Whispering Verse

Chapter 1512 Mithril and Blood Spirit School

"Can it be repaired?"

Shade asked worriedly. Sister Devlin seemed to bite her lip, but because her face was turned sideways and the lights in the Forgotten Church were dim, Shade couldn't see clearly.

[Yes, I bit my lip. 】

"She" whispered in Shade's ear, which aroused Shade's endless imagination.

"It can be repaired. The Order retains its repair method. The most important original fire is still in the hands of the Order. But I need to collect materials."

"In that case, I'll give you this."

Shade nodded, then rummaged in his pocket and found a small piece of shiny metal.

This was the mithril nugget that I found while rummaging through the underground secret room for the "Four Seasons Gem" when I went to the Granger family's old cemetery. Shade was still thinking that this piece of metal would be enough to pay for his tuition until graduation. .

"Mend it up with this."

He couldn't help but put the small piece of mithril into the nun's hand which had slight burn marks. The cat lying on Shade's lap has no interest in inedible metal, so it doesn't mind Shade giving away the things in the house.

Seeing the nun's hesitation, Shade asked again:

"Are these not enough?"

Although the broken part is not large, there are cracks in the entire "crown". What's more, repairing such a high-level magical item does not require melting the metal and filling it up, so it is normal to use a lot of materials.

Sister Devlin understood what Shade meant and wanted to refuse Shade's kindness, but Shade had already stuffed the entire mithril cube into her hand. To be honest, of course he was a little reluctant to part with it, but he also knew the significance of the blindfold to the nun:

"Don't be polite to me. This eyepatch is so beautiful, it's a pity to leave scars. Besides, Sister, you don't want to be seen by others wearing a damaged eyepatch every day, right?"

Shade said, and then felt that his wording was a bit strange, so he changed his words:

"You said that you are a nun who holds fire, and I am the hero you chose to bear the fire. Then I hope you will pay attention to your appearance and don't appear in front of me wearing an unsightly blindfold. Can you accept this?"

Hearing Shade say this, Sister Devlin turned her head more obviously. She even turned sideways and lowered her head slightly, pulling up the collar of her robe, as if she wanted to cover the side of her face. This look didn't look like Shade was giving her a gift, but rather it looked like Shade was bullying her.

[The second statement is even more exaggerated. 】

"She" said softly in Shade's ear.

But Sister Devlin accepted the gift anyway.

We originally made an appointment to meet at this church at five o'clock sharp, but now the time has arrived, but Iluna has not arrived yet. Seeing that there was still time, Shade changed his mind from the increasingly bad topic and took out the small stone mirror:

"And this, this mirror is the remains of Goethe, the Stone Mirror Demon. Oh, and there's that oil lamp. I put it in the basement. I'll get it later. There's a sage-level relic sealed in the lamp - [Eternal Fire]. .Sister, you know fire better than I do, I think you must know what it is."

He also gave the mirror to the nun, then stood up and went to the basement again, preparing to take out the flame from the oil lamp.

Compared with the original fire, which has a strange appearance, that is, the flame center is round, and the slender flame tail is dragged upward, the appearance of the [Eternal Fire] is very ordinary.

In front of Shade, Sister Devlin sat there, holding the flame with both hands. Then, she lowered her head slightly, as if she wanted to "splash" the flames on her face, but in fact, her delicate face did not touch the flames. Instead, she slowly closed her palms until the flames were completely wrapped in her palms.

Fire, blazing flames burst out from the nun's fingers, and soon the flames enveloped the nun's hands. Shade even saw that the burn marks on the back of her hands became more serious.

But the nun did not let Shade help, but silently held the flame. It took five minutes for the violent flames to gradually subside. When the nun opened her palm again, only the slender flames burning silently were left.

So, when Iluna, who was late, stepped on the steps at the door of the church, she saw at a glance in front of the pulpit of the ancient church, Sister Devlin held her hands together and raised them forward and bent slightly, while Xia Xia De knelt on one knee in front of her, stretched out his right hand and touched the nun's palm.

The old church and dim light make this scene even more solemn and sacred. Iluna subconsciously stopped in her tracks, but she immediately reacted, coughed to indicate that she was here, and then walked into the church.

At this time, Shade had touched the blazing first fire again. Brand new power appears when flames and firewood are thrown into the fire. Of course, because the quality of the firewood this time is far inferior to the "evil things of the Pantanal", the first fire only gives Shad flame enhancement and the like. , the ability to detail.

"Good afternoon, Iluna."

After standing up and patting the dirt on his knees, Shade greeted Iluna and then praised:

"The power of the earth move you used on Saturday was really powerful."

Iluna controlled her smile and said very reservedly:

"Actually, it's nothing. It just consumes a lot of spirit, relies on the power of the earth, and throws the fire of the sun. However, this thaumaturgy consumes a lot of money, and the range attack does not distinguish between friend and foe. There are almost no use scenarios in urban environments."

"That's awesome too."

Shade praised again, and Iluna nodded, a little embarrassed:

"How is your health?"

"It's completely fine, otherwise Luvia wouldn't have let me out so easily."

Shade smiled and then asked:

"Speaking of which, the church investigated and found out why the 'Bloodweeper' Hermons came to the local area this time? In the end, he was not caught. The appearance of him and his [Blood Spirit School] this time is really It’s puzzling. I think it can’t be just to help the cultists, they are not so kind.”

"Oh, this investigation came out, thanks to Sister Devlin."

Iluna said, and then motioned for the two of them to go to the basement together:

"Based on the testimony of the [Blood Spirit School] Ring Warlock we captured, as well as the clues discovered during the battle between Sister Devlin and Hermons, the church judged that the [Blood Spirit School] came to the local area this time to obtain' First-hand account of the transformation of non-life into life."

"Referring to those stone people? Wait a minute, doesn't the Blood Spirit School pursue the 'golden bloodline', give up the supremacy of flesh and blood, and instead pursue the transformation of stones into humans?"

Shade was very curious, but Iluna didn’t know very clearly:

"This requires further investigation, but it is certain that it is related to the door they found leading to the [Creation Delivery Room]. Maybe they discovered the limits of flesh and blood, so they no longer plan to be human."

The seventeen-year-old girl made a little joke, and Sister Devlin added:

"When I fought Hermons, I felt that a small part of his body was not a normal human being."


Shade asked curiously:

"Doesn't he also have a heart of stone?"

The nun immediately shook her head:

"It's not a stone, it's a machine. I cut off one of his hands, and the bones in that arm were replaced by a brass metal structure. In addition, there should be other complex machines in his body."

Shade frowned, but the clues he currently had were not enough, so he couldn't guess what the [Blood Spirit School] was going to do. But this time, [Blood Spirit School] should have gotten the information they wanted. Maybe next time they see the thirteen-ring warlock who is good at escaping, he will really "not be a human being".

The three of them passed through the statue of the ancient god in the basement and entered the secret passage under the Night Temple. Then they entered the Butterfly Cemetery and walked deeper along the tomb corridor.

The exchanges along the way also let Sha De know the current exchanges between the "Chosen Ones of the Earth" and the Zhengshen Church.

To put it simply, the guardians made an agreement with the church. When the earth is destroyed and the world faces an existential crisis, he will definitely appear to help, but other than that, don't think that he will appear at any time.

It's not that the "Guardian" doesn't like the church, but that he knows his responsibilities very well. Moreover, the guardians obviously paid more attention to Shade than the church.

The Church of the Five Gods wanted to have further communication with the Guardian, but unfortunately they could not contact the Guardian at all. The location of the "Heart of the Earth" cannot be reached through normal means, and Shade has no idea of ​​​​sharing it with others about the only known road currently.

He did not want others to casually enter Mr. Lyman's cemetery. After all, it was the resting place of his friend.

Nowadays, although the "pieces of the Heart of the Earth" are given to the guardians during the Chosen Ceremony as an artifact symbolizing the power of the ancient gods, now that the earth has been purified, you no longer need to be "heavy enough" to enter the Heart of the Earth. .

In the culvert at the end of the underground tomb, what is on the ground is no longer a dark quagmire, but a bottomless pit that seems to be connected to an abyss. The three of them jumped down one after another, and after a short fall, they arrived at the magma lake in the center of the earth.

Compared with the last time I came here, except that black mud no longer falls on the dark rocks in the center above the magma lake, nothing here seems to have changed.

It was only when the three of them walked along the slender stone path from the edge of the magma lake to the center of the lake that they discovered that there were actually two oblique cracks on the huge dark rock.

The guardian knelt on one knee in front of the irregular slender stone pillar erected in the center of the island in the middle of the lake. After noticing the arrival of the three people, he first gave Sister Devlin the power to step into the "Heart of the Earth" at will, and then stood up to greet them. them.

"What are these cracks?"

Shade asked.

"The scars of the earth."

The Guardian's answer was brief.

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