Whispering Verse

Chapter 1316 Bloody Ghost

When the last ray of sunlight in the west disappeared by the lake, the light of divine magic slightly illuminated the silent night.

Shade and the two ladies walked out of the forest together. As the night wind blew by, a very cold wind that did not belong to late winter blew in their faces.

Looking at Lake Eldron not far from the forest, under the moonlight, the ice surface that had begun to thaw was once again covered with a layer of white frost. And this is only the situation on the lake. In fact, under the joint spells of three high-level warlocks belonging to the church on the other side of the lake, a huge icicle has been formed below the center of the lake, covering the abnormally colored black mud area under the water. Completely sealed.

"This is a basic spell, Breath of Frozen. Any spell can become very powerful as long as it is mastered proficiently and increases in level."

The witch told Shade that Shade actually knew this spell, which was taught by Miss Carina, but he could only blow out an ice flower in a teacup.

The church's actions seemed to be very effective, at least as the ice continued to thicken, there were no abnormalities. But just when the freeze ended and the ice surface became at least five centimeters thicker, the sudden ground vibration made the earth seem to roar.


A major earthquake centered on Lake Eldron suddenly appeared like this. Strong earthquakes can even make people unsteady, which is easily reminiscent of the earthquake when the source of pollution appeared in the Banquet Manor.

"The earth is fighting back!"

Shade supported Luvia, while Miss Benanis supported the two of them. Together, the three of them heard a clear "click" sound.

The cracks appeared first from nowhere on the ice, and then directly penetrated the entire lake. After the earthquake that lasted for thirteen seconds ended, the ice on the entire Lake Eldron shattered like a spider web.

The aftershocks appeared almost within a few breaths later. In the strong vibration, all the ring warlocks on the shores of Lake Eldron felt the angry roar that seemed to originate from the depths of their hearts.

Under the moonlit night, the ice in the center of the lake completely melted, and then the lake water started to bubble as if it were boiling. The boiling lake water gradually began to turn black. Before the ring warlocks from the Zhengshen Church took the risk to fly into the air above the polluted area to observe, a huge black mud water column broke through the ice and shot into the brilliant night sky in the suburbs.

To Shade at the lake, it looked like a giant dancing python jumping out of the lake. The black mud mixed with the lake water reached high in the sky, and then sprinkled on the area around the lake like a heavy rain.

"Power of the Earth·Field of Fertility!"

The girl with purple eyes cast the spell in time. While a warm feeling clung to the surface of her body, the rain of sludge falling from the sky had no impact on the three of them at all.

The church on the other side of the lake reacted faster. The eruption of black mud lasted less than ten seconds. The lake began to freeze from the roots of the black mud water column, and quickly froze the entire water column, making it look black. The giant python turned into a solid ice-colored giant python.

"Is this the end?"

Shade, who was holding an umbrella for the two ladies, said suspiciously. He retracted his umbrella and looked up at a few small black dots flying high in the sky. The light of divine magic was trying to melt the erupted black mud. The prayers on the other side are getting louder and louder, and the ritual runes left on the ice are lighting up one by one. After the eruption of black mud is suppressed, the purification ceremony will begin.

"There's someone over there."

The witch said suddenly, pointing to the woodland in the southeast. When the earthquake started just now, a few clouds came from nowhere and covered the moon, so it was dark at the edge of the forest.

Even with dark vision, he could still only vaguely see a few shadowy figures by the lake in the distance. The other party didn't even use any method to hide his figure. He gathered quite conspicuously by the lake, as if he was throwing something on the ice.

"Want to take a look?"

The witch asked, Shade looked at Luvia, and Luvia tossed a coin:

"Better go and see."

It is so convenient to have a fortune teller by your side.

The three of them walked over and noticed that they were three ring warlocks wearing black robes. Two are in the middle ring and one is in the lower ring. The leader of the middle ring warlock is a middle-aged man, wearing a pair of glasses, holding a linen bag in one hand, and sprinkling particles like coarse salt on the ice.

They also noticed the appearance of the three Shads. The man wearing glasses stopped what he was doing, turned around and declared:

"You are late. The relics that will arrive later were not summoned by us. We are just here to do some finishing work. Even if you arrest us, it will not affect the next thing. Besides, those who are performing the finishing work will not be affected. It’s not just the three of us.”

"What relic? Besides, we are not from the church."

Shade said, and the strange middle-aged man became even more happy:

"That's good. Let me tell you, how can I be caught by the church just doing some finishing work casually? The money I got from this field trip is not worth my life."

"So can you tell us what finishing touches you are doing?"

Shade asked, somewhat understanding that the "big thing" Stone Oxenfurt said should refer to the matter that these three people were finishing.

"We are giving a very magical power to an upcoming relic."

The unfamiliar Central Warlock said with a smile and looked at the three people:

"Two women and one man, still in the wild, so interesting. But now that you have seen us, I'm sorry, please go to hell."

The bag was thrown towards the three people and exploded like a steam bomb in the air.

The smoke and dust from the explosion swept across the lakeshore. Although they had said harsh words just now, the ring magicians in black robes took advantage of the cover and immediately turned around and tried to escape into the woods. However, a clear female voice came from the smoke and dust:

"Adobe wall!"

In the smoke and dust, Bernice raised her feet and stepped on the ground. Then in front of the three people who escaped, three tall earth walls rose from the ground, and there were gaps between each earth wall.

"Thorns of the Moon!"

Shade cooperated with the spell, and scarlet thorn bushes emerged from the soil to fill the gaps between the walls, and quickly spread to the wall.

The earthen wall summoned by the witch is really tall, and it takes a long time to go around it, climb over it, or fly over it. Of course, when he saw the bloody thorn bushes with crystal-like color all over the wall, the bespectacled Zhonghuan Warlock did not directly attack with his fists. Instead, he shook his right hand and smashed the black sphere that appeared in his hand. That wall.

There was no explosion at all. The black shadow ball melted a large area of ​​the wall and even melted some of the bloody thorns - after all, this thaumaturgy was to prevent the other side from coming in, and the defense on the same side was slightly weak.

But even so, the Zhonghuan warlock who threw the shadow ball still turned pale, feeling that his spirit and physical strength were strangely drained in an instant. At the same time, the bloody thorns that absorbed the opponent's power spread again, not only filling the melted hole in the earth wall, but even becoming more and more delicate, as if they could drip blood in the next second.

As long as they bear the blood-sucking effect of the bloody thorns and attack two or three more times, Shade's thaumaturgy can be disintegrated, but they have no time at this time.

The sweeping arc of bright silver light forced them to turn around and resist. Even if Shade's [Moonlight Slash] was smashed, the chance of escape was gone.

The six people each looked at each other, and then Miss Benanis walked towards the leading man among the three, who was probably the Eight Rings; Luvia frowned and looked at the black-haired man with long hair, who was the leader of the three. He was the only low-level warlock among them, but the opponent was holding an obsidian pendulum in his hand, which was a relic. The man looked at Luvia in surprise, and then at the pendulum that was rotating as if it had fallen into a steam turbine, as if he had encountered some problem.

Shade's opponent was the last remaining six-ring warlock. The opponent had a gloomy face and looked like he had insomnia. Before Shade could take action, he rushed forward suddenly, and then his whole body exploded into black smoke with a bang.

Then a bang~ explosion appeared from above Sha De's head, and again marked by black smoke, the six-ring warlock struck at Sha De with a black sickle in his hand.

"The power of space is not the power of strange relics or other things. He has the power of space himself!"

Shade was a little surprised. It was true that he had never encountered guys with space powers, but most of those things were not human beings. Most of the human opponents with the power of space movement are the chosen ones, and this time they are finally ordinary ring magicians who have the power of space themselves.

Instead of dodging the opponent's scythe, the scarlet dagger appeared in Shade's hand, and then he held the knife with both hands to block the opponent's attack. At the moment of the stalemate, a dark chain pierced out of Shade's sleeve, and the sharp end of the chain pierced the opponent's right eye.

The ring warlock in the air immediately grabbed the cold chain with his own hands, and the power of sin made his body immediately stiffen.


The sickle was still wrestling with Shade, but his hands did grasp the front end of the chain. Shade was surprised how many arms the opponent had.

The man's third and fourth hands quickly released the chain, and with the help of Shade's dagger, he jumped lightly in the air and landed again, avoiding the chains swept by Kuang Wu. And when he landed and squatted down to relieve his strength, the life ring belonging to the six-ring warlock behind him was completely revealed.

The aura of the spiritual rune on the life ring allowed Shade to see that the opponent indeed only had two arms. However, an extremely dim red shadow clung to the opponent's back, and the Ring Warlock himself stood on tiptoes, allowing the red figure's feet to insert between his heels and the ground.

The dark sickle was actually held by the bloody shadow.

"What the hell? Special undead?"

This was the first time for Shade to see such a strange ability. When he looked at the opponent's life ring, the spiritual rune with the brightest aura at this time was the [Blood Ghost]:

"Spirit runes with extremely precise meanings. Is this a special thaumaturgy corresponding to the spirit runes? Bloody Ghost."

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