Whispering Verse

Chapter 1515 Luvia returns home

"It's getting late, and I won't keep you here. But before I leave, I have a few words to tell you, Ring Warlock. In fact, you are still young."

After confirming that Shade had nothing to do with the Godcaller, Miss Danister felt much more relieved. However, she intended to give some "life advice" to her students, but it was the first time for the sorceress to experience this kind of thing, so she didn't know what to say better.

She saw the curious look from Sha De, and finally decided to be direct:

"Your future is limitless, and you may even become the fastest male student to become a high-level warlock in the history of St. Byrons. Shade, I know that at your age, it is common to admire those beautiful ladies, but it is also Don't delay yourself because of this. Love is of course beautiful. I'm not against you encountering the beautiful things that fate brings you, but I'm saying that you understand it yourself."

Shade understood it this time, and immediately felt an embarrassment that he had never felt before. He lowered his head and looked at Mia in his arms, wishing that Mia was holding him right now so that he could hide his face:

"Yes, I understand."


Noticing Shade's "dangerous" look, the cat, lying on his lap with its belly exposed, immediately turned over in alarm.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I have never heard of Miss Danist having any close relationship with a man."

Shade thought in his mind, and when he was about to end the visit, he felt that it was best not to voice this question.

Before leaving the manor, Shade met Emilia again in the corridor holding a unicorn. To be honest, it is quite strange to see a unicorn standing on the red carpet in a "modern" mansion with bright gas lights. The elf girl is obviously waiting for Shade:

"I may not be able to contact you easily in the future. However, I will continue the task you gave me."

She winked at Shade. The so-called "mission" was to help Shade find the hidden wall.

"Next time we meet, I will bring you more poems in ancient Elvish language."

Shade also promised, and then extended his hand to her. The underage elf girl obviously didn't expect that she would get such "respect", so she solemnly rubbed her hand on the pure white little beast on the side, and then when the little beast turned its head and looked at him with reproach, she held Xia Xia's hand. Virtue's hand:

"Well, Mr. Hamilton, I'll see you next time. I hope we can experience wonderful adventures together next time."

"No, no, it's better to be more stable."

Shade hurriedly shook his head:

"I've had enough of these recent adventures."

When Shade returned to Benanis Manor, it was already getting late, and the guardian had already ended the conversation between the chosen ones and Luvia and returned to the heart of the earth.

Sister Devlin and Iluna have also left separately. The nun came to the Randall Valley through the painting connected to the mountaintop sacrificial site, so it is easy to return to her own sacrificial site and Midhill Fort. Iluna is planning to return to Tobesk next week. After all, she will not be needed in the follow-up investigation here.

However, because Randall Valley was in a sensitive period, she had no time to meet other people before returning to Tobesk. Fortunately, the separation time was not long.

In short, when Shade returned to the manor, Luvia was the only one standing at the door of the mansion, waiting for him quite worriedly. But what she was worried about wasn't that Shade couldn't "coax" the thirteen-ring sorceress.

After entering the manor with Shade, she asked seriously:

"Shade, you didn't tell us the truth. The guardian just said that even if you are in the state of summoning the gods, swallowing the concept of earth distortion will still have a great impact on you. Shade, look into my eyes, Tell me the truth, what is going on with your body?"

"Did the Guardian take the initiative?"

Shade was a little surprised.

"Of course not. I asked it, so I knew it couldn't be okay. Oh, Shade Suellen Hamilton, please don't change the subject and answer my question."

She looked really angry.

"Well, he's right. It can't have no impact. In fact, I know this myself. Specifically, right now, my body is still adapting to those 'dirty things', and the impact will not appear until about a week. I I promise you, even if there is any impact, it will only be an unimportant impact. It will not cost me my life, nor will it cause permanent damage. After all, it is not me who swallows those distortions and filth, but Him."

"She" chuckled in Shade's ear.

Luvia nodded worriedly:

"Let's wait until I get back to Tobesk. I'll keep an eye on you."

Because the next day, that is, Monday morning, Luvia would leave the Randall Valley with the professors, so the purple-eyed girl did not stay at the witch's manor that night, but returned to the Fertile Land Hotel to clean up. own luggage.

As for her word of sublimation, Siris sent a letter on Saturday agreeing to the terms proposed by the Prophet Association. As for why it took so long for the news to come out, the fortune tellers in the association who were busy investigating the incident of divine descent simply attributed it to the forgotten characteristics of the "Order of the Forgotten".

The original arrangement was to leave at eleven o'clock in the morning, but early in the morning Luvia received a message from Miss Daniste, and learned that the departure time had been advanced to seven thirty in the morning due to an emergency at the college.

Fortunately, she had packed her luggage, bid farewell to the hotel where she had lived for two months, and hurriedly went to the local association to say goodbye to the colleagues she had been with for two months. Finally, she reluctantly said goodbye to the president of the local association, the Eleventh Ring Road Manager. Ms. Khalida Angie hugged her and then got into the carriage.

Although space travel through relics will cause great discomfort during the process, the time saved can completely make up for the shortcomings.

When Luvia appeared at the Prophet's Association in Tobesk City, Kingdom of Drarion, at eight o'clock that morning, the long-lost sense of familiarity put the purple-eyed girl in a good mood.

Colleagues at the association were happy for Luvia's return, but she did not have to go to work immediately today. Considering that she had just returned from a business trip, the association gave her two days off to adjust and tidy up her apartment.

The Prophet's Association on Silver Cross Avenue is quite close to Saint Teresa's Square. Considering that it was still early, there was a high probability that Shad had not gone out yet, so Luvia decided to go to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square first to give Shad a surprise.

I am used to the severe cold in the Randall Valley, but I am still a little unaccustomed to the sudden return to Tobesk City. When I walked out of the door of the Prophet's Association, I saw that there was no snow on the long and narrow Silver Cross Avenue paved with bricks and stones. This was very different from that southern city.

The gray fog that symbolized the "Steam City" dispersed on the streets. In the fog, royal guards in uniforms carrying long guns patrolled the streets. The spectacular Yodel Palace complex in the fog demonstrates the aesthetic style of the North and the industrial capabilities of Tobesk, the "Pearl of the North", in the steam age.

The noisy Delarian language coming from all around told Luvia that she had returned to her hometown. The burnt smell in the air, the towering northern-style buildings in the cityscape, and the dense chimneys spewing black smoke are the scenery that I have become accustomed to after living here for more than 20 years.

From a distance came the shouts of a boy selling newspapers mixed with dialects, telling what was happening in Tobesk.

"It feels so good to be home. Is the city of Tobesk going to be expanded again?"

The newsboy's voice kept ringing on the busy Silver Cross Avenue on Monday morning, but Luvia only thought about the front-page news for a moment, and then excitedly speculated on Shade's surprise when he saw her.

Although she had been away from the local area for more than two months, she would never forget the journey from the Prophet's Association to Shade's home.

Saint Teresa Square, the best residential neighborhood in the royal capital Tobesk, still maintained the peace and tranquility of the past on Monday morning. The pigeons that flew to the south for the winter have returned in early spring and are now walking around in the open space of the square, receiving food from people.

Luvia, who was walking close to the edge of the square, was thinking about No. 6 Saint Teresa Square in her heart, and had already taken out the key to Shade's house from her pocket in advance.

As she walked, she looked up at the window of Room 1 on the second floor of No. 6. Seeing that the curtains in the bedroom were tightly closed, she knew that Shade had rarely gotten up early. Then he walked up the steps and opened the door with the key:


The door was pushed open, and the five or six pairs of women's shoes on the shoe rack immediately caught the purple-eyed girl's attention:

"Dorothy and that princess are here again? No, it's not the style of Dorothy's shoes, and it depends on the style. Maid?"

She looked up at the top of the stairs suspiciously. The faint light shone from the second floor, giving the purple-eyed girl something bad to think about.

After walking up the stairs to the second floor, the first person I saw standing at the door was a young red-haired girl sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper in the dusty sunlight.

Agelina Cavendish tilted her head, looked from behind the newspaper to the lady walking up the stairs, and then blinked in surprise. Even Luvia has to admit that young girls do have extraordinary youthful vitality at certain moments.

There were also footsteps and the sound of clinking dishes in the kitchen at this time. It was obvious that the maids were preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Your Highness?"

Luvia put down her suitcase. She was not particularly familiar with the princess, but at least they knew each other, and in the Prophet Association, she had also received the little princess and her friends for various events. Divination game.

After saying hello, Luvia, who came back early from a business trip, began to guess what Shade did last night. His eyes scanned the entire living room, and he noticed that little Mia was standing on the coffee table, looking at the closed bedroom door for a while, and then looking in the direction of the kitchen.

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