Whispering Verse

Chapter 1510 Harvest

The three coins have a brilliant golden color, and are essentially metal currencies made from the "Devil's Gold" produced in the Third Age. But the biggest difference from ordinary demon gold is that these gold coins have a whispering element.

This is a quite famous relic, and it is also what Luvia believes to be the largest number of currency relics in existence. In addition to the nature of "Devil's Gold" itself, which is that it is cast from the soul, and as long as it is used, it will definitely deepen the corruption of the soul, the whispering element also gives this coin additional properties.

Each [Devil Gold Coin] can summon a demon when combined with the most basic spirit summoning ritual. Depending on the amount of gold coins used, the quality of summoned demons is also different. And as long as the [Demon Gold Coin] used for summoning is not lost, the power of the gold coin can be used to enslave the summoned demon; and once the gold coin is obtained by the demon, it can gain complete freedom.

Of course, if it is less than ten coins, the most it can do is summon a lower-level demon. For the doctor, such a small amount of gold coins was completely useless, so he left it to Shade. As it happens, Shade has always been in need of a large amount of special currency.

Among the items that the devil promised to let Shade "choose one out of six", the information about "Desire" has been recovered by [Desire] itself. The remaining five pieces are stored in the mirror.

The first thing Shade took out was a white bone ring engraved with elder flowers. As soon as the clerical relic [The Ring of Immortality] appeared, the cat's eyes lit up and it immediately ran towards Shade's finger.

But Shade had long been prepared to deal with this cat. When he heard about the function of the ring, he guessed that his cat would like it very much:

"Increasing lifespan and offsetting the effects of thaumaturgy or relics that consume lifespan is at the cost of permanent emotional wear. As long as it is not used frequently, it has little effect on humans, but it is fatal to small animals such as cats and dogs."

Shade whispered about the characteristics of the beautiful ring in his hand, and then read the sentence engraved on the ring:

"The intertwining of life and death is the answer to the meaning of life."


Little Mia, who was stopped, squatted aside obediently and looked at Shade, so Shade waved to her, and then put the bone ring on the cat's tail.

This ring can play the role of "increasing lifespan" when worn, and negative characteristics will not appear in this case. But if it is to offset the side effects of Shade's "Breath of Time", or to offset the side effects of the "Pandemic Doctor's Ring" that consumes non-human lifespan, then the negative characteristics will appear.

Therefore, unlike the previous rings, Shade was very happy with his cat wearing the "Ring of Immortality" all year round. After all, he didn't want little Mia to leave him one day, and even just thinking about this possibility made him feel so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe.

"Transformation, fish training, vampire species, epidemic doctor, immortality. Mia's fifth precept."

Shade smiled and touched the cat that was very well-behaved because of the "new toy". While feeling the good touch, he thought about whether he should get some cat toys himself to make little Mia's hobbies normal.

[Does it feel good now, or does it feel good an hour ago? 】

"She" suddenly asked in Shade's ear, and then because Shade's hand shook, the cat under him was extremely dissatisfied.

What Shade then took out was a dark brown wine bottle, which even had a hand-painted label on it.

The background image of the label is a winery, with small letters written in pencil below:

[Inexhaustible wine, looking forward to the wild heart. 】

This is a poet-level relic [Bottle of Dionysus]. Generally speaking, magicians have very strict rules for naming relics. Therefore, since the name of the relic contains the description "Dionysus", this relic is most likely to be related to a certain god. related.

However, there is more than one god related to wine. For example, [Vampire Duke Loair] whom Shade knows is one of them, so Shade doesn't know the origin of this bottle.

"Let me have a taste."

He uncorked the bottle, poured a small glass of red wine, then raised the glass to observe the color under the light of the statue, and then remembered that he didn't know how to taste wine at all.

"Meow meow~"

"You can't drink."

After scolding the greedy cat, Shade drank all the wine in the glass, and then felt that although it was not as delicious as his own "blood brew", it was still enough to be called a fine wine.

"Put it in the basement first. I'm not short of money recently and I'm not in a hurry to sell it."

So Shade placed the bottle by the wall of this hidden space, standing next to the [God's Gift Box].

"And then this, oh, this thing is really heavy."

The big black book with a flat skull inlaid on the surface was taken out, and there was even a blue light in the skull's eyes. But perhaps because he was next to the statue of the ancient god, the book did not tempt Shade to open it this time.

"dangerous item."

Shade commented on the book called "The Book of Demons of Malbas". It is not a relic, but a collection of demonic knowledge. It is similar to "The Secret of Agelessness" and "The Pink Book", but it is smaller than the latter two. Much more dangerous.

After thinking about it, Shade stuffed the book back again. He decided to seek the doctor's advice and then consider how to deal with it.


The sage-level relic [Eternal Fire] was touched by Shade in the stone mirror, and the original fire in his body immediately became restless.

Speaking of which, so far, the only sage-level relics in Shade's hands are the [Source of Chaos] and the [God's Gift Box]. Sage-level relics are prohibited from being circulated by any means, and he has not even heard of rumors of sage-level relics on the black market.

According to the devil, this relic can directly affect the life ring. The flames wrap around the life ring, causing changes in the thaumaturgy mastered by the ring sorcerer.

Shade imagined the scene of the brass ring behind him entwined with flames. Although he was moved, he did not keep the flame himself, but put it into the oil lamp that he got from [Sin Mansion] that could collect fire. Since he agreed to help Sister Devlin collect strange flames, he would naturally not break his promise. Besides, the nun has also helped him a lot.

"Finally this"

A red stone the size of a fingernail was held in Shade's hand. The stone shone with scarlet light, like coagulated fresh blood, and looked more beautiful and moving than any ruby. Even the sage-level relic on Lesia's ear cannot compare with the color of this [Philosopher's Stone].

This is also a [Sage-level relic], and it is the most dangerous one among the Sage-level relics, but it is also the most valuable one. Looking at the pebble in his hand, Shade even had the urge to swallow it in one gulp.


Little Mia, who seemed to be making predatory movements on the side, seemed to think so too.

But of course he can't eat it himself or feed it to the cat. Even if he uses the [Philosopher's Stone] to prepare the elixir of immortality, it still needs magic potion to process it. If swallowed directly, it will cause the collapse of his own flesh and blood, thus turning into A terrifying monster piled with flesh and blood.

"It's really good."

In fact, among the six rewards provided by the devil, this is the one that Shade wants the most. The first time he saw it, he felt that the [Philosopher's Stone] must belong to him.

But now that I really got it, I didn't think about how to use it.

So after the viewing, Shade went to his simple alchemy workshop in the basement outside and found a few jewels left behind by the treasures Iluna found in the Randall Valley. Buckle off the gemstone from the silver jewelry of appropriate size, embed the Philosopher's Stone in it, and hang it around your neck.

In many past Time Key adventures, he had encountered troublesome situations that could be solved with the [Philosopher's Stone]. I will probably encounter similar difficulties in the future. Shade plans to use this [Philosopher's Stone] where it is most needed.

Of course, he would rather keep it permanently. This stone is really beautiful.

"Oh, and this."

Although all the items in the demon's remains had been taken out, Shade had other gains from that night's adventure.

The first thing he took out was a white glove. Although it is knitted with wool, I don’t know what kind of wool Fiona used. The entire glove looks completely integrated, and no gaps can be seen even when held up to the light.

"Another souvenir."

Shade sighed softly and placed it on the shelf where he specially stored "souvenirs".

[God’s Gift Box] from Hope Town, Feliana’s Notebook from Thousand Trees, Future Man Card from Dreadfort, Black and White Intertwined Headband from Night Manor, Moon Witch’s Cloak from Dead Valley, Lost Lake’s The Witch Emperor's power ring and the demigod witch ice crystal of the Silver Mountains are all here.

"Almost forgot about this."

From the pocket, he carefully pulled out a pink-white petal.

The small flower obtained from [Worm Cave], as the spring flower among the flowers of the four seasons, was consumed when "God" Shade cast a spell. But at the end of the banquet between gods and humans, when the rain of flowers covered the table and the open space, this little flower floated back. After Shade woke up in Miss Benanis's manor, Luvia mentioned this thing.

The petals were carefully stored in glass vessels, and Shade planned to come back later to make specimens.

He bent down and picked up Mia, happily looking at the "memories" brought back from the past time again and again. After waiting for a while, he took out the last thing, which was the mithril cube.

Six stories have been found by Shade who has traveled through the Randall Valley, and the treasures stored in them have also been taken out. But the cube as a container is itself an extremely advanced alchemical item. Even if it is melted regardless of its skill, the material is still valuable.

Shade tossed it twice, and finally decided to keep it with him for the time being. The story engraved in this mithril cube is far more than six chapters, and it may be useful to deal with the ending of the Randall Valley incident.

PS: Mia’s Five Rings:

1. The change between positive and negative is the beginning of a new life - the ring of reincarnation, turning into a human but needing to speak

2. The change between stillness and silence is a display of hidden power - fish training ring, speak but not a cat

3. The replacement of blood and flesh is the sublimation of the flesh and soul - the vampire ring turns into a vampire but suffers from thirst

4. The struggle between disease and cleanliness is the tempering of nature - the epidemic doctor's ring resists blood thirst but is not a human punishment - short life

5. The intertwining of life and death is the answer to the meaning of life - the Ring of Immortality, which increases lifespan and sharpens emotions.

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