Whispering Verse

Chapter 1065 Thirteen people in the snow mountain

The blizzard roared outside the tent, solving the shadow of death and not letting the blizzard in the Silver Mountains stop.

The howling wind was so frightening that Shade looked up at the other three people in the tent. It seemed that everyone had a strange shadow on their face.

He turned little Mia, who might have been frightened by the wind, back into a toy. Calculating that there were still two or three minutes before he could go back, he hesitantly asked Miss Chloe:

"Is there anything I need to prepare for you next time I come?"

The witch thought for a moment and did not refuse Shade this time:

"Prepare whatever you want. There is only one last leg of the journey left. The next time you see us, we will probably be preparing to climb the highest peak."

"Okay, I'll try my best to prepare."

Shade nodded. He still held Miss Chloe's hand, and the latter didn't seem to notice this and didn't break away.

Whether it is "her" or Shade's own perception, it is proved that Miss Chloe is indeed a living person

He once again confirmed that he had obtained the third "Witch's Reverberation", and then discovered that the knowledge contained in this reverberation was extremely small.

And if Shade wants to investigate Miss Chloe's physical condition in more detail, he will have to make more in-depth contacts. Shade has no such plan yet, but there is no doubt that there is something wrong with the three people who are preparing to climb the snow-capped mountain.

He planned to return to the Sixth Epoch and try to find information to solve this problem. When Miss Chloe saw Shade looking at her, she unnaturally brushed the hair beside her ear:

"Are we going to wait until we reach the top of the mountain and you will never show up again?"

Shade nodded, and the witch pursed her lips:

"What about the future? Will you come to see me again?"

"I am also not certain."

Shade gave the answer, and Miss Chloe also looked up at him:

"I don't know who you are or where you come from, but... you are a really good man."

A faint smile appeared on her face:

"You said that you are the lover of a certain witch, so if you still have time next time, tell me the story of you and her."

There was some unnatural sadness in his tone:

"That's a lucky witch."

At this time, Shade was still thinking about the third witch's reverberation. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond to Miss Chloe's words, so he asked:

"I remember you once said that there were nineteen people in total when you entered the Silver Mountains. Do you remember the identities of the others? Are any of them related to the god who helped us?"

Miss Chloe was silent for a moment:

"My memory is very confused. I only remember the faces and identities of twelve of them. In addition to Mrs. Marquez, there is also an ordinary person who is also a servant of the witch, but there is no devout believer in that god."

This is indeed a quite large team. You must know that even Miss Violet, more than four thousand years later, only brought her distant niece and six personal maids.

"In other words, including the gentleman in the corner who you met later, you actually only remember thirteen people including yourself?"

Shade was sure that Miss Chloe didn't want to remember her dead companion anymore, so she just nodded silently, and Mrs. Marquez gave her the answer:

"Yes. But now we need to add you, there are fourteen people."

Shade smiled and nodded at the lady who was making vegetable soup, and had his own thoughts in his mind. So he asked again:

"Miss Chloe, when you faced the shadow of death just now...were you feeling a little abnormal?"

He had just been fighting the black shadow at close range, but he didn't actually feel his positive emotions being absorbed. He just felt that the other person seemed to be a mixture of death and fear. Shade's knowledge was not enough for him to understand what it was. .

"It seemed like it was deliberately targeting me. Once I came into close contact with it, I... felt like I was facing death."

The short witch lady bit her lip and said:

"The environment here is trying to drive me crazy. If you hadn't showed up in time, we wouldn't have had any hope of reaching the top of the mountains."

"No, even if I don't show up, you still have a chance. This is not only because the god is still watching over you, but also because I can see that you are not a girl who gives up easily."

Shade looked down at her slightly:

"Miss Chloe, please keep climbing forward. The mountain is there, waiting for us to conquer it. Please believe in this. I believe that you who are lost here can eventually reach the end."

The witch pursed her lips and looked at him, nodded slightly and stretched out her hand to him. The flame of the golden sun fire was now appearing in her palm:

"Swear to the sun, I will climb to the top of the mountains, to the highest point of the material world."

At this time, the white mist has wrapped around Shade's body. The forty-minute adventure has come to an end again, and it's time for him to go back.

"Anyway, please be safe and I will come back again."

"I know."

Miss Chloe hesitated for a moment, then took the initiative to reach out and hug Shade, but then gave him a gentle push:

"Really, if I can't let you stay, why should I meet a man like you?"

She complained softly, watching him disappear in front of her.

(Little Mia is running...)

Sixth Era, 1853, No. 6, Saint Teresa Square, living room of Room 1 on the second floor.

[Outlander, you have returned to the present time. 】

Shade stumbled and walked out of the door of the room where he was lying on his side:

"Why is there still a witch reverberation left?"

He still couldn't figure it out, but he still remembered jogging to the fireplace and trying to draw heat from it.

"Could it be that the black shadow we encountered is her soul that has died in the future?"

[Impossible, what you defeated was not a spirit body. 】

"So, I knew that Tree Father's mission would never be simple."

In front of the fireplace, he transformed little Mia into a cat again. The orange cat didn't seem to feel the cold. After transforming back, he still meowed to express dissatisfaction to Shade. At this time, Dorothy, who was getting up in the bedroom, also came out. Last week, Lecia saw Shad looking like he was about to freeze to death, so she personally used her body temperature to warm him, but the real Miss Writer But she would not do this. She quickly walked to the kitchen to prepare hot tea for Shade.

Dorothy and Shade left after breakfast together. Shade took advantage of nothing in the morning and took a carriage to Miss Carina's manor outside the city. But since he didn't make an appointment to visit in advance, and neither the Witch nor Tifa were there, Shade left a letter and returned to the city.

But around eleven o'clock that morning, there was a sudden boom and a loud explosion in the west of the city. The sound could even be heard in Saint Teresa Square.

Shade had already returned home at that time, guessing that this was related to the ring magicians, and there would be another news about a gas pipeline explosion in tomorrow's newspaper.

Although Shade and Sir Pricha made an appointment to meet at St. Teresa's Square at three in the afternoon, Miss Denister arrived at St. Teresa's Square at 1:30 that afternoon.

The sound of bells coming from downstairs made Shade mistakenly think that a client was here. When he opened the door, he saw the thirteen-ring sorceress standing outside.

She was wearing a long black dress and a bonnet with lace trim and beautiful yellow flowers on her side. Her long red hair was braided in a complicated style and hung down her head. She wore a pair of small gold-rimmed glasses on her face and held a beautiful checkered lady's bag in her hand.

Compared to the strongest sorceress in the human race in the material world, she looks more like an intellectual and elegant female university professor:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hamilton."

She greeted Shade with a smile, and then looked up at the house with emotion:

"Is this the famous haunted house in Tobesk? It's really interesting."

"Every ring warlock who has heard of the reputation of this place will sigh like this."

Shade replied, making way for Miss Denister to enter. This lady is by far the strongest ring warlock that Shade has ever received in his home. He even thought about asking Miss Daniste to visit the house if he had time to determine if there were any problems in other parts of his home.

Due to the Orthodox Church and her own responsibilities, Miss Danister has not set foot in Tobesk for many years. But she told Shade that when she was a student at St. Byrons, she had visited here for summer off-campus practical activities, but the three correspondence groups in Tobesk at that time had nothing to do with the three now. .

She put her small bag aside and curiously observed the living room on the second floor with the tea cup handed by Sha De:

"Your place is really nice. I always thought that men living alone would have a chaotic living environment."

Shade held little Mia and sat on the couch. He hesitated before saying:

"I have my house cleaned regularly... Miss Denist, you must know Mr. Sherf Tim and Miss Shana Aya, right?"

Here are the two Ring Warlocks as the Doctor enters the group.

The sorceress retracted her gaze and looked around, holding the tea cup, her body weight resting on her left arm, which was placed on the soft armrest on the side of the sofa. She raised her eyebrows in surprise:

"You actually know these two names. No, please don't ask about this matter. It involves something terrible. Your team leader Bill Schneider is suspected of having a problem because of that incident."

Shade nodded and stopped asking. Instead, he pointed in the direction of the kitchen behind him and said:

"You can see Yodel Palace from this window. If this wasn't a haunted house, I don't think my uncle, Mr. Sparrow Hamilton, would have bought it so easily."

"Yes, the location here is quite good. You can live here for a few years. By the time your group plans to set off for the college, this house will definitely be sold for a lot of money. Oh, in fact, you can also sell it to the college. The college also We need such a hot property. I just need to make some adjustments to make this place an asset of the School of Library Management. When you inherit my position, this house can naturally be assigned to your own name."

She talked about the academy, put down the tea cup, and took out a box at least four times the size of the handbag from the small handbag:

"I almost forgot what you asked for."

The sorceress smiled.

Shade opened the box, and inside was indeed the last stone slab, with topaz wrapped around the four corners. He tried hard to control his smile. In this way, he only needed to unseal the Red Moon Spirit Rune, and the mystery of time would unfold in front of him.

In front of Miss Danister, he did not illuminate the stone slab with the [Yellow Moon] spirit rune, but put it away. After thanking Miss Denister again, she talked about the recent news in Tobesk.

Although the librarian lady came here mainly for the [Silver Moon Library], her real duty is to deal with the chosen ones, so she is also happy to get some information from Shade. In addition to Shade telling Miss Danister about local affairs, the lady also talked to Shade about St. Byrons, the amazing Academy City in the far north, and the stories between the various departments. , as well as the history of libraries and librarians.

It was only then that Shade learned that most of the librarians at St. Byrons could reach the twelfth or even thirteenth ring. This position has been inherited for two eras and has power in itself. With this status gained, additional inspiration and wisdom are gained through study and scholarly exchange within the confines of St. Byrons.

This is the convenience left by Miss Feliana and the original librarian for future generations when the library was first established.

Seeing that the time was about to reach three o'clock, Shade, who had finished chatting with Miss Danister about the current weather in the Far North, suddenly said:

"Speaking of which, I opened another time key a few days ago and haven't had time to write an investigation report. I went to the year 903 of the Fifth Epoch and met a witch named Chloe who was climbing a snow mountain. Adventure story. I have never heard of this witch’s name, and I couldn’t find anything when I checked the information. Miss Danister, is this a famous person?”

The sorceress pointed her slender fingers on her chin, tilted her head slightly and asked:

"The name Chloe is common in northern civilizations in the early Fifth Age. Do you know the full name? It's not a very rare name."

Shade shook his head slightly, then realized that he didn't ask Miss Chloe's full name:

"I don't know her name, but I can describe her appearance. She is not very tall, and she looked about seventeen or eighteen years old in 903 of the Fifth Era. She has very rare long silver-white hair, and her eyes are red. of."

"In the process of time investigation, most of the truth will be covered by fog, but you can see it so clearly."

Miss Denister joked, but did not go into detail:

"It's difficult to tell who it is based on these alone. If you can know what important things she has done, it will be easier to find it from the few existing materials from the early Fifth Age. But you also understand that the longer the historical data, the more complicated it is. Incomplete, I don’t think it’s possible for you to find information about Miss Chloe.”

She sighed softly:

"Time investigation is like this, filling in the blanks and supplementing the completely incomplete history. Perhaps in the long past, they were all people who could influence an entire era. But for us in the Sixth Age, they have long gone, and those names What it represents is just a piece of history, a few lines of text, and a story that has ended long ago.”


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