Whispering Verse

Chapter 1317 Rain Praying Golem (please vote)

Shade frowned and looked at the enemy in front of him:

"Are you from the Blood Spirit School?"

Unlike the talkative man with glasses, Shade's opponent didn't seem to like talking. He rushed forward again and then exploded into a ball of black mist. From this point of view, this method of spatial movement is much worse than Shad's [Raglai's Jump]. Not only does it require a dashing action, but the sound and black fog while moving are a bit too noticeable.

Shade's keen spatial perception allowed him to detect the opponent's landing point even before the opponent appeared. He did not use [Space Stabilization Halo] to stop his opponent's movement, but directly stabbed the long sword in his hand behind him.

The moment the opponent appeared, the scarlet [Moonlight Great Sword] had penetrated his abdomen. The flesh-corrupting properties of the Red Moon Moonlight Great Sword took effect almost immediately, and the ulceration of the wound made the sword in Shade's hand even more dazzling.

But this did not constitute a fatal injury. The bloody ghost behind the man took the initiative to reach out and hug the man, and then grabbed Shade's sword with two hands in front of the man. The head of the strange spirit stretched from the man's shoulder to Shade, its elongated neck was like a slender snake, and the spirit's mouth bit into Shade's neck.

Although he didn't know what would happen if he was bitten, Shade still let go of the sword in his hand and stepped back.

The brief confrontation lasted only half a minute, and Shade of the Fifth Ring barely had the upper hand.

Because Shade let go, the red dagger that penetrated the man's abdomen disappeared. The central warlock clutched his stomach and looked at Shade angrily. The life ring emitted a more dazzling light behind him, and this time, he actually exploded into a red blood mist.

"It's black mist and red mist. Are you so good at mist? Are you a vampire talent?"

Shade didn't see the small vampire mark on the other person's head, which meant that the other person was a mixed race, and his bloodline was extremely weak:

"Is it really the Blood Spirit School?"

The blood mist floated towards Shade, and there seemed to be dense mosquitoes buzzing inside. Shade completely ignored the interference of the mosquitoes and pointed his finger neatly above the red mist:

"Solar Ray!"

A slender warm yellow light beam shot out, and after a scream, the little bat hidden above the red mist was penetrated by the light beam, and then fell directly to the ground, regaining the appearance of a man, but now his face was pale. The blow just now was even more serious than the penetrating injury of the Moonlight Sword:

"How could you possibly know the weakness of the race's secret arts?"

"I have a vampire friend."

When Mr. Bernhardt was in Huntington City, he exchanged ideas with Shade about the secrets of these vampires.

The man shut up and stopped talking, crossed his hands on his chest, gave a low drink, and then turned into a bloody cross and struck Shade. This trick Schad became even more familiar with, Herr Bernhard had shown it to him, and he himself could:

"Moonlight Slash!"

With his hands also crossed on his chest, Shade turned into a bright silver cross and struck forward. The two crosses collided head-on. After the smoke of the explosion passed, Shade drank the essence and patted the dust on his body - the fourth form of Moonlight Slash was really too draining. The middle-level warlock supported the ground with one hand and continued to vomit blood on the ground.

He was seriously injured at this time, and he knew that continuing to fight with Shade would never bring good results. Shade didn't even show his life ring, so he was determined to launch the final blow. Shade was originally worried that he would risk using the word of sublimation, but the other party just let the life ring on his back shine again.

Miracle Spirit Rune [Blood Ghost], Blasphemy Spirit Rune [Suicide], Whispering Spirit Rune [Corpse]. The three spirit runes jointly supported the next thaumaturgy, and on the surface, the man's feet stood higher, and the ghost lying behind him seemed to have completely stepped on its feet.

Suddenly the ghost jumped forward, causing the man to jump right after him. The height of the first jump was directly over Shade's head, and the second hard bounce after landing, he jumped to a height of three stories.

"What kind of magic is this?"

The swirling stream of red and black light surrounded the Wandering Soul and the Ring Warlock, and even the ground he stepped on was seeped with scarlet blood. Shade prepared himself for the opponent's desperate blow, but what he saw was the opponent's third bounce, jumping over the earth wall summoned by the witch.


After a moment of astonishment, the silver-white thunder gun in his hand followed closely. The man jumping in the air blocked the blow with the bloody ghost behind him. Then he screamed and fell behind the earth wall and fell into a coma.

“Really interesting thaumaturgy”

Shade commented, and after confirming that the other person had indeed passed out, he turned to look at his companion.

At the same time that the battle on Shade's side ended, the battle on the other two sides basically ended. Although Miss Benanis was not good at fighting, with the power of an eleventh-level witch and an eleventh-level sorcerer, she could easily suppress the eighth-level opponent.

The battle between Luvia and the low-level warlock holding an obsidian pendulum was even simpler. The two looked at each other solemnly, both standing still. The man shook the relic pendulum in his hand desperately, while Luvia tossed the coin again and again, as if she was showing off her divination skills to the other party.

Three full minutes later, Luvia suddenly pulled out the golden dagger she carried and threw it at the opponent. The latter dodged to the left, and then was hit in the chest by the dagger, as if he was using his own His body went to catch Luvia's knife.

The man looked at the weapon stuck in his chest in shock, and the obsidian pendulum in his hand fell to the ground:

"Destiny finally gave me the ending I deserved."

Obviously Luvia's short sword didn't have the effect of killing with one hit, but he just breathed his last. The battles between diviners are always difficult to understand, but at least Luvia was happy when she picked up the relic Obsidian Pendulum.

The man wearing glasses who was suppressed by the witch has reached the last step at this time. The earthy palm stretched out from the earth grabbed his ankle, and the silver memory thread in the witch's hand tied his right hand holding the black skull-shaped relic. I planned to risk using the words of sublimation, but Miss Benanis said:

"You have to think carefully. If you are caught by me, I will just send you to the Zhengshen Church. The church generally will not kill high-level warlocks like you directly. You still have value, such as exploring the way when collecting relics. , or test the characteristics of a brand new relic. But if you use the word of sublimation without preparation like this, even if you defeat me, you may die suddenly on the way to escape."

The man hesitated for a moment, then the relic in his hand fell to the ground:

"I surrender."

He thought that the ugly woman in front of him, who was obviously disguised, was right.

"Are you from the Blood Spirit School?"

"Yes, one of my two companions is also a member of the Blood Spirit School, and the other is a believer of [Stone Heart Demon]."

"How many of you are still around here?"

"Three high-level ones and three middle-level ones. They will appear soon to block the church's actions. As long as it is delayed for a while, the plan can be carried out smoothly."

"What relic are you waiting for?"

The man looked at the lake, which was gradually being frozen again. While the six people were fighting, the church had repaired the contaminated area that had almost gone out of control due to the earthquake. Because the church does not have enough manpower, it has not sent anyone here to see who started the fight:

"You will find out soon. I can't say that this is a contract."

So Miss Benanis clapped her hands violently, and the man whose mobility was restricted by the lake screamed and covered his ears, and then passed out due to dizziness.

"The Blood Spirit School and the cultists seem to have enough manpower. They can send three people for the finishing work."

said the witch.

"Maybe they're not doing the finishing touches at all and let the church discern the lies."

Shade frowned, and the two ladies came to his side, and the three of them looked at the frozen lake under the starry sky.

At this time, the gushing black mud that was frozen in ice still stood in the center of the lake like a giant winding snake, but it also looked like some kind of sky-reaching stone pillar that had existed since ancient times. At this time, the clouds dispersed and the moonlight shone on the ice, illuminating the busy people on the other side.

Of course, there are not only the church and Shade and others by the lake, but more or less people from the local ring warlock group come here for various reasons. Everyone is waiting for what will happen next, and the church has almost controlled the situation at this time.

Shade was the first to notice the change, and the whispering element suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's hard to tell whether it was another earthquake that reappeared, or whether Shade first noticed the whispering element. The rumble of the ground was more terrifying than ever before, and the lake that had just been refrozen was completely shattered this time.

The magical light on the other side of the lake is so powerful that it almost illuminates half of the night sky, but this still cannot prevent the unnatural earthquake effect.

The water in the lake lapped violently against the shore due to the earthquake, and the dirty lake water mixed with black mud brought solid ice to the shore. But only the giant frozen black mud pillar did not collapse and still stood eerily in the center of Lake Eldron.

But as another round of earthquakes ended, there were still ripples on the surface of the lake. At this time, not only Shade, but also any ring warlock with a little bit of perception ability could detect that the whispering elements around him were extremely powerful to an extremely terrifying degree.

Later, the ring warlocks flying in the air first noticed a spinning vortex on the lake surface at the bottom of the giant icicle. A touch of darkness, deeper than the lake water polluted by black mud, appeared below the lake surface.

The rain clouds gathered quickly at this time, covering the starry sky and the moon. The air was filled with the smell of wet earth, a sign of impending rain.

Finally, a huge dark stone head rose from the bottom of the lake, followed by the neck, shoulders and entire body. It was a huge stone statue with a rather simple shape, with his left hand on his right shoulder and his right hand on his left shoulder. It is not a sculpture with rich human body details that is common in modern times, but more like a stone statue with greater symbolic meaning used in sacrifices.

The eyes and facial features are all shaped like angular cubes, and the body is outlined with carvings that resemble the layout of steam pipes. On the two pillar-like legs in a standing posture, sentences composed of giant runes are engraved:

[I give everything I have just to get even a drop of rain. 】

The relic arrived suddenly like this.

PS: Since these two chapters are about battles, they seem a bit watery, so I’ll add another chapter. Please vote at the end of the month, please vote!

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