Whispering Verse

Chapter 1216 The Golden Stage of Acura Glory

But before Shade could decide whether to ask Miss Lassers about her privacy, the witch asked Shade:

"Can the book you summoned with your spell stay away from you?"

The cover of the book is a translucent starry sky color, and it looks different:

"Can't stay away from me."

"Well, while you are here tonight, Larsus, go find Feiya and ask her to draw this person. This is a very key figure."

Miss Lassus nodded and turned around to look for Miss Feiya. Shade remembered that she was the makeup artist of the troupe. In the opera troupe, you can find people who are good at almost all professions, which is much more convenient than other magician organizations.

"Are you sure you want to give this to me to make potions?"

After Miss Lassus left, Miss Benanis further confirmed:

"I need to remind you that while that potion will cure the problem in my soul, it will also destroy this cup. Yes, completely destroy this cup."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's useful to you."

Shade said with a smile, imagining the funny scene of Miss Benenice drinking the potion and eating the cup as well.

Luvia, who was watching the conversation on the side, probably understood the way Shade got along with the witches, and guessed in her mind when Shade would be able to completely control the Witches' Council.

It doesn't take long to use the "Holy Grail of Clay" to make the [Universal Earth Elixir]. In order to be able to sing for Shade in the best condition soon, Miss Benanis decided to prepare now. Luvia was very curious about the process of making potions, so Miss Benanis invited her to help make potions. In this way, she taught Shade this method as a reward.

[Universal earth elixir] can solve most diseases and curses caused by problems in the land, and its versatility is relatively strong.

As for Shade, he continued to wait in Miss Bernice's office. About fifteen minutes later, the maid brought the new guest to the door of the office. The maid, who had received instructions from Miss Bernanise, did not say who was in the room at this time, so the anxious Princess knocked anxiously. Checked the door:

"Miss Vanessa Benenice, I am Margaret Anjou, may I come in now?"

"Please come in."

Shade, who was sitting on the sofa and flipping through "Randall Valley Folklore Examination", said. The princess outside the door heard the man's voice and looked at the maid aside with some surprise. Seeing the latter smiling, she suddenly understood. What.

He immediately opened the door and saw Shade standing up from the sofa:

"Good evening, Margaret, do you like it here?"

"Oh, Shade!"

She didn't care that Miss Benenice's maid and her own maid were outside, she walked over with open arms and hugged Shade:

"Really, you will greet me at the train station on Friday, why haven't you come to see me in the past two days?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess said rather angrily.

"I've been busy with other things lately."

"Yes, yes, on Thursday, a knight riding a cat."

She said teasingly, and after letting go of Shade, she looked at him with no blame, only joy:

"I should have thought of it earlier. Since there is a big witch in the local area, you will definitely show up here."

"Margaret, do you have any misunderstanding about me?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess did not answer, but held up the crown on her head, tiptoed slightly on the silver-white high heels under her skirt, and then took the initiative to kiss Shade.

Because she was so involved in the kiss, she didn’t even notice Luvia and Miss Benanis immediately when they came back. Miss Benenice was not surprised about Shade's relationship with Princess Margaret, who was about to accept her apprenticeship trial. Miss Sylvia had probably mentioned it. Margaret was curious about the relationship between Shade and Luvia, but this was obviously not the time to talk about it.

Margaret Anjou had no talent for space, so it was impossible for her to become Mademoiselle Sylvia's apprentice. But after confirming her relationship with Shade before the New Year's Day, the young witch planned to give her a chance, so she introduced her to Miss Benanis. Her Royal Highness's core spiritual rune includes [Earth], and she is good at stories and puppets, which is very similar to Miss Benanis's system.

Of course, even though Miss Sylvia introduced her, Miss Benanis would never be merciful to her.

During Margaret's stay in the city, she will complete a series of witch tasks to prove her abilities. Originally this was the most important thing for Miss Benanis recently, but obviously the follow-up of "Crazy Land" will distract a lot of her energy.

This should be considered good news for Margaret.

In short, the witch and the princess officially met for the first time, and Shade also reunited with Margaret. No matter what happens to everyone next, at least tonight, no one has tasks or trials that must be completed.

Margaret brought a carriage-load of gifts to Miss Benenice, so Miss Benenice invited her to listen to the singing prepared solely for Shade.

The potion has been drunk, and the souls affected by the madness of the earth have returned to their original state.

Miss Benenice did not need any make-up and entered the stage directly from the backstage. Shade, along with Miss Lassers, Luvia and Margaret, entered from the side door of Performance Hall No. 1, and the four of them sat in the front row of the empty performance hall.

"This is an incredible opportunity."

Margaret sat on Shade's right side and whispered to Shade:

"Miss Benenice has not performed in public for many years."

"Yes, I don't remember how long it has been since Vanessa took the stage."

Miss Lassers sat at Margaret's right hand:

"She certainly would not have done this if it were not to fulfill Mr. Hamilton's wishes."

"It's really exciting."

Luvia, who was sitting on Shade's left side, added in a low voice:

"It must have been an unforgettable night."

With a bang, first the crystal lamp above the head went out, and then the gas lamps on both sides of the wall flickered and went out in sequence from front to back.

It was dark all around, and Luvia on the left quietly reached out and grabbed Shade's hand. At this moment, the stage curtain opened in front of the four people. On the same dark stage, as the lights appeared and gathered in the center, they were wearing bright red dresses, with long golden hair hanging behind them, stepping on Miss Vanessa Benenice, wearing silver-white patent leather high heels, appeared under the only light.

The orchestra behind the scenes began to play, and during the first violin solo, Miss Bernanis spun in place on the stage. As the red dress bloomed on the stage like a flower, golden light spots rotated with the skirt. And throw out.

The little traces of light that flew out from different positions on the skirt bloomed on the stage in an arc with a common curvature, creating a larger and more complex flower pattern. In the golden light traces, the dark stage was illuminated bit by bit.

The area of ​​the stage seemed to become larger before his eyes, and the ceiling above his head dissolved in the rotating light spots, revealing the vast starry sky. But the only ray of light always focused on Miss Benanis.

Off the stage, they saw red silk and satin falling from a high place, gold pillars rising one by one on the back of the stage, and water from unknown sources falling from the golden wall behind, forming a waterfall-like waterfall under the starry sky. scene.

Gold hangings that reflected the moonlight decorated the stage, and shouts and cheers came from all around. Even the ceiling above the auditorium completely dissolved, and the starlight illuminated the indistinct gentlemen and ladies who appeared in the auditorium at an unknown time, illuminating the shining golden stage.

"This is"

"Yes, Vanessa's Mystery Lock Acura is the golden stage of glory."

Miss Lassus looked at the blond witch standing under the starlight with a nostalgic look, as if she were the only protagonist in the world:

"It seems like she's in a really good mood tonight."

The sound of the piano finally appeared among the violins, and then a group of instruments that Shade could not identify began to play together. Although it only lasted two days, this arrangement was so perfect, like butterflies flying among spring flowers, but with an inexplicable sacredness.

"It sprouted in the New Year,

It grows in midsummer,

It declines for the golden autumn,

It is buried in the dead of winter. "

The witch opened her mouth to sing, and Shade could not use any words to describe Miss Vanessa's voice. He only felt goosebumps on his arms. Even the spring water in early spring falling into the mountain spring ice cave was not so exquisite and clear.

The blonde witch covered her chest with her right hand and extended her left hand towards the four people in the audience. In the palm of my hand, a group of butterflies flew towards the entire golden stage:

“The banquet where blades of grass are scattered across the earth,

Groups of butterflies flutter in the beautiful spring breeze.

Use that morning dew to brew fine wine,

Let the birds come and sing. "

The flying butterflies intertwined with the singing witch, the bright red dress began to change color, and under the moon, the silver-white silk threads intertwined to create colors like moonlight:

"I see the grass dancing,

I see flowers weaving poems.


Come and praise the owner of thousands of butterflies!

protector of butterflies,

So pretty!

Guardian of the fertile earth!

Live forever! "

The lyrics are very different from the original poems, but they are more in line with the rhythm. The witch's song seemed to penetrate directly into the soul. Outsiders pride themselves on being well-informed, but they must admit it at this moment. Even after two lives and countless adventures, this moment was still the most fascinating to him.

"The intersection of winter and spring,

Let the butterflies dance with us.

Butterflies flying on the earth,

May your banquet be

All the best. "

The singing stopped but the orchestra, invisible behind the scenes, continued to play. The witch made dancing gestures on the stage, as if she was dancing with an invisible person. After the interlude, the singing of the second section continued. Although it only repeated the lyrics just now, and even the tune did not change, everyone hoped that it could continue at this moment.

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