Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,073 Apprentice and Another Identity

Speaking of the demigod witch, Miss Carina suddenly raised her eyebrows:

"Speaking of which, the Chosen One Ceremony of Wisdom and Knowledge can inspire others. I wonder if it will..."

Miss Sylvia nodded silently, and then the three of them left the parliament.

There was an important banquet to attend in the evening, so Shade and Miss Sylvia did not stay long. After saying goodbye to Miss Carina and Tifa, the two took the same carriage back to the city.

Almost at the moment the carriage drove out of the manor, the young witch sitting opposite Shade immediately spoke:

"Shadow, you are more...amazing than I thought."

The adjective that initially came to her mind was definitely not "amazing."

"So what do you want to ask?"

Shade intends to give sufficient trust to Miss Sylvia. The witch who planned to make him her apprentice was indeed someone she could trust.

"Apprenticeship, investment, there is no need to say more about these for now. I am very interested in your experience in the past."

She bit her lower lip and looked at Shade with her golden eyes:

"Yes, quite interested."


"No, no, first of all, I want you to fully trust me, not because of Miss Carina or other reasons why you are willing to tell me your story."

"Full trust?"


The youngest witch in the parliament, she gently took Shade's hand with her right hand, and suddenly wrapped her left hand around his neck.


Emma Sylvia kissed Shade on the bumpy carriage.

The smell of perfume on different witches is always different, and the smell of perfume even made Shade lose track of time. It wasn't until Miss Sylvia pushed him away that he frowned and complained:

"Ma'am, that's really rude."

Witches are always like this.

"Your kissing skills are really bad. What does Miss Carina do?"

The young witch wiped her lips and looked at Shade with a smile. Shade's lack of resistance was an obvious signal:

"Don't ask me why, Shade. In the long past, it was very common for young apprentices to become their teachers' lovers."

It seems that the chaotic private life of the Great Witch of the Fifth Age is beyond Shade's imagination.

"This is not only the case in the Fifth Era, but also in the longer past."

She seemed to see what Shade was thinking:

"Now I want to change my mind, young gentleman. Rather than letting you be my apprentice, maybe it would be better to let you be my lover. I appreciate your soul, Miss Carina is really lucky. "

She leaned back slightly, still looking at Shade:

"After kissing a lady, don't you say something?"

"I...are witches always so rude? This is not the first time I have been forcefully kissed by a witch."

"You should get used to this."

Miss Sylvia said, no longer asking Shade if he was willing to establish a new relationship with her.

She sat next to Shade, and then grabbed Shade's hand:

"It's probably less than twenty minutes' drive before we return to the city. Oh, my apprentice, maybe you really should learn the skills of kissing a lady."

After saying that, he winked at Shade in a playful manner:

"I should remind you that this is a carriage, and if you don't want to walk back to town, I don't think you can refuse me."

Only at this time can Shade remember that Miss Emma Sylvia is one of the few ladies whose real age is younger than his body.

After returning to the city from outside the city, Miss Sylvia was supposed to be sent to Canary Manor first, and then to St. Teresa's Square further north, but Shade asked the coachman to go directly to St. Teresa's Square. The young witch wiped her lips and teased Shade about his enthusiasm for "learning", but that was not what Shade was thinking about.

"Please come here."

After opening the door to his room, Shade invited Miss Sylvia into the basement. While the latter looked here curiously, Shade called out his life ring, and the spiritual light of the [Time and Space] spirit rune illuminated the wall, revealing the hidden passage:

"plz follow me."

Miss Sylvia followed curiously. Shade, who was walking in front, looked at the statue of the ancient god in the center of the circular space, and then the place became bright. The witch walking behind her was so surprised that she was speechless:

"The Ancient God of Space!"

"Yes, ma'am. See if you can get close to the statue."

Shade came to the statue. Only ring warlocks with space power could enter the [Space Maze] through this statue. But before that, one needs to be able to get close to the statue of the ancient god, which requires strong soul and mental power.

The witch walked very hard, but she still lowered her head and came to Shade's side. Shade held her hand:

"You are leaving tomorrow. I think it is necessary for you to set up a road sign here. In fact, Miss Carina knows this place, which is why I can appear in Huntingdon at will. Miss Sylvia, Please read it with me—"

He took Miss Sylvia's hand and touched the statue:

"May the original rift protect us in the infinite space."

"May the original rift protect us in the infinite space."

White mist spread around until everything was covered. The big witch breathed heavily and looked at everything in front of her. In her eyes, there was only a worn wooden signpost on the path with thin mist:

"The records of the council are actually true! The labyrinth left by the ancient god of space, the basic coordinate points that run through the space of the material world! This is true, the secret of the world, the mystery of space, and the ancient legend! "

The witch with black shawl hair looked at Shade with fiery eyes:

"Young knight."

"What's wrong?"

"Have you ever kissed another lady here?"

One second it didn't happen, but the next second it happened. The perfume on Miss Sylvia smells really good.

(Little Mia is running...)

When Miss Sylvia returned to Canary Manor in the carriage, the smile on her face was almost overflowing. She and Shade agreed to meet at the banquet in the evening. Shade did not stay at home, but took a carriage to Old John's pawn shop.

When I opened the door and walked in, I was surprised to find that the store seemed a little empty. Considering that this place used to be a garbage dump filled with all kinds of miscellaneous items, there was actually a lot of cargo at this time.

"Dad John, are you moving the store?"

Shade asked suspiciously. When he walked to the counter, he found two black suitcases behind the counter:

"Dr. Schneider said that you have been here since he became a ring warlock. Why would you want to move away?"

"It's not about moving. I'm going on a long trip to the south recently... Do you think the winter in the Everglades is warmer?"

The old man asked, and Shade thought for a while:

"You would rather have fewer mosquitoes."

The old man agreed:

"Yes, I have prepared a lot of potions and powders to repel insects and snakes. Oh, detective, what do you want to buy from me? You are really lucky. If you come at night, I will have already left."

Shade blinked:

"I was just passing by here, so I came in for a walk."

"I don't believe it, but if you are really okay, leave now, I will close the store. I will definitely come back before the end of the year. If you need to customize alchemy items during this period, you can go to this address and find Sean. Really, I never thought that one day I would introduce business to others.”

While muttering, he handed Shade a business card, and then looked up at Shade:

"You happened to be here, do me a favor. Before this Friday, go to Copus, who sells corpse materials in the city, and give him the bill of goods."

Without waiting for Shade to agree, he pulled out a folded piece of paper from under the counter and pushed it to him.

Of course Shade would not refuse. Although Old John was a bit stingy on weekdays, he also took good care of him:

"I thought you wouldn't like doing business with a guy who sells corpse materials."

"But using those materials is unavoidable. Do you want me to rob the tomb myself?"

The old man shook his head and said, then took out a handful of change and gave it to Shade:

"Remember, send it before Friday. This is 1 pound and 7 pence, as a commission fee for you. I am very generous this time."

Shade admired Old John's ability to know the specific amount just by grabbing a handful of change.

Although he met Old John, he would leave Tobesk soon and obviously had no time to help Shade investigate "Miss Chloe". So after returning home and having lunch at noon, Shade went to Lengshuigang City again.

I swam from the underground cave to the pier, took a shower and changed clothes at the Aurora Manor. I first went to the Ring Warlock Black Market in the Seven Broomsticks Tavern in the city, and then took a carriage to the old lighthouse on the sea cliff outside the city. , met Mr. Edmund, a folklorist:

"Great, you're not planning on going to the Pantanal, are you?"

When he knocked on the door of the lighthouse and saw the familiar old man, Shade breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's weird, what am I doing in the Pantanal..."

The old man made way for Xia De to enter, and suddenly looked at Xia De suspiciously:

"How do you know where Old John is going? He probably won't reveal his destination."

"My guess."

Shade walked into the familiar lighthouse. The ventilation inside the lighthouse was very good, and the fishy smell was not strong:

"I came here this time to entrust the [Guiding Light Hermitage] to investigate a witch from the early fifth era. Today is Tuesday, and I hope to get that information before Saturday night."

"The witch of the fifth era? Yes, but this kind of information is very expensive. Even I can't give you a discount."

The old man warned and asked Shade to sit down and talk:

"And I don't guarantee that I will be able to find it. You know, the loss of information from before the Era is too serious, let alone the early part of the Fifth Era."


ps: The original chapter title was "Apprentice and Lover". Later, I felt it was not good to be so arrogant, so I changed my attitude.

The extra update is over, and one chapter will be updated normally in the evening. Yesterday, 1.6k was updated, and today, so far, 1.2w has been updated. The current archive of manuscripts has reached the decisive battle part of this volume. The excitement of this time will not be inferior to the Battle of Fort Midhill.

Asking for a monthly ticket.


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