Whispering Verse

Chapter 1516 Breakfast, Gifts and Cemetery

The little princess and Luvia looked at each other for a moment, and Agelina finally reacted, put down the newspaper, stood up, and asked in a ladylike voice:

"Excuse me, are you Miss Luvia Anat? Good morning. I came here with my sister last night. The maids and I all stayed in the guest room downstairs."

The seventeen-year-old little princess wore a blue dress in the morning. Although the color doesn't quite match her fiery red hair, at least the style is pretty good, and the red bow hanging in front of the lace decoration on her chest makes her look not as mature as her actual age.

"Yes, I am Luvia Anat."

Luvia raised her eyebrows. While the little princess was looking at her, she was also looking at another Cavendish princess:

"Excuse me, is Shade at home?"

Agelina subconsciously looked in the direction of the bedroom, and then remembered what the situation was. Although she didn't know the actual relationship between Shade and the prophetess that her sister often mentioned, seeing that she could directly open the door downstairs, she guessed that the relationship must be very unusual.

"You haven't gotten up yet? This is really rare."

With that said, Luvia walked directly to the bedroom. Agelina wanted to stop her, but when she saw that the cat on the table didn't meow, she followed her silently.

Luvia dared to open the door directly and enter the room, and little Mia also dared to sneak in through the crack in the door. However, the little princess did not dare to go in like this due to her sister's majesty, so she could only peek in secretly at the door.

The curtains were closed and the gas lamp was not turned on, so the bedroom was quite dark.

There was a red wine glass on the bedside table, and the beautiful red-haired princess was curled up in the quilt, with only her head and partially white shoulders exposed, and she was sleeping against the young knight's heart.

After solving the matter of the Earth's Chosen One, Shade felt relaxed for the first time in a long time. He also fell into a deep sleep at home, so much so that he was not even woken up by Luvia who walked in the door.

But Lecia Cavendish suddenly woke up at this moment. When she opened her eyes and saw Luvia standing beside the bed, she thought she was dreaming. She even thought that Luvia in the "dream" was very strange. Soon he will take out the knife and kill the two people on the bed.

But soon the sorceress realized that this was the reality. Even though Her Royal Highness the Princess had always been decisive and bold, she was a little at a loss at this time. Little Mia had jumped on the bed at this time. Lecia opened her mouth to speak, but Luvia made a silence gesture to her.

The female fortune teller who came back early from a business trip leaned over the bed and whispered in Shade's ear, who was about to wake up:

"Shade, wake up quickly, it's time to have breakfast."

The gentle voice woke up Shade from his sleep, but the familiar environment at home did not allow him to immediately notice that something was wrong. What his nose smelled was a very familiar perfume, and even the feeling of Mia walking around on the bed was so real.

This removed the final vigilance of the usually cautious outsiders.

So, with "her" laughter in his ears, Shade, who had just woken up and was still a little blurry, closed his eyes and said:

"Okay, Lesia. But can you let me hold you and sleep for another five minutes? I rarely sleep in, but today is an exception."

He opened his eyes and saw those smiling purple eyes so close at hand.

"Please tell me this is a dream."

[Sorry, this is not a dream. 】

In front of Lesia, Luvia stretched out her hand to hold Shade's chin, then reached out and kissed him. Her Royal Highness the Princess lay there biting her lip and saying nothing, only feeling Luvia's short shawl hair brushing her cheek.

The astonished Shade stared into those purple eyes with wide eyes, and the outsider felt that he would never dare to sleep in again.


The cat longs for breakfast, but no one is paying attention to it now.

Although Luvia's early return was a bit surprising, in fact, the atmosphere at the dinner table that morning was not as awkward as imagined.

After all, this was not the first time that Luvia and Lesia knew each other. Even on the night of last year's New Year's Eve, it could be said that they had a further intimate relationship.

Of course, all this seems a bit weird to Agelina.

She and Lesia's personal maid prepared breakfast, and then the four of them and one cat came to the restaurant and sat down. Luvia chatted and laughed while sharing her experiences in Randall Valley with Lesia, and Lesia talked about the reason why she appeared here this morning:

"Dorothy was originally going to come, but Professor Louisa called her home because her aunt was seriously ill. So, she wrote and asked me to come here last night to take care of Shade."

Luvia stirred the rice porridge in front of her with a spoon and asked curiously:

"What reason did you use to stay out for the night? I heard from Shade that the Cavendish family is very strict about their unmarried sons and daughters."

"Yes, so we made an excuse to visit Aunt Carina and stay overnight there. Although Aunt Carina left the country secretly, the housekeeper she left behind was still happy to write an invitation letter for us."

Her Royal Highness the Princess said with a smile that she and Luvia had only met each other a few times, but they got along very well. Lesia's own soul is now controlling her body. She has a similar personality to Dorothy, and she has most of Dorothy's memories, so she instinctively treats Luvia as a friend when speaking.

Luvia had already guessed that Dorothy and Lesia were weird, and since they were all members of the same family, the conversation seemed very intimate.

As a result, the breakfast continued in such a harmonious atmosphere. During this period, Lesia once again confirmed that Shade would participate in the Tobesk Spring City Cycling Competition, while Luvia "disguised" showed off the hair on her hair. Wearing a white headband.

Lesia had already known the news from Dorothy, and even the small amount of unicorn hair that Shade later obtained was mixed with special silk specially selected by the two of them, and twisted into a rope to hang the pendant. .

"Yes, a headband made of unicorn fur."

Seeing that Lesia was attracted to her eyes, Luvia said very reservedly, and then added:

"Pure unicorn hair, not mixed with other threads. It is a cub. Because it is a voluntary donation of hair, the blessing effect is better."

Even though she had known it for a long time, Her Royal Highness was still a little jealous, but the good news was that Dorothy would be jealous again later. The little princess, who was lowering her head to eat, was attracted by the word "unicorn".

After breakfast, Shade sent the two princesses and three maids downstairs. They left in a carriage and headed secretly to the Carina Manor outside the city before deciding on today's itinerary.

The carriage started slowly, and Agelina pulled her sister's skirt in the carriage:

"Have you ever seen a unicorn?"

Facing her sister, Lesia was still very patient. She shook her head while arranging her hair:

"Unfortunately, no. I know what you are thinking, little Agelina, just wait, I will take you to see the unicorn one day."

The little princess nodded cautiously, and then asked what she really cared about - it was not that she didn't care about unicorns, but after all, unicorns were legendary, and the knight was beside her:

"That Miss Luvia Anat."

"Yes, the same as Miss Dorothy Louisa. She was the one who stayed with us at Shadd's last New Year's Day."

Lesia said, and then added:

"She was the first girl to succeed. From this point of view, your sister rarely lost to her peers. But it must be admitted that the fortune teller does have this qualification. She is very powerful."

Agelina nodded cautiously again:

"I noticed that your relationship seems to be very good."

Lesia glanced at her and raised her hand to tie up the long red hair that the maids had simply combed. She didn't have time at Shade's house just now, so she planned to take care of her hair carefully when she got to the manor:

"Yes, we have a good relationship. During the New Year celebrations, I will still help her when she has no energy."

Agelina couldn't immediately understand the meaning of this sentence at first, but after figuring it out after two or three seconds, her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lesia frowned:

"Agelina, what books do you usually read?"

"Oh, you took all those books away last time! I swear in the name of God!"

Agelina Cavendish could hardly think.

No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. After seeing off the two princesses, Luvia did not stay in Saint Teresa Square for long. Instead, she returned to her apartment with her luggage. She had just returned from a business trip, but there were still many things to do.

As for Shade, since today is Monday, naturally he cannot forget the weekly gift from [God’s Gift Box]. Although the possibility of producing an "extraordinary item" from this relic is extremely low, it cannot be ruled out that Shade will have good luck again.

For example, the bottle of "Holy Water No. 1" played a big role in this operation.

Little Mia was quite used to Shade touching the box once a week, so she didn't immediately dive into the box this time. But unfortunately, Shade did not have any good luck this week. He took out an extremely thick book from the box, which was an ordinary book, "Magna Carta of the Kingdom of Delarion".

This is the most important law in the Kingdom of Delarian in this era. With this code as the core, many other legal provisions of the kingdom are derived.

"What does it mean?"

Shade waved the book, opened it and took a look twice to make sure there was nothing hidden in the book:

"Are you teaching me how to make a fortune?"

Although the items are of no use, they are also very good for decorating the study room. As for this week's task, it is to read any five consecutive pages of the "Code", which is not very difficult for Shade.

Mia has gone out enough recently, so she is unwilling to go out with Shade anymore today. When Shade put on his coat, the cat hid on the wardrobe in the bedroom and refused to come down. Therefore, Shade did not force the cat to follow him, but while putting on his shoes, he was thinking about whether he should wash the cat again in the near future since the weather was getting warmer.

Although Mia has no smell, washing the cat before he officially sets off to meet "Miss Mia Gold" also helps to show that he takes good care of it and does not waste every stroke of Miss Gold. money.

He put on black formal clothes suitable for attending a funeral, and then went from the basement to Randall Valley. The Church of the Forgotten was empty today. After leaving the church, Shade got on a four-wheel taxi and went to the city public cemetery.

The cemetery has been very busy recently because of last week's earthquake. The old coachman thought that Shade was also going to attend the funeral of his relatives, and even comforted him on the way.

"It is said that within the urban area of ​​Randall Valley alone, the direct death toll from this major earthquake has exceeded 5,000."

Shade talked about what he had read in the newspaper, and Five Thousand was still under the condition of advance warning from the city hall.

"Yes, there are far more passengers going to the cemetery these days than before."

The coachman's voice came from the front, and Shade heard the sadness in his tone:

"You also have relatives around you"

"No, it's not a relative, it's an old neighbor. The whole family is dead. Those ugly buildings in the slums can't withstand such an earthquake."

The coachman's voice continued to come from the wind, but he was much more optimistic than Shade thought:

"People are going to die, and guests, you should be more open-minded. I just want to be open-minded. I, my family, and my friends around me were born in such an era. I died in factories because of accidents, because of the polluted air in the city. It is possible to suffer from a fatal disease in middle age, or to suddenly lose your job and die in the cold winter. Compared with these, dying in an earthquake is very sad, but at least it is not painful, right?"

He even laughed, followed by the sound of the reins being shaken. The carriage carried Shade all the way to the cemetery.

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