Whispering Verse

Chapter 1509 Crystal Slippers and Mysterious Locks


On this Sunday afternoon, when Shade walked out of the basement and lamented that he had only been away from home for two days, but it seemed as if he had not been home for more than a month, footsteps sounded from the stairs, and then Dorothy rushed down and walked directly Hugged Shade.

"I'm fine, don't worry too much."

"If it's really okay, I don't believe you didn't go home last night."

The writer lady who knew him well secretly wiped her tears and then said to him. Shade was choked by these words, so he had to put Mia down first and let her run upstairs on her own, and then took Dorothy's hand and walked upstairs as well.

"I'm really fine."

He emphasized again. Dorothy nodded and said with a smile:

"Now I know, if you are not in good health, you definitely don't have time to take a shower and come back."


"Priest August came yesterday."

Dorothy didn't notice Shade's hesitation, and when they entered the living room on the second floor, she said again.

"Priest Augustus? What's wrong with him?"

"Of course I'm looking for you. Such a big thing happened in the Randall Valley, and it has now spread throughout the world. I think everyone knows what happened in the early morning of Saturday except for those ill-informed guys deep in the ruins of the New World. ”

She asked Shade to sit down, and then took out the teapot from the kitchen in a very good mood. She seemed to expect that Shade would come back at this time:

"Priest Augustus knows that you have been frequently active in the Randall Valley recently, so he came here to see how you are doing and to confirm whether you are related to things in the South. However, when he saw that I was the only one at home, he almost understood. .”

Dorothy did not ask what Shad had done in Randall's Valley:

"Speaking of which, are Luvia and the doctor okay?"

"Everything is fine. Luvia will be back in a day or two, and the professors who have returned to the college will take her back, so there is no need to take the steam train. As for the doctor, I want to see him again in a week."

Shade said, then realized that it was the doctor who seemed to be the unlucky again.

"I don't know what you've been through, but it's good to see you again, Shade."

After pouring the tea, she sat next to Shade. She tilted her body towards Shade, and when she sat up straight again, she was already the princess:

"Oh, Shade!"

They are obviously two different souls, but their tone of voice is so similar. Lesia and Dorothy were able to share some of their memories before and after the soul exchange, so there was no need for Shade to explain that he was in good health again.

Compared to Dorothy, who was more reserved, Lesia directly gave Shade a passionate kiss. After the passionate kiss, she wrapped her arms around Shade's neck and asked in a good mood:

"The incident in Randall Valley is related to you, right?"


Shade nodded directly, and Lecia held Shade's neck harder:

"Louvia is over there, helping you a lot, right? That's great. If possible, Dorothy and I would also like to help you. But I also know that even if the two of us put together, we might not be able to defeat you. Luvia."

Although she said this, Her Royal Highness the Princess was not too disappointed. She knew that she could help Shade in other places, but Luvia, who was just a commoner, could not help:

"The things in Randall Valley are over. I think in spring, you won't be as busy as you were some time ago, right?"

"Of course, I think I can take a break. How about taking advantage of the spring and going for an outing outside the city together?"

Shade extended the invitation, and Lesia nodded with a smile. Closing her eyes, Lesia turned back into Dorothy. The joy in Miss Writer's soul was clearly shown in her green eyes:

"Lecia forgot to mention just now that the last Red Butterfly Day was delayed because of your busy schedule. She said that she would look for an interesting banquet recently to free up your time."

After finishing speaking with a slightly red face, Dorothy asked softly:

"So, tonight, Shade, are you going home for the night?"


Shade never liked spending the night outside as long as he could go home.

"Okay, I'll help you make the bed in advance. Lecia said she wanted to check the knight's body."

The blonde bit her lip slightly and said, of course Shade understood what she meant. Luvia will be back soon, and both Dorothy and Lesia hope to seize the last moment.

When the topic of making the bed came up, Shade thought of another thing:

"Dorothy, I remember that the glass slippers have been kept in the cloakroom since the last time we used them."

He said suddenly, and an ambiguous smile appeared on the writer's face:

"Yes, I'm glad you still remember it. Do you still need me to put on those shoes tonight? I didn't expect, Shade, that this is what you like."

"No, no, that's not what I meant!"

Shade said hurriedly, and the life ring slowly appeared behind him. While Dorothy was surprised that he had been promoted to another level, Shade pointed to the rune that radiated brass aura:

"Inspiration - Cinderella."

"I found that I'm not surprised at all. It's still a mystery lock this time?"

Dorothy asked, and Shade nodded:

"Since my Mysteries are related to each other and form a larger composite Mystery, even though I have been promoted to the sixth ring, I still cannot fully activate the effect of the Mystery. But there is something special about 'Cinderella'. I can do it in the normal state." Next, I will use some of my abilities. This is probably related to the fact that Cinderella herself has two different forms. As for the normal function of the mystery lock, to put it simply, when I throw down a glass slipper, I can return to what I think is the The place of 'home'. Of course, the glass slipper I left behind will return with me."

When the Mystery Lock is truly opened, Shade can give girls the power to "transform" and even bring back the surrounding environment.

The blond girl nodded clearly. She and Lesia would talk about this story with Shade every Saturday in the past few months, and they also had speculations about the possible effects of the mystery lock:

"This is indeed very similar to that fairy tale. In addition, you are good at space power, so the thaumaturgic properties are not very surprising. So, you can return home at any time in the future?"

"Not at any time, using such an effect consumes a lot of spirit. Moreover, although I can bring living people back in the mysterious state, I can only bring myself and inanimate objects in the normal state."

Shade corrected:

"Of course, if it's in Tobesk, the cost of using thaumaturgy doesn't matter, I can still afford it. But if it's a city far away, the issue of spiritual consumption must be considered. But fortunately, the longer it takes to cast a spell, the longer it takes to cast a spell. The closer to midnight, the less spirit is consumed. If it is a few seconds before midnight, even in the Randall River Valley at the southern tip of the old continent, I can come back directly with almost no loss."

"That sounds great."

Miss Writer praised, got up and went to the dressing room of the bedroom, and brought the glass slipper for Shade's right foot:

"If Lesia knows that from now on, no matter where you go, you will take her shoes with you and take them out for use from time to time, she will definitely be very happy."

She was joking.

"Dorothy, that makes me sound like a pervert."

Shade said dissatisfiedly, and threw the glass slipper to the side. He heard a "meow" sound, and the cat that was originally lying on Shade's lap fell to the sofa, and then stood up in panic to look for Shade. Xia De didn't quite understand. Why did virtue suddenly disappear?

At the same time, there was a noise in the bedroom, as if something fell on the bed. Mia immediately ran over, and after a while, she saw Shade walking out with the cat on his back and the glass slipper:

"The effect is pretty good, but the landing point seems to be a random location in my home, which is determined based on the astrology of the day, my own status, current location, and luck."

He sat down next to Dorothy again:

"Speaking of which, do you have anything else to do this afternoon?"

"Yes, I have a scheduled task of collecting information. I have to visit an old woman who lives alone, so let's meet in the evening. I'm relieved to see that you're okay."

The blonde girl said, kissing the side of Shade's face tenderly. Then, she saw Shade pick up the glass slipper and kiss it gently. A blush appeared on Dorothy's cheeks, which was quite a bold act in this era.

So, she said softly:

"I will, look forward to the rest of the night. See you tonight, Shade."

She stayed with Shade for a while longer, asking more about the Randall Valley. Seeing that it was too late, the blonde girl said goodbye to Shade and left No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

As for Shad, he did not return to Randall Valley, but took Mia back to the basement. After entering the hidden space, he took out the cracked black stone mirror that Doctor Schneider had given him after the battle at Oxenfurt Manor on Friday night.

This is the remains of the devil. Due to the special characteristics of the mirror, the "trophies" obtained from the stone mirror devil Goethe are sealed inside. Considering safety issues, Shade didn't take out the mirror until now.

The small stone mirror looks very old. Although it is full of cracks, the reddish-brown protrusions like blood vessels on the frame of the stone mirror make it look dilapidated.

Although the devil only gave Shade six kinds of rewards at the beginning, in fact the "wealth" of this ancient evil was far more than those things. However, because they involve demonic power, most of the items Shade cannot use casually, so Dr. Schneider gives Shade only things that he can use.

There was no mess on this ancient evil spirit. After Shade reached out to inspect the inside of the mirror, apart from the five "rewards" and special precious materials, the only discovery worth mentioning was three round golden coins.

"Clerical-level relic-[Devil's Gold Coin]."

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