Whispering Verse

Chapter 1519 Rune Stones, Holy Grail and Performance

"This is not thaumaturgy or incantation, this is the magic of the ancient gods. If so, I think I have a way."

The Guardian said, stopping with Shade and looking at the people holding another funeral in the distance. The sadness of grief seems to be integrated with this fog, but the sorrow of living people cannot spread to the world on the other side:

"Attach your spell effect to an item so that the item can animate all the soil it comes into contact with in a short period of time. I am now the chosen one, inheriting the power from the ancient earth gods. You can let me help you do this. But the items attached to the ancient god’s magic must be items related to the power of that ancient god.”

In other words, the Guardian can "enchant" Shade's "Active Clay" spell onto another item. In this way, there is indeed no need for Shade to come forward, and the spirit will be paid by the user.

"This is simple."

Shade said as he took out the earth runestone from his pocket. This was obtained from the relic [Plague Merchant] together with Iluna when we were in Tobesk. Now there is no need to think about purifying the earth or sinking into the heart of the earth. It can be used for other purposes:

"This runestone meets the conditions. After we attach the effect of my spell to it, give it to the believers of the God of the Sun and Earth. Oh, after the runestones are used up, we have to give them to them. This will be given to Balance later. as a gift to the chosen one.”

After all, Shade was just helping others and had no intention of giving away his own things.

The difficulty of attaching the "Active Clay" spell to the runestones was far beyond Shade's expectations. This extremely high-level alchemy method is simply not something he can master now, and the enchantment location is the heart of the earth, so Shade had to go underground again, but fortunately the journey was not too far.

He endured the sweltering underground environment and worked with the guardian until three o'clock in the afternoon before finally finishing the alchemy item. In appearance, the originally smooth rune stones only had some tiny runes on the surface.

This runestone can exert an "active soil" effect on any stone within the next two weeks, causing the petrified parts of the body to return to normal. As for two weeks later, if there are still a large number of patients who need treatment, it will have to be done again.

But making such super-standard alchemical items is not without cost. Although no additional materials were needed, Shade could see that the Guardian was consuming a lot of money. If it weren't for the fact that he was not a human ring warlock and had the Heart of the Earth to replenish his strength, it would have taken the Guardian a long time to recover.

The finished rune stones still need to be delivered to the church.

Shade saw that the guardian was in poor condition, so he had no choice but to deliver it himself. Of course he couldn't just walk into a church and claim he could cure the petrified plague. Now that Miss Denister has returned to St. Byrons and the witches are no longer willing to contact the church rashly, he can only follow the contact information Luvia left for Iluna and go to the door of the Church of the Sun and Earth to ask the witches for help. The alchemy item "Resonance Stone" bought from Old John vibrated in a pattern of three long and one short - this meant meeting at the door immediately.

Iluna quickly found an excuse and came to the door of the church. Although Shade was disguised, she still saw Shade at a glance.

So, the seventeen-year-old girl pretended to be in a hurry and hurriedly left along the street. But a few minutes later, the two met in a deserted alley 200 meters away from the church.


Iluna waved warmly to say hello to Shade, and after asking Shade the reason for his contact, she took away the rune stone.

Of course, she also informed Shade of other news. She will probably return to Tobesk city by steam airship tomorrow, that is, Tuesday night. Because the ride this time is a new model jointly developed by the Church of Creation and the Industrial Department of the United Kingdom of Kasenlik, it is faster and should be able to return to Tobesk by the weekend.

"Also, there is actually only one of your Holy Grails left."

Iluna said happily.

When he separated from Iluna in the early hours of Saturday morning, Shade gave her two clay Holy Grails in order to help the Zhengshen Church. He originally thought they had been used:

"There are very few injured people in the church?"

"No, there are many, so I used one of the two Holy Grails you gave me, prepared the elixir, diluted the potency, and distributed it to everyone to suppress the spread of petrification, while the remaining 'Conservation Holy Grail' was kept and I wanted to try After all, not only the injured ring warlocks in the Battle of Randall Valley needed treatment, but the local patients with the petrified plague also needed those elixirs. But now that there are rune stones, the Holy Grail can be saved. I knew it, You always solve all problems."

Iluna looked very happy:

"The Holy Grail will be returned to you after I return to Tobesk, and I will say that the witch who visited in secret took it away."

"What's left is the Holy Grail of Preservation? That's great. The potion produced by this cup can help pregnant women have an abortion. I originally promised to give it to Sister Devlin."

Shade smiled and nodded. Iluna had other good news:

"The 'Saint Emblem of Saint Perry's Sun' was originally used in the church to enhance the church's magical rituals and resist the invasion of the crazy earth. The local parish decided to give it to me and let me take it back to Tobesk."

She blinked and looked at Shade, who understood what she meant:

"That's great. The Diocese of Randall Valley recognizes your contribution, right? Iluna, that shot you made on Saturday was so beautiful."

"It's nothing compared to you."

She said rather embarrassedly, waving to Shade:

"Then let's see you in Tobesk. After I get back, I will go to your house, call Luvia, and take stock of the harvest as before. I have many, many things to tell you."

Shade also has the door of the "Earth Furnace" in his hand that has not yet been processed. He plans to wait until Iluna comes back and then discuss with them where to try to install the door.

After bidding farewell to Iluna, it was already the evening of this Monday. Because Miss Bernanise invited Shade to the opera house at nine o'clock in the evening, Shade, who had nothing to do, returned to Tobesk.

After carrying little Mia to Luvia's apartment, he saw the purple-eyed girl waiting for his dinner invitation.

This was the first night Luvia returned to Tobesk City from a business trip. Dorothy and Lesia gave her time. Although Luvia didn't say anything tonight, Shade knew that she was going to be in St. Petersburg. Overnight at Derain Square.

“Although the food in Nanguo Valley City is also very good, I still prefer the taste of my hometown.”

Shade made a reservation in advance, and the two of them sat down at the "Golden October Restaurant" on Silver Cross Avenue. This restaurant is not the most expensive restaurant on this street, but it is definitely the restaurant with the best taste in Shade's opinion.

Luvia told her about the taste of the long-lost Tobesk meal, while Shade smiled and listened to her while feeding the cat. After the main course was served, Shade talked about what he had done today, and talked about the meeting with Iluna in the evening.

But Luvia noticed something else:

"Miss Benenice, are you going to perform alone at the opera house tonight?"

"Yes, at nine o'clock, we can go home and rest for a while after dinner, and I will set off again."

"So, will you come back tonight?"

Shade stabbed the cauliflower with his fork and asked with some confusion:

"Why don't you come back? She just asked me to go to the show. I shouldn't be late, right?"

As he spoke, he stretched out the cauliflower for decoration in front of Mia who was sitting on a high stool beside her. The reason why Shade fed the cat with his own tableware was because he knew that the cat did not like this plant. Sure enough, the squatting cat immediately turned its head, looking very angry.

Seeing Shade's appearance, the purple-eyed girl also smiled:

"Okay, then I will wait for you to come back at home. Although I am not a princess with glass slippers, I think your bedroom should still be open to me."

"Oh, Luvia~"

Shade knew that she was teasing about what happened this morning, and Luvia said while cutting the Ensis veal steak from central Delrayon:

"It's just a joke. Besides, I really miss your bedroom."

She winked at Shade:

"Although the bed at the Fertile Land Hotel is also very comfortable, I still think it feels better next to you."

Shade couldn't bear this kind of words. He pursed his lips and nodded, lowering his head to cut his own steak. He thought about going home as soon as possible after watching the show.

"Her" laughter in my ears almost overlapped with Luvia's chuckle. Girls with purple eyes are never afraid of the prying eyes of other ladies. After all, she knew Shade.

After having dinner with Luvia, the two walked back to Saint Teresa Square. Shade originally wanted to put Mia on the ground and let her walk around on her own, but the fed cat preferred to stand on Shade's shoulders. This is what usually happens when Shade "walks the cat" matter.

After returning home, I talked to Luvia about the recent news in Tobesk. At 8:30, she asked me to leave early so as not to delay the "date" time. Of course, Mia stayed home. This is not only the lazy cat's unwillingness to go out, but also Luvia's request.

So, when Shade arrived at the door of the Wilde Opera House, it was only 8:45. The Opera House opened normally tonight, and it seemed that the massive earthquake that had just occurred, which was rare in a thousand years, did not affect the Opera House's business at all.

The brightly lit building is the most eye-catching presence even in downtown Randall Valley. The carriages parked from the entrance of the Opera House to the street corner illustrate the enthusiasm of the audience.

Although the last opera had not ended yet, the girls at the Wilde Opera House all knew Shade, so no one stopped him from entering the opera house.

Unfortunately, Shade came a little too early. Although he saw Sirius in the office on the third floor, the blonde girl told Shade that Miss Benanis was still putting on makeup and asked him to go to the auditorium of the performance hall downstairs to wait patiently.

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