Whispering Verse

Chapter 1050: Preparations for the Witch Council

Seeing that Shade didn't answer, Old John didn't continue to ask:

"But you also know that a few hundred pounds sounds like a lot, but it is actually just the entry threshold for making alchemical weapons. If you really have a very powerful relic arrow and it is lost, I still recommend you to take it out just like last time. Use your own savings to buy yourself a truly powerful alchemical item."

Because relic weapons are often expensive and hard to find, ring wizards who are proficient in weapon use mostly use alchemy weapons. Old John's advice at this time was not to earn Shade's gold pounds, but he was really giving him advice:

"Gold pounds are earned and spent. Listen to me, young man, it is very cost-effective to make a crossbow with tens of thousands of pounds that can be used for more than ten years. Of course, it is more cost-effective to let me help make it. of."

He said with a smile, Shade knew that John's father was right, but the problem was that he could not spend all his money at once:

"Expensive weapons cannot be made in a week like this one."

Shade put the small crossbow back into the box:

"But I might need to use that arrow recently, so I'll replace it with this first. As for the new crossbow... I'll think about it again."

In fact, he wanted to collect enough money and materials to ask Priest August for help.

After the priest fused the remains of more death angels, he also learned more knowledge. Among the alchemical items he provided to Shade, one of them was the "Holy Angel Hand Crossbow (Deteriorated Version)". Because Shade can go to Coldwater Port to buy cheap materials, and Priest August’s crafting fee can be discounted to Shade, so the cost of the hand crossbow can be reduced to more than 30,000 pounds.

Although Father John's place is expensive, he can customize the function of the crossbow; although the priest's place is cheaper, he can only make the crossbow have sacred attributes.

That's why Xia De had to think about it again. He felt that he was short of money again.

After returning home, Shade hugged his cat, put on his cloak in the snowy weather, and walked to the Prophet's Association to wait for Luvia to get off work. The heavy snow in the sky made little Mia particularly excited.

After dinner that day, the prophet who came to No. 6 of St. Teresa Square to slay the demons carefully examined Shade's physical condition after merging part of [Weeping Angel], and spent a wonderful night with Shade. Of course, Shade didn't forget that he had to meet two witches the next day, Tuesday morning.

On Tuesday morning, the heavy snow that lasted for almost two days finally stopped. Looking from the window, the whole city was silvery white. While having breakfast with Luvia, Shade also mentioned to Miss Prophet that he was considering whether to cooperate with the witch for investment. Luvia did not give him any advice, but encouraged Shade to make his own decision.

The city was closed due to heavy snow, and even the coachman's asking price was much higher than usual. Shade first delivered Sir Prisha's itinerary and invitation letter to the doctor's clinic, and then took a carriage to the outside of the city. Because the road was quite difficult, he didn't arrive at Miss Carina's manor until half past nine in the morning.

At this time, the manor also turned silver-white, but this made this luxurious manor look even more beautiful.

The two witches were already in the warm study, sipping black tea and waiting for Shade.

When Tifa led Shade into the room, Miss Carina was looking through the "Secret of Agelessness" that Princess Margaret had borrowed from the Sussex Medical School. Chapter, and it is a relic of the Witch Emperors, so it was "appropriated" by Miss Sylvia, and it is now the public property of the Parliament.

As for Miss Sylvia, she was reading a sweater and knitting magazine.

After Shade sat down, he first complained about the bad weather, and then chatted about business with the two ladies:

"I already got the pyroxene from Prankster Boy, plus the one from Jack the Thief, so now I have two here."

"Look, I knew you would somehow get involved in the Chosen One's affairs."

The duchess put down the book and smiled, glanced at Miss Sylvia, and then said:

"The matter of the pyroxene is not important now. The Speaker used time to look back and recovered another fragment of the poem from the ancient stone carvings. There are two new pieces of information obtained."

She held out her finger to Shade:

"The island in the middle of the lake where the chosen ones of knowledge and wisdom hold ceremonies is not in Tobesk, but in a certain area in the middle of the old continent."

Miss Sylvia on the side waved her finger, and the bright blue light formed a topographic map of the Old World above the coffee table in front of the three of them.

Not long ago, Luvia said that this ceremony was not in Tobesk, but somewhere further south, so Shade immediately pointed at the map with his finger:

"Isn't it the Pantanal?"

"Why do you think so? But it's not unreasonable."

Miss Carina thought thoughtfully:

"In addition, I think you should already know that when the Chosen Ceremony is held this time, if it is within the coverage of the ceremony, everyone will receive an enlightenment of wisdom."

"Yes, I know about it."

"But this kind of enlightenment seems to be more powerful than we originally understood. It is reasonable to believe that the real purpose of Miss Pavo this time is enlightenment. [The Truth Society] seems to be planning to conduct some kind of large-scale experiment , but key information is missing.”

The witch frowned slightly:

"There is also the [Apna Library]. They have done so many things behind the back of the church for enlightenment. They are looking for a secret ancient library that contains many books. The books in it are worth betraying the church. .”

Shade thought of Monday last week, when he and Luvia were at the Three Cats Hotel, and saw the appearance of ring magicians from the Truth Society, the Apuna Library, and the Pantanal Voodoo Society at the same time:

"There is a strong possibility that the final location will be in the Pantanal."

He whispered, and Miss Carina nodded, looking quite convinced of Shade's judgment. Miss Sylvia didn't understand the reason for this conviction, after all, Shade didn't give a specific reason.

"Emma, ​​if the Council wants to travel thousands of miles and have more than three great witches appear in the center of the Pantanal region, do you have any idea?"

Miss Carina asked, and Miss Sylvia thought for a while:

"At least determine the specific location and give me a position. The Pantanal is quite large. If we don't know the specific location, instead of using space power, we might as well fly there directly. At least we will have a wider view."

Miss Carina thought for a while and asked Xiang Shade:

"Shadow, what are you going to do?"

"I'm still making judgments about certain things. The chosen one this time...the Pantanal Voodoo Society is planning a conspiracy. I hope it has nothing to do with the evil things in the Pantanal. "

Miss Carina smiled and shook her head:

"Since it is possible that Pantanal is involved, the possibility that it has nothing to do with that subspace evil thing is very small. There has never been a smooth sailing time for the chosen ones to perform the ceremony. If unexpected power does not appear, then the chosen ones will have to How do you go through the test?”

"Shad, speaking of the bard's test, do you have any clues?"

Miss Sylvia also asked. She appeared at the opera house that night to save Princess Margaret, so she also heard the minstrel's poems.

"The yellow moon, I don't know exactly what it means."

Shade shook his head. Although he was good at finding things, he actually had no way of finding things without any clues:

"When the weather clears up, I plan to hold a ceremony at night and use my core spirit runes to resonate with the power of the same source."

This "resonance ritual" can also be regarded as a basic ritual, but because it often resonates with dangerous things, ring wizards will not use it unless necessary:

"Hopefully a way can be found."

"It's a pity that the chosen one this time is still a man. Otherwise, once we find the five pyroxenes, we might be able to win over a lady like Sister Devlin."

The witch sighed.

After Sister Devlin's incident, the Council also learned that there is a candidate mechanism for the chosen ones. But the Parliament has no way to find the chosen ones at the lower end of the order, nor is it confident enough to kill the chosen ones who are blessed by fate, so all they can do is actually wait.

The road was difficult to walk in the heavy snow. Knowing that Shad's plan for the afternoon was to go to Fort Midhill, Miss Carina specially left Shad to have lunch with her. So, Shade had lunch with the two witches after a long absence. Miss Sylvia did not talk about investment with Miss Carina. Instead, she and Miss Carina were concerned about Shade. A few weeks later End of year exam week thing.

Xia De was very confident about this matter. Although skipping a grade meant that he had to read more than 30 more books, compared to the rush of exam weeks in the summer, this time under the doctor's considerate urging, he started more than a month in advance. "Review".

In just one week of living together with Dorothy, those courses that not only required memorization but also understanding, such as the reconstruction of basic rituals and the pharmacological analysis of intermediate potions, also received help from Miss Writer and Her Royal Highness the Princess.

He didn't take any electives this winter, he just had to pass his required courses. The question now is not whether you can pass, but how many points you can get.

After lunch, the two witches entered the parliament to contact the speaker, and the duchess did not forget to send a carriage to take Shade back to the city. After returning home, Shade first made sure that little Mia ate the cat food he left for lunch, and then went from the basement to Fort Midhill, from the ruined tower in the mountains to the home for the blind in the city.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, he and Sister Devlin, the chosen one of death and the caregiver of the first fire, passed through the oil painting in the basement of the Snake Heart Hospital in Fort Midhill and arrived at the top of the mountains of the Rommel Mountains of the sacrificial site.

The snow in the mountains is less likely to melt, and the ancient sacrificial sites are also wrapped in silver in the depths of winter.

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