Whispering Verse

Chapter 1514 Part of the truth


"Good evening."

Shade entered the room under the leadership of the servant. While saying hello with a smile, little Mia jumped out of his arms and ran to the fireplace to play with the unicorn.

Miss Daniste also stopped talking to Emilia. Shade actually heard something outside the door just now. Miss Daniste was informing Emilia of their itinerary. It seems that the two of them will return to St. Byrons tomorrow. The follow-up investigation of the Battle of Randall Valley will be taken over by other professors of the college. This makes Emilia, who thought she could have a good few days locally, Very disappointed.

"Miss Siam Nord has good luck."

When Shade sat down, Miss Denist still smiled and said:

"It happened to be Friday night when she left St. Barons with you, and it will be about Monday morning when we return to the academy tomorrow.

I asked about her class schedule, and the first class of the next week, "Identification and Protection of X-Level Dangerous Alien Creatures," happened to be on Monday afternoon. So not only can she make it in time for the college lunch at noon tomorrow, but she can even go to class immediately after eating. I remember that Professor Truss, who was in charge of this course, paid great attention to daily attendance, so Miss Siam Nord was really lucky. "

The sorceress was wearing a relatively mature red dress today, with a black belt around her waist, which was simply tied into a bow on her side. She didn't wear much jewelry, just a pair of crystal earrings on her ears. The slightly plain makeup cannot conceal the bookish and mature charm.

"Oh yes, good luck."

The elf girl said in a long voice, dejectedly, and she didn't seem to think this was a good thing. Of course, judging from the expression on Miss Danister's face, she also fully knew how Amelia was feeling at this time.

"After the early morning of Saturday, Amelia didn't encounter any danger, right?"

Shade asked curiously, and Miss Danister shook her head:

"Of course not. With professors from the academy here, how could she be put in danger? This is just a good way to tell her how dangerous it is outside the academy. I think this girl from the Yuexi clan will not be so enthusiastic in the future. It’s about life outside the academy.”

"But you also said that this is something that may not happen for thousands of years."

Emilia retorted quietly, and when she saw the two of them looking at her, she immediately realized what she had said.

Shade spoke before Miss Danister:

"Yes, it may not happen in a thousand years. But that is for 1853, which is a thousand years before last year."

Shade said:

"I don't know if you are in the academy and have heard about the news about the ring magicians from all over the Old World in the past year. If you know some, you should understand that recently, well, some things are very unusual. I am a correspondence student, and I am quite familiar with it. learn."

Emilia nodded slightly and said nervously:

"I've heard about the stinking fishmen in Coldwater Port, and about Professor Danist's mission to the Pantanal Swamp region some time ago."

"Yes, and this kind of thing is obviously not over yet."

Emilia nodded slowly:

"I understand, it is indeed very dangerous. Professor, although you have canceled the punishment for past events, I will submit an examination to you when I return so that only you can read it."

Miss Danister smiled, and Shade always felt that the elf in front of him was borrowing his words to fully confirm the fact that "all mistakes in the past will not be punished."

Anyway, after Miss Elf said goodbye to Shade, she took the unicorn out of the room, leaving Shade holding little Mia and Miss Danister to continue talking.

"I think you should speak first."

The door was closed, and Miss Daniste leaned back slightly on the soft sofa. Her delicate face looked at Shade in the light of the swaying fireplace, and she even raised her eyebrows at him:

"I thought I could still see the beautiful sorceress this time."

"She's got something, I mean, it's a gift."

With that said, Shade handed over the wrapped gift box that Tifa gave him. Miss Daniste was a little surprised:

"What's this? A bribe?"

“It’s never good to come empty-handed when visiting someone’s home.”

The sorceress nodded slowly:

"Although I have very little experience with you, I always feel that this is not an idea that you would think of. But there is no point in giving gifts. It's so beautiful."

She knew what was inside the gift box without opening it, so she couldn't help but praise it and put it on the small table nearby.

Shade said:

"Instead of me telling you, you ask, in case I don't say what you want to hear."

"It's just to prevent you from making too many mistakes, right?"

Miss Denister asked, wagging her fingers slightly, but she agreed to Shade's request by default:

"Since I didn't ask you about the purpose of coming here when I first met you in Randall Valley, I won't ask you this time. However, you must answer me, Shad Hamilton. After early Saturday morning, You came to see me and asked for Miss Emilia Siamold. Does this matter have something to do with the chosen one of the earth?"

She has already acquiesced that Shade fully understands the Chosen One's affairs.

"It doesn't matter."

Shade didn't lie. There was indeed no direct connection between the two.

Miss Denister nodded and relaxed a little:

"It doesn't matter, then, this matter is related to your private matter. Please tell me, what kind of private matter is it related to?"

This is a crucial question. Shade thought about it for a moment before answering:

"Key to time."

He decided to tell part of the truth:

"The time key I was using encountered some accidents. Before opening the key, I knew through some means that I would encounter a rare situation - the mission of the Father of the Infinite Tree. Therefore, I had to prepare in advance. As for why you are so anxious, it is because the special method requires that the key must be opened within two hours."

There was no lie at all, and Miss Danister also saw that Shade was not lying. When she nodded gently, Shade noticed that she had completely relaxed, which made Shade, who was holding Mia, also relax. Tone, the cat could feel that Shade's strength when stroking it returned to its previous appearance.

"A time key related to St. Byrons?"

"Specifically, it is a time key related to before the establishment of St. Byrons. In the past, I met Miss Fiona Drago, who was the second principal of St. Byrons. Of course, that At that time, Saint Byrons had not yet been established, and she was just an apprentice. She accepted the mission of Miss Myrna Feliana and went to the dark night kingdom of the old god [Veil of Eternal Night], hoping to gain the territory of the god in the mortal realm. She succeeded as a resident of the Future Academy, and when I arrived, she was on her way back.”

Miss Denister understood somewhat:

"So in the past month, you have been asking me about things before St. Byrons was established. It turns out that you have been preparing for that key for a long time."

Shade nodded seriously:

"Yes, but my special method cannot be used until Friday night. You also know that knowing in advance which key may have the ancient god's mission is a very sensitive method, so I have been hiding it."

"I understand when you say that. Although I'm sure you didn't tell all the facts, it's good to tell this information."

She gave Shade a mission:

"Since it involves the history of the establishment of the academy and an old god, even if you have not personally seen that old god in the past, the key you have opened is enough to be rated as an [angel-level] time key. After you return, compile this investigation into a report and submit it directly to me. Your Time Key practice credits will be assessed by me this time."

"Ok, no problem."

Shade nodded, so he only needed to write out part of the truth himself, and then ask Dorothy to help polish it up. The writer was good at writing Shade's experiences half-truth and half-falsely.

"Also, now that spring has arrived, have you mastered the thaumaturgy [Moon Dream] that I asked you to learn?"

Just when Shade was relaxing, the sorceress asked again. The expression on Shade's face froze immediately, and it took a long time before the life ring slowly appeared behind him:

"I haven't learned it yet. However, because of the experience of that time key, I have filled the gap in the five-ring spiritual runes. The promotion ceremony was held during the day yesterday, and it is now the sixth ring. The last spiritual rune is Enlightenment-Shadow. .”

Miss Danister took a look at the life ring, but she didn't feel surprised at all:

"It took nearly three months to advance from the fifth ring to the sixth ring. Although it is fast compared to others, it is worse than your performance last year. But Xia De, your successful promotion cannot cover up your failure. The fact that you have completed your learning tasks.”


Shade pursed her lips, and the sorceress laughed:

"It's really interesting to see how nervous you are. Okay, I'll give you another half a month. Today is the ninth day of the Wind Rises Moon. If you can't complete the study task before the end of this month, then It's just a matter of attitude. When the time comes, I will give you some 'little punishment'."

She winked at Shade, but that look was definitely not a joke.

"no problem."

"In addition, I will take some professors with me and return to St. Byrons tomorrow morning. I will take Miss Anat back to Tobesk City by the way. Shade, do you want to go back with us?"

"No need, I have my own way."

"You see, you always have so many secrets."

She held the teacup in both hands and looked at her student up and down.

The swaying firelight also reflected Shade's face red, and at this moment, the handsome foreigner was frowning and thinking about whether he had made any omissions. The sorceress took a sip of tea, and the black tea soaked her red lips. She felt the magic of the student in front of her.

While looking at the tea, she suddenly saw the moon reflected in the water. Then inspiration came to me, and I thought of the characteristics of the God-caller divined by the church, and asked again pretending to be casual:

"Your cat is really beautiful. Speaking of which, do you usually walk your cat?"

Of course, Shade was embarrassed to say that every time he walked a cat, he always held it in his arms, so he raised his head slightly and said in a natural tone:

"I rarely walk my cat. When I do, I tie it on a leash to prevent it from running around. Sometimes I even hang a small bell."

Mia couldn't speak anyway, so Shade wasn't worried about being exposed.

Miss Danister was relieved. After all, the divine caller in divination would not tie the cat while walking it.

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