Whispering Verse

Chapter 1534 Group Meeting

Although the sound of eating apples was very small, it still attracted the cat who was taking a nap. When Luvia ended the deep kiss with Shade, Shade actually saw little Mia appearing at the door of the bedroom. He glanced inside, then rushed into the room and slept on his stomach on the window sill of the bedroom. Lan

It probably thought that Shade was hiding something good from it.

"Is there any news about the brand new Chosen One? As I recall, we still have two special coins left."

Shade asked again, Luvia shook her head:

"Didn't I say that after the incident in Randall Valley is over, let's take a break for a few months. At least wait until spring passes before we start the adventure of the next story. Look at what you look like. Get well first."

"I think I should emphasize again that my illness should be considered cured. How about we go for a walk in the city in a few days? In my memory, there is no spring scenery in Tobesk."

"It's also foggy in the city in the spring, but it's quite nice outside the city. I suggest you get ready for the riding competition that Dorothy mentioned just now. I really hope to see you win the championship."

Today, Tobesk has a rare good weather. The sun shines warmly on the body. The golden sunshine shines on Luvia's face from the window, and her purple eyes seem to be filled with inexplicable light. Lan

Reverend Augustus and Dr. Schneider arrived quickly, but Dorothy, who had gone home to get her papers, was the last to arrive.

The doctors and priests were also happy to see that Shade's physical condition had improved significantly. However, during the meeting, the other four people still asked Shade to stay in bed covered with a quilt. This was like the treatment of the seriously injured doctor after the Lakeview Manor incident last summer.

"There have been a lot of good things happening in the group recently."

Dr. Schneider, who returned to Tobesk after a long journey, was in good spirits. He waved the team's current status report that was about to be submitted to the academy and announced to everyone:

"I have been promoted to the 7th ring, Shade and Anat have been promoted to the 6th ring, and Priest August has also reached the 3rd ring. I think the academy will be very surprised."

The doctor and Luvia were promoted because of their experiences in the Randall Valley, while Priest Augustus was promoted because of the angel finger bones that Shad brought back.

The old priest seemed to be in a good mood. He and the doctor were sitting together on the sofa moved from the living room, wiping his pipe as usual:

"Look, you are all in the middle ring, and I am still the only one in the low ring."

"Priest, it should be said that you have all been promoted, and I am the only one who is still in the fifth ring."

Dorothy corrected from the side, but she really looked a little unhappy because of this matter.

The doctor continued:

"In addition, every spring semester, correspondence student groups can apply to the college for an additional 'Spring Adventurer Project Scholarship', which is a bonus used to encourage correspondence students to leave their residence for short adventures. The groups that apply each year are about One third can get this money, and this year, I have received notification that my application has been fortunately approved. The bonus has not yet reached me, but it should be in the past few weeks. According to our advance It was agreed that I, as the applicant, would get an extra copy, and Louisa would help us write the final report and get an extra copy."

Although the college generally does not allow correspondence students to leave the residence for a long time for the sake of safety and confidentiality, there will be exceptions every spring, allowing correspondence students to go out for a "walk." After all, the Ring Warlock is not just a scholar profession. Therefore, the "Spring Adventures for Correspondence Students", like the "Externships for Current Students" in the summer, are seasonal college activities.

Shade also heard that the doctor was very disappointed when he failed to apply for this scholarship last year because there were not enough people in the group. Lan

"It is also important to note that the college's investigation of the identity and background of correspondence students has already reached our area."

When talking about this topic, the doctor became obviously more serious.

Priest August also temporarily put down his pipe, Dorothy frowned slightly, Luvia narrowed her eyes, and Shade touched Mia:

"What time is it specifically? I can postpone my outing plan appropriately."

This refers to a visit to Miss Gold.

"It should be next week. The college said that I will be notified one day in advance, but it will probably be on the weekend. The person leading the team this time is a professor from the School of Chemistry, but I did not ask for a specific name."

The doctor looked at each person in turn: Lan

"Although this investigation is mainly due to the academic spy Sir Prisha who caused a lot of fuss last year, we cannot let down our guard... You know what I am referring to."

Everyone nodded, and Dorothy asked:

"Did the college catch other academic spies during investigations in other areas some time ago?"

"This investigation was carried out simultaneously by the three major colleges. In January, Zalas Literary College discovered a group that was completely corrupted by a cult. The problem was quite serious. Although the matter has been resolved now, next year Zalas Literary College will The admissions will definitely be more stringent than in previous years.”

But it has nothing to do with them, Dr. Schneider said:

"This is the most serious thing this investigation has uncovered so far, or the most serious problem in the correspondence student community in the past two decades, worse than academic espionage."

"Zalas Academy of Literature certainly didn't expect such an unexpected gain." Lan

Priest August commented, and the doctor nodded:

"Over at Serkses Higher Medical School, we discovered two cases of correspondence students colluding with current students to resell the college's assets. As you know, the college sold us potions and alchemy materials, especially those in the courses. The price of the materials used will be lower than those on the market, so some people will take advantage of it to make profits. If you ask me, this kind of person deserves to be caught. Either don't do this kind of thing, or if you do it, you must not be discovered and get caught. If you find out, you are incompetent and you should be punished."

There seemed to be some problems with what the doctor said, but no one pointed it out.

"Will you be fired?"

Shade asked with great interest.

"No, this is not a matter of principle. But repeating the grade is certain, and the group you belong to will be banned from recruiting students. For ring warlocks who aspire to a higher level, this is a disaster."

After all, not everyone can have multiple channels to obtain knowledge like Shade. The systematic training system of the three major colleges has been formed over thousands of years. Without the courses provided by the colleges, even if one's own level is improved, the comprehensiveness of knowledge and the rationality of future planning will be greatly affected. Lan

"Then there shouldn't be anything wrong with our school, right?"

This is Luvia's question. The doctor shook his head:

"How can it be completely fine? However, it is not a big deal. I heard from my acquaintances in the college that the Randall Valley group knew that there were students sneaking out without reporting it. The 1854 records of all the members of the group All grades for the school year will be dropped by one grade.”

The corner of Shade's mouth trembled. Although Miss Daniste promised not to punish Amelia, she did not say that she would not punish other people involved.

"Also, the investigation team found a very special ring warlock who concealed his true origins. The other party was a team on the Western Islands off the west coast of the Old World. Sorry, I didn't remember the name of the awkward island. Concealed. He is already a fifth-level ring warlock. He has no problem with it. He just doesn't want the academy to know that his biological father, who has died long ago, is related to the illegal ring warlock group, and his father's name is still on the wanted list of the Zhengshen Church. superior."

Having said this, the doctor shook his head slightly:

"So, everyone has secrets that they don't want others to know. These secrets may not necessarily harm other people, so they must be kept tightly... Do you understand?" Lan




"I see."

"In short, everyone just pay attention. The college will conduct most of the background checks on us before the professors meet with us. The face-to-face interviews with us can be completed in about half an hour each. This is not a big deal. So don’t worry too much.”

Although he said this, everyone in the group was worried about what would happen by then.

Last week's team meeting was not held because the doctor was away and Shade was seriously ill, so there were quite a lot of things to deal with this week. Even though Dr. Schneider didn't want to disturb Shade's rest, the meeting still lasted until about four o'clock in the afternoon. Lan

With the exception of Dorothy, the four people who have completed the promotion have to consider their own thaumaturgy and course adjustments. Now it's the second half of the Wind Rises Moon, which means that the semester has entered the middle, and the professors' elective courses have begun to start one after another, and the process of applying for courses is not simple.

For Shade, he chose the advanced course "Introduction to Mysteries" taught by Garcia. As for Miss Danister, she will take the initiative to discuss elective courses with Shade when she has time. After all, the librarian is very busy.

After the meeting, the sunset even appeared in the sky outside the window. Priest August, Luvia and Dorothy all saw that the doctor wanted to talk to Shade privately, so they left.

When the door closed downstairs, Dr. Schneider took out a large black book with a flat skull inlaid on it from the box he carried with him. This is the "Book of the Demon of Malbas", one of the trophies Shad got from the stone mirror demon Goethe.

"I have finished reading this book. The content in it is indeed very useful to you, especially the parts about soul contracts and demon curses. The academy will not teach us these easily. But my suggestion to you is, You can read the knowledge in it, but don’t read too much at once, and don’t show this book to anyone other than you and me. When you are not reading this book, put it in a silver container. I suggest you go to Old John’s to customize one.”

The doctor said cautiously, and when returning the book to Shade, he also gave him a notebook.

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