Whispering Verse

Chapter 1532 Special Body Mechanism

Dorothy said, pointing in the direction of the living room:

"I will help you decorate the certificate of honorary degree and hang it in the most conspicuous place together with your knight's sword. In this way, your client can see it as soon as he enters the door."

The witch sitting opposite Shade also laughed and said:

"If you are interested, you can read yesterday's newspaper. There was a photo of Dorothy with other people when she helped you get the certificate. Now the relationship between you and her is being spread in the city. It is not a gossip at all. few."

"Actually, there have always been rumors of an affair between the writer and the knight in the city, but they haven't attracted as much attention as other scandals."

Luvia, who was sitting next to Shade, also said. Shade laughed a few times, then frowned and recalled:

"I remember it was Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Did the members of the Academic Degrees Committee come to visit my home? Among them, Mr. Seaver Rendall, the secretary of the University Association, is also acquainted with me."

That was a member of the Priory of the Guide of Light.

"That happened on Monday, when Tifa received them."

Miss Carina said, then shook her head slightly:

"It seems that you are really seriously ill. Otherwise, with your ability to perceive time, you shouldn't even remember this wrong."

"But at least it's okay now."

Shade emphasized again, and then touched little Mia who lowered her head to eat.

"It's okay. The correspondence student background investigation team from St. Byrons has arrived in this city. The doctor and Priest August will come to your place for a meeting in the afternoon and mention this matter. If the investigation team meets with you , you still look sick, you will definitely be suspected."

Luvia said again, putting down the glass of milk with a smile on her lips:

"However, with Miss Danister's relationship, you will definitely be fine even if you are investigated. Who would doubt the candidate for the next librarian? Especially, this candidate is the only candidate .”

"Shad and the sorceresses mostly maintain a good relationship. I remember that Miss Pavo, the vice-president of the Truth Society, seemed to appreciate him very much."

Miss Carina added, and Shade, who was using a fork and knife to handle the steaks on the plate, shook his head hurriedly:

"This is a bit exaggerated. I don't know her at all. She probably admires the God Summoner."

Dorothy was indifferent when she heard "The Godcaller" - in order to explain Shad's serious illness, while Shad was moaning in pain, he told Dorothy and Lesia what he had done. Of course, the two girls had actually guessed it a long time ago, otherwise it would not have been such a coincidence that something would happen wherever Shade went.

When it came to the topic of sorceresses, the outsider who had recovered from a serious illness suddenly realized that something seemed wrong with the current scene.

Of course, it was not that he thought that the warm early morning dinner table at this moment was all fake, but he was surprised to think that Carina Cavendish was talking and laughing with Luvia and Dorothy at this time.

Shade still remembered that he had admitted his mistakes to Luvia before he fell ill, and then confessed what he had done, but he did not think that their relationship would suddenly become so good.

The purple-eyed girl seemed to immediately see what Shade was thinking from his pause:

"Is there anything wrong with our good relationship? Or do you want to watch us bleed into a river, and then the last person will take advantage of your serious illness to chop off your head and leave this sad place in a small boat?"

She said as if she didn't care. Miss Carina looked at the two of them with a smile, while Dorothy raised her eyebrows:

"If you weren't sick, our relationship probably wouldn't be so good. But you are so sick, how can we be angry with each other again? Oh, Shade, do you really not understand what girls want? However, someone did get angry, and that was your princess.”

"Lecia? What's wrong with Lecia?"

Shade asked cautiously, suspecting that this was related to the long-term disagreement between Lecia and Miss Carina. Miss Writer tried hard to hold back her smile:

"Xia De, what were you doing before you got sick? It means before symptoms appeared, not before you became completely sick."

Shade recalled that he developed symptoms of illness last Wednesday after bidding farewell to Dr. Schneider in Randall Valley City:

“It was Wednesday morning at Dawn Church in the Randall Valley and I went to visit an old priest and then dropped our doctor friend off at the local train station.”

"This will not make you sick. Even if there is flu at the train station, it is unlikely to infect you."

Luvia also showed a smile-holding expression.

"So what else did you do before that Wednesday morning?"

Dorothy asked again, Shade recalled again, and then blinked and looked at the beautiful witch across the table. The Tuesday before Wednesday was the "Duchess's Commission", and then it was a hot night worth remembering.

Even the maids standing nearby were holding back their smiles. After all, they had all heard the "quarrel" between the Duke and the Princess here. Only Miss Carina looked unhappy. The mature red-haired witch flipped her hair:

"Let me tell you, before we explain the cause of your illness, little Lesia thinks that your illness is related to me. It's because of you and me...that's why you became seriously ill. "


"Lecia knows about the witch's curse, so she thinks that since Miss Carina and your, um, intimacy did not affect the witch herself, it is possible that your body was affected by her in turn."

Luvia said while cutting the bacon on the plate, she really thought this was ridiculous. Of course, it is actually quite ridiculous. Before she performed divination to determine the cause of Shade's illness with 100% certainty, even Miss Carina herself suspected that Shade's illness was not only related to the pollution of the earth, but also to her.

Because Luvia could not explain that her special divination must be correct, until now, the duchess actually still has some slight doubts in her heart. After all, this reason cannot be ruled out.

"How could it be related to that? Ladies, you... look down on me too much, right?"

Shade tried hard to save his reputation, but his appearance made the girls sitting at the table and the girls standing next to the table laugh. The atmosphere around the morning table was just right. There had not been such a morning at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square for hundreds of years.

"But speaking of it, this isn't the first time Shade has had a high fever. Didn't he also have one in the Randall Valley some time ago?"

Luvia mentioned this matter again, so Miss Carina nodded slowly:

"But the fever only lasted for a day, and then I fully recovered. If I remember correctly, Shade's illness was also caused by taking something wrong. The witch in the council who is good at potions said that the pink glowing essence he drank at the time , although it still has the ability to greatly restore the spirit, but because the concentration is too high, it itself produces a poison that is enough to poison an entire group of dragons."

Dorothy was the only one who had not been to the Randall Valley, and she summed it up from an outsider’s perspective:

"So, Shade's two sudden high fevers were all due to poisoning?"

"To be precise, it was poisoning that could endanger his life."

Luvia corrected, while handling the food on her plate with a knife, she looked up and down at Shade with great interest:

"This is very interesting. Does Shade's body have some special mechanism? Poisoning that endangers his life will not cause death but turn into fever? When the toxin subsides and no longer poses a danger to his life, the fever will subside?"

Shade recalled his thaumaturgy and various blessings and permanent status, the desire for flesh and blood, the darkness of the chosen Darkness, the fire of the Phoenix, the thanksgiving of thousands of souls, the power of the Weeping Angel, the God of Gamblers Blessings, blessings of the wise, blessings of winter, and blessings of the earth should not have this effect:

"I don't remember having this ability, but maybe I can give it a try."

"Absolutely not!"

The ladies at the table said in unison, and Miss Writer even frowned:

"This is no joke. Besides, can you find something more poisonous than the two 'toxins' you were exposed to before?"

Others have told Dorothy what Shade was exposed to, and Miss Writer is right. Although the twisted earth origin has not been completely digested and absorbed by Shade, it has enhanced his "anti-drug" ability. many. If he wanted to poison him to the point where he was close to being "poisoned to death", he himself couldn't think of what to do.

"So, I can drink a higher concentration of desire essence now?"

He said in his heart, but did not dare to express his thoughts. Instead, he said:

"Okay then... Dorothy, Luvia just said that the group will have a meeting at my place this afternoon?"

"Yes, you can't go out yet, so everyone comes to you."

The blonde girl said, and Luvia on the side added:

"We know that you definitely don't want to stay at home all the time, so at least you can't go out this weekend. Wait until the weekend night, and if your condition is better, we will no longer restrain you next Monday."

"That is not bad."

Xia De nodded immediately. He would stay at home and read for the past two days to make up for the lost study progress this week:

"Speaking of which, what have you been busy with lately?"

Shade asked them again, and Luvia shook her head coolly:

"I just came back from Randall Valley, and the association didn't give me any work. However, I held a ceremony a few days ago, and now I have six rings, just like you."

"I'm still busy with the novel. The translation into Kasenlik has been completed, and I'm in contact with Southland Publishing House. It's really taking up time."

Dorothy said that as for what Lesia was doing recently, even if she knew it, she couldn't tell it now.

"I'm quite busy."

The witch said lightly:

"But it's not a matter about Saladir County. I'm helping my nephew, our king, prepare to negotiate with Kasenrik. As you can see from the newspapers, the topics of Pantanal's trade routes and border lines are , but it’s something that everyone is paying attention to recently.”

"Has the location of the negotiation been determined?"

Shade asked curiously, and then remembered that when he went to MI6 to ask for information about the Stonemasons Association, he heard that Director Anlos was secretly on a business trip a few days ago because of the negotiation location:

"I heard that it's arranged on the border?"

"You are so ill and have been at home all the time, how can you be so well-informed?"

Miss Carina looked at Shade quite unexpectedly, and then nodded lightly:

"Both countries are unwilling to give in, and both want to place the negotiation venue within their own borders. However, this stalemate is not an option. Now a preliminary agreement has been reached. It will be reported in the newspaper next week. The negotiation locations are arranged in two cities north and south of the border. .”

Luvia understood:

"On the national border, found two cities that are very close to each other?"


The witch nodded, and Dorothy thought of the specific location:

"There are many mountains in the east and west of the Old World, and it is rare for two large cities to be adjacent to each other. Excluding the area occupied by the Pantanal, I think the final position should be in the Great Plains area in the middle of the continent, right?"

"Yes, the city of Mikaela Blast Furnace is located in Kassenlik. In this city famous for its glass products, the 'Glass Blast Furnace' is a wonder of the steam age famous in the Old World. The city of Delrayon is located in the County of Leon The city of Green-Lake is a very old city. Both cities are on the border. Because they are cities on the Great Plains, if you do not consider the security inspection when crossing the border, you can take a horse-drawn carriage. You can get to and from each other in less than half an hour.”

"I know Michaela Blast Furnace City. The City of Glass has a very good reputation. However, Green Lake City..."

Shade asked hesitantly. He already had a deep understanding of the history and natural environment of this world, but he did not have a deep understanding of urban zoning, and it was even less possible to know the name of every city in Delarion. .

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