, and "your valuable advice" mentioned by the witch is worthless in Shade's opinion.

"I'll think about it carefully."

Shade nodded cautiously, thinking of the chat he had with Miss Paavo not long ago, so he asked again:

"Miss Sylvia, do you know about synthetic fibers?"

The witch looked at him curiously, and Shade explained the difference between "artificial fiber" and "biological fiber".

Of course, the main purpose of talking about this with Miss Paavo last Friday was to prevent her from talking to him about more in-depth topics. This time, it was to elicit ideas, so Shade did not mention "the transparency and elasticity of clothes." topics like that.

"It sounds interesting. If there is no toxicity, the artificial fiber you mentioned does have prospects for use. The problem is that although ring magicians know some chemistry, how to make it specifically? At least I have never heard of it. , someone has successfully synthesized filaments that can be used for clothing weaving.”

Miss Sylvia said.

"It's probably the reaction of coal tar, water and air... Oh, sorry, I'm just proposing an idea."

Shade shook his head. He was not a professional after all. Even if he had heard of "nylon", he couldn't reproduce it:

"I'll think about the investment again. Thank you for the invitation."

Miss Sylvia nodded. At this moment, the maid outside the door opened the door and told Shade that Princess Margaret's tea party had ended. The princess was now bidding farewell to the ladies leaving at the door of the mansion, so Shade also He stood up and said goodbye to Miss Sylvia.

"Coal tar, water and air?"

The witch held the tea cup and gestured with her left hand's fingers in the air:

"Viscous filaments... if the molten state relies on tension... the trouble can be solved with a pinhole syringe... If it is really successful, this can be said to be an epoch-making invention. .”

She sat up straight, thinking she might be able to give it a try.

Shade on the other side had already met Princess Margaret. Of course the servants would not tell the princess that Shade had been with Miss Sylvia just now. The princess thought that Shade had been waiting in the lounge for more than an hour, so she was extremely apologetic.

Of course, she didn't forget to express her gratitude for what happened last night. Yesterday, Lesia could rely on Dorothy to know that Shade was not in danger, and even spent a whole night checking it herself, but Princess Margaret didn't know whether Shade had any sequelae because of the stone statue.

"Of course I'm fine."

Shade said with a smile. The princess with long pale golden hair pursed her lips. She had countless questions in her mind about the handsome knight in front of her, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

Although he only has four rings, the ring warlock in front of him seems to have the same power as his teacher. She still remembered that Shade hugged the terrifying relic from behind last night, and also remembered that the bright silver shock wave under the moonlight dispersed the huge black dragon in the sky. Of course, I also remember that after everything was over, as the bard played and sang, the red butterflies filled the snowy night sky.

Of course, when the church conducted a large-scale investigation afterwards, they would not name the "God Caller", but this did not prevent the princess from knowing the power of the evil spirit from the third era.

Seeing Sha De again at this time, she really had a lot of questions to ask, but when the words came to her lips, it turned into another embarrassing question for her:

"What is your relationship with Princess Lesia Cavendish?"

Shade also pursed his lips:

"She is mine...I am her lover."

If he refuses to admit this relationship, Shade himself will think that he is a shameless person. Besides, he was sure that Princess Margaret would not talk nonsense about this matter.

"That's it..."

The princess nodded, feeling a little embarrassed herself, so she changed the topic:

"Mr. Hamilton...Shad, do you come to see me for something?"

Shade noticed the change in her title, but didn't say much:

"I would like to know Sir Lykins Prisha's itinerary in the past few days. No, I don't want to know where he has been, but what public activities he will participate in."

Princess Margaret hesitated for a moment, then folded her hands elegantly and put them on her skirt:

"No problem. I will have Sir's itinerary for the past week sorted out and sent to you later. If he attends some banquets, I will give you an anonymous invitation letter."

Shade smiled:

"This is better. Oh, Your Highness, I can promise that I have no ill intentions towards Sir."

He just wanted the doctor to see the desires in Jazz's heart.

Shade then asked again:

"Then, Your Highness, is there anything you need my help with?"

Shade was actually just being polite. Unexpectedly, the princess hesitated again, and then nodded:

"There is indeed one thing. It is not convenient for others to help investigate. If it is convenient, can you help me find someone? Find another person."

"Looking for someone again?"

Shade muttered in his heart, but still nodded:

"no problem."

Since he would definitely not be able to find "the sorceress who lived in Saint Teresa Square", then he would do anything to help find the second person:

"What are you looking for..."

"I used to be a maid, but she was forced to leave my side eight years ago due to... an accident, and then disappeared in a fire."

The smile on her face at this time was very forced:

"I still have her photo here, I'll ask someone to get it."

After giving orders to his personal maid, he said to Shade with a forced smile:

“Shortly after she was forced to quit her job as a maid in the autumn of 1845, her house in Willondale caught fire. For eight years I thought she was dead, and to be honest I had a lot to do with her quitting her job. But not long ago in Tobesk, I seemed to see her in the carriage window. I am not sure, so I want to entrust you to investigate."

Shade has heard of this story (Chapter 863). To be precise, it is the story of "the princess and the maid, the purple cabbage and the spy". In order to "retaliate" against Princess Margaret for taking up her date time, Lesia also asked Shade to send a special note at the farewell dinner in Huntington City.

"You don't have to approach her. It's enough to confirm whether I saw the wrong person."

The maid sent a yellowed black and white photo. It was a group photo. The young Margaret Anjou sat on a swing in the summer garden, next to several maids in uniforms.

Seeing Shade staring at her in the photo, the princess pressed her fingers on her face without leaving a trace:

"She's second from the left, Joya Nicklaus."

She gave the photo to Shade:

"Take this photo and go look for it. If you can't find it, remember to return the photo to me. I can reimburse you for any expenses incurred during the investigation."

"No problem, Your Highness."

Shade nodded, but doubts arose in his heart.

Most of these transferred spies will be arranged by MI6 to live in remote cities or even in the countryside. Even if MI6 still provides jobs, it is absolutely impossible for them to be seen by Princess Margaret, unless Director Anlos really I'm so confused that I can't remember what happened before.

It is not difficult for Shade to find Miss "Joia Nicklaus". He can directly ask Miss Carina who told Lesia about this three years ago. The witch will definitely have the answer. The problem is that he very much suspects that the reappearance of Miss Joya Nicklaus is also MI6's plan.

The plan was to lure out the "Grey Eagle" who left the note last week and sabotaged the bomb attack.

"Have you found the person who left the note last week?"

Thinking of this, Xia De suddenly asked abruptly. Princess Margaret looked at him in surprise, then shook her head slightly:

"Oh, you remember that. No, we didn't find the good Samaritan. I mean, neither we nor your police found him."

Shade nodded slowly. He felt as if he had accidentally gotten into some trouble again.

Princess Margaret stayed with Shade to talk for a while. When Shade left Canary Manor, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Tonight, Luvia asked Shade to have dinner together, but Shade did not go home immediately. Instead, he went to Old John's pawn shop first. The alchemical crossbow he ordered at a high price of more than a hundred pounds (Chapter 1004) should have been ready. Only by getting that weapon in hand can he feel confident to deal with the next series of events.

The heavy snow that lasted all day has not stopped yet, which also resulted in the fact that even though it was afternoon, there were no customers in the pawn shop.

The small crossbow has been made, because Shade paid a high price, and Old John specially used a delicate-looking box to contain it:

"I won't ask you what exactly you want to use it to launch, but I must remind you that if it is combined with a thaumaturgy or relic that requires the use of a special crossbow to work, no matter how good the materials I use, it will be very It will be damaged soon.”

"I want to use it to fire a relic arrow. As long as it can be fired once, it is enough."

Shade looked at the small crossbow carefully. Compared with bows and arrows, crossbows were easier to use by laymen like him.

"Relic arrows? It's really amazing. Is it [Lost Ti Sneak Attacker]? [Arrow of Knowledge of Iken'ora]? [Wind King's Invisible Arrow]? [Shine of Stars]? It can't be [Chaos Fragment], right?"

Old John asked casually while flipping through the newspaper. The newspaper still contained the follow-up report of the attack on Princess Margaret last week, which was the hottest news in recent days.


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