Whispering Verse

Chapter 1078 Winter Fire

Just like what Shade said, no one could believe that the ace agent, the "grey-headed eagle" who had done countless great things, was sleeping in such a unknown corner. His story, everything about his past, no one will ever have the chance to know.

"Margaret, please say something for Detective Sparrow."

"Grey Eagle, on behalf of the Anjou family, I would like to thank you for your contribution."

The princess said softly, reaching out her hand to touch the tombstone:

"On behalf of Shade, I also want to thank you... Please rest in peace in a foreign land, and may your soul rest forever. In the name of the royal family, although I cannot bestow you with glory and wealth, the heroic spirits of the ancestors of the Anjou family, and You are with me. Your story is over, God bless your soul."

She softly praised the righteous God "Lady of Creation" and respectfully drew the holy symbol on her chest under the cloak button. Then he took off his ring and handed it to Shade. Shade dug a deep hole next to the grave and buried the princess's ring next to Detective Sparrow. This was the honor he deserved.

Margaret looked at Shade:

"In the name of Marguerite Anjou, I appoint you the Grey-Headed Eagle."

"You are just a princess and have no such power."

Shade corrected himself, then pointed at himself:

"I don't need your appointment."

He said seriously:

"Because I am the Gray Eagle who has inherited everything. But from now on, the Gray Eagle will only be loyal to you, my princess."

He bent down and bowed to Princess Margaret, who nodded reservedly:

"Having seen the loyal agents, let's go back now."

Instead of looking at the former detective who was sleeping in a foreign land, the two of them turned and walked towards the snowy night.

"You know, Shade, if it weren't for the fact that it's so rude to kiss in front of someone else's tombstone, when you called me 'my princess' just now, I wanted to continue kissing you."

Only the two people's faint whispers could be heard in the darkness.

"Back on the carriage at Canary Manor, you can do this...can you return me the note I reported the bomb to? Maybe I can use that note to get a lot of things for myself."

The girl wearing a hood in the dark slapped Shade:

"I'm leaving tomorrow, will you miss me?"

The young detective's chuckle was almost inaudible:

"Perhaps soon, Margaret, you will see me in a place that will surprise you."

"Really? I just hope... that the carriage on the return journey can be slower."

It was 7:34 pm when we left Canary Manor, and when the carriage stopped one street away from the manor, the time was 9:56 on Tuesday night, which was exactly what Shade had originally expected. The time difference is quite a bit.

But even though they had already lost a lot of time, they still did not return to the manor immediately. At the princess's request, Shade, who could only kiss the princess, kissed the southern girl again in the snow who was about to return home.

And when they were about to follow the original path and climb back through the wall of the back garden, they unexpectedly met Sir Prisha who also seemed to be coming back from outside. As a member of the visiting delegation, it stands to reason that he should not be able to leave the banquet easily.

Sir Prisha was in such a hurry that he didn't even notice the two Shads who entered the garden one step ahead. At this time, the two of them were kissing goodbye for the last time. They were frightened by Jazz and hid in the corner of the garden watching Jazz pass by in a hurry. The latter did not notice them.

"What are you doing Jazz up so late?"

Shade thought in surprise, but Margaret kissed her again and asked for a final farewell:

"Don't go see me off tomorrow, knight, I'm afraid I won't be able to say goodbye."

She pushed Shade, as if to give herself the courage to break up with him:

"I hope to see you in Willendale in the summer... see you soon... remember to wear lipstick."

With that said, he hurriedly left with red eyes, leaving only Shade standing there carrying the box.

He sighed slightly, turned the suitcase into a toy and put it away in the dark:

"A thousand pounds."

After taking a few steps forward, a brand new figure stepped out. Purple eyes seemed to shine in the lightless garden. Luvia must have just entered the garden because there was no snow on her shoulders.

"I just saw Princess Margaret wiping away tears and leaving."

Luvia said with a chuckle, then looked into his eyes and added:

"Don't say that the wound on your mouth that is about to heal has nothing to do with her."

"About, she said, let me be the lover she could only kiss, and that I would remain a grey-headed eagle, loyal only to her grey-headed hawk."

Luvia's face showed a mocking expression:

"Another girl who wants and wants at the same time, staring at the position of the witch's apprentice, but still entangled with men. If she met someone other than you, her ending is destined to be a tragedy. Young girls always don't understand, Being too greedy will only harm yourself.”

Shade was silent for a moment:

"Feel sorry."

"Why are you apologizing to me? If I couldn't tolerate this kind of thing, I should have taught you a lesson when I found Lecia Cavendish and Dorothy. They didn't understand how lucky they were to be in this world. Meeting you is impossible, but I understand."

She snorted, clasping her hands on her chest and standing side by side with Shade, looking towards the direction Princess Margaret left, letting the snowflakes dye her hair white:

"That's good. At least we have a loyal and reliable ally of secular power in Kasenlik. A lover who can only kiss... huh, how greedy."

After scoffing, he looked at Xia De again:

"The dance is about to begin. You don't have any other dance partners tonight, right?"

Lesia is attending an important meeting at the Yodel Palace tonight. It is said to be related to His Majesty the King's public speech at the end of the year. It seems that there is something wrong with the statistics; it is impossible for Miss Sylvia to dance with Shade in such a public occasion. , even though she wanted to do so; and Princess Margaret, who had just left, had already said her final goodbyes.

"of course not."

Luvia nodded and asked again rather arrogantly:

"Don't look like that. Are you unhappy dancing with me? Shade, I just hope that if you plan to become the behind-the-scenes ruler of the old continent, remember to inform me in advance, and I will do the same. Ready to run this home.”

"Sorry, what?"


She took Shade's hand:

"Let's go dance. Also, I'll spend the night at your house tonight..."

The purple eyes staring at Sha De were really shining:

"Remember to tell me what you did to that princess during the two hours you were gone."

(Iluna is praying...)

Princess Margaret and her delegation finally left on Wednesday morning.

As agreed, Shade did not go to the Tobesk train station to say goodbye to the princess. Instead, he and Luvia were on the side of the tracks outside the train station, watching the train pass in front of him and drive into the distance.

"Let's go back."

Shade said to the purple-eyed girl that the snow last night lasted until midnight and stopped falling at this time. But even so, standing outside in this weather is still not a good idea.

"I just didn't expect that you really wouldn't say your final goodbyes."

Luvia looks good today.

Xia De looked far away in the direction the train was leaving:

"The steam airship will land in Huntington on Saturday morning. I can even go there to greet you. What are you going to do to say goodbye?"

Turn around and leave with Luvia:

"Continuing with the topic just now, you talked so much with Miss Sylvia at the banquet last night. It's such a pity that she was not the last chosen candidate?"

"Yes, but unfortunately, she is not. But this lady is indeed quite smart. Maybe you should accept being her apprentice. It will be very helpful for you."

Luvia also sighed, and the two of them walked around the low wall on the side of the station and returned to the street, preparing to take the carriage back:

"The two currently known are still Lykins Prisha and the vice-president of the Society of Truth. The chosen one this time is really difficult to choose."

Shade agreed with her.

They got into a carriage at the corner of the street, but instead of letting the coachman take them back to St. Teresa's Square, Shade asked the coachman to take them to Mr. Booker's library.

Two days ago on Monday, Shade and Sir Prisha, who had already boarded the train, recovered the "Book of Fools" there. Shade promised to take time to visit the unlucky book collector.

Luvia also heard Shade talk about this matter, and even knew that Shade had obtained a relic book and planned to give it to her as a year-end gift.

The carriage arrived at its destination quickly, but after stopping at the intersection, before Shade could get out of the carriage, he heard the driver's surprised voice:

"Oh, what happened?"

"What's wrong?"

Shade jumped off the carriage and looked up, and was surprised to find that the original location of the library had been burned into ruins. Smoke was still rising from the ruins, and the buildings on both sides of the library were also severely damaged. It was obvious that the fire had just been extinguished.

The smell of burning was extremely pungent, everything was very messy, and the ground was already frozen in large areas.

A fire truck pulled by four black horses was parked in front of the ruins. The hose of a red-painted fire pump driven by a twin-cylinder steam engine carried on the carriage was even dripping water onto the muddy ground.

The air was cold but humid. City firefighters wearing thick scarlet uniforms were still inspecting the origin of the fire in the rubble, while police officers on both sides of the street were asking neighbors about the situation. The crowd of onlookers watched all this with great interest, while the fat owner of the store next door was crying and complaining about the unfair fate. Even pedestrians passing by would stop temporarily and turn around to check the situation here. The idlers who loudly discussed the disaster in a Tobesk accent had already let Luvia know what happened here:


Luvia stepped out of the carriage and stood beside the shocked Shade, frowning slightly at the scene in front of her.


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