Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,062 The Fountain of Sobriety

"That's good, but how can their speed remain unchanged?"

Shade's position at this time was still at the bottom of a snow slope, but this time there was no huge ancient evil demon appearing behind the ridge.

The open environment gave a clear view of the surroundings, but Shade still saw no trace of Miss Chloe and the three of them just like last time.

He couldn't look around rashly, the blizzard would quickly cover his tracks. If you lose your way and forget where you started, you may never find your way back.

Just as he was thinking about whether to use the silver moon's light to actively attract the witch's attention, he suddenly noticed that on the other side of the ridge, there seemed to be a very vague white mist blown away by the snowstorm.

He wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but he climbed up the ridge against the wind and then rolled down the snowy slope.

The white mist was indeed not his illusion, but it was a pity that the white mist had nothing to do with the witch and her party.

It was a hot spring located at the bottom of the ridge. The white mist that Shade saw just now was actually hot steam. He couldn't understand why there were hot springs in this environment, and after getting closer, Shade was sure that the spring was actually some kind of relic.

The god [Winter Girl] with bare feet, silver hair, and a long staff is standing next to the spring. Therefore, even though Shade didn't want to get close to the relic in such a weird place, he still walked over despite the wind and snow.

As he got closer, he felt more and more truly that the existence of gods was power.

He didn't get close completely, but stopped five or six steps away from the god:


He greeted them respectfully, hoping that his voice would carry through the blizzard.

"Stranger, take some of the water here and bring it to the lost."

The god with his back to Shade said, Shade lowered his head and looked at the spring:

"Didn't know this was..."

"The fountain of clarity. After drinking it, you can wake up from illusions, understand your own fallacies, and break away from illusions."

He whispered:

"The Lost One needs this. Before she reaches the top, she must remember what she has forgotten."

"She...forgot something?"

Shade asked hesitantly, but the god shook his head slightly. The silver hair did not sway in the direction of the air flow in the storm, and the pure white light on the god was brighter than the silver of the snow-capped mountains:

"You have to understand, outsider, this is a test for her, a test for her to take the final step."

"The last step? Isn't Miss Chloe only at the eleventh level?"

Shade thought suspiciously.

"Then why are you here?"

Although this question was somewhat disrespectful, Shade still asked it.

The girl-like god turned around and looked at Shade, who immediately lowered his head to show his respect. At this moment, traces of the afterglow of divinity appeared on his body surface, and he could feel the cold power of the god in front of him.

The soft white light was not obtrusive in the silvery white snow in the sky, and the god stretched out his finger to Shade. Since the girl was shorter than Shade, Shade instinctively lowered his head slightly again.

So, that cold finger directly touched Shade's eyebrows:

"Just like the toy god who prefers you, I also have my favorite mortals."

The moment of coldness made Xia De mistakenly think that his soul was frozen on the snow-capped mountain. When he regained consciousness, the god in front of him had disappeared, only hot steam was still rising out of the pool.

[Outlander, any of your ice and snow-related powers have been permanently enhanced. 】

He stretched out his hand to hold his eyebrows, and could still feel the coldness continuing to seep into his body:

"Is this a blessing?"

[Of course it doesn’t count, it’s just an insignificant gift you get from contacting the gods. 】

Shade nodded, shivering in the snow to find a water bag, and then knelt by the spring to get water, but found that the water did not enter the water bag at all:

"Do you want a special container?"

He rummaged around and found a glass bottle, and then got water. But it seemed that this spring only allowed him to take a certain amount of water. After that, no matter what method Shade used, he could not leave with more water.

The cork is in place, and the liquid in the glass bottle must be brought to Miss Chloe, but Shade also wants to try the water himself. Although he can no longer draw water from any container, he can plunge his head into the spring:


Although I am a little embarrassed, there is no one else here to see it. Having made up his mind, Shade lowered his head and plunged towards the spring——



The cold feeling instantly sobered him up a lot, and the cold made him shrink his head back. Looking again, the hot spring in front of him had disappeared. He had clearly plunged into an ice cave with a layer of floating ice:

"Although I know I am a little greedy, can you not be so stingy and even let me take a sip?"

He complained softly, and then felt like his whole head was freezing.

He found a towel and wiped his head clean, then took out a few scarves and wrapped himself carefully. Then he stood up and looked at the Silver Mountains under the strange and colorful black sky:

"So, where are Miss Chloe and the others now?"

[Let’s go to higher ground. 】


Shade lowered his body and planned to climb up the ridge again:

"It must be around here. Oh, even after eating snow and increasing the power of the first fire, it's still really cold here."

The location of the three witches and their party was closer than Shade thought. He walked along the ridge toward the top of the mountain for less than three minutes when he saw the flickering light of fire under the snow slope on the left.

After climbing down the snow slope, I found the tent I left behind last time. Only this time, the three of them were not so lucky to find a big rock that could take shelter from the wind, so the witch manipulated the ice and snow to cast a low wall that didn't look very strong under the ridge. The tent was placed behind the low wall. It was already covered with a thick layer of snow.

Firelight shot out from the big tent, and three people could be seen at the same time.

Miss Chloe seemed to have recovered a bit and set up a warning ceremony around the perimeter. Therefore, when Shade appeared, she immediately discovered the traces of the visitor.

"who is it?"

An extremely nervous voice came from the tent, and the voice even trembled. Shade didn't know what was going on, but he still revealed his identity:

"It's me, do you want to see my flames?"

The tent was suddenly opened, and the witch took the initiative to appear, hugged Shade, and welcomed Shade inside. The short lady with red-gold eyes had a smile on her face. She took Shade's hand and asked him to sit down and warm himself by the fire.

Because he plunged into the ice water not long ago, Shade's current condition is very bad.

"You really kept your promise and came back again."

Miss Chloe said with a smile, and then asked Mrs. Marquez, who was tending the bonfire, to prepare hot tea. Shade appeared again, and this middle-aged woman in her thirties or forties was also very happy. After all, this meant that Shade had brought supplies again.

It seemed that a long time had passed since Shade last left. Although the black tea has not been consumed yet, food such as vegetables has completely disappeared.

The good news is that although the mental and physical conditions of the three of them are not as good as last time, at least their thinking is normal and they can continue to walk. After all, they know that they are not alone in this white and silver snow mountain, and someone will come to help them.

In fact, even the man who had stolen the [Impermanent Darkness] looked up and smiled at Shade after he entered the tent.

The timid man was still huddled in the corner of the tent. Although he had lost some weight, he still looked healthy.

"Yes, but this time I still can't stay too long...oh, the flames."

Shade sat by the campfire, drank the cup of hot tea, stretched out his hands to warm the fire, and then let out a sigh of relief. This kind of flame that burns spiritual power is hot enough to warm the four people here, and with the arrival of Shade, the flame has jumped up a lot.

"Did you just fall into the water?"

Miss Chloe asked concernedly from the side, and Shade smiled dryly, not embarrassed to say that he plunged into the ice water:

"This is for you. I just met that god again, and he asked me to give this to you. The fountain of clarity is said to be able to break away confusion."

Shade handed the glass bottle to the witch, who looked at the bottle of water doubtfully:

"But I'm not trapped in an illusion. Although time here is chaotic, I'm pretty sure this is reality at this moment."

"Since it was requested by the god, just drink it and give it a try."

Shade encouraged.

The witch nodded slightly, frowned and drank the warm water. Everyone in the tent looked at her, as if expecting her to say something shocking, but Miss Chloe put down the bottle and showed no signs of it:

"Look, let me just say, I'm sober at the moment."

Although Shade was a little suspicious, he didn't know how to explain this. He looked at the tent and asked:

"So why are you camping here? Are you encountering another problem, or are you just simply resting?"

"We did have some trouble."

The young witch became a little nervous when she talked about this topic. She was still wrapped in Shade's white fur from last time, huddled next to Shade and pressed against him, feeling the warmth of his body, but this time she didn't turn into a cat:

"Some troublesome thing is staring at us, and we are not sure what it is. The thing turned into our companion who was lost and died in the snowy mountains, constantly following and intruding us, so I decided to set up camp first and see Look what that thing is trying to do.”

"When I came over, I didn't see anything weird nearby. I can stay here for more than twenty minutes, and let me see what is bothering you."

Shade said, seeing that it was safe for the time being, he took out little Mia's toy from his arms, and then used his coat to restore the cat.


Although it was still warm in the tent, it was far colder than at home. As soon as the soft cat appeared, it plunged into Shade's arms. It was hidden inside Shade's coat, with only a small cat head exposed, looking suspiciously at the unfamiliar environment outside. The white beard trembled slightly, the small pink nose was slightly moist, and the big amber eyes were very alert.

The cat's appearance seemed to make the tent feel warmer, and everyone was in a good mood.


ps1: Can anyone guess what the witch Chloe is doing now?

ps2: Updates will be added on the 10th, for two days, at least three chapters worth 3k will be added in one day.


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