Whispering Verse

Chapter 1217 The Second Year 4791

The witch under the moon is so charming, and her singing seems to be accompanied by the twinkling stars. In the center of that golden theater, no one could resist the charm of the witch at this moment.

Shade even had questions about this, and was confused as to whether the reason why the mystery lock was created in the first place was just for performance.

But no matter how beautiful the singing is, it will always stop, and Shade's thaumaturgy [The Sound of Music] has completely captured Miss Bernanise's voice.

When the scenery of Mysuo faded around them, the ceiling covered the heads again, and the gas lamps on the wall were relit one by one, the four spectators in the Mysuo auditorium applauded excitedly.

The witch reservedly raised her skirt and saluted them on the stage. Shade applauded while thinking about how the ancient god would view this song after unlocking the key to time.

In his opinion, there could be no song more suitable to be dedicated to that God than this song. Fortunately, he had the only answer.

Opening the secret lock, even if it was not used in battle, still caused considerable consumption to the witch. Because the essence in the [Perfume Vial of Desire] had strange side effects, Shade did not take it out.

They met again backstage, and Shade didn't hesitate in his words of praise. And even though Miss Benenice pretends to be reserved, she is also very benefited from being praised by a strange man who can make other witches fascinated. The witch held back her smile and bid farewell to Shade and the three of them together with Miss Lassers.

It's late at night, the performance is officially over, and everyone has completed their purpose. After seeing Miss Bernanise's abilities, Margaret also made up her mind to become her apprentice.

Her Royal Highness the Princess learned that Luvia was now staying at the Fertile Land Hotel in the city center, so she insisted on sending her back by carriage. On the way to the hotel, Shade also introduced his relationship with Luvia to the princess. There was no need to hide it.

"Yes, I once said that there are many girls around me."

Although he had already admitted this, it still made Shade a little embarrassed when he said it.

Margaret raised her neck and looked at Luvia with a hint of arrogance, while Luvia looked at her with a smile.

After a long while, Margaret asked:

"Miss Anat, when did you establish a relationship with me?"

Before Shade spoke, Luvia smiled and said:

"At the end of the year, Princess Lesia Cavendish called me 'sister' just to ask me to allow Shade to go out on a date with her."

Although some details are omitted, it is indeed true.

The smile on Margaret's face stiffened for a moment. She glanced at Shade. Seeing that Shade didn't refute, she raised her neck and lowered it slightly. Her deliberately arrogant expression also subsided, revealing a look that was even a bit A pitiful expression. She was quite aware of Lesia's methods, and she also knew how proud the princess of the North was. Even in this situation, the purple-eyed girl in front of her was still able to convince Lesia. Margaret knew what she should do:

"Miss Anat, Luvia, nice to meet you."

The female diviner showed a somewhat arrogant but satisfied look:

"You don't have to be so polite, but I think we will have many topics in common. It just so happens that I have to stay here for a while because of the Prophet Association. If I have time, we can talk alone."

She looked at Shade aside and raised her eyebrows at him. Shade kept silent at this time. He knew very well that nothing he said was appropriate at this time.

The time key of Fifth Era 4791 was supposed to be opened again on this Sunday morning, but it was postponed because of the song. Now that the song has been "obtained" at this point, it's time to use the key.

First, Luvia was sent back to the hotel, and then Her Royal Highness sent Shade to Cherry Leaf Street. After Shade hurried back home with some excitement, he first hugged the cat that Dorothy sent home in the evening, and then prepared the items he was going to bring this time.

Dorothy did not stay at Shad's place tonight. She left a letter explaining the contents of Mia's lunch and dinner. The cat, who had not seen Shade for a day, also missed Shade very much.

When it saw Shade taking out the wooden key, it immediately understood what Shade wanted to do. So the cat meowed and rubbed against Shade's legs, obviously wanting to take risks with Shade. But Shade rejected it. There were a lot of bugs at the destination. Whether Mia was scared by the bug swarm or not scared but rushed towards the bug swarm, it was not good news for him.

A clean cat should not get too close to bugs:

"Mia, stay at home and wait for me to come back. May the World Tree protect me in the infinite time."


The cat squatted aside and watched Shade step into the white mist door.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[Fifth Age 4791 Autumn, Southern Continent, Worm Cave. 】

[Event: Butterfly Festival. 】

[Duration is thirty minutes (2/3). 】

【伱has obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[The ancient god of time gives you a test. 】

[Help mortals complete the ritual of the old god-'Thousand-Eyed Phantom Butterfly', so that one of them can win the favor of his relatives. 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: thaumaturgy - Fiona's domestic servant, a true message - the mermaid. 】

"Fiona's domestic servant. I noticed it last time. Miss Drago's apprentice, Miss Olanode, is also named Fiona. I don't know if it's a coincidence."

The figure of the red dragon witch flashed in Shade's mind. Thinking of the big tail behind the young witch, Shade couldn't help but smile.

He took another step forward in the white mist. As the white mist dispersed around him, a cold fishy smell immediately poured into his nostrils. The dim, narrow and damp underground corridor appeared around him. This time, Shade didn't stop at all and ran straight ahead. While colorful and densely wriggling insects poured out from the small holes around the corridor, he had already run forward for almost a third of the distance by relying on "Raglai's Leap" and "Transformation into a Red Butterfly" .

The bugs around and under my feet were not that big of a deal, but the "bug rain" gushing out like a fountain from the small hollow above my head was the most unbearable. Amidst the numbing sense of crisis, Shade once again showed speed that exceeded his previous speed. Fortunately, the road ahead is not long, and due to the success of the God-Calling Ceremony, the grass vines clinging to the rock wall invaded the interior of the cave corridor and blocked the wormhole at the exit. Therefore, Sha De's "escape" this time “The process was much more successful than last time.

As the red butterflies flew out of the rock cave, the middle-aged witch Maggie Bletchett and Ollie Perry, whom Iluna called "Saint Perry", sat around the huge wooden round table. The lady and Mr. Fred Lyman, who likes girls with animal features, turned around together and happened to see a swarm of red butterflies descending from the sky, and the familiar figure of a young man walking out of the butterfly swarm.

Shade did not look at his companions, patted his clothes, resisted the illusion that there were bugs crawling on his body, and respectfully saluted the gods on the other side of the round table covered with delicacies:

"God of Butterflies, I have returned to your feast with songs dedicated to you. Please forgive me for my farewell not long ago. I believe that the songs I brought will satisfy you."

The god who seemed to have transparent wings behind her and whose image changed every time she looked at her, smiled and nodded:

"I'm looking forward to your ballad."

Shade walked to the table and sat down. His seat was easily distinguishable, after all, everyone had three small flowers at hand.

"How long was I gone?"

After sitting down, Shade asked softly to the middle-aged witch beside him, who shook her head regretfully:

"There's no concept of time here. Maybe it's just a moment, maybe it's months."

Shade nodded and took out the items prepared for everyone. Mr. Lyman, who wanted to marry the butterfly girl, asked for a lyre, Sister Perry asked for the church poetry classic "Song of the Earth", and the middle-aged witch asked for fresh leaves.

Seeing that the god was watching their exchange with a smile and did not urge him to sing songs immediately, Shade lowered his voice and asked the middle-aged nun who was opening a book:

"Sister Perry, may I ask if you know anything about this strange phenomenon called 'Crazy Land'."

The nun nodded in surprise, and also lowered her voice and said:

"Yes, there are such rumors in the diocese where I am stationed, but it is said that they only happen once every few hundred years."

It seems that in the Fifth Age, the problem in the Randall Valley was not that serious.

“How does the church address this phenomenon?”

Shade asked again, and Sister Perry shook her head:

"I'm not a witch or a magician from the church. I just heard that I need to use the power of my Lord [The Old Man with the Lamp]."

That is, magical rituals. It seems that the solutions in the fifth era are not much different from those in the sixth era. The posthumously canonized nun should now know nothing of this.

"What a coincidence, I've heard such rumors too."

The middle-aged witch Miss Bretchet said suddenly. When Shade looked at her, she explained carefully:

"I believe in the Great One [Old Forgotten], and the headquarters of the cult is also at the place mentioned by the nun just now. But I am not a core member of the cult, so I have only heard about it."

Members of the Witch Council must be believers of the ancient god [Chaos Witch], but there are no restrictions on other witches. Twelve-level witches like Ms. Bretchet are not firm in their beliefs. If they have the opportunity to become members of parliament, converting to the [Chaos Witch] will not be an obstacle for them (note).

"The Order of the Forgotten?"

Shade frowned slightly. He actually had many questions about that church. But now is the fifth era, that is the sixth era. Even if he hears the belief of this mysterious old god again, he does not have many questions and can get the answers from the mouth of the witch of this era.

PS: Explain the Witch Chloe’s belief in the “Winter Maiden”.

She was indeed a member of the Parliament, and when she met Shade, she was a genuine thirteenth level. She believed in the "Winter Maiden" as she called herself at the time, but apparently because of her soul split, she forgot who she really was and that she was a member of parliament, so what she said was her belief before she became a member of the assembly.

As for why she doesn't believe that the "winter girl" can still be favored by the gods, doesn't Shade not believe in the "innocent creator", but is still loved by the god of toys? The Old Gods have a different meaning than other gods.

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