Whispering Verse

Chapter 1058 Chivalry

After saying goodbye to the mechanic, Shade, who felt that he had been running around the city for a whole day, took a carriage from the steam factory in the West District of Tobesk to the North District. Of course, he did not forget to hide his whereabouts to prevent being spotted.

It was already evening when she returned to No. 7 Long Ear Lane, and the sky was a little dark. In order to avoid attracting attention, Miss Brown extinguished the brazier, wrapped herself in clothes and leaned against the wall, huddled between two boxes.

She seemed to have left during Shade's absence, at least the two suitcases Shade had not seen before he left.

Miss Brown is still under arrest and may be found at any time, so Shade has no nonsense to say. He informed Miss Brown of her fiancé Mr. Ferlinga's decision, and the former agent's eyes immediately turned red:

"He... I have deceived countless people in my life, but I never thought that I could gain such trust and affection."

"Madam, don't waste time singing about love. We are not performing an opera. What is your decision now?"

Shade pointed in the direction of the central area of ​​Tobesk:

"If Mr. Feringa is lucky, he should have entered the sewer by now. And you should decide immediately what to do next. Leave with him? Or reject him?"

"I really want to leave with him, but it's impossible for us to leave. I know the style of MI6. The Tobesk train station should be full of their people now, and the main intersections out of the city should also be blocked. Even today Tonight, the city may be under semi-martial law. I know the style of Section 6 and the character of Director Anlos. They hate traitors more than enemies."

Miss Brown wiped her eyes and wanted to write another letter:

"Sir, deliver this last message to him for me... He won't have to wait any longer."

The corner of Shade's mouth twitched a few times, and he asked a little strangely:

"Oh, don't write anymore. I've sent enough letters today...how do you know I'm a good person?"


Miss Brown looked at him puzzled.

Shade exhaled through his nose, closed his eyes and thought for a moment:

"After you leave here, if you can leave, what do you plan to do in the future?"

"Get away from it all, we'll never come back."

Shade opened his eyes, his eyes were very bright:

"Well, even if I'm in a good mood today, let me help you. If you want to leave with him, I can find a way for you, but there may not be a way. I just want to find a way... You wait here. , I’ll be back in two hours.”

He and Miss Brown checked their watches:

"Really, let this happen to me."

She complained and stood up. Although her legs and feet were inconvenient, Miss Brown still stood up hesitantly to say goodbye. When she was at the door of the room, she asked sheepishly:

"Excuse me...why do you want to help me?"

Shade looked back at her:

"Just think of it as my occasional kindness. You are lucky, you met me in a good mood today, and there is nothing else on your hands... Don't forget to pay me. I'm taking risks to help you, but it's not Simply for my own spiritual satisfaction.”

Although Miss Brown can be regarded as a traitor to Delrayon, if we go to find Miss Carina, the big witch will most likely agree to help, and she has such power in Tobesk City.

But it is a pity that Miss Brown's departure cannot be delayed, and if you want to go back and forth to Carina Manor outside the city, you will probably waste a lot of time. Therefore, Shade planned to ask Lesia for help.

As a loyal patriot and Delarian, although His Royal Highness the Princess must be disgusted with such a traitor to the kingdom, and even wanted to shoot Miss Brown twice, for his sake, and Miss Brown did not If it actually causes harm to the kingdom, Lesia might help.

It’s just that Miss Brown was really unlucky today. Shade first went to Quill Street to find Dorothy, but learned from the landlady that the blonde writer lady went to attend the year-end gathering of writers and would not come back until about nine o’clock in the evening.

So Shade went to the flower shop opposite Yodel Palace, trying to contact the little princess Agelina to find Lesia. Agelina was at the Yodel Palace, but unfortunately Lesiya was not there. She accompanied Queen Diana to relax outside the city, and she would not come back until after nine o'clock in the evening.

Agelina was very enthusiastic and asked Shade if she needed help in her reply to the maid, but the little princess did not have the same influence as Lesia. Risking Agelina's involvement in this matter would most likely cause trouble, so Shade politely rejected her, and then went on to look for people who might help him.

The trouble he currently faces is that MI6 is searching the city for Miss Brown and Mr. Ferringa. Rather than asking for help from his friends, the Ring Warlock, he wanted to find someone with authority who could help him get out of the city safely.

But without the help of the ladies, Shade suddenly realized that he had no trustworthy and powerful friends in this city. To escape an MI6-led manhunt requires more power than just a small civil servant can achieve.

"This is bad."

Seeing the sunset, Shade had no other choice but to go home and feed the cat, and then went to Canary Manor to meet Princess Margaret.

Her Royal Highness the Princess's afternoon trip had just ended. When she saw Shade in the manor, she was in a good mood and asked him if the letter had been given to Miss Brown, but Shade told her about the bad changes in Miss Brown:

"To put it simply, Miss Brown is in trouble now."

Shade sat on the chair in the study:

"Although I don't really believe in the superstition of the law of conservation of luck, today is undoubtedly the most unlucky day in that lady's life. But it shouldn't be the most unlucky. After all, in the most unlucky situation, MI6 should be better than me. We found her first."

In fact, the most unlucky day was when the princess in front of him was kicked away eight years ago because she "didn't like eating purple cabbage", but Shade was embarrassed to point it out.

"Humph, this is the price of her disloyalty."

Princess Margaret was in her study, standing in front of the window with her back to the window and hummed. At this time, there was only the last ray of sunset left outside, and the gas lamp used for lighting the courtyard of Canary Manor had already turned on:

"You have to take responsibility for what you have done, detective. I don't think you should sympathize with her."

She saw what Shade was thinking and knew that Shade was pitying that woman:

"The only one who can help her is herself. She is paying the price for what she did."

"If it were just her, I would probably just feel sorry for what happened to her, but today I saw other stories."

Shade then told the love story of Miss Brown and Mr. Feringa. This story is not long, but very interesting:

"I have never believed in love in classical chivalry, but I do believe it this time. Mr. Ferringa is really sincere. Even if Miss Brown escapes, she will not forget Mr. Feringa. For the sake of this uncommon love For their own sake, I am determined to help them.”

He looked helplessly at the setting sun behind the princess. Princess Margaret's entire face fell into shadow because her back was to the window.

"Of course, my abilities are also limited. I will not reveal my identity as a ring warlock to strangers. If there is really no other way, I can only temporarily take Miss Brown to the sewers to find Mr. Ferlinga and let them hide inside. , and then provide them with drinking water and food regularly, hoping that the MI6 manhunt can end as soon as possible."

Princess Margaret was silent for a moment:

"You have good intentions."

"After all, life is either boring or faced with choices that have to be made. Occasionally, when you see beautiful things, you are still willing to take care of them."

“Very interesting attitude towards life.”


Shade smiled:

"Although I don't consider myself a good person in the traditional sense, at least someone has verified that I belong to the orderly and good camp."

He stood up and said:

"It's time for me to leave. Miss Brown is still waiting for me. Also, can you give me some anti-inflammatory herbs? The lady took care of her own gunshot wound. She needs more medicine if she is going to live in the sewers. You know Yes, it is best not to let ordinary people come into contact with special materials such as holy water."

Shade made this request for medicine, but immediately thought that the princess in front of him actually had hatred for Miss Brown who had lied to her for eight years, so he shook his head again:

"No, I'd better go to the city and buy it myself. MI6 shouldn't be monitoring everyone who buys gunshot wound medicine. After all, this is just a defected agent, not the grey-headed eagle as rumored."

"You actually know about the 'Grey-Headed Eagle'..."

Princess Margaret asked, and when Shade wanted to shake his head, he said:

"Tonight, I have a ship that will depart from the Terrarel River to deliver goods downstream to the town of Bells, and then load the goods from Bellstown and transport the goods back to Carson Creek via rails and trains."

Although it is winter now, the Terrarel River that runs through the city is used to discharge the steam company's high-heat sewage. Therefore, it is very magical that it will not be completely frozen until late December, at least in the urban area. .

This week is probably the last time for cargo ships to pass through the Terrarel River before it freezes.


Shade looked at her in disbelief.

Princess Margaret hummed:

"I'm just telling you this. The cargo ship was carrying local specialties from Tobesk back to China. It was for me to do some business while I was visiting. The captain is my man, but if you show him this, he will Will be happy to help you.”

With that said, she came to the desk and wrote a letter. But after signing his name and stuffing it into the envelope, he did not hand it to Shade, but put it on the table:

"I won't help her, she cheated on me and she deserves to be caught by MI6."

There was still hostility in those eyes:

"I will not forgive people who cheated me. This is my principle."

After finishing speaking, he said to Shade slightly coldly:

"Detective, that's all for today's visit. I have other things to do tonight. You've been running around all day for a stranger. In my opinion, you might as well think more about your own affairs instead of being so willing to help. other people."

"I went to investigate that maid today not to help others, but to help you."

Shade smiled and the princess's face seemed to turn red:

"Leave quickly, Shade, I don't want to see you again today."

"What a fun character."

Shade whispered in his heart, then stood up from the sofa:

"Then, Your Highness, I will take my leave. I wish you a good mood tonight."

He came to the desk, picked up the letter, and left with the letter.

Margaret Anjou stood in the study and did not speak for a long time. Suddenly, he walked from the desk to the window and looked towards the courtyard from the window.

At this time, the detective who was striding towards the entrance of the manor for fear of wasting time happened to appear in her field of vision. The gas lamps on both sides of the walk illuminated his appearance:

"What a nice person. This is what is called chivalry."

She said softly, staring at Shade's hurried back:

"It's a pity, I still want to be...the teacher's apprentice...Yes, I won't change."


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