Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,059 Escape

When Shade once again found Miss Brown hiding in the North District from the Canary Manor in the South District of Tobesk, the last ray of sunset had already fallen below the horizon.

The city ushered in a new night, but the good news brought by Shade made Miss Brown's mood change from night to day.

Regarding the help Princess Margaret mentioned, Miss Brown's eyes were red and she didn't know what to say. But Shade had no time for the lady to express her gratitude or admiration for the princess:

"Let's go quickly. When I came here by carriage just now, I saw more policemen on the streets than usual. It's already dark now, and I think there will be police raids all over the city tonight. Let's go and talk to Felin first. Meet Mr. Jia."

Miss Brown has a map here. Shade unfolded the map and spread it on the ground:

"Look, we have to enter the center of Tobesk first, enter the underground sewer pipe from this alley, and find your fiancé."

He pointed to the center of the map:

"Then go all the way west from here to the banks of the Terrariel River. There is a dock on the east bank of the river. The cargo ship transporting goods for the princess will probably stay until eleven o'clock tonight. We only need to wait until eleven o'clock tonight Get you on board before 11:00, and you will be safe."

After talking about the plan, the two simply packed their things and put them into two suitcases. Walking at night with these two pieces of luggage was really a hindrance, so Shade asked Miss Brown to leave them here for now, claiming that someone would take them to the dock on the Terrarel River in a moment.

But in fact, Shade asked Miss Brown to go downstairs first, where he dealt with the traces of the two of them, and took this time to turn the two suitcases into toys and put them away.

"Ma'am, follow me."

They came downstairs together. Miss Brown was wrapped in a black lady's coat, a hat, and a bloated cotton coat to cover up her figure. She still has limited mobility in her legs, so she can't run fast. But due to tonight's situation, Shade couldn't take her in the carriage, which made the next journey very difficult.

The two people hurriedly entered the night. Shade walked in front, and Miss Brown followed him. The two of them first left Long Ear Alley, which had no street lights, and then turned into another alley one after another.

According to the map, they chose secluded alleys as much as possible, and at every fork in the road, Shade first checked to see if there were any patrolling police officers nearby. Miss Brown half-crouched and hid behind a bunker. If there were no police, the two men passed quickly, and if there were, they detoured through nearby neighborhoods.

Of course, if you really encounter a policeman who cannot be avoided, Shade will go up to talk to the policeman and ask why there are so many police patrols tonight. As a well-known gentleman living in Saint Teresa Square, his identity is deceptive. While Shade attracted the attention of the police, Miss Brown quickly passed nearby.

The slums in northern Tobesk have alleys extending in all directions, and it's easy to get lost with the help of a map. The police are sometimes not the biggest obstacle to the two's progress. The robbers and drunkards who haunt the night are the most dangerous people in the North District.

Since he couldn't shoot, Shade had no choice but to go forward and fight them personally. He was tired after a day's work and was not in a good mood. Therefore, when he punched those who were in the way, he couldn't help but feel a little unable to hold back. This also made him truly know how powerful he was.

And once he encounters a dead end in an alley, or a low wall that is not recorded on the map, in order not to waste too much time on the detour, Shade has to find a way to jump over it with Miss Brown on his back, or look for debris nearby to build a Steps or ladders that the woman with limited legs or feet can climb over.

This is only the difficulty encountered in the North District, but once you cross the North District and enter the central city of Tobesk, there are fewer remote alleys, more roads with bright gas street lamps, and more police officers.

Even though tonight, like most nights of the year, there is a gray haze floating in the city, it is still very difficult to conceal your identity and move in the center of Tobesk. The most dangerous incident occurred on the uphill street. Shade went up first to investigate the situation, while Miss Brown hid in the dark gap between two shops on the downhill side.

But at this time, a group of patrolling policemen came from behind them. There were three people in the group, and the leader was holding a kerosene lamp.

Shade was really frightened when he saw them from the uphill side of the road, but fortunately the three of them did not find Miss Brown hiding in the crack in the wall. If they really found out, Shade might have to let them sleep here for a while.

In short, after arduously crossing half of the city, at 8:10 on Wednesday night, the two finally found the alley pointed out by Mr. Ferlinga. Shade opened the trap door on the ground and helped Miss Brown into the sewer pipe.

Unlike the smelly section of pipe that he and the doctor had entered last week, the pipe that Mr. Feringa had chosen, while still warm and moist, was odorless. After all, not all areas of the sewer are designed to flow sewage. When Shade and Miss Brown followed the pipe to find Mr. Ferlinga, they actually found him hiding in a dark room similar to a lounge.

"This is a break room for the people who work on the pipes."

After just explaining to Shade, Mr. Ferlinga and Miss Brown kissed each other. A man and a woman cried and told each other love words and promised to escape together and continue living in a place where no one knew them.


Because the length of their conversation was too long, and they seemed to have forgotten that there was Shade standing beside them, Shade had to cough to remind them that it was time to leave. He didn't like the sewer environment very much:

"We need to set off to the banks of the Terrariel River as soon as possible. The road ahead will not be easy. If you want to talk to each other, there will be plenty of time on the boat."

He briefly explained the next plan to Mr. Feringa. The man who was once responsible for the maintenance of sewer and gas pipelines said while wiping his red and swollen eyes:

"Thank you very much, but if that's the case, we don't actually have to walk on the ground. From here, yes, in the sewer, I know a road that can lead directly to the dock on the Terrareal River, but there are some areas along the way. , locked by a metal fence, and there are rats in some areas.”

"It doesn't matter, I have the master key with me. As for the rats, I don't think we will care... unless there are hundreds of rats attacking us together."

Shade said casually and waved to the two of them:

"Let's go quickly."

If you are moving in the sewers in the adventure game of Outlander's Hometown or the Knights of this World, you will inevitably encounter enemies such as ghouls, mutated rats, and even sleeping evil witches. But in fact, the sewers of Tobesk were very peaceful. Although they heard someone talking in the distance, no one appeared in front to stop them.

The only danger is the ubiquitous little creatures, spiders, mice, and many other little creatures that hide underground and hibernate due to the arrival of winter.

Shade even saw groups of wild cats living in the sewers. These cats like Shade very much like the cats on the ground. Although they did not approach him directly, more than a dozen cats led the way and dispersed the swarms of rats. Let them go through the most dangerous part of the journey.

In return, Shade gave those wild cats a lot of little Mia's cat food. In this way, all the cat food on his body was consumed, and he really hoped that little Mia wouldn't find out about this.

Relying on Mr. Feringa's familiarity with sewers, they finally arrived at the end of the sewer pipe at 9:30 pm, although they took the wrong route twice.

After Shade opened the rusty iron door, there was a long, narrow and dark passage outside the door. Continuing to move forward, another door not far away that was stuck in the wall due to deformation was kicked open by Shade. Outside was the channel of the Terrarel River. It seemed that this was an abandoned drainage outlet.

The pier is less than a hundred steps to the left of the three of them.

In the dark night, the cargo steamer docked quietly at the dock. There was some firelight on the ship, and it was so vague that I couldn't see its specific appearance.

On the pretext of going to investigate the area first, Shade transformed the suitcase in his pocket and gave it back to Miss Brown. Then the three of them hurried to the dock under the cover of night:

"Hurry up, your freedom is right in front of you."

Shade lowered his voice and urged, letting Miss Brown and Mr. Feringa go forward first. He was worried about the scene of hundreds of guns sticking out from behind.

But nothing happened that he was worried about. The night was still so dark and there was no one on the road along the river.

"Oh, there's someone there!"

But Miss Brown, who had taken the first step, stopped. Shade turned around and saw that there was someone waiting for them on the small trestle of the pier. It was not the captain who had received the news in advance, but a blonde girl wearing a cloak and a hood. She and her maid were watching the three people approaching from the edge of the trestle.

Mr. Ferlinga and Miss Brown's eyesight was far inferior to that of Shade, so only Shade recognized Princess Margaret of Anjou at a glance.

"Don't worry, it's Your Highness."

Shade explained, and Miss Brown immediately trembled all over.

"Don't waste time, come with me."

The three of them hurried onto the trestle, and Princess Margaret also came over, but deliberately avoided her former maid. The princess was still unwilling to talk to Miss Brown.

"Sir, madam, come up quickly, the boat is about to sail!"

The sailors on the deck also urged at this time, and Shade immediately pushed the two of them closer to the wooden ladder to get on the ship. Princess Margaret took two steps back and watched Shade talking to the two of them, but she remained silent.


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