Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,068 Collector Mr. Booker

Miss Danister was quietly thinking about which relic she could get her hands on, but most of these relics had already been lost:

"Some of them can indeed be borrowed, but I have to wait until I return to the academy to contact the owners of those relics. However, I know from the Zhengshen Church that the secret keeper's trial involves finding Huang Yue. Also That is to say, maybe there are similar relics in Tobesk.”

She said softly, and Shade pretended not to understand because he shouldn't have been there at the time:

"If it can be found in Tobesk, then you still need to look for the relics. I will wait for your good news."

"Yes, no problem. It is easier to find specific relics than to find core runes. After all, the information is there. Even if we can't find it in Tobesk, we will have other relics to choose from when we return to the academy. I still have some respect in the material world.”

She stood up:

"Mr. Hamilton, no, let me call you Shade. Shade, I think the secret of [Silver Moon Library] will be revealed to us soon, and I will not forget your contribution. In addition, in recent weeks, the city has Something big may happen, so be careful during this time.”

"no problem."

Shade stood up and said, sending Miss Danister downstairs.

But before the sorceress left, he took out a crystal cylindrical vial about the size of a quarter of a little finger. This bottle was specially customized by Shade from Old John. It contains a liquid with little bits of light:

"Miss Denister, I give this to you as a year-end gift."

He held out the vial in the foyer.

"There is still half a month until the end of the year. Moreover, the college has clear regulations that prohibit professors from accepting gifts from correspondence students."

Although she said this, she still took the small bottle, held it between her two white fingers, shook it in front of her eyes, and showed an incredulous look.

"this is......"

The fingers of her right hand glowed with red moonlight. When the moonlight came into contact with the liquid, the originally nearly transparent liquid also reflected the red light representing the moon.

Miss Danister in the foyer looked at Shade in surprise:

"Is this the moonlight water? The essence of the moon that can only be formed naturally in a specific location after thousands of years?"

"Yes, you recognized it? That's amazing."

Shade nodded immediately.

But he didn't need thousands of years. The amount of "Moonlight Water" in the crystal container, which was about a quarter of the volume of his little finger, could be produced on a night with sufficient moonlight.

"Even by the standards of a year-end gift, this is a bit too precious."

She shook the small bottle, hesitated, and handed it to Shade again:

"This is too precious, and you need it more than me. I will give you a formula for a potion. You can find a pharmacist you trust enough to help prepare it. The potion can greatly increase your ability to control the power of the moonlight. Perception is increased permanently, which is very useful for low-level warlocks like you."

"No, no, I actually kept some for myself. Just accept this... You can give me the formula."

Shade said with a smile, and Miss Daniste also had a smile on her face. She took back the bottle and put it in her skirt:

"I'll have someone bring it to you tomorrow, Shade, you're very good."

Shade opened the door, and the librarian lady walked into the snowy St. Teresa Square, waved to him, then turned around and disappeared into the night.

"Is this considered a bribe?"

When Shade closed the door and prepared to go upstairs again, he saw Luvia standing at the corner of the stairs and looking at him with a smile. She had obviously heard the conversation just now.

"Bribery? No, no, how can this be considered a bribe? It's just a gift to deepen my friendship with the school officials, which will be very helpful in the future."

Shade bent down and picked up the cat on the steps, and walked towards Luvia at the top of the stairs:

"And the point of this matter is not what I gave, but what Miss Danist accepted... Are you done with your work?"

"Of course not, but now that the planetarium is automatically recording data, I will come down to see you. I will probably be busy very late tonight."

After saying that, he glanced at Sha De, his eyes clearly wanting Sha De to say something.

Then Shade coughed:

"Then don't go back, just stay here for the night. Although it's not snowing outside, you know it's not easy to walk at night. MI6 was looking for the missing girl yesterday."

The purple-eyed girl showed a faint smile and walked upstairs with Shade:

"Tell me about the missing girl from MI6. You can do it slowly."

(Little Mia is running...)

It can be predicted that the ceremony of the chosen ones will begin probably after Sir Prisha returned to Huntingdon with the visiting delegation. In order to prevent the candidate's qualification from falling into the hands of the second-ranked Miss Paavo, this time, Luvia did not intend to get rid of Sir Prisha in advance.

On Monday morning, after giving the crystal ball taken out of the gift box to Luvia, and accepting the task of scrubbing the glass inside the bedroom before the weekend, Shade set off for the entrance of the Natural Church in the east of the city and Pulsha. Jazz meets.

The relic that Jazz invited Shade to take in yesterday was a clerical relic ["The Book of Fools\

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