Whispering Verse

Chapter 1077 Blood and Snow

The princess under the street lamp asked softly, and then looked at the box that Shade was carrying.

Shade shook his head slightly, and while breathing through his nose, the white hot air slowly dissipated with the wind:

"In fact, I was the one who saw you at Fort Midhill in the autumn, passed on the information, and diverted MI6 at the train station."

He still held the princess's hand, this was to prevent himself, a big liar, from being slapped. But she didn't do that, she just looked at Shade with her lips pursed:


There is also white mist when you open your mouth. This is a scenery only seen in winter.

"Actually, I am a gray eagle. Oh, don't look at me like that. I am not the gray eagle I used to be. I am..."

He paused and stared into the princess's eyes. But out of his peripheral vision, he seemed to see the figure of Sparrow Hamilton in the darkness behind the princess.

[Your own imagination. 】

"Technically, I'm Gray Eagle II."

He never took the initiative to admit this to anyone. Even Dr. Schneider, who knew all this, only heard it from the ghost of Detective Sparrow.

"I... inherited everything from Sparrow Hamilton, yes, really everything. His identity, his property, his house... the cat was not his, the client's Miss Gothe, but this commission was indeed accepted by him... So, for my own convenience and to be able to repay him a little, I did some things for him."

He laughed self-deprecatingly:

"Although I said I was doing something for him, it was just to cover up my own behavior."

Margaret's eyes were fixed on him, and she didn't care even if the snow fell on her shoulders:

"So, you have been lying to me from the beginning, and you have been covering up the fact that we have seen...the note about the bombing, was it also left by you?"


Shade nodded. He felt that he did the right thing:

"There was no better way to inform you at that time. Although the size of the bomb could not hurt you, if other people were injured because of your visit, you would be very passive in public opinion."

Shade knew that this was to defend his behavior, and he also wanted to use words to gain Margaret's forgiveness. The latter looked at him, and the two stood together in the snow, under the gas lamp, with the flying snowflakes swirling above their heads.

They were still holding hands, and Shade felt that the princess's hand was exerting force, and her heart was not at peace:


She looked into Shade's eyes and asked, as if she wanted to see his soul:

"Why do you tell me this before I leave?"

Shade told the truth:

"Although the lady just now is from the Truth Society, she is indeed very wise. She is right, some things cannot be delayed. Tonight is your last night in Tobesk, and I don't want to deceive you anymore. Farewell at the dock After I met the maid lady and her fiancé, I think we are already friends, and we are very good friends. I think I should not hide this matter anymore. "

He said seriously:

"Even if I take on someone else's identity, I have done nothing wrong and I do not owe anyone anything. I should tell you this instead of sending you off with lies. Margaret, I don't like to deceive anyone. "

He also looked at the princess's eyes under the gas lamp. Her eyes were very beautiful:

"I don't want to hide this thing anymore, even if it has to do with my original identity, even if it is the secret of my settling down in Saint Teresa Square... Margaret, I think, I should tonight Tell you this instead of hiding it all the time...Yes, you are about to leave here, and you and I don't need these secrets...Oh!"

He suddenly screamed in panic, because the princess suddenly pulled out the hand held by him, and then pushed Shade into the darkness.

Like the climax of an opera, with snowflakes flying above his head, the young knight staggered backward until he was pushed by the princess to the low wall on the side of the road that was not illuminated by the gas street lamp.

As the suitcase bounced to the ground and was left alone in the light, in front of the red brick wall, Margaret Anjou used her body to forcefully sandwich Shade between her and the street wall. , holding the wall with one hand, then bit his lip and kissed it.

The suitcase containing 1,000 pounds of banknotes was left alone in the light. Snowflakes quickly fell all over the suitcase, and the small shadows on the edge of the suitcase were so quiet that it was difficult to notice.

In the darkness a few steps away, the two were closely entangled. Shade had kissed many girls and knew the taste of lipstick, tears, and perfume, but this was the first time he knew the taste of snow and blood.

The snow fell all over the shoulders, and the moon was so gentle behind the clouds. It wasn't until her lips began to tingle that Margaret Anjou let go of Shade, who was pressed against the wall by her.

She pursed her lips, and her mouth smelled of Sha De's blood. Shade, whose lip was bitten, pursed his lips and looked at her:

"Margaret, I hope you know what you're doing."

He remained calm:

"I am involved with more than one girl. I admit that you are a very beautiful girl, but... yes, I have some feelings for you, but I like more than one girl... Actually There are still some things I haven’t said..."

This is a reference to MI6's identity and his relationship with Miss Sylvia. Shade really hoped that the princess in front of him could figure it out and not do something irrational because of the atmosphere.

[You don’t like her? 】

she asked with a smile.

Of course, Shade has a good impression of the princess of the Southern Kingdom. Even if this good feeling is not as good as his feelings for Luvia, Dorothy, and Lesia, Shade will not deny it. Therefore, just like what he said at this time, he needs Her Highness the Princess to figure out what she is doing.

Although the outsider is greedy, he will not deceive any feelings.

The girl with long pale golden hair showed an expression that made her want to laugh and cry. She spat to the side very unladylikely. The color of lipstick and blood spread on the snow:

"Of course I know what I'm doing. I won't be your lover. I'm the princess of Kasenrik!"

Shade didn't say anything more, and raised his hand to sweep away the falling snow from the princess's shoulders. But for some reason, the snow fell heavier and heavier. The snow dyed their hair white, and their efforts to clear it away were just a drop in the bucket.

He wanted to get the suitcase under the gas lamp, but the young girl pushed him back forcefully with her shoulder and kissed him again.

Policemen on patrol passed by carrying gas lanterns and complaining about the weather. Seeing the suitcase, I was surprised and walked a little faster. Then I saw the two young people by the wall, so they smiled at each other, signaled to be silent, and left quietly.

"You, Shad Suellen Hamilton."

She placed her hands on the wall, her face flushed, but her eyes seemed to be shining brightly as she looked at Shade:

"Unfaithful gray eagle, unclean knight."

She saw the wound on Shade's lip with her peripheral vision, but she still stared at Shade's eyes:

"I know how complicated your love life is as a handsome gentleman...but you are still a gray eagle, and you must be a gray eagle. I need you."

She needs "Grey Eagle", an important agent, as her political capital.

"no problem."

Shade nodded.

"You didn't choose me, but I fell in love with you. The noble princess of the Anjou family will not be anyone's lover... I, Margaret Anjou, want you to be mine Lover. Yes, I am attracted to you!"

She breathed heavily, the taste of rust in her mouth still not dissipating:

"I have a more ambitious goal, so you will not be the lover of my life. You can leave at any time. And I can only kiss you. Knight, Gray Eagle, Detective, Shade, you, Are you willing to be my lover who can only kiss each other? Until, until, I abandon you?"

The white mist was dragging in the wind like a long dragon, and the last sound was quite hysterical. Shade knew how complicated the inner feelings of the princess in front of him were. But he couldn't talk about his specialness, at least not before greeting the witches.

"Yes, you can only kiss..."

Shade hugged the girl in front of him. He knew what he wanted, and the indifferent struggle meant nothing to him:

"Even if I like more than just girls..."

"What I can't do with you, let other princesses do it with you."

Their noses were almost touching, and no one cared that they were standing in the heavy snow, or that someone might be looking for them in the banquet hall of Canary Manor.

"Shad Suellen Hamilton...I'm leaving tomorrow."

Her beautiful eyes were fixed on Shade, so this time, Shade took the initiative to kiss the girl in front of him.

They did not return to Canary Manor immediately, and of course they did not go to St. Teresa Square, nor did they stay on the street to watch the snow in the cold wind of winter night. Instead, they took a carriage to the village outside the city as planned. Public cemetery.

Along the way, Shade hugged Margaret, told the story of the Gray Eagle and "Grey Eagle II", and explained his current situation clearly. That story started in the middle of this summer. It was not particularly exciting, but it was enough to attract the attention of the exotic princess.

When we arrived at the cemetery, the heavy snow that covered the entire Tobesk area had also covered the grave of Mr. Sparrow Hamilton.

They did not alert the tombkeeper, but quietly found the location of the tomb in the darkness.

Shade doesn't come here often, but it seems that every time he comes here to visit his former detective, he has a completely different mood.

"He remained faithful until his death."

Shade bent down in front of the tombstone and put down two bouquets of flowers that he had brought from Canary Manor before leaving. It was difficult to find fresh flowers in this season.

"In the autumn, for special reasons, I once channeled and saw the soul of Detective Sparrow. He asked me not to disturb him anymore."

Having said this, Shade smiled. He stood up again and stood side by side with Margaret. The night was a bit cold, and she put on her cloak and looked at the snow-covered grave in front of her.


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