Whispering Verse

Chapter 1066: Respective Invitations

Sir Priscilla and Princess Margaret arrived on time at three o'clock that afternoon.

Miss Danister used thaumaturgy to change her appearance, and she and Shade welcomed the two. She appeared as Shade's friend and explained through a simple lie that she needed the aura of three moons.

With the guarantee of Princess Margaret and the good relationship between Sir Prisha and Shade, this gentleman directly agreed.

The next thing was much simpler. Princess Margaret stood behind Shade with little Mia in her arms. The three of them sat on three different sofas, and the black book containing the secrets of the [Silver Moon Library] Placed on the coffee table in the center.

When Miss Danister first revealed the core spiritual rune [Red Moon], Shade and Sir Prisya also revealed the spiritual light. All three of them only showed core spirit runes instead of complete life rings, so neither the knight nor the princess realized the specific level of Shade's "friend".

Three kinds of brass-colored auras illuminated the pages of the open wordless black book together. Under the inspiration of the three people, faint ink marks gradually appeared on the wordless page, and the ink marks connected with each other to form complex fuzzy runes, and then the runes gradually became clear.

And just when Shade thought they were about to succeed and Miss Daniste had a smile on her face, the process of the blurry ink stains becoming clear suddenly stopped.


Compared with Shade and Miss Danister's aura, the ink marks were indeed much clearer after Sir Prisha was added to the book, but the level of clarity was still not enough for anyone to interpret the contents of the book.

In other words, although the "Guiding Moon" is effective, it is still not enough to represent the real [Yellow Moon]. If you want to know the contents of this book, you still need the [Yellow Moon] Core Spirit Rune to shine together with the [Red Moon] and [Silver Moon].

The librarian lady had a look of astonishment on her face. She was silent for a few seconds, waiting to see if anything else would happen. Then she sighed slightly and accepted the reality.

The thirteen-ring sorceress quickly adjusted her mood:

"It seems to have failed. Sure enough, such high-level alchemy items are not within the reach of a six-ring warlock like me. Thank you for your help. It seems that I wasted everyone's time."

She shook her head in disappointment, but still paid Sir Prisha.

"Shade, I'm leaving first. This incident has hit me hard."

After saying that, he stood up. Both the Sir and the Princess had something to talk to Shade, so Shade got up and escorted Miss Danister downstairs first.

The disappointment shown in Miss Danister's words was definitely not false. She maintained great patience for today's action and waited for three full months, but in the end she got nothing. Fortunately, this was not the first time she failed in exploring the contents of the Black Book. She did not forget to thank Shade for his help in the foyer downstairs:

"I can also accept this result... I think I have to go back and plan carefully, and then contact you when I have ideas for the next step."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath:

"I'll contact you again when I have new ideas. It's been a hard work on you during this period."

"Please wait a moment, Miss Daniste."

Shade stopped the lady and pointed upstairs:

"Please come here again at eight o'clock tonight. I may have some ideas."

He hesitated for a moment:

"Yes, maybe, we can use other methods, which do not necessarily require core spirit runes. But I need to prepare first."

"You have a way... No problem. After all, the academy sent me to Tobesk, and I can't leave immediately. I hope your method will work."

Although she said this, Miss Denister didn't look very hopeful:

"Well, see you tonight. Speaking of which, I didn't bring you any gifts for this visit."

After saying goodbye to Shade, she opened the door and walked out, and then disappeared into thin air. The passers-by in Saint Teresa Square seemed not to have seen this scene.

When Shade returned to the second floor with little Mia in his arms, Princess Margaret and Sir Priscia both showed that they wanted to tell Shade something.

Of course, ladies take precedence, so Margaret first told Shade the matter in the corridor:

"Next Wednesday, I'm going back."

She stood in the corridor and looked at Shade:

"I hope you can come to the banquet on Tuesday night."

"Are you going back now? Got it, I will go to the banquet."

Shade nodded, and the princess reached out to touch the cat that was imprisoned in Shade's arms, and bit her lower lip:

"So, do you have anything to say to me?"

"Hmm...Have a nice trip?"

Shade blinked, and before the blonde girl opposite showed a gloomy expression, he said with a smile:

"I hope you enjoyed your visit to Tobesk. Margaret, I'm glad I got to know you in this world."

He took the princess's soft white hand and kissed the back of her hand gently.

"Knight, the kiss on the hand should be on the back of the fingers."

The princess reminded softly, took her hand out of Shade's hand, and looked at Shade:

"I'm also very happy to meet you, really, very happy..."

For a moment, Shade thought she would reach out and hug him, but she didn't:

"If you can't find out about the sorceress who lives alone, there's no need to find out."

After a pause, he continued:

"Tuesday night, I hope you'll be there."

"Yes, definitely."

Shade nodded and sent the princess downstairs, where her carriage was still waiting for her. When looking back at Shade in the carriage, Shade felt that the emotion in Margaret's eyes could not be written even in a whole piece of paper.

【The sin is deep...】

"Sinful man, I know."

Shade responded to "her" in his heart and stood on the steps of his home, watching the princess's carriage leave.

Shade's thoughts about Sir Lykins Plischar were actually very complicated. He is not as completely bad as Ivan Darkness, nor does he have the wrong ideas like Joey Barton, but he is not as completely a good person as Iluna.

He is definitely not a good person, but he is not particularly bad. Although such people are the majority in this world, this has also led to Luvia still not deciding how to treat him.

When he returned to the second floor with the cat in his arms, Sir Prisha was standing by the fireplace, looking up at the knighthood sword hung on the wall by Shade.

After seeing Sha De, he smiled and said:

"When His Highness told me that you were also a ring warlock, I was really surprised."

"Reacquaint yourself with St. Byrons, the four rings."

Shade stretched out his hand to Jazz, and the two held their hands together:

"Thirkeses, five rings."

Sir Prisha introduced himself, and Shade motioned for him to sit down and talk, but Sir shook his head:

"There's no need to sit down, I'll leave right away. In fact, I have something that I just want to ask you for help with."

"Please say."

"Next Wednesday, I will return to Kasenlik with the visiting delegation. But before that, I still have some unfinished things in this city, which are about... relics. A clerical-level ( Level 4) books are still not contained. My local friends are currently busy receiving friends from the south..."

Shade understood this to mean that the local ring wizards in the Apuna Library were busy cooperating with the Pantanal Voodoo Society.

"So it is difficult for me to find suitable helpers. Knight, are you free on Monday? I would like to invite you to help me collect the book. The book belongs to me, and I will pay you a reward."

Being able to act with Sir Prisha and talk to him by the way, Shade thinks this is a good opportunity:

"Of course, no problem. Do you need me to invite other friends to join us? I have many friends locally."

He wanted to call Luvia.

"The two of us are enough. His Highness has praised you. You are really reliable."

The southern gentleman smiled and said:

"Mr. Hamilton, it seems that the relationship between His Highness and you is very good?"


"It's okay, you don't have to answer me."

Jazz shook his head, but his eyes were serious:

"Although we are only distant relatives, I have known Her Highness since she was a child, and later became a ring magician in the same group. She is a very good girl. Princesses need to protect themselves with a calm personality to cope with palace life, but I know her mental age is much younger than...I shouldn't say the age of ladies."

He was ready to leave:

"I don't like to comment on other people's lives, but knight, if Her Highness really likes you, no matter what you think, at least please don't hurt her."

Shade sent Jazz downstairs and stood at the door to watch him leave. Sir Prisha had other engagements nearby, and therefore did not ride in the carriage.

"Is this a good guy or a bad guy?"

[You yourself said that there are no completely good and bad people. 】

"She" reminded softly.

Shade nodded:

"When we go to collect the relics on Monday, we can have an in-depth talk with him."

Just as he was about to close the door, he saw a purple-eyed girl facing the winter sunset, with a beautiful red scarf wrapped around her neck, walking over from the other side of the square in the opposite direction from where Lykins Prisha left.

"That was Lykins Prisha just now?"

With his back to the sunset, his purple eyes seemed to be shining slightly. Although Luvia's appearance is not comparable to those unique witches, the charm of her eyes is unmatched by any witch.


Seeing Luvia, Shade felt inexplicably relaxed. He folded his hands on his chest and leaned against the door frame of his house. Luvia looked at his posture, and after climbing the steps, she flicked his chin a little provocatively:

"Oh, handsome big boy, do you want to go to dinner together?"


Shade said with a smile and invited Luvia into the house.


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