Whispering Verse

Chapter 1055 The Princess, the Maid and the Secret Agent

"Miss Brown, I don't think you need to say her name."

Shade stopped her:

"It was that time when she went to an event in Regent's Park. I know you turned around, trying to deliberately avoid possible sight, but she recognized you just from your back, so I came."

From this we can see how much of a psychological shadow the incident eight years ago left on the princess with long pale golden hair.

The panic and despair on Miss Brown's face did not lessen. She pursed her lips and said:

"She still remembers me?"

Shade nodded slightly and looked at the small kitchen. His kitchen in Room 1 on the second floor was at least three times the size of this place:

"Yes, she was sorry for what happened back then. After you 'immolated yourself to death' in your apartment in Willondale, she was even more sad. I think if I hadn't been thinking about you all the time, I wouldn't have seen you with just your back. Just found you."

Shade told the truth:

"Miss Brown, I am just the person sent by that lady to investigate you. But in fact, I have not told her that you are from MI6. She still thinks that you are just an ordinary maid."

Shade put one hand on the table and stood very relaxed:

"The only person who knows your secret is me."

As he said that, he glanced at the gun on the table again:

"And what His Highness will know is entirely up to me."

"What do you want from me? Gold pounds? MI6 secrets? Or my body?"

Miss Brown bit her lip and asked, but unexpectedly Shade shook his head:

"I don't want to threaten you with 'Miss Brown, you don't want your image in His Highness' heart to be damaged'. What I want is that His Highness can accept all this with the best mood, instead of knowing that he feels guilty. A maid of eight years turned out to be a huge liar.”

His purpose is not to earn a bounty from either party, and naturally his main purpose is not to expose the other party.

Miss Brown looked at him deeply:

"Sir, what is your relationship with His Highness?"

Of course Shade would not answer:

"I will not arrange for you to meet her, but you have to write a letter. I will not interfere with the content of the letter. I will bring your letter to His Highness. After that, will you leave immediately, or wait for His Highness to decide? Don’t see you, this is all your own business.”

He took out a pen and paper from his pocket:

"Write now."

Then he took the purple cabbage:

"I'll help you cook, don't make your uncle suspicious."

Seeing Shade pick up the kitchen knife, Miss Brown took another look at the revolver left on the table, but did not take the risk in the end.

She hesitated and reminded sheepishly:

"Before cutting vegetables, it's best to wash them first...it will make you feel bad."

Schade hoped that Mr. Brown would accept the "unique" flavor of scrambled eggs with purple cabbage at noon today.

When Miss Brown wrote the letter, she hesitated for a long time and cried while writing in Shade's notebook. From this point of view, MI6's decision to let her retire immediately after that mission was correct. A qualified undercover agent should not have feelings for the mission target, but it is obvious that this lady who pursues knowledge and art is a little too emotional. .

Miss Brown was only two-thirds of the way through her letter after Shade had finished the plate of scrambled eggs with purple cabbage that at least looked good.

Shade waited for a while before getting the folded page. He looked at Miss Brown in front of her, then raised his eyebrows:

"I expected that you wouldn't hide too much, but I didn't expect you to tell everything."

She revealed everything directly, including that she was an undercover agent for MI6, and that she was now free by faking her own death again.

"There is no point in hiding those things, sir. If you can find out about me, so can others."

Miss Brown stood beside the table with the smoking meal and said:

"I won't run away,

My family, my fiancé, and my studies are all here. If Your Highness wants to see me, I can go see her at any time. "

Shade shook his head and didn't have much to say about it. In his opinion, if he hadn't known everything in advance, this might have been another tragedy in which no one would be happy. The most tragic thing is that Shade can't even think that anyone in this matter did something wrong.

"You'd better be careful yourself. Since His Highness can discover you, someone else might discover you. I really don't understand why you want to return to Tobesk."

He took the letter and prepared to leave.

"People always have something to pursue, and my pursuit is knowledge and art."

Miss Brown said softly, and then watched Shade take back the revolver:

"Let me wish your highness...all peace."

Without even having lunch, Shade took a carriage directly from Knoll Street to Canary Manor and met Princess Margaret who had just finished her trip this morning.

Because this was not the first time that Shade came to visit, the servants were not surprised that Shade came in a hurry. He waited in the study for a while and then saw the somewhat tired Princess Margaret walking in:

"It is indeed alive."

Shade stood up and said, then handed the letter to the princess. After the latter subconsciously accepted the letter, he hesitated and asked:

"What's alive?"

"That maid you asked me to find."

Shade pointed to the letter:

"I have found her. This is the letter she wrote to you. If you still want to see her after reading the letter, I can take you there directly."

Only then did the princess with long pale blond hair react. She subconsciously tightened her hand holding the letter and looked at Shade with slightly widened eyes:

"She...is still alive? But how is that possible? The fire that year...what happened here."

Although she entrusted Shade to investigate, she did not expect to get such a shocking answer, and Shade's investigation speed was too fast.

"The letter contains the answer you want. Maybe... the whole story is a little different from what you thought, but at least, according to the part of the truth I got from her, you didn't do anything irresponsible back then. Mistakes to be undone.”

He sat on the short sofa again and watched Princess Margaret sitting on the sofa next to him with the letter, and then unfolded the letter.

How rich a person's expressions can be is something that Shade has never explored. But at least this time, he did see the rich expressions on Princess Margaret's face, a girl who was used to seeing all kinds of things.

It was obviously only three pages of content, but it took her a full twenty minutes to read it. In Shade's view, Margaret Anjou had always been a girl with a strong personality and extremely self-confidence, but this time he saw the hesitation, hesitation, anger, relief, and then extremely complicated expressions on the princess's face.

The letter paper was wrinkled at this time, and the princess looked at Shade with her beautiful eyes:

"Did you read that letter too?"

"Yes, I want to make sure she's not lying."

The princess pursed her lips:

"So, I was deceived for eight years?"

"But at least you don't have to think about those purple cabbages anymore."

Shade said, looking at him, he knew that Her Royal Highness the Princess needed some psychological counseling at this time:

"At least one thing that has been bothering you for a long time is gone."

"But I was lied to for eight years."

She repeated it again, staring at the letter in her hand.

"Marguerite Anjou."

Shade called out the princess's name, and when the other party looked up at him, he stared into the princess's eyes:

"Then tell me, tell the truth. When you are sure that Miss Bella Brown is still alive and well, don't you feel very happy in your heart?"

She wanted to avoid Sha De's eyes, but the moment she looked at Sha De, her eyes seemed to be firmly attracted by some force. Shade has not learned any "charm technique" in any sense, but his eyes are the windows of the soul. Due to the power of a powerful soul, he spontaneously attracted Princess Margaret's attention.

Biting her lip:

"Yes, to be honest, I was relieved.

"Because no one has lost their life because of your picky eating and willfulness."

The princess blushed when she heard Shade say "picky eater". She thought it was the maid who told Shade about it:

"Yes, no one lost their life because of my willfulness. I am indeed very happy... Oh, but I was indeed deceived by a liar for eight years. She turned out to be a military intelligence officer..."

"I will not defend Miss Brown. She was disloyal as your maid. This has already happened, uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com and you also have the right to deal with her."

Shade said, and just as he was about to ask what to do with Miss Brown next, the princess asked him again:

"This matter involves MI6, Shade, aren't you surprised? Although the Ring Warlock has seen more strange things, it is still MI6 after all."

"But Miss Brown has retired, she is no longer an agent."

Shade said seriously:

"Furthermore, if I promise you, I will definitely do it. MI6 will not hinder me from completing the commission you gave me. You see, although I haven't been able to find the sorceress you mentioned, at least the maid , I found it."

For a moment, Margaret Anjou was afraid to look at Shade's smiling face:

"I know you want to comfort me so that I don't have to be angry about this matter. Oh, knight, I am the second princess of Kasenrik. I am stronger than you think... you said Yes, it’s good that she’s not dead. Although I was deceived, at least I didn’t do anything wrong.”

"You stand on the moral high ground. In this matter, you are the complete victim. You can despise anyone in this matter and punish her with your own actions."

Shade said, and the princess finally smiled, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly. The contrast between the red lips and the fine white fluff at the corners of her mouth was particularly clear:

"Xia De, there is no need to persuade me anymore, I have already adjusted my mood."

She looked at the letter in her hand:

"Anyway, that incident eight years ago has come to an end."

"There are always many stories in life. Looking on the bright side, at least the ending of this story is not a bad ending, right?"

Shade made the final conclusion.


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