Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,067 Teachers’ Teachings

Shade told Luvia that Sir Prisha invited him to collect the relics tomorrow. Luvia didn't say anything about it and just let Shade act on his own.

She came here to tell Shade another thing:

"I went to see Miss Pavo again."

In the restaurant on Silver Cross Avenue, Shade was tilting his head and looking out the window at the bright street scene illuminated by gas lights, when Luvia suddenly said.

Shade was startled, and turned to look at her. The cat lying on the high stool next to Shade, waiting to be fed, meowed, urging Shade not to forget it:


"Yes, the vice-president of the Truth Society, Miss Paavo."

The girl with purple eyes held a fork and said:

"I wanted to confirm whether she was the second pick of the fourth pick, so I went to investigate her whereabouts. She was indeed the second pick..."

This is not beyond Shade's expectation. The chosen ones always have extremely strong qualities, which are linked to the chosen person's identity. Although Miss Pavo's plans always fail, she is indeed very smart.

"Then I accidentally got caught by her."

Luvia said in a relaxed tone, and before Shade asked the question:

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I didn't get into a fight with the lady. I pretended to be a female fortune teller on the roadside. The lady seemed to be completing some task at the time and had no time to stay and talk to me. . But she asked me to perform a card divination for you, and interestingly, the result of that card was 'friendship'."

Shade frowned slightly:

"In this case, we must let Sir Prisha complete the Chosen Ceremony. Miss Pavo of the Truth Society is a greater threat than Sir Prisha."

"Yeah, unless we can still find someone with the third pick."

Luvia nodded, and Shade suggested:

"When I have time, I will take you to meet Miss Sylvia. That lady seems to meet the characteristics of the chosen one. Maybe you can try to take a look."

"That's not a problem, but I read in the newspaper that the visiting delegation will leave next Wednesday, right? You need to act as soon as possible."

"Then on Tuesday night, please be my female companion and go to the farewell party with me."

Shade extended the invitation, and Luvia fiddled with the broken hair in her ears before nodding reservedly.

"The banquet at Lake View Manor that I attended seems like it happened yesterday. At that wedding banquet, it just snowed for the first time in Tobesk, and now it's almost the end of the year."

Shade lamented the time, cut off a small piece of the gravy steak on the plate, and placed it in front of little Mia.

After dinner, Luvia and Shade returned to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. Tonight, she was going to use the third floor for stargazing and finish her last paper before the start of the exam week.

Luvia then went to the third floor, and Miss Daniste would not come until eight o'clock in the evening, so Shade took advantage of the time to take out the slate that Miss Daniste had brought from the study. , and by the way, he also took out the other two stone slabs from the basement.

The two slates symbolizing the silver moon and the red moon were placed on the table first, and Shade held the slate symbolizing the yellow moon brought by the librarian lady in his hands.

After the whistle and bells sounded, a huge life ring appeared behind him. The spiritual rune [Yellow Moon] shone on the stone slab in his hand. The originally ordinary stone slab immediately began to respond to the spiritual light, emitting pleasant yellow light particles.

Under the cat's gaze, the stone slab in Shade's hand slowly rose into the air and floated in front of him.

Originally, this item only had a very thin miraculous element, but now the overflowing miraculous elements are like a magical item in a church.

Shade took a deep breath, stretched out his fingers forward, and touched the stone slab in front of him. When the bright yellow light rushed towards the fingers, the scratches of the yellow moon suddenly appeared on the originally smooth stone surface.

The activation pattern on the silver moon slate was originally a silver full moon surrounded by an olive branch pattern, but what appears on the slate now is a yellow quarter moon wrapped in laurel branches.

Shade narrowed his eyes slightly, and all the complicated knowledge had already entered his mind. This is also one-third of the knowledge, which can be well coordinated with the knowledge on the Silver Moon Stone Tablet.

In this way, as long as he waits for the red moon spirit runes to be released from the seal, the secrets of the sixth era of time can be revealed in front of him.


Little Mia's cry made Shade notice the other two slates on the table. The unactivated red moon slate was lying quietly in the box, but the activated silver moon slate seemed to be floating on Shade's back. The yellow moon slate in front of him resonated the same, first it glowed on its own, and then it also flew in front of Sha De.

The two stone slabs rotate around each other, like two moons attracted to each other. Even if little Mia was thrown onto Shade's shoulder and stretched out her little paws to fiddle with, they would quickly fly back to their original position.

"What can these stone slabs do?"

He stretched out his hand, flattened the two stone slabs in the air and brought them together, then lifted the cat on his shoulder to the stone slab:

"Being used as a bed board in the air for little Mia?"

Shade smiled and thought in his heart, then sighed softly and looked at the moon outside the window:

"I need to liberate my red moon, Miss Danist is looking for the core rune of the yellow moon, and the bard and secret keeper is looking for the yellow moon. These three things seem to be considered one thing."

Miss Denister rang the bell downstairs exactly at eight o'clock in the evening. Because the time was not even a second off, Xia De even guessed whether the other party stood outside the door for a while on purpose, holding his pocket watch and waiting for time.

When opening the door to let the thirteen-ring sorceress in, Shade informed her that there were people on the third floor, but Miss Danister didn't care.

So the two of them sat down in the living room on the second floor. Shade asked Miss Denister to take out the book with a black hard cover and spread it on the coffee table. Then the two of them showed their life rings again and used their respective cores to The spiritual light of the spiritual rune illuminates the book.

"Please keep it that way."

Shade reminded, and then took out the Yellow Moon Slate. Let it float in the air, and after a slight click, the rotating slate flew above the wordless book, and the yellow moonlight sprinkled on the book.

Miss Danister frowned slightly, and the blurred ink marks on the book gradually became clearer. Although the degree of clarity is not even as good as the time when the "Guiding Moon" aura appeared in the afternoon, the ink marks have indeed become much clearer than when they were alone.

She recognized the slate as the one she had brought with her in the afternoon, so she frowned slightly and looked at Shade, wanting him to explain.

Shade's memories brought him back to the Forest of Thousand Trees. He had personally participated in the God-Calling Ceremony and learned a lot of knowledge from Miss Feliana.

In the distant past, the founder of St. Byrons came up with another plan when faced with a similar situation:

"I read a short story in an ancient book. A very powerful witch from the fifth era wanted to prepare a powerful ritual, but she lacked the witch corresponding to the power of time and space to assist her. (Chapter 303)"

The faces of Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode seemed to be right in front of him at this moment. Shade missed these two ladies very much. They really taught him a lot of things. This longing became stronger as he told the story of the past. Xia De tried his best to suppress this inappropriate mood:

"But the witch did not continue to search for the witch. Instead, she found two extremely powerful relics to help her. One was an hourglass pendant and the other was a glass cube."

Shade stretched out two fingers and looked at Miss Denister:

"So, what does this mean?"

Miss Denister narrowed her eyes slightly, and she understood:

"I see, there is still this method. If you don't find pure core spirit runes, then relics with pure power are actually possible."

During the Forest of Thousand Trees, Miss Feliana admitted that even if the relic was damaged without the witch's power, the spiritual runes of the Ring Warlock system could also replace the witch's power.

This draws a simple equation. The symbolic meanings of the witch's power, the relic, and the core spirit rune of the ring warlock can be equivalent in some aspects. Since even a high-standard, highly mysterious ritual such as the God Summoning Ceremony can use relics to replace mortal power, then just opening this wordless black book can also be replaced by relics.

The Yellow Moon Slate that Shade took out proved his point very well:

"In other words, if we really can't find the [Yellow Moon] Core Spirit Rune, maybe we can use a relic with a pure [Yellow Moon] concept to replace the role of the Core Spirit Rune. This stone slab is obviously not pure enough. What we want It is a pure 'Yellow Moon Relic'."

He had had this idea before, but Miss Danist had not yet verified whether the "Moon of Guidance" was effective, so he did not propose it.

Miss Danister bit her red lips, trying to control her joy. The sorceress looked at Shade with admiration:

"Mr. Hamilton, it seems that I have underestimated the ring magicians who are taking correspondence courses. Although your foundation is not as solid as that of formal students, your ability in application cannot be underestimated. Yes, why didn't I think of that? As long as you cooperate A simple ritual can lead to the elemental power of the relic. A pure enough relic can completely replace the aura. Although I haven’t tried it yet, it’s good, very good.”

The smile on the librarian's face was genuine. Before visiting Shade again tonight, she had never expected that Shade could really come up with such a good idea.

"I actually know one ritual that uses relics to replace spiritual light."

Shade said humbly, that was the content of "Feliana's Notes".

Miss Denister nodded slightly:

"Let me think about it, a relic of Huang Yue that is powerful and pure enough...

The unknowable relic [Cracked Moon Stone] is a relic left after the shattered moon fell into the material world in the Second Era; the unknowable relic [Moon in Water] is a relic formed by the reflection of the real moon on the mirror, which is almost the same as The power of March; the angel-level relic [Mary's Night Curtain], a legendary creation of the astral world, the moonlight behind that curtain is quite amazing; the sage-level relic [Book of Madness], which records the secrets and worship of the Mad Moon. The ancient text of Moon Faith contains information on at least twenty-three thirteen-ring thaumaturgy; the sage-level relic [Source of Chaos] contains a flawless orb of yellow moonlight..."


ps: I updated 1w in the morning, and there are two more chapters in the afternoon. Plan to update 1.6w today. Please vote for more updates! Only with good data during the recommendation period can you have the opportunity to recommend next time.

Asking for votes~


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