Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,072 The Witch's Reverberation: Oranod

This is a straight road, but it only takes a few dozen steps to reach the end. There are five bookshelves at the end, including one facing the exit and two on each side. However, the bookshelves on the left and right sides are not placed right next to each other, but with a subtle distance between them.

And that distance looks like another passage.

"Yes, the functional areas of Parliament are connected to each other, but generally they are hidden."

Miss Carina briefly explained, then pointed to the bookshelves:

"The information is all here."

They were five gray, crooked stone bookshelves that looked even older than the bookshelves in Sister Devlin's mountaintop altar. Each bookshelf is divided into five levels, and each level is filled with books. But no matter how full it is, there are only a few hundred books that can be placed here. Comparing the ancient history of the Witch Council, Shade even doubted whether these books contained the names of previous members.

"What you see is just the surface. In fact, there is a lot of information. When you reach out your hand, imagine the information you want, and you will definitely get the information you want."

Miss Sylvia noticed Shade's doubts and explained softly.

"Of course, only congressmen are eligible to obtain information. Members like Sister Devlin who are allowed to attend are not eligible."

Miss Carina added.

At the same time, "she" whispered in Shade's ear:

[Maybe you can try it. 】

"Can I pick up books like a full member?"

[You even have the right to vote now. Outlander, as you come into contact with more Witch Reverberations, you will have more authority here. 】

"Just try it and let Miss Carina help me get it."

Shade thought in his mind and asked the witch beside him:

"I probably understand, so the appearance of these bookshelves is not important, but they are essentially symbols?"


Miss Sylvia nodded:

"A very precise description. The bookshelf itself only means the function here. In fact, it is no different from the nameplate nailed with 'database' and 'library'. However, these bookshelves are indeed very old. Your Excellency the Speaker said that they probably came from the The Third Age. Only this special environment can keep these bookshelves so well preserved."

Miss Carina took over:

"Probably even the Speaker, Miss Isabella, doesn't fully understand the secrets of the parliament, but let's not waste time here. If someone else comes in later, are we going to let Shade hide under our skirts?"

She made a little joke, but Miss Sylvia didn't know what she thought of, and glanced at Shade with a red face.

Xia De reached out and wanted to touch the bookshelf. After all, there were really few artifacts from the Third Age:

"Okay, Miss Carina, come and get the information. That lady's name is pronounced in the language of the early Fifth Era as... huh?"

What he reached out to touch was the bookshelf in the center facing the exit. The surface of the stone bookshelf was already pitted with pits, some of which were naturally formed, but most of which were scratched or even pinched directly with his fingers and palms.

"She" suddenly smiled and reminded:

【The power of familiarity. Move your finger down a little, yes, and to the left, to touch this fingerprint. 】

When Shade's fingers touched the fingerprint "she" mentioned, he felt that what he was touching was not a stone, but warm skin. The finger marks on the bookshelf emit a soft orange light, which is the light of the moon.

"What's wrong?"

The two witches also noticed this strange light. While retreating with Shade, the three of them heard a gentle sigh at the same time:

"Long time no see, Shade."

This is the language of the Fifth Age, and the witches are very good at ancient languages, so they can understand it. The two of them looked at Xia De in surprise, but saw that Xia De was surprised at first, and then he understood after being slightly startled:

"haven't seen you for a long time......"

Streaming light flew out from the finger marks, and faint light spots swirled around Shade. This power was already very weak.

Those streams of light finally gathered in front of Shade, and the figure walking out of the light still had that familiar look. He has yellow hair, slightly pointed ears, and his robe has patterns like vines and branches, which are the unique decorations of elves.

Miss Bryony Olanold, the first librarian of St. Byrons Comprehensive College, the "Moon Witch" who met Shade twice in the Forest of Thousand Trees and the Valley of Silence, in the sixth At the end of the year 1853, he reunited with Shade again.

Of course, what is in front of me at this time is just a phantom, just like meeting the Witch Emperor Miss Violet for the first time in the heart of Mount Sikal.

"This scene... Xiwei seemed to have described it to me."

The Duchess muttered something under her breath, while Miss Sylvia looked at the scene in front of her in surprise.

"Miss Olanode."

Shade looked at the lady in front of him, who showed a gentle smile:

"Don't worry, I didn't die here. The teacher asked me to leave you a message here. Oh, look, you really received it."

Although she said these words to the air thousands of years ago, she still seemed to really see Shade.

His right hand was slightly raised, as if he wanted to touch Shade's face. The position of the hand was very precise, and it was really placed next to Shade's cheek. However, when Shade also raised his hand to touch that hand, all he touched was air.

"We will meet again."

The half-elf witch looked at Shade and said softly:

"Just like the teacher said, when we met for the first time, fate had already determined everything that would follow."

This sentence made Miss Carina a little unhappy, while Miss Sylvia looked at the scene in front of her in shock. She knew much less about Shade than Miss Carina.

"There is no need to search here. You can't find the information about the Witch Chloe. In the far future after my time, the rebellion of the Parliament at the end of the Fifth Era will cause all those information to be lost."

Miss Olanode's phantom looked at Shade, her gaze spanned time and space:

"There is very little information about that woman even in our time. It can be determined that she was the early founder and participant of the Zalas Society and played a very important role in the establishment of the Zalas Literary Society. .”

Shade nodded immediately. The half-elf witch looked at Shade with a nostalgic expression, and then said:

"The teacher once visited Zalas Academy specifically to find information about the lady through Miss Samuel's relationship. What is certain is that she eventually became a demigod after an adventure without any information."

Shade heard the duchess's breathing suddenly become heavier behind him, and Miss Sylvia directly grabbed Shade's sleeve.

"Other than that, most of the information is useless to you. The teacher said that you can go to the Guiding Light Monastery to look for information. They should have the information you want."

Miss Olanode said with some regret, looking at Shade, and then bit her lip gently:

"If it wasn't just air in front of me, I really wanted to kiss you... Kissing air would look weird, and not only the teacher, but Fiona would laugh at me, so I won't do it."

Her figure gradually began to disappear into points of light. The half-elf witch "watched" Shade, and Shade also watched her:

"We will meet again eventually, may the moon protect you and me."

No one spoke again until there was nothing in front of them, and the scattered light finally penetrated into Shade's heart.

[Outlander, you have obtained "Witch's Reverberation: Oranod". 】

He chuckled lightly and added:

[This is the complete reverberation of the witch. 】

"A story that spans thousands of years is really romantic."

Miss Carina's voice came from behind, which sounded sarcastic.

"Did those ancient old women always like to do this kind of thing?"

The Duchess continued, and Lesia also said the term "ancient old woman" not long ago. From this point of view, although the two do not deal with each other, they are still surprisingly similar.

"That person just now was..."

Miss Sylvia tugged on Shade's sleeve, and Shade touched his face:

"Miss Bryony Olanold, the first librarian of St. Byrons Comprehensive College, Miss Myrna Fillianna's most important student, and the second principal of St. Byrons, Fiona De Miss Lago's teacher...I met her twice in the past."

"I know you are an investigator, but can you interact with people in the past by going to the past?"

She asked doubtfully, and then was forcibly interrupted by Miss Carina.

The Duchess asked:

"How many more chances do you have to meet Miss Chloe?"


Miss Sylvia was even more confused about this conversation.

"Miss Carina, I know you want to know the secret of the demigod, but the Miss Chloe I met is only at level 11. At least in my opinion, she really is only at level 11, and because of her poor condition , at most, you can use secret techniques as high as the 'Thousand Cats Curse'."

Shade emphasized. The duchess clicked her tongue in a very uncivilized manner and did not continue to ask.

But it can be seen that Miss Sylvia’s curiosity is about to reach its peak at this time:

"So...what's going on?"

"Shad's time travel is a true time travel, going to the past to participate in those stories."

Miss Carina said, seeing the expression on Miss Sylvia’s face with satisfaction:

"But I can't tell you more, Emma. You'd better ask Shade in person. After all, this is his secret. As for the lady just now, she was just a friend Shade made in the past. "

She paused and added with a serious face:

"I have always hoped to learn through Shade how the witches of the Fifth Age became demigods. You understand why I did this. But it is a pity that he has not been able to meet the ancient witches who have become demigods so far." said Get up, Xi Wei and Granny Cassandra also vaguely know that something is wrong with Shade, but they don't have the details like you."


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