Whispering Verse

Chapter 1533 Green Lake and the Wool of Doom

"The name of Green Lake City comes from the lake called 'Green Lake'. The lake is between Green Lake City and Michaela Blast Furnace City, very close to the former. The establishment of Green Lake City itself is because of that The existence of a large lake. As for the origin of the name 'Green Lake', it is because the lake water will intermittently turn green. It is said that this is related to the algae bloom caused by groundwater pollution."

Miss Carina said.

Shade was not very interested in the "Green Lake City" in Delarian, but he did not forget that Hela Oxenfurt's father, Old Watson, said that the group who sold him those angel finger bones The tomb robbers seemed to come from the Glass City, Michaela Blast Furnace City, a city on the border of Kasenlik.

Shade recorded this in his mind, and Luvia asked him again:

"When you get better, what are your recent plans?"

"Go to a small town on the East Coast and visit Miss Mia Gold."

Probably because he heard the word "Mia", the cat, who was eating his lunch with his head down, raised his head and looked at Shade alertly.

Shade patted its little head:

"I was sick and delayed some time, otherwise I might have come back by now."

He didn't plan to stay there for long, and the journey by steam locomotive from Fort Midhill wasn't too far.

"You'd better postpone your departure. Later next week, the Tobesk City Spring Ring Riding Competition will begin."

Dorothy said seriously:

"I remember you promised Lesia that you would attend. If your health permits, it's best not to miss it."


Shade immediately said:

"Lecia also said that when I register for the competition and declare my loyalty according to the rules of the competition, it must be in her name, oh!"

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked under the table. There were only four people at the table, and he could easily tell it was Dorothy.

It seems that Her Royal Highness the Princess is not willing to let Shade talk about this matter.

"Little Lecia, you haven't been thinking about this matter since last year, right?"

The witch said, not really caring in her words.

The "Spring Ring Riding Competition" is the grandest event in spring that continues the tradition of the cold weapon knight era, so all the rules must be in accordance with the ancient times. Contestants must choose appropriate ways to declare their loyalty when competing.

Here you can use the name of your family, the name of your lover, metaphors symbolizing nobility and loyalty, and even the name of your admirer.

And everyone knew what Lesiya was planning.

Shade also knew that he seemed to have said too much, so he wanted to change the topic:

"Please allow me again to thank you for taking care of me these days."

He said quite sincerely:

"Especially Luvia. When I woke up in the middle of the night with a headache a few days ago, I could see you every time, oh!"

Shade was struck again under the table, this time by the female soothsayer.

But this time he didn't understand what he said wrong, so "she" gently reminded:

[Luvia Anat used the devil’s gold coins to conduct a special divination to determine how to treat you. But at the same time, she also used divination to determine your waking time each time, and then entered your room on time. She told no one else about it. 】

"How do I remember that Luvia's special divination has no effect on me?"

"She" smiled softly:

[Even without the memory of the past life and the Sixth Era, she is still a very outstanding girl. 】

After kicking Shade, Luvia turned slightly red and did not intend to speak anymore. Dorothy was quite interested in her appearance, and the witch said:

"Isn't it right to take care of you? When you recover, why don't I leave the maid here? Isn't it very inconvenient for you to have no one at home to cook, put bath water, and prepare tea?"

"No, no, I don't need anyone else to take care of me."

Shade hurriedly refused, then turned to look at Tifa behind him:

"It's not that these girls don't take good care of me, it's just that I'm not used to it."

The black-haired maid pursed her lips and smiled, while Miss Carina had long known that he would say this:

"You can talk to me again if you need it. After all, we don't have to be polite now. I know you don't like me giving you things for free, but if you really need it, don't treat me as an outsider."

Those beautiful golden eyes looked at Shade, and Shade nodded:

"Of course, since that night, oh!"

Shade was hit under the table again, but this time he was really a little angry, or maybe he didn't understand:

"I'm a patient!"

He emphasized, bending down to grab while Luvia and Dorothy covered their mouths and chuckled. When he straightened up, he actually had a red high-heeled shoe in his hand.

The corner of the witch's mouth twitched:

"give me back."

"I'll give it back to you after you finish the meal. I don't want to suffer any more!"

With that said, Shade put the shoe on the table aside. That was the other side away from Luvia who was sitting next to her, that is, next to little Mia. The cat was quite disgusted and moved towards the center of the table with his head on the bowl in front of him.

However, Shade doesn't have to worry about hygiene issues. Witches have very magical physical qualities. To put it simply, fairy tales are partly true. He checked carefully the night before he fell ill.

"You are this person..."

The witch pursed her lips and looked at Tifa behind Shade, hoping that she could get the shoes back, but the maid lowered her head and pretended not to notice. So Miss Carina could only give up temporarily, but when she thought of Shade eating next to her shoes, she had a very strange thought in her heart.

Because Shade had a meeting in the afternoon, Miss Carina left with the maids after lunch, but they would come to visit Shade in the evening, and this would continue until Shade's body fully recovered.

It was very close to the meeting time at 1:30 in the afternoon, but Dorothy did not stay in Saint Teresa Square. Instead, she went home to get the ancient runes course paper she had forgotten to bring. She planned to submit the course paper to the college today. .

So, before half past one, only Shade and Luvia were left in the house. The cat, who was used to taking a nap after having a full lunch, was lying obediently on the window sill of the living room and basking in the sun. This was his favorite nap. Place.

Shade was not idle either. After obtaining Luvia's "agreement", he went to the basement to get it.

Luvia did not let Shade stay in the living room, but asked him to carry the box to the bedroom, then sit on the bed and cover himself with a quilt before going to get the gift.

She herself sat on the chair next to the bed. After returning from Randall Valley, she quickly returned to her normal pace of life. Although I have to visit Shade every day, the Prophet's Association is quite close to Shade, so it won't be too much trouble.

"Although you said there would be side effects, you looked really scary a few days ago."

Luvia said, wiped the washed apple with a towel, and then lightly scratched it with her hand, and the apple split into two pieces from the middle. Then she scratched it with her fingers again until the whole apple turned into eight segments. She put the apple on the plate on the bedside, and then inserted a toothpick into the apple, signaling Shade to eat them in a while.

"Compared to what I am doing, such side effects are completely acceptable... Luvia, can you give me some luck?"

Shade, who had already opened the lid of the box on the bed, said. The purple-eyed girl smiled and took his hand, kissed the back of his hand, and Shade put his hand into the box:

"Is this... hmm?"

He took out a black spherical ball of wool, was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the door of the bedroom:

"I don't know how to knit sweaters either... Are you asking me to tease Mia?"

"No kidding, can't you feel the traces of the elements? This is the wool of Eris, or the 'wool of doom'."

Luvia took the ball of wool and inspected it:

"The Eris One-horned Sheep is a dangerous and regulated alien creature that mostly lives in the southeastern region of the Old World. Our association has also raised a number of them. This type of sheep is only available in black. Anyone whose palms are touched by its horns will be temporarily trapped. They are regarded as walking bad luck by people. Not only the horns of sheep, but also any part of the body may spread bad luck. After the death of this kind of sheep, the usable materials in the body will be strictly preserved, and the unusable materials need to be processed very professionally. processing, sometimes even with the help of relics.”

“So what is this wool used for?”

Shade asked for advice.

"Of course it is used to make cursed alchemy items. To be honest, I have never seen so much wool. The price of this kind of wool is very high."

"Then just take it and leave it here with me. It would be terrible if little Mia plays with it."

Shade waved his hand, he didn't want such weird materials:

"Fortunately, this week's task is to wear a sweater when going out, which is easy to accomplish."

"I've always wondered what the god who made the box thinks of you. These tasks are really childish."

The purple-eyed girl shook her head and carefully put away the ball of wool stained with bad luck:

"Let's get down to business. You fell ill so suddenly. Yin Luna hasn't been able to explain her changes to us since she returned to the local area. Also, you haven't found a place to put the door that the guardian gave you yet."

"On Monday, ask Yin Luna to come over and let's deal with these things."

Shade said, Luvia nodded:

"I wrote to Yin Luna. She has been very free recently. Although she can't see you often, she writes to ask about your situation every day."

With that said, Luvia helped Shade move the gift box out of bed and put it next to the bed, then twisted the toothpick and brought the apple to Shade's mouth. Shade didn't want to be helped to eat, so the purple-eyed girl had no choice but to put the apple into her mouth, and then kissed Shade.

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