Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,056 MI6’s pursuit

"Good ending..."

Princess Margaret nodded slightly and looked at Shade in front of her:

"How should I thank you? Shade, you probably can't understand what this means to me."

Shade really wanted to bring up the matter of meeting Sir Prisha right now, but after thinking about it, he decided to wrap up this little matter first:

"Tell me first how to deal with Miss Brown. She is probably waiting for the news anxiously. Let me tell you first, I will not kill anyone. Although she is a spy to you, to me, She was one of the country’s finest agents…a defected agent.”

Thinking about it this way, whether as an active ace agent of MI6 or as the gray glove ace spy "Grey Eagle", Shade has a reason to kill Miss Brown.

"What are you talking about? Who wants you to kill him?"

The princess shook her head slightly:

"If I had known about this a few years ago, I would have taught her a lesson. But now...she has defected to MI6, so she is no longer Kasenrik's enemy. Although she probably knows Something about MI6..."

"You don't want to punish her."

Shade used an affirmative sentence, and the princess with long pale blond hair glanced at him:

"That's what you said, not me."

"Then the next letter, do you ask me to write it, or do you write it yourself."

For a moment, Shade felt that he really saw the princess smiling at him, but if he looked closely, it seemed to be an illusion:

"I'll write it myself, and I'll bother you to deliver the letter to her."

She extended her hand to Shade, who held out his hand for the princess to put her hand in his and stood up from the sofa.

Margaret Anjou looked out at the silver-white manor courtyard:

"Anyway, the guilt I felt for eight years is finally gone..."

She asked Xiang Xia De softly:

"If I use bad words in an unladylike way, will you tell anyone else?"

Shade looked at her suspiciously and took out his ears:

"Sorry, what did you say? I didn't hear it."

The princess smiled and said through gritted teeth:

"Joja Nicklaus (note), you bitch. You already have a fiancé, right? He will betray you sooner or later, just like you are disloyal to my family."

After saying that, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The princess's "dirty words" were much more civilized than the slang that Shade had imagined.

She opened her eyes and looked at Shade:

"Knight, do you want to have lunch together?"

"it's here?"

Although Shade visited Canary Manor more than once, having lunch here with an exotic princess was no small matter.

"Yes, you've helped me so much, wouldn't it be harsh if I kicked you out during lunch?"

As he spoke, he walked towards the door to inform the maid to prepare extra lunch, but there was clearly a faint blush on his cheeks.

Coincidentally, Shade originally thought about seeing Miss Sylvia at the lunch table at Canary Manor, but the Witch did not come back until Princess Margaret and Shade had finished lunch together. .

During this period, Shade also inquired about Miss Sylvia's whereabouts today, and unexpectedly learned from the princess who was enjoying dessert after dinner, a small cake decorated with strawberries, that Miss Sylvia had something of her own.

"My math teacher also has his own life."

She plucked the top strawberry with a fork:

"She has often received invitations from Duchess Carina recently."

The princess of Kasenric spoke Drarian, and members of both royal houses were fluent in both languages. When Carina Cavendish was mentioned and the relationship between the detective in front of her and the Duchess was mentioned, the Princess Witch felt a little uncomfortable:

"I'll tell you a secret, but don't tell anyone else."

She pretended to look around the restaurant cautiously, but in fact there were only two of her most trusted personal maids, one of whom was a first-level warlock:

"Miss Sylvia, she actually likes pretty girls."

She saw the tangled expression on Shade's face with satisfaction:

"Oh, detective, so don't get too involved with Miss Sylvia. This teacher of mine has a somewhat unique personality."

She actually wanted to protect Shade and prevent him from getting too close to the big witch, but for some reason the next sentence came out:

"So you have to watch your duchess and don't be deceived by my teacher."

After lunch, Princess Margaret had other plans, while Shade went to deliver a letter. The two made an appointment to meet at Canary Manor in the evening.

So Shade still set off in the carriage. He thought he would not encounter any trouble in sending the reply this time. Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the door of the used bookstore, he found that the neighbors were standing at the door and looking inside:

"What's going on?"

He also blended into the crowd and learned the truth from the buzzing discussions. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, gunshots suddenly sounded from inside the second-hand bookstore, followed by a very dense gunfire.

After a sound that sounded like a steam bomb exploding, only half a minute later, a man covering his shoulder as if he had been shot escaped from the bookstore.

Shortly after he left, a large number of police surrounded the place and took away Mr. Brown, the owner of the second-hand bookstore who had just returned from collecting debts and seemed unaware of what had happened. Neighbors who were familiar with the situation in the second-hand bookstore discovered that Miss Bella Brown did not appear. The police also set up a cordon at the door of the second-hand bookstore and were searching inside the bookstore.

"Is there something going on here about selling illegal guns?"

Shade first guessed this, but soon overturned his idea because he actually saw his boss, Director Anlos.

The middle-aged man did not see Shade, who was wearing a hat in the crowd. He followed a group of policemen into the second-hand bookstore and whispered something to his companions. In an ordinary defection incident, he, as the director, should not have to appear. It must be the "grey-headed eagle" suspected of appearing in the Princess bomb attack not long ago that made this gentleman smell something.

"Miss Bella Brown was exposed, and people from MI6 came just after I left. Is there such a coincidence?"

It seemed that the lady had not been caught yet. A gunfight broke out between her and others in the bookstore. After forcing away the man who had an injured shoulder and was suspected to be an MI6 agent, she herself escaped in another direction. .

Thinking of this, Shade took a detour to the alley behind the bookstore, and sure enough he found that there were police officers here as well. But probably because there weren't many clues here, the police simply sealed off the place, but it wasn't as tight as the front door.

Relying on the red butterfly illusion, Shade quietly slipped into the alley and found bloody scratches on the wall behind the used bookstore. Later, I realized that this was not just blood stains from scratches. Miss Brown was also injured while fighting with someone with a gun.

While the police in the alley were not paying attention, he took out the red wine bottle, sucked the blood into the bottle and made blood wine, and then used illusions to deceive the police again and left here.

In a remote alley, he raised his head and dripped the blood into his eyes. The thaumaturgy [Echo of Blood] was activated, because the blood stains were very fresh, so when Shade returned to the alley where the incident occurred, the coherent figure of Miss Bella Brown with a blush appeared clearly in front of Shade. In sight:

"She was indeed injured. Was she shot in the leg? Oh, it doesn't look like the bones were injured."

The injured former agent did not dare to enter the main road. Instead, he got into a nearby alley and headed north of Tobesk, away from Regent's Park. Shade followed the figure through the alleys on this sunny winter afternoon, watching Miss Brown limping around.

She first used the key to open the door of an old apartment building in the east of the city. She treated her wounds in the suspected safe house, took some daily necessities and banknotes, and changed her clothes. He climbed through the window with difficulty and left.

She even made a simple triggered steam bomb trap at the door using silk thread and gear mechanisms. But Shade entered through the window, so there was no trigger at all. In order to protect his colleagues and thieves who might break into this place, Shade carefully dismantled those things.

After leaving the safe house, the injured Miss Brown walked around in a circle, and then continued north until she entered the slums in the north of the city. There are alleys extending in all directions here, and even a stranger with a good sense of direction can easily get lost.

Miss Bella Brown didn't know whether she was lost, or simply to confuse possible pursuers. After taking the wrong road three times, she entered a narrow street with a rusty metal street sign "Long Ear Lane". After using the key to open the door of No. 7 Long Er Lane, a coherent figure entered the house, but there was no figure coming out around him:

"Hide here?"

Long Ear Alley is an unremarkable alley in the slums in the northern part of Tobesk. Strictly speaking, this is not a slum, but a neighborhood where poor people with a little money live. The streetscape here is pretty well maintained, with towering houses moving forward in sequence along the street. Although the snow has not been cleared in front of each house, at least the street has been cleared for people to pass.

In order not to scare Miss Brown, Shade did not knock on the door, but directly opened the door lock with the "door key" and entered the house.

Since no one lives there all year round, the house is cold and damp, making it even more eerie in winter. Probably to save money, although Miss Brown rented this place, she did not pay the gas bill, so all the lights in the house were unavailable. Entering the house was like entering a damp and cold coffin, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Following Miss Brown's translucent red figure, Shade climbed the creaking wooden stairs all the way to the second floor. As soon as he turned into the corridor, someone put a gun to his head.

"Pointing a gun at me is not a good idea."

Shade said to the lady who looked very unhappy. Although she did not recognize Shade who was wearing eye shadow at first, she recognized his calm tone.


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