Whispering Verse

Chapter 1276 Interrogation and Confusion

Margaret came to see Old Huck with Shade today. She didn't want to chat with Old Huck. She just wanted to express her goodwill first. Moreover, Shade believes that Margaret is definitely not just starting from Old Huck. She has made far more preparations for the Great Witch's apprenticeship than Shade thought.

And when Margaret finished talking about her own affairs, Shade did not step forward rashly, but watched the police officers come back and take old Huck away. Such dangerous prisoners are escorted in special carriages. After confirming that the prisoner had not been transferred, the haggard old man was pushed directly into the carriage with steel plates on the inside.

But when Old Huck got in the car, he was a little surprised to find that the person looking at him in the car was no longer the police sergeant when he came, but the princess attendant who had just poured him tea.

The carriage was closed, and everything in the fully enclosed carriage suddenly became dark. But then, Shade lit the candle with a match, and the jumping flames illuminated their faces:

"Why are you so surprised? Your Highness Margaret is very cautious. If you disappear on the road after she sees you, then Your Highness will not be able to explain anything clearly. I will personally watch you return to prison."

Shade said, and the old man looked at him suspiciously:

"It always feels like it's not that simple. Although I don't understand the police's procedures, how could it be possible... Sir, you wouldn't suddenly pull out a gun and tell me that you are not actually a royal guard, but a member of Delrayon's Someone from MI6, right?"

Shade blinked.

"of course not."

Old Huck immediately became nervous. The old man's experience allowed him to easily see that the other party was telling lies, and he deliberately let him see that he was telling lies. His heart immediately lifted.

Shade smiled and shook his head.

"Don't be so nervous, don't think too much, just treat me as the princess's attendant. I'm not a killer, I just want to ask you something."

"On whose behalf are you asking?"

Old Huck said warily, looking at Shade's waist, guessing where he hid the pistol.

"Do you really want to know the answer to this question?"

Shade asked back, and the old man shook his head hurriedly:

"As long as you are not here to kill me, you can ask whatever you want. We can talk about anything before we reach our destination. I know that among your questions, there must be strange questions that confuse your identity. Don't worry, I won't ask anyone and our conversation in the carriage."

He suspected that he was involved in an even more bizarre and complex political struggle.


Shade nodded and sat relaxedly on the uncomfortable chair in the carriage:

"The first question is, why is William Anjou the target of the assassination and not Margaret Anjou? And why is your attitude towards that princess today so good?"

Old Huck nervously put his hands on his legs:

"What kind of problem is this? Isn't it obvious? Even if I want to take revenge on the Anjou royal family, I will not hurt a vulnerable woman. I am not that despicable!"

"Very good, this answer is a good start. You can relax a little and just treat us as if we are just chatting. Second question, have you had any contact with suspicious foreigners recently? "...

The old man thought for a moment and shook his head slowly:

"No, if you want to know if I was ordered by the Delarians to assassinate the prince, the answer is "no"."

Of course Shade knew otherwise. Director Anlos personally said that the assassination had nothing to do with MI6. He had even read MI6's internal top-secret files on the Stonemasons Association.

"However, my neighbor, the Yankee, is very suspicious. He likes to bring home prostitutes. I suspect that there are spies among them."

Shade waved his hand

"I'm not interested in whether you are prying into your neighbor's privacy. I see that you are still a little nervous. Let's change the topic to a lighter topic and tell me a story about the Masons."

As he spoke, he took out his pocket watch and pretended to take a look at it.

"It's still a short time until we return to prison.

It takes twenty minutes. Tell me a little story, and then we'll move on to asking questions. "

Old Huck nodded immediately:

"What story do you want to hear?"

"Anything...an old story that few people know."

The old man has no doubt about this

"I have many stories. You must not know what happened when the Masons' Association was first established. The establishment of the association was not as simple as everyone getting together to press fingerprints. It required a lot of financial resources. The original stonemasons were just craftsmen, so They turned to the devil for help, obtained an ancient treasure, and used that money to establish the original association."

"So, what's the price?"

Shade asked with a smile, and the old man nodded:

"Of course there is a price. Every hundred years, the association will select the best stone carver to carve the most perfect statue for the devil. If the devil is satisfied, he will take away the statue; if he is not satisfied, then he will take away the statue. Take away the soul of that craftsman."

Shade did not comment on this story. Whether it was true or not, it had nothing to do with the clues he was looking for today:

"This story tells us that everything people do has to pay a price. Then it is my turn to ask questions: Just now you gave Princess Margaret a price, 60,000 crowns can make the Anjou family pay the price for these years. So, how did you calculate this number? I have investigated you, I mean His Highness has investigated you. Your education level is not high, but you were able to tell this number just now. I don’t think that as an ordinary person in the association, Stonemason, you usually do this kind of thing... Who did you listen to for this price?"

The old man's eyes suddenly widened and he was trembling and speechless.

Shade still said in that very relaxed tone:

"Your social connections are very simple. It wouldn't be difficult for me to investigate on my own."

"It's...Mr. Jon, the accountant of the association." He complained to me...if he had the money, it would be acceptable without an apology. "

Despite the hatred, not everyone in the Masons was committed to the apology. The "Mr. Jon" that Old Huck mentioned is obviously the kind of person who doesn't even need to apologize if the compensation is sufficient. Shade would not comment on this pragmatic approach, but Margaret could probably do something about this person.

"Look, isn't it great for us to have questions and answers like this?"...

He took out from his pocket a corked glass bottle containing white sugar cubes. He took out two pieces, motioned to Old Huck to choose one, and then ate the other one himself:

"Then continue with a story.,

Shade said again. The old man felt the sweetness in his mouth. He already knew that he could not guess who the other party was asking questions on.

"Story, let me think about it... Yes, the most famous story of the Masons' Guild must be the living stone statue. I saw it once when I was young, but people didn't believe it. There are many, many stories related to this circulating in the city, but I I bet no one knows as much as I do. Among the founders of the association, there was a very low-key Mr. Fleming. He was the most skilled among the original founders. However, due to his unexpected disappearance, He did not participate in the subsequent major events of the association, which is why not many people know him today. But his name has not been lost in history. Did you know that the association has a copy of the contract originally signed by the founders? It has Mr. Fleming's name on it."

He had so many stories about "Mr. Fleming" that he told them for ten minutes before he stopped. This information was much more than the information provided by the middle-aged stonemason a few hours ago. Apparently, the middle-aged stonemason's story was also heard from him.

During the rest of the trip, Shade exchanged a lot of content with Old Huck. When the carriage finally stopped, he made a gesture of silence.

"This journey has been quite pleasant. I understand the general things. Mr. Harker, I think this will not be the last time we meet."

"Are you still coming to find me?"

The old man asked in horror. He was really afraid of this man who was good at interrogation.

"That's not certain, but I think it will be very interesting next time we meet.


As he spoke, he jumped off the carriage whose door was opened. After completing the handover procedures for the criminals, he boarded another carriage parked on the roadside.

Margaret sat in the carriage and waited for him with a tea cup:

"How's it going? Did you gain anything?"

"There are gains. You can start from these people. The Masons' Association is not a complete iron plate. There are people in it who may help you."

As he spoke, he took out the book and handed it to Her Royal Highness the Princess. Inside was the content of the conversation just now:

"No, no, I mean, have you gained anything from your work?"

The blonde girl looked at the book and asked, Shade thought for a while:

"There probably are really ancient evil spirits in this area; Old Huck also knew the Stone Oxenfurt family, and told me that Stone Oxenfurt once learned the craft of stone carving from the Masons' Guild; one of the original founders of the Guild. Mr. Fleming may have a problem. I will need your help tomorrow. I want to see the contract signed by the original founder of the Masons. "

Margaret thought for a moment

"I'm afraid I won't see you tomorrow. Although I am a princess, I don't have the right to order everyone. Give me some time. The Masons' Association is not friendly to me."

"Oh, actually it doesn't matter if you can't see me."

Shade also realized that this request was very difficult:

"As long as the location is determined, it will be the same if I break in and take a look myself."

Margaret smiled and shook her head

"Although I know you are not a criminal, every time you say such words, it feels very dangerous...and very exciting. Knight, do you have anything else to do in the evening? How about having dinner with me? Candlelight dinner, and then we go together Watch an opera at the Wilde Opera House."

Shade shook his head regretfully

"Sorry, I have to meet up with my friends later."

This refers to the playwrights surveyed by the Masons.

"In the evening, Luvia and I still have some things to do. "

He planned to visit the Masons' Association tonight. Even if he couldn't see the moving stone statues, he would at least have a chance to find the original Masons' contract. He has done a lot of things to break into the void, and since Luvia is here this time, if he calls the fortune teller, the operation should go much smoother.


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