Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,063 The

"Is this your cat?"

Miss Chloe asked softly, reaching out to touch little Mia, but the orange-and-white cat sniffed and immediately made a "threatening" sound.

"This cat is quite shy."

Shade said, patting little Mia's head affectionately. Miss Chloe probably thought about the last time she turned into a cat and huddled in Shade's arms, and an imperceptible red glow appeared on her face.

"I brought a lot of vegetables this time, oh, and the magic materials you asked for... I almost forgot about it."

Shade didn't notice the young witch's face. He patted his head:

"I also brought you something good."

As he spoke, he imitated Sister Devlin's previous movements, placing his hands on the ground in a cupping position. As the first cracks appeared in the palms, the traces of the first fire embers extended from the hands to the arms, but only to the arms. s position.

Dense fiery red cracks were all over Shade's hands and sleeves. This unusual sight made the witch, Mrs. Marquez and the cowering man look over.

And in Shade's palm, a weak golden flame trembled slightly. The flame was very weak, but the golden light was so eye-catching:

"This is the fire of the sun."

Shade explained, smiling and holding the flame towards Miss Chloe:

"This is for you, I think you must need this."


The cat's little head peeked out from the coat on Shade's chest, staring "eagerly" at the golden flame held by Shade, but no one here cared about it.

"This fire..."

The witch stretched out her hand towards Shade's palm, but suddenly took it back, as if she was afraid of being burned:

"This is too precious, I can't have it."

Looking at Xia De with her red-gold eyes, she shook her head slightly:

"This is a flame extracted from the sun's flame. If you find the right great witch, this flame can even be exchanged for a wealthy duchy from the witch."

"I brought it here just for you."

Shade moved his hand closer to Miss Croy. Although this was precious to him, it was a renewable resource. He even planned to use this as a year-end gift for Iluna:

"Take it, I'm here to help you reach the top of the mountain. To be honest, compared to the people I helped before, your needs are almost the least."

Shade said with a smile. Miss Chloe pursed her lips, then stretched out her right hand and placed it on Shade's palm. As expected, she had the ability to absorb special flames. The tiny golden flame turned into a bright match and wrapped around her right hand until it penetrated into her heart.

Shade could clearly feel that the witch's body temperature had risen a lot, but her face didn't get much better:


After hesitating for a moment, he simply said this, still looking a little embarrassed.

This flame can help the three witches continue to climb the mountains. Although she did not ask Shade when she left last time, Shade was still happy to provide as much help as she could.

He was about to continue asking about the current situation here when Miss Chloe suddenly raised her hand to tell Shade to stop talking. She frowned and looked outside the tent, where a dark figure was approaching.

The tent provided by Shade was very thick. They could not see who was outside. They could only confirm that it was a humanoid creature.


Miss Chloe said softly.

Mrs. Marquez immediately put down the teapot in her hand, huddled in a corner of the tent like the man, lowered her head and covered her ears.

Shade used his fingers to push little Mia's head into his clothes, and then looked outside the tent with Miss Chloe.

Not long after, the dark figure had reached the outside of the tent, separated from the four people and the cat inside by only a layer of fabric. Judging from the other person's body shape, she is a woman.

Miss Chloe made a gesture of silence to Shade. She herself did not speak, and the woman who trudged through the snowstorm did not speak either. After a full three minutes of stalemate, a small voice came into my ears from outside. The voice was very dull and panicked:

"Chloe, oh, is it you? I didn't expect to see you alive! Let me in quickly. I'm really cold, tired and hungry. Please do me a favor and let me in."

"What's out there?"

Shade asked softly in his heart.

[I don’t know, but it’s definitely not a demon this time. 】

"She" whispered softly in Shade's ear.

"Are you Wanda?"

Miss Chloe asked in a low voice. After receiving a positive answer from outside, she said in a trembling voice:

"Madam, I won't let you in. I remember very clearly that right after we entered the Silver Mountains, you fell into the forbidden abyss because you were curious about the big shining silver stone in the distance. You are already dead."

The young witch grabbed Shade's hand, as if it could make her calmer. Shade felt that her mental state at this time was very abnormal:

"I know that you followed the team into the Silver Mountains to fulfill your teacher's last wish. Don't worry, I will help you realize your wish, so please leave."

A woman's soft sobbing voice came from outside the tent:

"Chloe, oh, my little Chloe, you are the most powerful witch in the team..."

Shade raised his eyebrows.

"You are the strongest and most determined of us, and I knew you would make it to the end. Please let me in, I'm really... uncomfortable, it's so cold in here."

"Wanda or not, it's time for you to leave."

Miss Chloe continued, but the way she bit her lip showed that she was not as strong as she thought.

"I can't leave, I should go in."

The woman outside was still pleading.

Shade held Miss Chloe's hand tightly and shook his head at her, indicating that she did not need to continue talking:

"Death's Door!"

As his fingers slipped in the air, a dark crack opened in the tent. Behind the crack is the tidal flat illuminated by the dark moon, which is the final destination of the souls of this world.

Shade said to the figure outside the tent:

"Madam, if you really want to come in, I have a place where you should enter."

He stared at the dark shadow on the tent, standing silently in the blizzard. At a certain moment, as if it had been erased by an eraser, the figure suddenly disappeared.


Shade let out a sigh of relief. There were too many weird things in this snowy mountain. He just threatened the other party, but he didn't expect the other party to actually retreat.

"It will come back."

When little Mia squirmed out of Shade's chest again, Miss Chloe hugged her legs and said:

"I can feel it coming again."

The man who had been shrinking stood up at this time, opened the tent and got out under Shade's surprised eyes, and came back trembling after a while:

"It left and there were no footprints in the snow."

After checking, he retreated to his position, trying to prove that it was worthwhile to carry him forward.

"How did you drive away these things pretending to be your friends the past few times?"

Shade asked curiously.

"Instead of driving away, it will follow us, absorbing our positive emotions, joy, warmth, and happiness. When they are satisfied, it will leave. This time, it is the closest it has ever come. I can't imagine that once it If you really come in, what will happen?"

“Absorbing positive emotions?”

Many relics have similar properties, and in an environment like snowy mountains, this property is particularly dangerous.

"We can't let it come back again and again, we need to find a way to solve it."

Shade suggested, but Miss Chloe shook her head:

"Even if I am at the eleventh level, I still don't think I am a match for that thing. It is probably not an external evil spirit, but an evil thing born from the snow mountain itself."

She mentioned that she was the eleventh level, and Shade once again thought of the god's comment not long ago.

"Didn't you investigate the dangers here before entering the Silver Mountains?"

Shade asked, Miss Chloe pursed her lips and said softly:

"There is indeed a way to deal with that thing, but it is very dangerous. It reflects death, and it is something that appears after peering into our hearts. We are definitely not opponents in a head-on battle, but maybe we can rely on wisdom."

She pointed to her head:

"First of all, we must determine what its identity is. After determining it, the party that is looking at it and the party that is not looking at it will jointly launch an attack. The appearance of that thing is a phenomenon that is difficult to explain. It can even be said that It is a natural phenomenon. We must attack its body and illusion at the same time, which are two 'shells' that assist each other."

Although it sounded a bit complicated, Shade understood:

"In other words, there needs to be someone outside waiting for it to appear again?"

Before Miss Chloe spoke, Shade had already stood up:

"Let me do it."

The witch directly grabbed Shade's sleeve:

"I can't rely on you for everything."

Staring at Sha De with his red-gold eyes, Sha De smiled:

"How much power do you have left? Besides, I happen to have the thaumaturgy that can handle this kind of situation... Thaumaturgy is... forget it, it's not important."

He pulled out little Mia and handed it to Miss Chloe:

"Look after my cat for me."

The reason for not turning this cat into a toy is because since this cat is so willful that it must follow this time, it needs to be shown how dangerous this place is, so that the timid Mia will not dare to follow him next time. coming.

"Don't worry about me."

After Miss Chloe hugged the reluctant cat, Shade had already bent down and walked out of the tent.

He stood barefoot in the snow, took a deep breath, and recalled the things that made him angry. But he seemed to have nothing to be angry about. It was not until he thought of little Mia being abducted by Miss Chloe, and being separated from him for two eras that she could not see him again, that anger finally came to his heart:

"Calm gesture."


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