Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,074 Farewell Banquet

"Zaras Academy, you should know."

"The origins of the Zalas Literary Academy, of course."

"The witch I'm looking for calls herself Chloe. She lived around the year 1000 of the Fifth Era. She is short, has silver hair, and has red-gold eyes...a demigod."

The old man who was about to pour tea for Shade stopped what he was doing:

"I remember you said that you were from the St. Byrons School of History? That's right. Only time investigators like you can easily know that there is such a name as a demigod."

He put down the teapot and sighed:

"If it is really a demigod, then there will probably be some information. After all, even in the fifth era, there are only a few named demigods and witches. Speaking of which, you probably know that in the sixth era today, there are no Any demigod in the true sense. One thousand eight hundred and fifty-three years have passed since the Sixth Age, and there is no demigod."

"Yes, this seems to mean the overall decline of extraordinary power..."

Both of them were silent for a while, but they both knew that the other person was thinking the same thing as themselves.

Even though Mr. Edmond had a good relationship with Shade, this business still required a deposit of 70 pounds. If the information about "Miss Chloe" is really found before Sunday, Shade may have to spend more money to buy the information.

He can accept this kind of expensive information transaction, after all, he knows how valuable the information he is looking for is. If his relationship with the Guiding Light Hermitage hadn't reached a friendly level, he wouldn't be able to buy it even with more gold pounds.

The scenery of Coldwater Harbor in winter was very different from that in summer, but Shade did not stay here for long. When I got home, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

He didn't rest long. Luvia, wearing a long dress and preparing to accompany Shade to the Canary Manor banquet, arrived here.

After Shade changed his clothes and prepared dinner for little Mia who was unwilling to go out, they officially set off.

"Has the ring on your cat's tail been replaced with a new one?"

Luvia noticed the [Epidemic Doctor Ring] only this time and asked Shade on the carriage.

After seeing Shade nodding, the purple-eyed girl smiled and said:

"Most of the pet cats I know like bells and other toys, but not many like rings. This is the only one who likes to put a ring on his tail."

"That ring can resist the disease to a certain extent. Over time, if I really have to go deep into the Pantanal, that ring will be very useful."

Shade also informed Luvia that Miss Carina was also going to Huntington City. When talking about this topic, the smile on her face faded a lot:

"It's about to start again...you must pay attention to safety."

Purple eyes stared at Shade, with indescribable worry in his eyes.

Although the scale of Princess Margaret's farewell party was not as large as the Lakeview Manor wedding banquet held purely for pleasure, it was still grander and grander than most banquets that Shade had attended.

In the deep winter season, it is naturally impossible to arrange venues outdoors, so today’s banquet venues are all indoors. In addition to the dedicated grand banquet hall on the first floor, the room in the corridor on the right rear side is also opened for smoking, recreation and card playing.

This will be the last banquet that Princess Margaret and her party will attend in Tobesk. They will set off early tomorrow morning to officially start their journey back to their hometown.

The people attending the banquet were all very happy. In the last month of the year, the arrival of the exotic princess established a new agreement between the two countries on corn exports and rare alloy exchanges. There are even rumors that the joint development agreement in the New World mentioned in the letter Princess Margaret brought from her father, the current king of the United Kingdom of Carsonlik, "Lion Lion", has been signed by King Larus The third generation verbally praised.

More gossip is circulating that next summer the two countries will launch a new round of consultations and negotiations on the development of coal and mineral resources in the New World.

No matter what kind of news it is, it means that Princess Margaret's visit has successfully achieved its goal.

The banquet was quite lively, with people drinking and drinking in the splendid hall. Gentlemen and ladies holding wine glasses chatted with each other. Those expensive tie clips and jewelry sparkled under the light of the gas lamp.

Luvia, who accompanied Shade, was called away by Miss Sylvia without talking to Shade for a few words. The witch was very interested in the "excellent fortune teller" that Shade mentioned. This afternoon Shi then agreed to meet Luvia, and Luvia was also very interested in communicating with the witch. She also wanted to confirm whether Miss Sylvia was the third-ranked candidate.

So Shade, who had nothing to do, thought of chatting with acquaintances here, but after Princess Margaret's public appearance and speech, the princess's maid quickly called Shade away. In the study room on the second floor, the princess with long pale golden hair, who was also dressed up, greeted Shade alone.

"Your Highness, the speech just now was very good."

Even though the room is soundproofed, you can still hear the music and noise in the banquet hall downstairs. The maid consciously closed the door from the outside. Princess Margaret clasped her hands together and hung them in front of her body. Her long hair was braided and hung in front of her shoulders.

She just looked at Shade like this, as if she didn't intend to speak. Shade felt that the atmosphere at this time was a bit awkward, but he didn't know why the princess called him up.

[You, really don’t know? 】

"She" chuckled in Shade's ear, and suggested before Shade tried to refute:

[If you don’t know what to do, just hug her. 】

"That doesn't seem like a good idea."

"Shad, I'm leaving tomorrow."

At this moment, Margaret finally spoke, and she looked at Shade:

"Originally I thought that I would be able to dance the last dance with you in a while, but recently I have been in too much contact with you, and the elders of the visiting group reminded me that I can't have too much contact with you anymore."

She still looked at Xia De, and Xia De thought for a moment:

"So, want to have a dance here?"

He then suggested, pointing to his feet. The princess seemed to smile for a moment, but then shook her head slightly:

"No need, sometimes leaving some regrets will make the memories more beautiful. I called you here just because I wanted to say my final goodbye to you. Tomorrow, please don't go to the Tobesk train station to see me off... ...You can write and keep in touch frequently in the future.”


Shade had a strong hunch that he would definitely be able to find a way to get to Willondale City in the future. Even if he can't find it, the great witch of space will find a way to help him find it. Even Miss Sylvia couldn't find a way. In fact, it wouldn't take too long to take a steam train from Huntington, the "City of Red Wine", to Willendale, the royal capital.

"Do you remember the first time we met?"

Margaret asked, holding on to the back of the sofa with her right hand, while Shade was still standing in front of the door.

Shade recalled that in Huntington, he appeared as "Mr. Holmes", a friend of the vampire Mr. Bernhardt who ran a winery in the New World. But then he realized that the two people actually met at the Tobesk train station:

"Of course you remember, I gave you a flawless emerald, and said - to Her Royal Highness Margaret of Anjou, I hope you will come with peace and leave with beauty!"

He repeated, the princess's left hand caressed the hair in front of her shoulders, and Shade saw that the band in her hair was the original emerald.

The two pairs of eyes stared at each other, and neither of them spoke for a while. Inexplicable emotions were fermenting at this time. Margaret bit her lip lightly and looked at Shade, who vaguely realized the direction of the next story.

"She" spoke again at this time:

[If you are willing, with just a few words, you can probably serve a brand new princess tonight. 】

"I know she is determined to become a witch's apprentice, so nothing can happen to me. Now, she is just infected by the atmosphere. If I really use some words, wouldn't it be too despicable?"

Shade said silently in his heart, his eyes caught a glimpse of the lights outside, and he suddenly had an idea. The principles he has adhered to for a long time may be broken a little and regarded as a gift for Princess Margaret to practice.

"Your Highness..."

"Call me Margaret."

The princess said softly but somewhat forcefully.

"Okay, Margaret."

Shade said, this title actually made the princess blush.

"How about... how about we go for a walk?"

Shade pointed out the window:

"This is a farewell party for you, but you might as well not have to be there all the time. Let these noisy and noisy folk celebrate their own damn farewell. The two of us, yes, just the two of us. Come to town. Take a walk and come back within two hours, if anyone comes to see you..."

"Then let them wait slowly. You're right, Shade, it's not bad to do something outrageous occasionally."

Shade can guarantee that he never said such a thing.

"The night before I leave, I might as well take a walk around the city as a souvenir. Knight, please wait for me. I want to change my clothes."

"Oh, please also prepare a coat for me, yes, a black cloak with a hood. Margaret, please prepare a similar dress for me, we are going to a... A special place.”

Because Margaret was attacked in the city some time ago, the protection of Canary Manor has become tighter than before, but this is not difficult for the two ring warlocks.

She looked very happy, smiled, and jumped out of the window with Shade in her cloak, and then used illusions to deceive the guards from the back garden of the manor, and left the manor together.

There is heavy fog in Tobesk tonight, and the starry sky is completely obscured. Only three moons are still faintly visible. The young princess and the knight walked side by side into the sleeping city.


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