Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,054 The Agent Pursuing Art

Shortly after Sir Priscilla left, Miss Bella Brown, whom Shad was waiting for, returned.

Because after eight years, her appearance has changed significantly, and as an ordinary citizen, there is a big gap between her makeup and her makeup when she was a maid, so Shade can only say that this lady does look a lot like Mag. Princess Lit's former maid, he couldn't confirm whether she was really the former MI6 agent.

After confirming that the bookstore owner Mr. Brown and Miss Bella Brown were just ordinary people, Shade, under the cover of illusion, went to the second floor of the bookstore where Miss Brown lived, used the door key to open the room where she lived, and simply opened the room where she lived. Searched for it.

The room is very ordinary, with an easel and a few artistic oil paintings in the corner. He didn't touch anyone's personal belongings, but he still found a pistol in the desk. Apart from the gun, there were no other items of note. Considering that the bookstore itself illegally sells firearms, it is possible that the gun was given to her by Mr. Brown for self-defense.

[Create a situation and test it out? 】

she asked softly.

Shade shook his head and looked at the bedroom, which was not very big:

"Once some habits are formed, it is difficult to break them even if you deliberately want to. I asked Princess Margaret that her former maid had received full training as a royal maid. Sorry."

He said softly to the closet, and then opened the closet door. Ignoring the clothes hanging on hangers, I checked the clothes stacked at the bottom of the closet:

"Even if ordinary girls are very good at housework, they are definitely not as rigorous as a trained professional maid when it comes to arranging clothes."

He looked at the clothes that were stacked and arranged extremely neatly and said that the wardrobes organized by Dorothy, Lesia, and Luvia were very different from the wardrobes that Miss Carina's maids helped him organize every Saturday. , the duchess’s maids are all very professional:

"Sure enough, this way of stacking clothes...maybe it's a coincidence, but look elsewhere."

He stood up and closed the closet, then looked at the desk again:

"In addition to being a maid, she may also have experience as an agent. As a cautious former agent..."

Shade took out the pistol again. After checking it, he confirmed that a bullet had been pressed into the chamber:

"Pressing a bullet into the gun chamber in advance not only makes it easier to fire at any time, but also allows the pistol to have an extra bullet. I don't think ordinary girls will understand this."

He put the well-maintained pistol back:

"Of course, this still doesn't prove anything. Maybe Miss Brown learned it from her uncle."

Then he walked towards the oil paintings in the corner and rummaged around for a while:

"They are all very ordinary landscape paintings, and they do not involve specific places or characters... There is nothing wrong with this white bell tower, but the window style of the bell tower is very typical of Kasenlik style. I am Saw it at Miss Aurora's Coldwater Harbor Manor."

"It's really fun."

Shade thought silently, and then used "Echoes of the Past".

There were many sounds in the bedroom, and he listened to three of them.

The first paragraph is a conversation between Miss Brown and her uncle Mr. Brown, who is asking Miss Brown about the wedding date;

The second paragraph is a conversation between Miss Brown and a strange man. The two people's voices are full of joy. The strange man tells Miss Brown that he has packed up his wedding ceremony and will go to the Art Museum with her after the wedding is held after the end of the year. Settled in Artek City.

The two were thinking about their married life, and Shade also learned that the strange man was Miss Brown's fiancé. He was an orphan and was currently a mechanic.

The last paragraph is Miss Brown's monologue. This thirty-year-old woman is probably talking to the mirror, telling her joy, confusion and a little bit of fear about getting married.

The key point lies in this sentence in the discourse:

"Can those pasts really disappear completely?"

"It should be her."

Shade did not continue to pry into other people's privacy, but was still curious about the reason why the other person appeared in Tobesk. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with MI6, it is entirely Miss Brown herself who is looking for a new life.

[Continue investigation? Or report directly to the princess? 】

she continued to ask with a smile.

"Of course I will continue to investigate. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with the extraordinary. I really want to know what is the reason for this. If I can investigate the whole matter and inform Princess Margaret, then after this matter is over, it will be completely Not through Mr. Alan Madison, but through Princess Margaret, who entrusted the Lord with the revelation of his brilliance.”

He returned to the bookstore downstairs. It was already noon. Miss Brown left the first floor and went to the second floor to prepare lunch for herself and her uncle.

Shade picked two books in the bookstore and bought them. After leaving the bookstore, he walked around to the alley behind the bookstore, then climbed over the wall and entered the small courtyard behind the bookstore that served as a warehouse.

After confirming that no one was around, he transformed into a red butterfly and flew from the ground to the second floor. After transforming back into a human body in the air, he borrowed the "Rage Jump" to directly enter the room behind the glass.

The kitchen was also on the second floor of the bookstore. Shade changed his outfit, put on the witch's eye shadow, and then walked towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was small and dark, and Miss Bella Brown was stirring eggs skillfully. Hearing the cough from the door, her hands trembled subconsciously, and then she was surprised to see the stranger standing at the door:

"Who are you? Sir, there is nothing valuable here. Oh, get out of here!"

"How dare you go straight back to Tobesk?"

Shade asked directly. While Miss Brown showed a stunned expression, she stretched out a finger and asked:

"Guess I'm from Gray Gloves?"

This sentence is in Kasenlik, which is quite proficient in Kasenlik. Although Shade followed the princess to "learn a foreign language" as an excuse, it was not without gain.

Then he stretched out his second finger:

"Or maybe someone from MI6?"

This sentence is in Delarian, which is also very fluent, and has the characteristics of the accent in the central city of Tobesk.

The lady in the kitchen subconsciously took a step back, apologized softly, and turned off the gas that was heating the pot. She put down the bowl and spoon containing the eggs, held the towel on the side, and showed an almost desperate expression on her face:


"Don't show that expression yet, I'm not from either side."

Shade said, staring at her face and adding:

"I work for a beautiful woman. I want to hear your story before I decide what to do with you."

He walked into the kitchen and slapped the [Gun of Kindness] on the small table with the egg bowl beside it:

"MI6 should arrange for you to live in the countryside or a small city. Why are you coming back?"


The lady holding the towel pursed her lips, and the despair in her eyes became more and more obvious. She stared at the gun tightly, and her tone changed from soft to firm:

"Of course they wouldn't allow it, so I faked my death again, gave up all my original identities, and came back here. It's not easy. I want my colleagues in MI6 to think that I'm really dead. It's more difficult than when I was under threat. It’s even harder for Rendell to leave.”

"Why come back?"

"For school."


Shade couldn't understand. Miss Brown moved her eyes away from Shade's gun on the table and looked at him.

Narrow kitchen, the window is still narrow. The light in the room was extremely dim, and the desperate lady explained her life almost hysterically:

"Sir, do you know my past? Before I was absorbed into MI6, I was just an ordinary girl. Then something happened... My life changed completely. But since I was young When I was young, I loved art and painting. I thought that when I left MI6, I would pursue my dream. But they deceived me. I could not appear in public or be allowed to enter public places. Art Academy... I understood that it was the rule of Sixth Place, but I couldn't accept it, so I chose to pursue my own life."

She looked at Shade like this, her face pale, even more exaggerated than the skin of the vampire Mr. Bernhardt:

"I know I did the right thing. It took me eight months to obtain a diploma from the Third Academy of Arts in Tobesk and I met him. After the New Year's Day, we will go to Artek to settle down. I I will also continue my studies there. Pursue dreams, pursue knowledge... Does this sound ridiculous for someone with my background?"

"It's not funny at all. I know an old professor who even lost his legs in pursuit of knowledge."

Shade was referring to Professor Drake from Huntingdon. Calculating the time, the professor had probably left Huntingdon and moved to Willendale.

"But are you so brave? Tobesk is not the only one with art schools. "

“But the ones here are the best.”

Miss Bella Brown said categorically, looking at Shade with wide eyes:

"You may not understand this, but this is my pursuit, my desire, and I am willing to take responsibility for it. Moreover, I have retired for eight years, and my appearance and figure are different from before. Even Director Anlos Anyone who sees me may not be able to recognize me at first glance. So I came back to pursue a new life, a new beginning..."

"But you were indeed recognized at first glance. She has a deep memory of you. She always remembers you."

Shade said, Miss Brown closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if she had completely accepted her fate and was ready to face the suffering:

"Sir, who sent you to find me?"

Shade looked around the kitchen, left the pistol on the table, then walked into the kitchen alone, took a purple cabbage and threw it to her:

"It's just scrambled eggs for lunch, which is a bit too monotonous. You can try scrambled eggs with purple cabbage."

Miss Brown did not look at the pistol that was within reach, but caught the purple cabbage in a panic. She did not expect that Shade would throw this.

Looking at the vegetables in her hands, her eyes suddenly widened and she was in a trance:


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