Whispering Verse

Chapter 1540: Thaumaturgy - Moon Dream

In the light of the silver moon, without the need for Sister Devlin to remind her, Grace took the initiative to hold Helen's hand. door

As the two sisters hugged each other and rested their chins on each other's shoulders, their bodies gradually became transparent under the stars, and large swaths of red butterflies scattered scarlet light spots flying out of their bodies and flew towards In a shimmering ceremony.

The originally translucent red butterflies, while scattered all over the ceremony venue, were actually dyed with a beautiful silver arc. The two butterflies that were Helen and Grace had already entered Shad's body, and then flew with each other toward the depths of his dream.

Shade realized that someone was invading his dream. Because he knew Sister Devlin's ritual steps in advance, he did not stop that strange power.

Soon, two butterflies flying gracefully appeared on the field ridge in the wilderness under the huge silver moon disk. It was also the first time for the Hongdie girls to see this strange dream of Sha De. The moonlight in the dream seemed to have a magical power. Before they led Shade to contact the deeper dreams, the moonlight first "assimilated" them.

The red double butterflies become lighter and lighter in the moonlight until they are almost completely transparent. But then the transparent butterflies seemed to absorb the color of the moonlight, and then the translucent silver twin butterflies danced around Shade.

Shade's eyes looked at them, watching them fly towards the huge moon high in the sky. And he himself, at this moment, seemed to be following Helen and Grace flying little by little towards the silver moon, until the originally clear consciousness in the dream became blurry.

He seemed to have merged with the moon in his dream, and it seemed that the moon had melted his spirit and soul. At this moment, it seems that everything is unimportant. The deep sleep breaks the rationality of the deep meditation state, and the sense of chaos obscures the mind and spirituality. door

He closed his eyes in his dream and fell into a deep sleep.

In this sleep of incomparable peace of mind, he seemed to be embraced in someone's arms, and he seemed to be back in the cradle of his childhood without memory. In the end, it was not someone who deliberately woke up Shade, but he woke up on his own initiative.

Opening your eyes, you can see the starry sky above the mountain top, which seems to be within reach. The deep dark blue curtain is dotted with stars. But when Shade moved his eyes, trying to catch the three-wheeled moon in the corner of his field of vision, he discovered that the side of his field of vision was covered with gray cloth.


Only then did he realize that he was lying on something very soft. When he stood up and looked around, he realized that he was still in the middle of the ceremony at the fire prevention girl's cemetery. The moonlight illuminated this place. Sister Devlin was kneeling on the ground. Shade was pillowing on her knees just now.

The silver eyepatch with the shape of a crown with dense patterns was also "looking" at Sha De at this moment, as if he was a little puzzled by Sha De's panic at the moment.

"Am I asleep?" Fei Fei

He said nothing, and then stood up from the ground. Then he reached out his hand to the blind nun and pulled her up.

[Outlander, you have learned the thaumaturgy "Moon Dream". 】

[You experienced a complete four-hour sleep. Your spirit and physical strength are fully restored, and your mental resistance is moderately increased within half an hour. 】

"She" whispered softly in Shade's ear, as if he was gently coaxing a child who had just woken up from a nightmare.

The effect of the thaumaturgy "Moon Dream" should be to remove curses, remove negative states, restore states, heal damaged spirits, and slightly heal soul damage after six hours of sleep. After fully mastering thaumaturgy, each complete moon phase cycle will increase the upper limit of the spirit and the recovery speed of the spirit, and enhance all thaumaturgy effects related to the moon.

In other words, under the influence of the "Divine Afterglow" state, the required time for "Moon Dream" is reduced to four hours. Although it does not significantly improve the effect of thaumaturgy, it reduces the casting requirements of thaumaturgy.

"It seems to be going well." Fei

Sister Devlin did not pat the white dust on her robe. She took the initiative to let go of Shade's hand, folded her hands and stood beside Shade:

"The Red Butterfly Twins went back early. They thought you would sleep for a long time, so they left first. They asked me to tell you that they hope to accompany them to play together again when I have time."

"I see."

Shade resisted the urge to yawn, wondering how he ended up sleeping on the nun's lap, but his instinct told him it was best not to ask.

"Thank you so much for today." Fei

He could only say this, and the nun just shook her head, then stretched out her hand to make a gesture of leaving here.

He followed the nun through the door arch, and then walked along the dilapidated ancient stairs towards the sacrificial site on the top of the mountain under the starlight and moonlight.

Sister Devlin said nothing, and Shade didn't know what to say. And when the nun sent him to a location connected to the Snake Heart Hospital in Middleburg, he finally remembered another thing:

"Sister, this is the Holy Grail promised to you."

After Yin Luna returned to Tobesk City, she returned the "Holy Grail of Conservation" to Shade while he was seriously ill and resting in bed.

The characteristic of this Holy Grail is that if you add clean water to it and let it sit for a period of time, the clean water will be converted into a magic potion with an "anti-fetal" effect. This is quite useful for the "Snake Heart Hospital" run by the [Spiritual Cult]. After all, with the medical technology of this era, women's childbirth is still a very dangerous medical activity.

Sister Devlin did not thank Shade, but said after accepting the Holy Grail:

"If you have time, you can come here often to sit. The sect's large library is open to you at any time."


Shade nodded, wanting to say something to the nun, but he didn't know how. The two were silent for about ten seconds before Xia De said goodbye:

"Well, Sister Devlin, we'll see you next time. I will still be recuperating in Tobesk for a while, and I won't be moving around until the middle of next month. If I find any more firewood or alien flames, I will notify you. your."

The nun also nodded and watched Shade turn around and step into the frame.

It was seven o'clock in the evening when Shade, Helen, and Grace went to Middleburg, so even if Shade slept for four hours, it was not yet midnight when they left the sacrificial site.

Although it would take some time to return from the Snake Heart Hospital to the ruined tower in the Sikal Mountains, Shade actually walked out of the hospital and returned to his home in Tobesk directly by throwing away Lesia's glass slipper. After all, it is very close to midnight, the consumption is very low, and he has just recovered his condition, and he has no other travel plans today. door

As for why he didn't do this at the sacrificial site in the mountains, it was because Shade thought it would be better to take a walk with Sister Devlin. Moreover, Shade didn't want Sister Devlin to discover that he was carrying women's shoes with him, and then use those shoes as casting materials.

"Cinderella" returns home through thaumaturgy, and the landing point is completely random. But this time, Shade appeared in the corridor on the third floor.

The cat rushed up almost immediately when he heard the noise upstairs, and the gas lamp was actually on in the corridor on the third floor.

Before Shade could wonder, Luvia walked out of Room 1 on the third floor. The purple-eyed girl rolled up her sleeves to reveal her white wrists and forearms, and was wearing a dust-proof white coat.

After seeing Shade, she said hello tiredly:

"Good evening, Shade, are you back? I'm stargazing at your place. This star map needs to be submitted as an assignment. I will probably be busy until very late. You should go and rest first."

"It's so late, you still have to work?" Fei

"I can't help it. I've been on vacation in Randall Valley for more than two months, and I have too much backlog of work. You go and rest first, and I'll rest later. Oh, this is for you, the appraisal is complete."

Luvia took out the [Original Earth] card from her pocket and handed it to Shade. Shade was stunned:

"Why are you here?"

"Don't you remember? When you were talking nonsense in your 'dying struggle' on the hospital bed, you not only talked about your will, you wanted to divide this house into five equal parts and give them to the girls who were intimate with you and your cat. , and asked me to identify this card. But you don’t know how surprised the association’s Vice President Mark was when I took out this card... When he heard that it was your card, he Not so surprised.”

"When I had such a fever that my brain was swollen, how could I still remember such a thing?"

Shade thought suspiciously.

[Yes, that is indeed the case. 】Fei

"She" whispered softly in Shade's ear, so Shade took the card.

Seeing that Luvia was really tired, Shade hugged Mia, who was very energetic even in the evening, and went to the kitchen to prepare hot tea for her. When I sent it to Luvia, I saw that she was concentrating on looking at the telescope and recording the star map, so I had to go and rest first.

Luvia was busy until three o'clock in the morning before she came downstairs. Because she slept so well in the first half of the night, Shade, who couldn't even sleep at home, closed his eyes and heard Luvia's heartbeat and entered first. Bathroom, and then moved towards the guest room.

"She didn't want to wake me."

Shade thought in his mind, shook his fingers, and a red transparent butterfly flew out from his fingertips. The butterfly shimmered in the dark bedroom and quickly flew out of the door.

The heartbeat in the living room stopped where it was, and then moved to the door of the bedroom.

Soon, the figure of a purple-eyed girl in pajamas appeared there. Shade lifted the quilt and waved to her in the dark. Luvia, who was still tired, looked at him with a reassuring smile, and then walked towards him. door

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