Whispering Verse

Chapter 1277 Pendulum Safe and Contract

?????????"Louvia Anat?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess said softly, and then nodded in understanding:

"If you have something to do, do it, but don't forget to make time to go on a date with me."

????????When Shade returned to Mason Street where the Masons Association is located, it was already five o'clock in the evening. He passed through the bustling crowd and entered the bustling tavern. He glanced twice before he saw Mr. Antonio sitting in the corner against the wall.

After the waiter left, Shade, who sat down next to Mr. Antonio, apologized softly:

?????????"Sorry, I may have come a little late. Unfortunately, I couldn't see that old Huck."

"No need to apologize. I think even with the power of the earl, it would be difficult for you to meet the prince's assassin for such a reason."

The middle-aged playwright understood this, and Shade added:

"Of course, although I couldn't meet him in person, I investigated his neighbors and got some stories from the children in exchange for a few pieces of candy."

The two of them ordered a glass of Randall Valley's local specialty honey beer. Shade never liked alcohol, so he just took a sip to increase his knowledge.

????????"As long as it can achieve its goal, do you have any good stories to share with me?"


???????Xia De then told the story he heard this afternoon, and Mr. Antonio recorded it excitedly. After Xia De finished talking about his gains, the middle-aged man also talked about his gains:

???????" I asked about old Humphrey who was beaten to death last year in the association. The middle-aged mason we met in the afternoon did not lie. He was indeed killed by the tilted full-length statue during the earthquake last autumn. The wound is in the head. "

???????He also pointed to his head and explained the specific location:

???????"It is said that he died immediately on the spot, and the ground was red and white..."

???????Mr. Antonio’s mouth trembled, obviously not very used to this kind of topic:

"What's interesting is that since the death of old Humphrey, the Masons' Association has occasionally heard the sound of carving stones at night. This is the prelude to the rumors of hauntings. Because of this incident, the association's senior officials I just invited the local Sun Church to perform an exorcism."

????????He lowered his voice slightly:

?????????"My friends in church told me that there really was a ghost in that incident."

????????This world is already rich in ghost stories and legends, so it is okay for ordinary people to know these things. What cannot be spread casually are things about relics and gods, and specious ghost stories are a means of covering up dangerous information.

?????????"But after the church exorcises demons, even if there were ghosts originally, they should be gone now, right?"

???????Xia De asked, but Mr. Antonio shook his head:

"Since then, the sound of carving has occasionally appeared. However, people searched carefully and found nothing, and no one was in danger. Later, an architect said that it was After the house ages, due to the excessive temperature difference between day and night, the materials inside the building deform and the sound is produced... I don't know if you believe it or not, but I... don't know if I should believe it."

????????" In this way, we have so many stories in our hands, but no clues for further investigation. "

???????Xia De said while holding the wine glass, and Mr. Antonio laughed instead:

?????????"Mr. Watson, aren't we here just for the story? Investigating the truth is not our purpose. You went too far and forgot the goal when you set out."…

"That's right. There are enough stories today. Even our investigation process can be called a good story."

???????Xia De said, Mr. Antonio was convinced. So the two of them chatted for a while while holding wine glasses, each exchanged the information they obtained and recorded it, and then they left separately.

Or rather, Shade sat motionless, and Mr. Antonio took the initiative to stand up and say goodbye to him, and agreed to go to the Prophet's Association to play Rhodes together at some time.

????????Xia De continued to hold the dirty wooden wine glass and looked around.

?????????"Mr. Antonio has left, and the next step is to find Luvia..."

???????【What are you looking around?】

"She" suddenly asked in Shade's ear.

???????" I was wondering if the demonologist Mr. Sean Asmon would suddenly walk out of the crowd at this time. Since there may be evil spirits in the Randall Valley, it cannot be ruled out that they are evil spirits. "

????????But it seems that the demonologist who always meets Shade by chance is probably not here now.

After leaving the tavern, Shade went to the Fertile Land Hotel and found Luvia who had just gotten off work. After hearing about Shade's investigation this afternoon, Luvia was also very interested in it, so she agreed to go with him in the evening.

Of course, before that, the two had dinner together. Luvia also smiled and said that since she came to Randall Valley on a business trip, the time she spent eating alone with Shad was comparable to that in Torbes. There are a lot more grams.

?????????This is probably hinting at something to Shade.

The Masons usually close at 8pm, and after 8:30pm there are only three gatekeepers left. Shade calculated the time and came to Mason Street with Luvia at about eight o'clock in the evening. He waited for a while with Luvia in the evening tavern. After making sure that the lights of the Masonry Association building were turned off, he left with Luvia. past.

The two of them did not choose to climb over the wall from the backyard. With the help of Shade's illusion, they directly pushed the door open and walked in from the main entrance. The gatekeeper who gathered to play Rhodes did not notice them at all.

The Stonemason's Association is mostly decorated with stone sculptures of human figures. Without lights, walking in such a place is quite scary. The president's office was on the top floor. The two of them searched according to the house number and found the location easily.

After Xia De used the [Door Key] to unlock the door, he saw an office that was larger than his bedroom. The owner of this office is very stylish. The floor is covered with a not very luxurious carpet and the wallpaper is dark brown. There is a round stone stool next to the wooden bookshelf, and a stone statue of a philosopher's head is placed on the small table next to the clock on the wall.

Luvia followed Shade and walked in. She looked around in the dark and saw the safe in the corner at a glance.

????????Xia De walked over directly, apologized softly, and knocked on the side of the safe with his finger. Then, the sound of gear rotation and piston pushing and pulling came from inside the box. After waiting for tens of seconds, with a snapping sound, five alloy metal rods popped out from both sides of the box, accompanied by steam smoke, and the safe opened automatically.

???????? He knelt down to check, and Luvia summoned a small ball of light to fly into the safe for illumination.

?????????"Let me see what's there, cash, a small bag of gems...gold?"

????????It was a piece of gold bar in rather poor condition, less than half the size of Shade's index finger. It was wrapped in paper and placed in the upper corner of the safe. Shade did not open the paper, but the paper was too thin, and the light from Luvia's light group directly penetrated the paper...

"I didn't expect that the president of the Stonemasons Association would have such a hobby of collecting."

???????Xia De will not mess with other people's things, he is here to document the contract. There were indeed many documents in the safe. Shade pulled them out and looked at them separately with Luvia.

????????There are not only the election and appointment documents for the president of the association, but also the real estate and real estate contracts of the Masons Association. Shade even saw letters sent by the association to His Majesty the King of Willendale for more than ten years, but each envelope had a blue post office stamp of "returned", which was a sign of rejection.

?????????"I didn't see that ancient contract."

Shade muttered, and Luvia shook her head to indicate that the documents in her hand did not contain what he was looking for. So Shade put all the files back to their original places. After restoring the safe, he looked at the bookshelf behind the office:

?????????"Is it in the bookshelf? Search in the library!"

???????? He stretched out his hand in the direction of the bookshelf. Although the spell was successfully activated and the place here was judged to be an environment where the spell could be used, there was no ancient parchment flying towards it. he.

?????????"Xia De, don't waste time, let me do it."

Luvia said softly, took out an amethyst about half the size of a thumb that was tied by a thin string, and then held one end of the string to let the amethyst hang in the air. This is a more traditional "pendulum divination" and is also a required course for diviners.

???????The common spirit pendulum is amethyst

Or obsidian, but compared to card divination, Luvia's talent for pendulum divination is very limited. "Pendulum Divination" itself has great limitations, but this divination skill is quite useful when looking for lost keys, socks and other small things.

?????????"The target is an ancient contract..."

Luvia whispered softly, letting her spirit pour into the amethyst. Then she closed her eyes and let her mind empty, allowing her consciousness to come into contact with the thread that represented fate and time. As the amethyst emits a beautiful shimmer, the pendulum that was originally pointing downwards begins to shift slightly to the side:

????????"found it."

?????????"Speaking of which, can your pendulum divination be used to find cats? If it can be found, I, as a detective, will be out of a job."

????????Xia De asked curiously, Luvia looked at him angrily:

"Don't always ask questions like this when we are doing business... Cats can be found in any divination, but fortune tellers will not do such boring things... If one day rice Ya is lost, I can help you find her."

?????????Somehow, Shade suddenly remembered the silver-eyed little Mia being held by another Luvia in his dream.

The amethyst pendulum pointed to the wall where the office door was. Luvia pulled the pendulum in that direction. Sure enough, she found the safe embedded in the wall behind the oil painting next to the gas lamp. And on that oil painting was the holy emblem of the righteous god [the God of the Sun and the Earth], the old man holding the lamp.

It was still Shade who opened the safe, and this safe was obviously much emptyer than the safe in the open. Shade saw the document he was looking for at a glance. Because this is a document from hundreds of years ago, each page of the document was framed and tightly sealed for preservation. Fortunately, the initial simple contract was not long, only twelve pages.

?????????-Go to check

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